Cowardly police run from protestors in minneapolis

Well I gotta get off this thread the long black lines are messing it up for me...i went to a lot of trouble creating a post and before i could post it ..i hit a wrong button or something the post vanished and I hit reload but it did not work surprise there.
The police abandon their station and let it be destroyed. smh No words.
The police need to replace the rubber bullets with Metallic ones

I do not know the facts in this case and since we cannot believe the media(especially in regards to racial matters) I will wait and see in regards to commenting on whether or not the police are guilty of misbehavior as in the guys death could have been due to natural causes as in a heart attack due to the stress of the event which he may have caused himself.

But a certain minority always wants to use these rare cases where it appears one of their members may have been mistreated to cause havoc in their city and or neighborhoods.....this should not be tolerated.

Blacks have access to the judicial system and that is where they should take their grievances...yet what we see time and again is for them to use violence or the threat of violence to get their way.

They know full well that politicians will cave in to them ...even to the point of indicting and arresting those who may be completely innocent and in some cases obviously in the zimmerman case and now in the infamous Jawja jogga case...but the politicians are not interested in truth or justice...they only want to protect their careers and avoid being labeled racist...thus the blacks are able to extort or more like blackmail liberal politicians to give in to them.
I saw video where two cops had him walking around in hand cuffed with his hands behind his back and started to sit him down leaning against the wall a a building prior to walking him some more, without him struggling. Of course everybody has seen the video on the guy held down with a knee on the side of his neck and heard him pleading that he couldn't breath before he passed out. Are you saying one of the two videos made on somebody's home computer and is fake? Which one?
What’s that have to do with looting?
Oh, you probably skipped the OP's post at beginning of thread. He thinks the riots and looting is caused by the mainstream media. I think the riots and looting was sparked by the cops killing that guy while multiple people filmed it with their cellphones. Protests that turn into angry mobs is about mob psychology which to me is like a cattle herd that gets spooked and stampedes. You got a different theory? The OP thinks the cops are cowards, which I doubt. So he and I are not agreeing about a lot tonight. Are you a mainstream media started it guy, a cops are cowards guy, or somebody who thinks the cops should not have killed that handcuffed guy?
The cops aren't cowards. They are prohibited from fighting back so they may as well leave. We don't pay them to sit around until they get torn apart by sub human savages.

I have had the misfortune to have been in more than one riot. The Watts Riots, the Rodney King Riot and the smaller Staples Riot. The entire point of the riot is the looting and arson.
Don't worry. I was just quoting the OP not taking his side. For protection of human life when the rioters are not attacking people or firing weapons, standing back is probably the best method. Tactics have changed over the years since the 60s. Some people have not noticed. Were you a newsy or Law Enforcement? I certainly can't picture you breaking windows and stealing TVs.
Just a long time Southern California resident and criminal defense lawyer.

In Ohio the entire government abandoned the state house. Did you see that? I'm afraid democrats are entering the final act.
interesting. A little quieter over here in Tennessee.
No I did not see that til you mentioned. You think the whole situation will calm any now that at least the Officer holding him down has been taken into custody? 50/50? or think into the weekend to Sunday?

It has now been revealed the Negro died of natural causes and the fact he got over stressed by arguing with the police and resisting arrest.

in a nutshell he caused his own I suggested previously.
The authorities do not agree. they seem to think the former officer killed him.

A white former Minneapolis police officer was charged with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter on Friday after a shocking video of him kneeling for nearly nine minutes on the neck of a black man set off a wave of protests across the country.
The former officer, Derek Chauvin, 44, was taken into custody on charges that carry a combined maximum 35-year sentence. Mr. Chauvin kept his knee planted even as the man, George Floyd, told all four officers involved in his arrest that he could not breathe. At times, Mr. Floyd begged “please” and cried out “mama,” according to a statement of probable cause released by prosecutors.
“The defendant had his knee on Mr. Floyd’s neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds in total,” the court document said. “Two minutes and 53 seconds of this was after Mr. Floyd was non-responsive.”

It is now known he died of natural causes....he was in very bad health ...heart problems etc.
Maybe you should contact him to take his case.

The case should be dismissed now that that the autopsy reveals he died of natural causes.
No. Clearly the officer has committed a manslaughter. His acts were the proximate cause of the man's death.

Who would have suspected that these black men were so fragile?
Not clear at all...…..a jury will make that determination. The central question being now that the autopsy reveals the black was not choked to death will be did the police perform the arrest with any illegal procedures...since the choke hold has been nullified by the autopsy....I dont know of any other move that has been ruled illegal other than the choke hold....I do not see any excessive force at all.

The knee on the guys neck would not be ruled ilegal since it did not interfere with his brething.

Now some misinfomed types will claim it was an illegal so? He was comitting a crime....became angry, refused to follow police orders and they had to wrestle him to the ground as he was resisting arrest.....he died from natural causes as a result of getting stressed out which he provoked himself.

Unless the jury is all black I do not see the office being convicted as he should not be...he did nothing illegal.

For two minutes after the cops could not get a pulse the idiot cop left his knee on the neck. He knew what he was doing. He wanted to make sure it was done.

Why do you think he wanted to kill the guy?

You did hear about the autopsy report?

Yes. And the Charge sheet. For two minutes. Ok. Let’s discuss that. Another cop checks the wrist. “I have no pulse”. What do you do? Any reasonable person. Hell Forrest Gump would get off his neck. A person with an IQ of 40 gets off his neck. Derek does not.

He keeps right where he is for two more minutes. Two more minutes. When there was no pulse you are no longer restraining a suspect. You can’t pretend you are using necessary force. At that point you are kneeling on a body that will become if it is not already too late a corpse.

Now Derek can’t really claim the event was too fast moving to hear and understand what was said. He already had conversations with the suspect. Derek either purposely or negligently confused two different situations. I can’t breathe. You are talking you can breathe. Well that is not the case. It is if you are talking you are not choking.

Even if we are to assume that the knee was needed to restrain the suspect. It was the dumbest thing he could do once the pulse was lost. But he did. He kept the pressure on for two more minutes. Two minutes where emergency medical treatment would have said to open the airway.

You can’t argue that the knee in the neck was not a contributing factor. The idea that the time of death was coincidental to the knee on the neck. That is just stupid.

So we have to make an assumption. Either Derek with his training and wisdom gained from his experience was the most incompetent cop in the history of law enforcement. Or he did not believe his fellow officer could find a pulse. Or as a subset of that Derek knew/believed the handcuffs were so tight as to restrict blood flow and thus the pulse.

Or he intended to make sure this pain in the ass did not survive.

Basically we are left with two choices. Catastrophic incompetence and disregard for life. Or the intent to kill. The two minute delay does not leave any other reasonable options.
Are we a nation of law and order or a nation of mob rule?

The msm has been striving for a long time to stir up a minority insurrection and they may now have least in Minneapolis and it may spread nation wide.

You support the police killing that hand cuffed guy? The video I saw first on the internet was taken by a bystander with a cellphone, not a news van. You sure it was the news media that sparked this and not some rogue cops?
Fuck you , this is not about the cop who killed George, this is about the cops failing to do their job ad protect citizens and places of business in the city. They did absolutely nothing. The even let their police station fall to the rioters. The entire police force needs to be replaced for failure to do their jobs
Freedom. It aint always pretty. But its always worth the cost...

"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
Anarchy aint freedom.
Anarchy is the epitome of freedom. When you start interfering with other peoples freedoms you are no longer dealing with Anarchy.

They aren't cowards....they are simply protecting themselves and their families from the asshats who will do their best to destroy them.........that, and the fact that the democrat mayors are telling them to back down, and surrender the streets and the innocent victims to the mob....

Anti-gunners......Tell us again why we don't need guns...the cops and national guard all left the scene......those law abiding people left in that mess are on their own...
Tear gas and rubber bullets flying tonight...
Whole different scene tonight.
Message...get the fuck off the streets...
All freeways in metro shut down.
National Guard also being deployed to unrest in
Fargo, Duluth, St. Cloud and Rochester.
There will be many injuries and arrests tonight.
The police need to replace the rubber bullets with Metallic ones
As wrong as the optics and killing of Floyd was, its not like the guy was any of these people's father. So what is fueling all of this rage and violence? Have people simply snapped because of the long shutdown? Peaceful protest is one thing, petition for the government to hear grievances is another, but this is pure, unmitigated anarchy for the SAKE of anarchy and it is reprehensible how they are just letting it go on and on.

Who will get stuck paying for all of this? The peaceful taxpayer who wasn't part of this at all.

They should go in there and announce 2 minutes to disburse. After that, full auto weapons, flame throwers and tanks, whatever it takes, to mow down and arrest anything still moving. Enough already.
In a society of laws the lawbreakers do not have a chance....they can cause a little ruckus for a little while....that is all.

What they are yet to realize is that the backlash against all this childish acting out will be more severe than they realize.....their supposed cause of black power is going to be diminished even more....when the majority population turns against you the wheels of justice will grind you down.
The police need to replace the rubber bullets with Metallic ones
As wrong as the optics and killing of Floyd was, its not like the guy was any of these people's father. So what is fueling all of this rage and violence? Have people simply snapped because of the long shutdown? Peaceful protest is one thing, petition for the government to hear grievances is another, but this is pure, unmitigated anarchy for the SAKE of anarchy and it is reprehensible how they are just letting it go on and on.

Who will get stuck paying for all of this? The peaceful taxpayer who wasn't part of this at all.

They should go in there and announce 2 minutes to disburse. After that, full auto weapons, flame throwers and tanks, whatever it takes, to mow down and arrest anything still moving. Enough already.
What starts out as a peaceful protest can and did escalate. Crowds do not act like individuals, this is known. Frustration at the injustice is what brought them together and I suspect there was a lot of rage at the injustice. Individuals hand frustration and rage differently than crowd. Some people simply have a different more malevolent agenda and once they start others in the crowd join in as the herd mentality takes over and the herd becomes a stampede.
Doesn't justify it in any way, but it is real.
Insurance will get stuck for most of the damage and the crowd knows it and the police know it.
Don't expect the police or guardsmen to start mowing down their countrymen and women with full auto and flame throwers and tanks, unless you are hoping for the end of the United State as you know it. It won't happen.
In a society of laws the lawbreakers do not have a chance....they can cause a little ruckus for a little while....that is all.

What they are yet to realize is that the backlash against all this childish acting out will be more severe than they realize.....their supposed cause of black power is going to be diminished even more....when the majority population turns against you the wheels of justice will grind you down.

Any day now. The people will come around to your way of thinking any day now. Or something.
The police need to replace the rubber bullets with Metallic ones
As wrong as the optics and killing of Floyd was, its not like the guy was any of these people's father. So what is fueling all of this rage and violence? Have people simply snapped because of the long shutdown? Peaceful protest is one thing, petition for the government to hear grievances is another, but this is pure, unmitigated anarchy for the SAKE of anarchy and it is reprehensible how they are just letting it go on and on.

Who will get stuck paying for all of this? The peaceful taxpayer who wasn't part of this at all.

They should go in there and announce 2 minutes to disburse. After that, full auto weapons, flame throwers and tanks, whatever it takes, to mow down and arrest anything still moving. Enough already.

Ok, you do that. Let’s say you actually do that. You have flamethrowers. I am not even sure if we have any left in the inventory but whatever. You bring in Tanks, and the rest. You give the two minute announcement. You even give the order to open fire.

Now, the National Guardsmen are not just soldiers, I’ll get to that in a minute, but they are people from those cities, those communities. Asking them to fire on their neighbors and friends? That is asking a lot. Or do you bring in the Guard from other areas? Units from outside the immediate area, from the other side of the state. Even then, asking them to fire on the people they swore an oath to protect and serve? Even if 90% of them do obey, which I considered unlikely, you have a real problem.

Because Soldiers are taught that it is illegal to fire on unarmed people. I was just following orders is not a defense, and they know it. Perhaps you heard of the Nuremberg trials. So even if some were willing to fire on people who are not dispersing, now you’re lucky to have about half of them firing. I don’t think it would be that high. But possible.

But let’s pretend it all works, and the National Guard and troops start moving forward into the city. How long before Molotov Cocktails are raining down from the rooftops? A block? Perhaps? Take M-1 Tanks into a city, and you’re going to lose the city, and the tanks. The damage from the riots will be minuscule by comparison.

So you use MRAP’s and similar armored vehicles. More maneuverable, and you actually have some weapons you can use. But then you have less armor, and Thermite is pathetically easy to make. I know. I just used some a month ago in my yard to melt a pipe that was dug in deep and set in concrete. Even if all you have is Molotov Cocktails, you can’t let the tanks burn, or things start breaking, like the engines.

The problem is with numbers. There are perhaps three million cops in the country. That is a nation of three hundred million people plus. You have another three million military people. Active Duty, and National Guard/Reserves. Many of those are Navy, which isn’t going to be much help in Minneapolis, unless you send the ships up the Hudson and through the various lakes.

So you are looking at best case scenario, fifty to one odds. Fifty people for every single cop and service member. Including cooks, medics, supply, transportation. So realistically you’re looking at maximum of three and a half million cops and infantry and other combat oriented MOS folks.

Eighty to one odds. A basic load out is pretty light for a grunt. Even if he has ten magazines, that is three hundred rounds for his rifle. The cops carry much less, but let’s pretend they get three hundred rounds too.

Let’s say you can get a thousand in and around the city. Multiple cities are rioting now, and more will riot as soon as you start this plan of yours. So you’re not going to get any National Guard or cops from other states.

You start in, it’s on the news, and the riots spread. Idiots like those White Supremicists see their fantasy come true, they’re out trying to organize the neighbors into vigilante groups to go after the damned darkies who are tearing up the cities. Cops are called back to the other communities to keep those idiots from starting trouble in the towns and counties, and you’re loosing people in the cities already.

It goes downhill fast, and the idiot who ordered it is not seen as a tough on crime social order stand firm against the forces of whatever hero. But a blithering idiot who turned one riot into a hundred.
The police need to replace the rubber bullets with Metallic ones
As wrong as the optics and killing of Floyd was, its not like the guy was any of these people's father. So what is fueling all of this rage and violence? Have people simply snapped because of the long shutdown? Peaceful protest is one thing, petition for the government to hear grievances is another, but this is pure, unmitigated anarchy for the SAKE of anarchy and it is reprehensible how they are just letting it go on and on.

Who will get stuck paying for all of this? The peaceful taxpayer who wasn't part of this at all.

They should go in there and announce 2 minutes to disburse. After that, full auto weapons, flame throwers and tanks, whatever it takes, to mow down and arrest anything still moving. Enough already.

Ok, you do that. Let’s say you actually do that. You have flamethrowers. I am not even sure if we have any left in the inventory but whatever. You bring in Tanks, and the rest. You give the two minute announcement. You even give the order to open fire.
You seem to be missing the point. These people are not protesting. Have all these people been wrongly attacked by the police? Had a family member wrongly killed? Close relatives to George Floyd? It has gone far beyond protesting. They carry signs saying NO JUSTICE NO PEACE. Well guess what? They were getting justice! Those cops lost their jobs! The one is arrested and charged with murder! But instead of letting the system work first, MOBS of people all across this country in cities totally unrelated to Minneapolis are destroying private property harming totally innocent people.


And domestic terrorists must be dealt with by whatever means necessary.

This is not a war between a few cops and 300 million people, this is a war between a limited group of domestic terrorists operating under the guise of protesters in order to destroy, loot and steal, and LAW AND ORDER.

There must be law and order.

If the law cannot maintain law and order, we are all in trouble, all in danger. As much as I sympathize with the plight of Floyd and their family, rioting, looting and burning down thirty US cities was NOT justified. Now, instead of solving something here and making progress, they've instead created sympathy for the police, greater tension against Blacks, more racial division, and sent the wrong message that this kind of shit works.

And when you send that kind of message, you can only expect to get more.

What are the police supposed to do now? The next time a cop pulls a black person over, they are going to give every cop shit about every little thing, even showing their drivers licence or stepping out of the car. What's the cop to do? Who's going to want to be a cop now? What are you going to do when the police walk away and say FUCK IT and there is no one there at all to try to maintain law and order as mobs of thugs come to burn your house down, drag you out into the street, beat you, rape your wife, take your stuff? Huh? Who ya gonna call, Ghostbusters?

These rioters and looters should have been dealt with severely as domestic terrorism, arrested and prosecuted severely. By any and all means necessary. Tear gas, knock down gas, tranquilizer gas, armored vehicles, rubber bullets. Whatever it takes. Lock the fuckers away for 20 years charged with terrorism with millions to repay for the property they destroyed.

Whats really funny is that it took the death on one black guy whom they don't even know to start all of this: Having all their civil rights stomped on for months on end in lockdowns and shutdowns didn't do it.
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The police need to replace the rubber bullets with Metallic ones
As wrong as the optics and killing of Floyd was, its not like the guy was any of these people's father. So what is fueling all of this rage and violence? Have people simply snapped because of the long shutdown? Peaceful protest is one thing, petition for the government to hear grievances is another, but this is pure, unmitigated anarchy for the SAKE of anarchy and it is reprehensible how they are just letting it go on and on.

Who will get stuck paying for all of this? The peaceful taxpayer who wasn't part of this at all.

They should go in there and announce 2 minutes to disburse. After that, full auto weapons, flame throwers and tanks, whatever it takes, to mow down and arrest anything still moving. Enough already.

Ok, you do that. Let’s say you actually do that. You have flamethrowers. I am not even sure if we have any left in the inventory but whatever. You bring in Tanks, and the rest. You give the two minute announcement. You even give the order to open fire.
You seem to be missing the point. These people are not protesting. Have all these people been wrongly attacked by the police? Had a family member wrongly killed? Close relatives to George Floyd? It has gone far beyond protesting. They carry signs saying NO JUSTICE NO PEACE. Well guess what? They were getting justice! Those cops lost their jobs! The one is arrested and charged with murder! But instead of letting the system work first, MOBS of people all across this country in cities totally unrelated to Minneapolis are destroying private property harming totally innocent people.


And domestic terrorists must be dealt with by whatever means necessary.

This is not a war between a few cops and 300 million people, this is a war between a limited group of domestic terrorists operating under the guise of protesters in order to destroy, loot and steal, and LAW AND ORDER.

There must be law and order.

If the law cannot maintain law and order, we are all in trouble, all in danger. As much as I sympathize with the plight of Floyd and their family, rioting, looting and burning down thirty US cities was NOT justified. Now, instead of solving something here and making progress, they've instead created sympathy for the police, greater tension against Blacks, more racial division, and sent the wrong message that this kind of shit works.

And when you send that kind of message, you can only expect to get more.

What are the police supposed to do now? The next time a cop pulls a black person over, they are going to give every cop shit about every little thing, even showing their drivers licence or stepping out of the car. What's the cop to do? Who's going to want to be a cop now? What are you going to do when the police walk away and say FUCK IT and there is no one there at all to try to maintain law and order as mobs of thugs come to burn your house down, drag you out into the street, beat you, rape your wife, take your stuff? Huh? Who ya gonna call, Ghostbusters?

These rioters and looters should have been dealt with severely as domestic terrorism, arrested and prosecuted severely. By any and all means necessary. Tear gas, knock down gas, tranquilizer gas, armored vehicles, rubber bullets. Whatever it takes. Lock the fuckers away for 20 years charged with terrorism with millions to repay for the property they destroyed.

Whats really funny is that it took the death on one black guy whom they don't even know to start all of this: Having all their civil rights stomped on for months on end in lockdowns and shutdowns didn't do it.
You bring up some good points, but I have an issue with your assertion that police are somehow necessary; they aren't. They are a luxury that has gotten out of control.
I can load my own trash into the back of my truck and take it to a landfill, it's just more convenient for me to have a garbageman do it. I can fight my own fires and I know the way to the ER as well, but I still like having a local fire department and ambulances available.
Thing is, that garbageman doesn't pull me over under threat of violence to see if I have any garbage for him to take out, and the fire department doesn't raid my backyard because someone saw smoke coming from my BBQ....... the cops will impose themselves upon all of us and will charge us with bullshit crimes if we object, and they will kill us to enforce the arrest for these bullshit crimes.

If the cops stayed their asses at the station and left people the hell alone until they were called, then maybe they wouldn't be so fiercely hated by so many folks.

There is a reason no one ever wrote a song called "Fuck the Fire Department!!"

The police need to replace the rubber bullets with Metallic ones
As wrong as the optics and killing of Floyd was, its not like the guy was any of these people's father. So what is fueling all of this rage and violence? Have people simply snapped because of the long shutdown? Peaceful protest is one thing, petition for the government to hear grievances is another, but this is pure, unmitigated anarchy for the SAKE of anarchy and it is reprehensible how they are just letting it go on and on.

Who will get stuck paying for all of this? The peaceful taxpayer who wasn't part of this at all.

They should go in there and announce 2 minutes to disburse. After that, full auto weapons, flame throwers and tanks, whatever it takes, to mow down and arrest anything still moving. Enough already.

Ok, you do that. Let’s say you actually do that. You have flamethrowers. I am not even sure if we have any left in the inventory but whatever. You bring in Tanks, and the rest. You give the two minute announcement. You even give the order to open fire.
You seem to be missing the point. These people are not protesting. Have all these people been wrongly attacked by the police? Had a family member wrongly killed? Close relatives to George Floyd? It has gone far beyond protesting. They carry signs saying NO JUSTICE NO PEACE. Well guess what? They were getting justice! Those cops lost their jobs! The one is arrested and charged with murder! But instead of letting the system work first, MOBS of people all across this country in cities totally unrelated to Minneapolis are destroying private property harming totally innocent people.


And domestic terrorists must be dealt with by whatever means necessary.

This is not a war between a few cops and 300 million people, this is a war between a limited group of domestic terrorists operating under the guise of protesters in order to destroy, loot and steal, and LAW AND ORDER.

There must be law and order.

If the law cannot maintain law and order, we are all in trouble, all in danger. As much as I sympathize with the plight of Floyd and their family, rioting, looting and burning down thirty US cities was NOT justified. Now, instead of solving something here and making progress, they've instead created sympathy for the police, greater tension against Blacks, more racial division, and sent the wrong message that this kind of shit works.

And when you send that kind of message, you can only expect to get more.

What are the police supposed to do now? The next time a cop pulls a black person over, they are going to give every cop shit about every little thing, even showing their drivers licence or stepping out of the car. What's the cop to do? Who's going to want to be a cop now? What are you going to do when the police walk away and say FUCK IT and there is no one there at all to try to maintain law and order as mobs of thugs come to burn your house down, drag you out into the street, beat you, rape your wife, take your stuff? Huh? Who ya gonna call, Ghostbusters?

These rioters and looters should have been dealt with severely as domestic terrorism, arrested and prosecuted severely. By any and all means necessary. Tear gas, knock down gas, tranquilizer gas, armored vehicles, rubber bullets. Whatever it takes. Lock the fuckers away for 20 years charged with terrorism with millions to repay for the property they destroyed.

Whats really funny is that it took the death on one black guy whom they don't even know to start all of this: Having all their civil rights stomped on for months on end in lockdowns and shutdowns didn't do it.
You bring up some good points, but I have an issue with your assertion that police are somehow necessary; they aren't. They are a luxury that has gotten out of control.
Well, you went off the trail with that one. The police an unnecessary luxury? Wow. Won't even try to get my head around that one. The police are there as the front line of law enforcement.
The police need to replace the rubber bullets with Metallic ones
As wrong as the optics and killing of Floyd was, its not like the guy was any of these people's father. So what is fueling all of this rage and violence? Have people simply snapped because of the long shutdown? Peaceful protest is one thing, petition for the government to hear grievances is another, but this is pure, unmitigated anarchy for the SAKE of anarchy and it is reprehensible how they are just letting it go on and on.

Who will get stuck paying for all of this? The peaceful taxpayer who wasn't part of this at all.

They should go in there and announce 2 minutes to disburse. After that, full auto weapons, flame throwers and tanks, whatever it takes, to mow down and arrest anything still moving. Enough already.

Ok, you do that. Let’s say you actually do that. You have flamethrowers. I am not even sure if we have any left in the inventory but whatever. You bring in Tanks, and the rest. You give the two minute announcement. You even give the order to open fire.
You seem to be missing the point. These people are not protesting. Have all these people been wrongly attacked by the police? Had a family member wrongly killed? Close relatives to George Floyd? It has gone far beyond protesting. They carry signs saying NO JUSTICE NO PEACE. Well guess what? They were getting justice! Those cops lost their jobs! The one is arrested and charged with murder! But instead of letting the system work first, MOBS of people all across this country in cities totally unrelated to Minneapolis are destroying private property harming totally innocent people.


And domestic terrorists must be dealt with by whatever means necessary.

This is not a war between a few cops and 300 million people, this is a war between a limited group of domestic terrorists operating under the guise of protesters in order to destroy, loot and steal, and LAW AND ORDER.

There must be law and order.

If the law cannot maintain law and order, we are all in trouble, all in danger. As much as I sympathize with the plight of Floyd and their family, rioting, looting and burning down thirty US cities was NOT justified. Now, instead of solving something here and making progress, they've instead created sympathy for the police, greater tension against Blacks, more racial division, and sent the wrong message that this kind of shit works.

And when you send that kind of message, you can only expect to get more.

What are the police supposed to do now? The next time a cop pulls a black person over, they are going to give every cop shit about every little thing, even showing their drivers licence or stepping out of the car. What's the cop to do? Who's going to want to be a cop now? What are you going to do when the police walk away and say FUCK IT and there is no one there at all to try to maintain law and order as mobs of thugs come to burn your house down, drag you out into the street, beat you, rape your wife, take your stuff? Huh? Who ya gonna call, Ghostbusters?

These rioters and looters should have been dealt with severely as domestic terrorism, arrested and prosecuted severely. By any and all means necessary. Tear gas, knock down gas, tranquilizer gas, armored vehicles, rubber bullets. Whatever it takes. Lock the fuckers away for 20 years charged with terrorism with millions to repay for the property they destroyed.

Whats really funny is that it took the death on one black guy whom they don't even know to start all of this: Having all their civil rights stomped on for months on end in lockdowns and shutdowns didn't do it.
You bring up some good points, but I have an issue with your assertion that police are somehow necessary; they aren't. They are a luxury that has gotten out of control.
Well, you went off the trail with that one. The police an unnecessary luxury? Wow. Won't even try to get my head around that one. The police are there as the front line of law enforcement.
Actually, we are the front line, they are merely a reaction force that can't seem to keep it in their pants. If they would just sit down and mind their own, I doubt so many people would be so pissed off.
The police need to replace the rubber bullets with Metallic ones
As wrong as the optics and killing of Floyd was, its not like the guy was any of these people's father. So what is fueling all of this rage and violence? Have people simply snapped because of the long shutdown? Peaceful protest is one thing, petition for the government to hear grievances is another, but this is pure, unmitigated anarchy for the SAKE of anarchy and it is reprehensible how they are just letting it go on and on.

Who will get stuck paying for all of this? The peaceful taxpayer who wasn't part of this at all.

They should go in there and announce 2 minutes to disburse. After that, full auto weapons, flame throwers and tanks, whatever it takes, to mow down and arrest anything still moving. Enough already.

Ok, you do that. Let’s say you actually do that. You have flamethrowers. I am not even sure if we have any left in the inventory but whatever. You bring in Tanks, and the rest. You give the two minute announcement. You even give the order to open fire.
You seem to be missing the point. These people are not protesting. Have all these people been wrongly attacked by the police? Had a family member wrongly killed? Close relatives to George Floyd? It has gone far beyond protesting. They carry signs saying NO JUSTICE NO PEACE. Well guess what? They were getting justice! Those cops lost their jobs! The one is arrested and charged with murder! But instead of letting the system work first, MOBS of people all across this country in cities totally unrelated to Minneapolis are destroying private property harming totally innocent people.


And domestic terrorists must be dealt with by whatever means necessary.

This is not a war between a few cops and 300 million people, this is a war between a limited group of domestic terrorists operating under the guise of protesters in order to destroy, loot and steal, and LAW AND ORDER.

There must be law and order.

If the law cannot maintain law and order, we are all in trouble, all in danger. As much as I sympathize with the plight of Floyd and their family, rioting, looting and burning down thirty US cities was NOT justified. Now, instead of solving something here and making progress, they've instead created sympathy for the police, greater tension against Blacks, more racial division, and sent the wrong message that this kind of shit works.

And when you send that kind of message, you can only expect to get more.

What are the police supposed to do now? The next time a cop pulls a black person over, they are going to give every cop shit about every little thing, even showing their drivers licence or stepping out of the car. What's the cop to do? Who's going to want to be a cop now? What are you going to do when the police walk away and say FUCK IT and there is no one there at all to try to maintain law and order as mobs of thugs come to burn your house down, drag you out into the street, beat you, rape your wife, take your stuff? Huh? Who ya gonna call, Ghostbusters?

These rioters and looters should have been dealt with severely as domestic terrorism, arrested and prosecuted severely. By any and all means necessary. Tear gas, knock down gas, tranquilizer gas, armored vehicles, rubber bullets. Whatever it takes. Lock the fuckers away for 20 years charged with terrorism with millions to repay for the property they destroyed.

Whats really funny is that it took the death on one black guy whom they don't even know to start all of this: Having all their civil rights stomped on for months on end in lockdowns and shutdowns didn't do it.
You bring up some good points, but I have an issue with your assertion that police are somehow necessary; they aren't. They are a luxury that has gotten out of control.
Well, you went off the trail with that one. The police an unnecessary luxury? Wow. Won't even try to get my head around that one. The police are there as the front line of law enforcement.
And that's where you throw it all down the shitter. Right along with your Freedom...
The police need to replace the rubber bullets with Metallic ones
As wrong as the optics and killing of Floyd was, its not like the guy was any of these people's father. So what is fueling all of this rage and violence? Have people simply snapped because of the long shutdown? Peaceful protest is one thing, petition for the government to hear grievances is another, but this is pure, unmitigated anarchy for the SAKE of anarchy and it is reprehensible how they are just letting it go on and on.

Who will get stuck paying for all of this? The peaceful taxpayer who wasn't part of this at all.

They should go in there and announce 2 minutes to disburse. After that, full auto weapons, flame throwers and tanks, whatever it takes, to mow down and arrest anything still moving. Enough already.

Ok, you do that. Let’s say you actually do that. You have flamethrowers. I am not even sure if we have any left in the inventory but whatever. You bring in Tanks, and the rest. You give the two minute announcement. You even give the order to open fire.
You seem to be missing the point. These people are not protesting. Have all these people been wrongly attacked by the police? Had a family member wrongly killed? Close relatives to George Floyd? It has gone far beyond protesting. They carry signs saying NO JUSTICE NO PEACE. Well guess what? They were getting justice! Those cops lost their jobs! The one is arrested and charged with murder! But instead of letting the system work first, MOBS of people all across this country in cities totally unrelated to Minneapolis are destroying private property harming totally innocent people.


And domestic terrorists must be dealt with by whatever means necessary.

This is not a war between a few cops and 300 million people, this is a war between a limited group of domestic terrorists operating under the guise of protesters in order to destroy, loot and steal, and LAW AND ORDER.

There must be law and order.

If the law cannot maintain law and order, we are all in trouble, all in danger. As much as I sympathize with the plight of Floyd and their family, rioting, looting and burning down thirty US cities was NOT justified. Now, instead of solving something here and making progress, they've instead created sympathy for the police, greater tension against Blacks, more racial division, and sent the wrong message that this kind of shit works.

And when you send that kind of message, you can only expect to get more.

What are the police supposed to do now? The next time a cop pulls a black person over, they are going to give every cop shit about every little thing, even showing their drivers licence or stepping out of the car. What's the cop to do? Who's going to want to be a cop now? What are you going to do when the police walk away and say FUCK IT and there is no one there at all to try to maintain law and order as mobs of thugs come to burn your house down, drag you out into the street, beat you, rape your wife, take your stuff? Huh? Who ya gonna call, Ghostbusters?

These rioters and looters should have been dealt with severely as domestic terrorism, arrested and prosecuted severely. By any and all means necessary. Tear gas, knock down gas, tranquilizer gas, armored vehicles, rubber bullets. Whatever it takes. Lock the fuckers away for 20 years charged with terrorism with millions to repay for the property they destroyed.

Whats really funny is that it took the death on one black guy whom they don't even know to start all of this: Having all their civil rights stomped on for months on end in lockdowns and shutdowns didn't do it.
You bring up some good points, but I have an issue with your assertion that police are somehow necessary; they aren't. They are a luxury that has gotten out of control.
Well, you went off the trail with that one. The police an unnecessary luxury? Wow. Won't even try to get my head around that one. The police are there as the front line of law enforcement.
Actually, we are the front line, they are merely a reaction force that can't seem to keep it in their pants. If they would just sit down and mind their own, I doubt so many people would be so pissed off.
So you think the "front line" to law enforcement are the very same people breaking the laws? You think everyone knows 100% of the law much less will police themselves and turn themselves in and give themselves tickets? Score two for PLAIN STOOPID.

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