COVID Freedom... A winning issue for Republicans

Jim H - VA USA

Plutonium Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 19, 2020
Republicans are missing a great opportunity to really triumph on an issue that has significant support, even across party lines.

It surprises me that we Conservatives don't have more leaders in the Republican Party vociferously pushing for freedom of choice when it comes to COVID mandates. It seems like a winning issue to me.

I don't care if there are polls that say that "the majority of Americans love wearing arguably-ineffective masks." The data shows this is not true. As soon as you lift a mask mandate, the large majority of people take them off. We've all seen the pictures of politicians violating their own mask orders. Freedom to mask or not is a winning issue.

I don't care if there are polls saying that most Americans thought the lockdowns were necessary. I don't believe them. Most Americans think all jobs are essential, especially their own. Despite the pandemic, as we all see on TV or on-line, is that people want to congregate and go to sports events, restaurants, gyms, movie theaters, and fancy weddings in Martha's Vineyard. Freedom to keep one's business open, or to pursue happiness by living life, is a winning issue.

Are there polls saying that we need to protect the vaccinated workers from the unvaccinated workers and fire those who refuse to get two or three shots, like Biden has "ordered?" If there are, they are wrong too. I can't possibly believe that Americans would want their neighbor fired for not getting a shot. It's medical tyranny. Freedom of choice is a winning issue for Republicans.

Republicans need to get on it. Freedom is widely popular among most demographics, I think. Could I be wrong?

No mask mandates. No lockdowns, No vaccine passports, No mandatory vaccinations or get fired. Freedom is a winning issue in America.

A few Republicans understand this...
"In America, establishment politicians have betrayed our workers, they've betrayed our borders and, most of all, they've betrayed our freedoms." - Donald J. Trump
Republicans are missing a great opportunity to really triumph on an issue that has significant support, even across party lines.

It surprises me that we Conservatives don't have more leaders in the Republican Party vociferously pushing for freedom of choice when it comes to COVID mandates. It seems like a winning issue to me.

I don't care if there are polls that say that "the majority of Americans love wearing arguably-ineffective masks." The data shows this is not true. As soon as you lift a mask mandate, the large majority of people take them off. We've all seen the pictures of politicians violating their own mask orders. Freedom to mask or not is a winning issue.

I don't care if there are polls saying that most Americans thought the lockdowns were necessary. I don't believe them. Most Americans think all jobs are essential, especially their own. Despite the pandemic, as we all see on TV or on-line, is that people want to congregate and go to sports events, restaurants, gyms, movie theaters, and fancy weddings in Martha's Vineyard. Freedom to keep one's business open, or to pursue happiness by living life, is a winning issue.

Are there polls saying that we need to protect the vaccinated workers from the unvaccinated workers and fire those who refuse to get two or three shots, like Biden has "ordered?" If there are, they are wrong too. I can't possibly believe that Americans would want their neighbor fired for not getting a shot. It's medical tyranny. Freedom of choice is a winning issue for Republicans.

Republicans need to get on it. Freedom is widely popular among most demographics, I think. Could I be wrong?

No mask mandates. No lockdowns, No vaccine passports, No mandatory vaccinations or get fired. Freedom is a winning issue in America.

A few Republicans understand this...
"In America, establishment politicians have betrayed our workers, they've betrayed our borders and, most of all, they've betrayed our freedoms." - Donald J. Trump

While I agree with you in spirit, here's the rub. Despite the appearance of a minority of republican politicians seeming to act and speak out against COVID medical tyranny, what most republicans are missing is that there is no difference between democrat and republican when it comes to the global plot to vaccinate most of humanity with these deadly vaccines.

It is almost like some high secret power gave all our world leaders an ultimatum: vaccinate the people of your nations with these highly experimental and dangerous vaccines . . . OR ELSE.

The other point most conservative Americans are missing is that there really no longer is a significant difference between the two prime American political parties when it comes to a great many of the most important issues of our day. Radical leftists have been fighting dirty in the never ending cultural war since forever, while so-called ultra conservative American politicians sit back on there asses doing nothing more than complaining about the horrors the radical left visits on the American people.

In this way, ALL politicians have been complicit in the destruction of the fabric of our American civilization. Can't you see it? Republicans and democrats are but different sides of the SAME evil, anti-human coin which is tossed up in the air during all our elections. No matter which party lands face up We The People lose.

The time for trying to save America with through the act of voting is long since over and done with. The sooner Americans wake up to this reality the greater the chance we will all survive to tell our grandchildren about how America almost collapsed back in 2021.
Republicans are missing a great opportunity to really triumph on an issue that has significant support, even across party lines.

It surprises me that we Conservatives don't have more leaders in the Republican Party vociferously pushing for freedom of choice when it comes to COVID mandates. It seems like a winning issue to me.

I don't care if there are polls that say that "the majority of Americans love wearing arguably-ineffective masks." The data shows this is not true. As soon as you lift a mask mandate, the large majority of people take them off. We've all seen the pictures of politicians violating their own mask orders. Freedom to mask or not is a winning issue.

I don't care if there are polls saying that most Americans thought the lockdowns were necessary. I don't believe them. Most Americans think all jobs are essential, especially their own. Despite the pandemic, as we all see on TV or on-line, is that people want to congregate and go to sports events, restaurants, gyms, movie theaters, and fancy weddings in Martha's Vineyard. Freedom to keep one's business open, or to pursue happiness by living life, is a winning issue.

Are there polls saying that we need to protect the vaccinated workers from the unvaccinated workers and fire those who refuse to get two or three shots, like Biden has "ordered?" If there are, they are wrong too. I can't possibly believe that Americans would want their neighbor fired for not getting a shot. It's medical tyranny. Freedom of choice is a winning issue for Republicans.

Republicans need to get on it. Freedom is widely popular among most demographics, I think. Could I be wrong?

No mask mandates. No lockdowns, No vaccine passports, No mandatory vaccinations or get fired. Freedom is a winning issue in America.

A few Republicans understand this...
"In America, establishment politicians have betrayed our workers, they've betrayed our borders and, most of all, they've betrayed our freedoms." - Donald J. Trump
While I agree with you in spirit, here's the rub. Despite the appearance of a minority of republican politicians seeming to act and speak out against COVID medical tyranny, what most republicans are missing is that there is no difference between democrat and republican when it comes to the global plot to vaccinate most of humanity with these deadly vaccines.

It is almost like some high secret power gave all our world leaders an ultimatum: vaccinate the people of your nations with these highly experimental and dangerous vaccines . . . OR ELSE.

The other point most conservative Americans are missing is that there really no longer is a significant difference between the two prime American political parties when it comes to a great many of the most important issues of our day. Radical leftists have been fighting dirty in the never ending cultural war since forever, while so-called ultra conservative American politicians sit back on there asses doing nothing more than complaining about the horrors the radical left visits on the American people.

In this way, ALL politicians have been complicit in the destruction of the fabric of our American civilization. Can't you see it? Republicans and democrats are but different sides of the SAME evil, anti-human coin which is tossed up in the air during all our elections. No matter which party lands face up We The People lose.

The time for trying to save America with through the act of voting is long since over and done with. The sooner Americans wake up to this reality the greater the chance we will all survive to tell our grandchildren about how America almost collapsed back in 2021.
RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP) consists of RINO's + RNC/DNC(married) + statist left(marxists) + Deep state career bureaucrats(narcissistic career lefties)= one political party system(oligarchy) that is hell bent on controlling the people as a whole who reside on the planet we call earth.
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Republicans are missing a great opportunity to really triumph on an issue that has significant support, even across party lines.

It surprises me that we Conservatives don't have more leaders in the Republican Party vociferously pushing for freedom of choice when it comes to COVID mandates. It seems like a winning issue to me.

I don't care if there are polls that say that "the majority of Americans love wearing arguably-ineffective masks." The data shows this is not true. As soon as you lift a mask mandate, the large majority of people take them off. We've all seen the pictures of politicians violating their own mask orders. Freedom to mask or not is a winning issue.

I don't care if there are polls saying that most Americans thought the lockdowns were necessary. I don't believe them. Most Americans think all jobs are essential, especially their own. Despite the pandemic, as we all see on TV or on-line, is that people want to congregate and go to sports events, restaurants, gyms, movie theaters, and fancy weddings in Martha's Vineyard. Freedom to keep one's business open, or to pursue happiness by living life, is a winning issue.

Are there polls saying that we need to protect the vaccinated workers from the unvaccinated workers and fire those who refuse to get two or three shots, like Biden has "ordered?" If there are, they are wrong too. I can't possibly believe that Americans would want their neighbor fired for not getting a shot. It's medical tyranny. Freedom of choice is a winning issue for Republicans.

Republicans need to get on it. Freedom is widely popular among most demographics, I think. Could I be wrong?

No mask mandates. No lockdowns, No vaccine passports, No mandatory vaccinations or get fired. Freedom is a winning issue in America.

A few Republicans understand this...
"In America, establishment politicians have betrayed our workers, they've betrayed our borders and, most of all, they've betrayed our freedoms." - Donald J. Trump
Let’s start with saying that your argument rests on an argument from incredulity. It's a logical fallacy. Just because you don't believe something doesn't make it untrue.

What strikes me about this opinion is how it starts from the MAGA crowd's standpoint and then projects it to the entire populace.

To you masks and vaccines are something judged through a political lense. Ever considered that those polls represent a part of the population who consider those things a public health issue?

I think most people by now have been confronted directly by the consequences of Covid. Most people probably recognise that the fastest, easiest, and safest way to end this crisis is through vaccines. I don't think that running on a message of opposition against them is politically sound, not to mention moral, no matter if you try to paint it as something about freedom.
Well its the personal choice of everyone whether to get the vaccine or not. It was my choice to get that vaccine. Others don't feel the same way.

Its personal choice my friends.
Until it’s not. It’s becoming a matter of national security. Our economy is slowly falling apart. We need to normalize soon. The only way to do that is to defeat covid through vaccinations. The only way to do that is through mandates and making it very difficult to function in society without being vaxxed.
Merk just introduced a new antiviral pill for coronavirus...

It has multiple times the number of side effects as the Vaccines...but hey...if you are a rabid antivaxxer it's just the ticket.
Merk just introduced a new antiviral pill for coronavirus...

It has multiple times the number of side effects as the Vaccines...but hey...if you are a rabid antivaxxer it's just the ticket.
Don't worry, they will force the pill on you vax lovers as well. You will be taking pills and boosters for the rest of your life.
Don't worry, they will force the pill on you vax lovers as well. You will be taking pills and boosters for the rest of your life.

The vaccine tech is gaining mass and speed.

Soon we should be having one vaccine that will cover all the variants. They had a breakthrough a few weeks back.

While you were busy arguing...they found better antibodies and are working on a better vaccine that will cover more variants than ever before... including Lambda and Mu. (Which currently have no effective vaccines or treatments and are exceptionally virulent)

The vaccine tech is gaining mass and speed.

Soon we should be having one vaccine that will cover all the variants. They had a breakthrough a few weeks back.

While you were busy arguing...they found better antibodies and are working on a better vaccine that will cover more variants than ever before... including Lambda and Mu. (Which currently have no effective vaccines or treatments and are exceptionally virulent)
Covid will never go away and those invested in it will never let it go. Things are going to get worse, not better.

Go tell Australia they don't need those lockdowns...

The vaccine tech is gaining mass and speed.

Soon we should be having one vaccine that will cover all the variants. They had a breakthrough a few weeks back.

While you were busy arguing...they found better antibodies and are working on a better vaccine that will cover more variants than ever before... including Lambda and Mu. (Which currently have no effective vaccines or treatments and are exceptionally virulent)
Never believe a radical parasite. For he will make a desert of your belongings as well as his..
Never believe a radical parasite. For he will make a desert of your belongings as well as his..
I'm not exactly a radical parasite... ROFL....but the name is funny. I'll give you props for that.
Republicans are missing a great opportunity to really triumph on an issue that has significant support, even across party lines.

It surprises me that we Conservatives don't have more leaders in the Republican Party vociferously pushing for freedom of choice when it comes to COVID mandates. It seems like a winning issue to me.

This was Larry Elder's whole platform basically in the Cali did that work out for him?

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