Cowardly police run from protestors in minneapolis


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
Are we a nation of law and order or a nation of mob rule?

The msm has been striving for a long time to stir up a minority insurrection and they may now have least in Minneapolis and it may spread nation wide.

You support the police killing that hand cuffed guy? The video I saw first on the internet was taken by a bystander with a cellphone, not a news van. You sure it was the news media that sparked this and not some rogue cops?
The police need to replace the rubber bullets with Metallic ones

I do not know the facts in this case and since we cannot believe the media(especially in regards to racial matters) I will wait and see in regards to commenting on whether or not the police are guilty of misbehavior as in the guys death could have been due to natural causes as in a heart attack due to the stress of the event which he may have caused himself.

But a certain minority always wants to use these rare cases where it appears one of their members may have been mistreated to cause havoc in their city and or neighborhoods.....this should not be tolerated.

Blacks have access to the judicial system and that is where they should take their grievances...yet what we see time and again is for them to use violence or the threat of violence to get their way.

They know full well that politicians will cave in to them ...even to the point of indicting and arresting those who may be completely innocent and in some cases obviously in the zimmerman case and now in the infamous Jawja jogga case...but the politicians are not interested in truth or justice...they only want to protect their careers and avoid being labeled racist...thus the blacks are able to extort or more like blackmail liberal politicians to give in to them.
Are we a nation of law and order or a nation of mob rule?

The msm has been striving for a long time to stir up a minority insurrection and they may now have least in Minneapolis and it may spread nation wide.

You support the police killing that hand cuffed guy? The video I saw first on the internet was taken by a bystander with a cellphone, not a news van. You sure it was the news media that sparked this and not some rogue cops?

The cops may or may not have been in the wrong....I will wait and see on that but the media is always trying to racebait and stir up division in a nation already beset with many problems.
Are we a nation of law and order or a nation of mob rule?

The msm has been striving for a long time to stir up a minority insurrection and they may now have least in Minneapolis and it may spread nation wide.

You support the police killing that hand cuffed guy? The video I saw first on the internet was taken by a bystander with a cellphone, not a news van. You sure it was the news media that sparked this and not some rogue cops?

The cops may or may not have been in the wrong....I will wait and see on that but the media is always trying to racebait and stir up division in a nation already beset with many problems.
The cops were definitely in the wrong as they don’t have authority as judge and executioner.
You realize there were more protesters than the cops had ammo. Especially when the cops tend to empty a magazine into one baddie.

When was the last time you heard of a cop shooting a protestor? They have other things to use to deal with this case maybe they were just surprised or disorganized....anyhow a shameful scene to see cops running from protestors....not that long ago we were seeing videos of cops in N.Y. being openly harrassed on the streets and they had their hands tied ...unable to respond because their superiors gave them orders to do nothing...just take it...when they spit on nothing. When they dump water on you do other words cops now at least in N.Y. get no respect and that is not a good situation...leads to more problems and insurrections.
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The police need to replace the rubber bullets with Metallic ones

I do not know the facts in this case and since we cannot believe the media(especially in regards to racial matters) I will wait and see in regards to commenting on whether or not the police are guilty of misbehavior as in the guys death could have been due to natural causes as in a heart attack due to the stress of the event which he may have caused himself.

But a certain minority always wants to use these rare cases where it appears one of their members may have been mistreated to cause havoc in their city and or neighborhoods.....this should not be tolerated.

Blacks have access to the judicial system and that is where they should take their grievances...yet what we see time and again is for them to use violence or the threat of violence to get their way.

They know full well that politicians will cave in to them ...even to the point of indicting and arresting those who may be completely innocent and in some cases obviously in the zimmerman case and now in the infamous Jawja jogga case...but the politicians are not interested in truth or justice...they only want to protect their careers and avoid being labeled racist...thus the blacks are able to extort or more like blackmail liberal politicians to give in to them.
I saw video where two cops had him walking around in hand cuffed with his hands behind his back and started to sit him down leaning against the wall a a building prior to walking him some more, without him struggling. Of course everybody has seen the video on the guy held down with a knee on the side of his neck and heard him pleading that he couldn't breath before he passed out. Are you saying one of the two videos made on somebody's home computer and is fake? Which one?
You realize there were more protesters than the cops had ammo. Especially when the cops tend to empty a magazine into one baddie.

Carry spares.

Always better to have ammo and not need it than to need it and not have it.

I would agree. But it is also a question of fire discipline. Most of the time police do not fire one or two or even five shots at a baddie. They dump the magazine. The worst example I saw was when Stockton police fired six hundred rounds at four bank robbers killing three and a hostage. People shooting could not even see the baddies. But they were shooting anyway.

So after what? Two minutes and probably a dozen dead rioters how many cops could escape before they were torn limb from limb by the even angrier mob?
The police need to replace the rubber bullets with Metallic ones

I do not know the facts in this case and since we cannot believe the media(especially in regards to racial matters) I will wait and see in regards to commenting on whether or not the police are guilty of misbehavior as in the guys death could have been due to natural causes as in a heart attack due to the stress of the event which he may have caused himself.

But a certain minority always wants to use these rare cases where it appears one of their members may have been mistreated to cause havoc in their city and or neighborhoods.....this should not be tolerated.

Blacks have access to the judicial system and that is where they should take their grievances...yet what we see time and again is for them to use violence or the threat of violence to get their way.

They know full well that politicians will cave in to them ...even to the point of indicting and arresting those who may be completely innocent and in some cases obviously in the zimmerman case and now in the infamous Jawja jogga case...but the politicians are not interested in truth or justice...they only want to protect their careers and avoid being labeled racist...thus the blacks are able to extort or more like blackmail liberal politicians to give in to them.
I saw video where two cops had him walking around in hand cuffed with his hands behind his back and started to sit him down leaning against the wall a a building prior to walking him some more, without him struggling. Of course everybody has seen the video on the guy held down with a knee on the side of his neck and heard him pleading that he couldn't breath before he passed out. Are you saying one of the two videos made on somebody's home computer and is fake? Which one?
What’s that have to do with looting?
Are we a nation of law and order or a nation of mob rule?
That's 1 Corinthians 11.

If God tells a man to cut his hair, then to him it is natural to do so. If a man tells another man to cut his hair, he's a faggot because he's not God and the other man is a bitch because his hair is too long, and if a woman cuts her hair, it's scandalous because she's a dyke --- skinhead cops.
Are we a nation of law and order or a nation of mob rule?

The msm has been striving for a long time to stir up a minority insurrection and they may now have least in Minneapolis and it may spread nation wide.

You support the police killing that hand cuffed guy? The video I saw first on the internet was taken by a bystander with a cellphone, not a news van. You sure it was the news media that sparked this and not some rogue cops?

The cops may or may not have been in the wrong....I will wait and see on that but the media is always trying to racebait and stir up division in a nation already beset with many problems.
Well more power to ya, but I can't see it. Killing that handcuffed guy was just wrong wrong and just because the officers were fired by sundown instead of being put on administrative leave doesn't mean it was being handled correctly. MSM didn't stir this up. It was the 4 cops that lit the fire under this one.
Are we a nation of law and order or a nation of mob rule?

The msm has been striving for a long time to stir up a minority insurrection and they may now have least in Minneapolis and it may spread nation wide.

You support the police killing that hand cuffed guy? The video I saw first on the internet was taken by a bystander with a cellphone, not a news van. You sure it was the news media that sparked this and not some rogue cops?
An intelligent response to what the community saw, was for:
1. A peaceful demonstration.
2. Demand that the District Attorney review the case.
The District Attorney would "impartially" investigate and bring it before a Grand Jury, if needed.
The low IQ response by a community:
1. "Hey, let's burn things that have nothing to do with the arrest."
2. "Hey, let's steal things, because it's fun and has nothing to do with the arrest."
3. "Hey, let's destroy our own communities."
4. "Hey, let's be idiots, because it's fun."
I have heard that the Minnesota National Guard has been called in. If true, the National Guard should just go in shooting, to make a point as to who is actually in charge. Once the smoke clears and the bodies are piled up, see if the survivors are smiling.
Are we a nation of law and order or a nation of mob rule?

The msm has been striving for a long time to stir up a minority insurrection and they may now have least in Minneapolis and it may spread nation wide.

You support the police killing that hand cuffed guy? The video I saw first on the internet was taken by a bystander with a cellphone, not a news van. You sure it was the news media that sparked this and not some rogue cops?

The cops may or may not have been in the wrong....I will wait and see on that but the media is always trying to racebait and stir up division in a nation already beset with many problems.
The cops were definitely in the wrong as they don’t have authority as judge and executioner.

Oh puhleeze dont start with that bullshit. This is America not some banana republic in........innocent til proven guilty....that is why we have a judicial your ignorance what you are touting is mob rule, vigilantism.

What is the difference between a mob hanging a negro?(like that has even happened in this century) and a mob of blacks running around killing people out of racial hatred or some mistaken notion of injustice....which did happen several times after the zimmerman case.

And we are getting reports now of blacks doing outrageous things in their state of agitation like spraying a disabled woman in a wheel chair with a fire extinguisher.....and no doubt you will see them actually kill innocent people before this latest incident is over.
Are we a nation of law and order or a nation of mob rule?

The msm has been striving for a long time to stir up a minority insurrection and they may now have least in Minneapolis and it may spread nation wide.

You support the police killing that hand cuffed guy? The video I saw first on the internet was taken by a bystander with a cellphone, not a news van. You sure it was the news media that sparked this and not some rogue cops?

The cops may or may not have been in the wrong....I will wait and see on that but the media is always trying to racebait and stir up division in a nation already beset with many problems.
The cops were definitely in the wrong as they don’t have authority as judge and executioner.

Oh puhleeze dont start with that bullshit. This is America not some banana republic in........innocent til proven guilty....that is why we have a judicial your ignorance what you are touting is mob rule, vigilantism.

What is the difference between a mob hanging a negro?(like that has even happened in this century) and a mob of blacks running around killing people out of racial hatred or some mistaken notion of injustice....which did happen several times after the zimmerman case.

And we are getting reports now of blacks doing outrageous things in their state of agitation like spraying a disabled woman in a wheel chair with a fire extinguisher.....and no doubt you will see them actually kill innocent people before this latest incident is over.
It’s possible to consider the events separately. Neither justifies the other.
Are we a nation of law and order or a nation of mob rule?

The msm has been striving for a long time to stir up a minority insurrection and they may now have least in Minneapolis and it may spread nation wide.

You support the police killing that hand cuffed guy? The video I saw first on the internet was taken by a bystander with a cellphone, not a news van. You sure it was the news media that sparked this and not some rogue cops?
An intelligent response to what the community saw, was for:
1. A peaceful demonstration.
2. Demand that the District Attorney review the case.
The District Attorney would "impartially" investigate and bring it before a Grand Jury, if needed.
The low IQ response by a community:
1. "Hey, let's burn things that have nothing to do with the arrest."
2. "Hey, let's steal things, because it's fun and has nothing to do with the arrest."
3. "Hey, let's destroy our own communities."
4. "Hey, let's be idiots, because it's fun."
I have heard that the Minnesota National Guard has been called in. If true, the National Guard should just go in shooting, to make a point as to who is actually in charge. Once the smoke clears and the bodies are piled up, see if the survivors are smiling.

Excellent analysis.....and lets face it the media always tries to stir up the 'natives' by spinning and out right lying. They can never be counted on to tell the truth. That is why so many blacks honestly believe that white people go out hunting for a negro to kill. rediculous.

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