Covid pressor (?) - Trump Launches Massive All Out Military Offensive On Drug Cartels


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
I say GOOD

beyond past time this was done

kudos to the President


Y’all see what’s happening here...
Totally normal events

#but nothing is happening...

Trump, Barr and Esper warn of Mexican drug cartel trafficking during coronavirus task force briefing



President Donald Trump opened Wednesday's coronavirus White House task force briefing by issuing a warning about Mexican drug cartels. "America continues to wage all out war to defeat the virus, this horrible, horrible virus, you see how terrible it is especially if you look at the numbers from yesterday," Trump said after taking the podium. "In this time of need, I know that every American will do their patriotic duty and help us achieve a total victory." The president stood alongside Defense Secretary Mark Esper, Attorney General William Barr and several other officials, none of whom were situated six feet apart despite the federal government's social distancing guidelines.

Rejecting 6-6-6...

As governments and nations focus on the coronavirus, there's a growing threat that cartels, criminals and other malign actors will try to exploit the situation for their own gain and we must not let that happen," he continued. "Today the United States is launching enhanced counternarcotics operations in the Western hemisphere to protect the American people from the deadly scourge of illegal narcotics."

BREAKING: Trump Launches Massive All Out Military Offensive On Drug Cartels

APRIL 1ST, 2020

BREAKING: Trump Launches Massive All Out Military Offensive On Drug Cartels

By Ryan

We must not let the drug cartels exploit the pandemic to threaten American lives,” Trump continued. “In cooperation with the 22 partner nations, the U.S. Southern Command will increase surveillance, disruption, and seizures of drug shipments, and provide additional support for eradication efforts that are going on right now at a record pace.” “We are deploying additional Navy destroyers, combat ships, aircraft and helicopters, Coast Guard cutters and Air Force surveillance aircraft, doubling the capabilities in the region,” Trump continued. “Very importantly, our forces are fully equipped with personnel protective equipment, and we have taken additional safety measures to ensure that our troops remain healthy.”
These cartels have decimated families and communities. Making hand over fist without regard for anyones life. They've been sending their poisons in for a long time, though it's always just a band aid solution unfortunately as long as your border is so porous.
I say GOOD

beyond past time this was done

kudos to the President


Y’all see what’s happening here...
Totally normal events

#but nothing is happening...

Trump, Barr and Esper warn of Mexican drug cartel trafficking during coronavirus task force briefing



President Donald Trump opened Wednesday's coronavirus White House task force briefing by issuing a warning about Mexican drug cartels. "America continues to wage all out war to defeat the virus, this horrible, horrible virus, you see how terrible it is especially if you look at the numbers from yesterday," Trump said after taking the podium. "In this time of need, I know that every American will do their patriotic duty and help us achieve a total victory." The president stood alongside Defense Secretary Mark Esper, Attorney General William Barr and several other officials, none of whom were situated six feet apart despite the federal government's social distancing guidelines.

Rejecting 6-6-6...

As governments and nations focus on the coronavirus, there's a growing threat that cartels, criminals and other malign actors will try to exploit the situation for their own gain and we must not let that happen," he continued. "Today the United States is launching enhanced counternarcotics operations in the Western hemisphere to protect the American people from the deadly scourge of illegal narcotics."

BREAKING: Trump Launches Massive All Out Military Offensive On Drug Cartels

APRIL 1ST, 2020

BREAKING: Trump Launches Massive All Out Military Offensive On Drug Cartels

By Ryan

We must not let the drug cartels exploit the pandemic to threaten American lives,” Trump continued. “In cooperation with the 22 partner nations, the U.S. Southern Command will increase surveillance, disruption, and seizures of drug shipments, and provide additional support for eradication efforts that are going on right now at a record pace.” “We are deploying additional Navy destroyers, combat ships, aircraft and helicopters, Coast Guard cutters and Air Force surveillance aircraft, doubling the capabilities in the region,” Trump continued. “Very importantly, our forces are fully equipped with personnel protective equipment, and we have taken additional safety measures to ensure that our troops remain healthy.”
'Bout time. Why did he wait until the nation was in a crisis?
These cartels have decimated families and communities. Making hand over fist without regard for anyones life. They've been sending their poisons in for a long time, though it's always just a band aid solution unfortunately as long as your border is so porous.
MOST of the drugs, they estimate, come through customs.
You know, right now, I'd rather have the government working on a cure and a vaccine and figuring out how to stop this virus rather than have Trump throw red meat to his base by bitching about cartels and drugs.

It's Trump's "shiny key" maneuver. Used to distract his base from the real problems going on. He's getting desperate for adoration, because he can't hold his rallies anymore when something is bugging him.
These cartels have decimated families and communities. Making hand over fist without regard for anyones life. They've been sending their poisons in for a long time, though it's always just a band aid solution unfortunately as long as your border is so porous.
MOST of the drugs, they estimate, come through customs.

with all the airlines shut down and public trans at crawl this would be a perfect time for trump to declare a victory on drugs -
You know, right now, I'd rather have the government working on a cure and a vaccine and figuring out how to stop this virus rather than have Trump throw red meat to his base by bitching about cartels and drugs.

It's Trump's "shiny key" maneuver. Used to distract his base from the real problems going on. He's getting desperate for adoration, because he can't hold his rallies anymore when something is bugging him.
You really think the ones carrying this out have anything to do with finding a cure or developing a vaccine? Lol
the never ending war on drugs-

as good a distraction as any


That's what dictators do; distract from more important issues of life and death! Just watched segment on CNN where a choir director in Washington state had his group get together for rehearsal 3/10 and by 3/13 symptoms began to show over all 45 of them; 2 since have died! And in some places in the country like FLA, people are told to go about their normal lives! Idiots! :102:
As much disdain as I have for drugs the cartels, while ruthless, are practicing caplitalism, which the fed gov't despises as it renders the fed gov't immaterial in its efforts to control everything we do- the gov't is pissed because they make a lot of money the feds can't confiscate- as far as I can tell, the fed gov't wasn't granted the authority to force citizens to obey its anti-american commands by simply saying they have the authority to tell people what they can inngest. If anyone can show me the wording to that effect in the constitution I'll change my mind. -the cartels have a market they supply product to- they use their income, gained through business transactions to pay soldiers. The fed gov't uses stolen money (through taxes) to pay soldiers to fight enemeies it makes. If there is to be a more Drug War and it's expected to give results, the war needs to begin at home starting at the CIA- in our trickle down keynesean economy the money comes from the top-
the never ending war on drugs-

as good a distraction as any


That's what dictators do; distract from more important issues of life and death! Just watched segment on CNN where a choir director in Washington state had his group get together for rehearsal 3/10 and by 3/13 symptoms began to show over all 45 of them; 2 since have died! And in some places in the country like FLA, people are told to go about their normal lives! Idiots! :102:

Actually, they have closed the beaches in FL today.
You know, right now, I'd rather have the government working on a cure and a vaccine and figuring out how to stop this virus rather than have Trump throw red meat to his base by bitching about cartels and drugs.

It's Trump's "shiny key" maneuver. Used to distract his base from the real problems going on. He's getting desperate for adoration, because he can't hold his rallies anymore when something is bugging him.
The government doesn't work on the vaccine or the cure. That's the scientists and researchers and they're not going to sleep for months. I realize that anything about arresting them damned Hispanics is going to delight his base, but it's still long overdue. Did you notice how many ships/CG he's got involved? The tighter border security has 'em coming in by boat up the coast, as we all predicted. If he's going to build more Wall, they might as well get the hang of it now.
As much disdain as I have for drugs the cartels, while ruthless, are practicing caplitalism, which the fed gov't despises as it renders the fed gov't immaterial in its efforts to control everything we do- the gov't is pissed because they make a lot of money the feds can't confiscate- as far as I can tell, the fed gov't wasn't granted the authority to force citizens to obey its anti-american commands by simply saying they have the authority to tell people what they can inngest. If anyone can show me the wording to that effect in the constitution I'll change my mind. -the cartels have a market they supply product to- they use their income, gained through business transactions to pay soldiers. The fed gov't uses stolen money (through taxes) to pay soldiers to fight enemeies it makes. If there is to be a more Drug War and it's expected to give results, the war needs to begin at home starting at the CIA- in our trickle down keynesean economy the money comes from the top-
I've watched opiate addiction ruin many lives--not just their own but their families, their friends, everyone around them is affected. It is heartbreaking, sickening, and really really hard to stop. Saying that our government is somehow culpable for this is insane. Of course they aren't going to make a destroyer like heroin legal! It's not a power trip.
These cartels have decimated families and communities. Making hand over fist without regard for anyones life. They've been sending their poisons in for a long time, though it's always just a band aid solution unfortunately as long as your border is so porous.
MOST of the drugs, they estimate, come through customs.

with all the airlines shut down and public trans at crawl this would be a perfect time for trump to declare a victory on drugs -
Perfect time to shut down and bury your friends in the drug trafficking business.

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