Coup? When someone engages in a coup, don't they take over a capitol and fill it with armed troops?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
It seems that if one were to actually be staging a would fill up the capitol of a country with troops, build up fortifications to protect the pretender, and then keep out the citizens.....

Hmmmmmm.....what exactly have the democrats done to our capitol?

Built a fortress, surrounded it with armed troops, and kept out normal citizens....

Again...tell us how Trump is the problem....
It seems that if one were to actually be staging a would fill up the capitol of a country with troops, build up fortifications to protect the pretender, and then keep out the citizens.....

Hmmmmmm.....what exactly have the democrats done to our capitol?

Built a fortress, surrounded it with armed troops, and kept out normal citizens....

Again...tell us how Trump is the problem....
Remember when walls were bad..
It seems that if one were to actually be staging a would fill up the capitol of a country with troops, build up fortifications to protect the pretender, and then keep out the citizens.....

Hmmmmmm.....what exactly have the democrats done to our capitol?

Built a fortress, surrounded it with armed troops, and kept out normal citizens....

Again...tell us how Trump is the problem....
LOLOLOL.....these yahoos, had all the power and still FUCKED IT UP.....lolol, CAN'T YOU BRAIN DEAD MF'S DO ANYTHING RIGHT??? LOLOLOLO
It seems that if one were to actually be staging a would fill up the capitol of a country with troops, build up fortifications to protect the pretender, and then keep out the citizens.....

Hmmmmmm.....what exactly have the democrats done to our capitol?

Built a fortress, surrounded it with armed troops, and kept out normal citizens....

Again...tell us how Trump is the problem....
So your type doesn't win.

Now, I am seeing pictures of Washington DC preparing to inaugurate Biden to the Presidency, while 25,000 armed troops are parading around, dividing the city into zones, barricading it, and walling it. Guns bristling from Coast Guard ships in the Potomac. It’s chilling!

I also saw pictures of a mass of armed SWAT guarding Governor Newsom’s home in Sacramento. Against what, exactly?

What don’t I know here? I feel just a tad queasy, worried because this response is so far out of character for our country, and so over-the-top compared to anything that has happened — the incursion into the Capitol was small beer compared to the riots in many other cities all last summer. There’s also been virtually no coverage of who was involved in the January 6th events, other than seeing some BLM/Antifa types that were indeed involved freed without bail.

Read more: What’s going on in Washington, D.C.?
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It seems that if one were to actually be staging a would fill up the capitol of a country with troops, build up fortifications to protect the pretender, and then keep out the citizens.....

Hmmmmmm.....what exactly have the democrats done to our capitol?

Built a fortress, surrounded it with armed troops, and kept out normal citizens....

Again...tell us how Trump is the problem....


Now, I am seeing pictures of Washington DC preparing to inaugurate Biden to the Presidency, while 25,000 armed troops are parading around, dividing the city into zones, barricading it, and walling it. Guns bristling from Coast Guard ships in the Potomac. It’s chilling!

I also saw pictures of a mass of armed SWAT guarding Governor Newsom’s home in Sacramento. Against what, exactly?

What don’t I know here? I feel just a tad queasy, worried because this response is so far out of character for our country, and so over-the-top compared to anything that has happened — the incursion into the Capitol was small beer compared to the riots in many other cities all last summer. There’s also been virtually no coverage of who was involved in the January 6th events, other than seeing some BLM/Antifa types that were indeed involved freed without bail.

Read more: What’s going on in Washington, D.C.?
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

That is up to the governor or Trump..
During a virtual hearing Friday, a federal judge in Utah said prosecutors failed to meet the legal threshold to keep him in custody as he awaits further court proceedings.
It seems that if one were to actually be staging a would fill up the capitol of a country with troops, build up fortifications to protect the pretender, and then keep out the citizens.....

Hmmmmmm.....what exactly have the democrats done to our capitol?

Built a fortress, surrounded it with armed troops, and kept out normal citizens....

Again...tell us how Trump is the problem....
So you type doesn't win.
Lets see, they tried to steal the election again and Putin had had enough of Trump, they tried to discount mail in votes, corrupt the post office, kidnap a governor, kill a vice president and majority leader, take over the Capital, start a civil war and the ONLY GOTDAMN THING THEY ACCOMPLISHED WAS MAKING THE NIGHTLY NEWS.....WITH THEIR FACES PLASTERED ALL OVER THE FUCKIN PLACE...AND THESE ARE THE MOTHERFUCKERS THAT WANT TO RULE THE FUCKIN WORLD.....WAYNE'S WORLD AWAITS!! :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg:
It seems that if one were to actually be staging a would fill up the capitol of a country with troops, build up fortifications to protect the pretender, and then keep out the citizens.....

Hmmmmmm.....what exactly have the democrats done to our capitol?

Built a fortress, surrounded it with armed troops, and kept out normal citizens....

Again...tell us how Trump is the problem....
Ever hear of the terms soft coup or silent coup? No of course not.

Now are you going to say trump isn’t guilty of sedition?

The capitol insurrectionists said they were following trumps orders.
It seems that if one were to actually be staging a would fill up the capitol of a country with troops, build up fortifications to protect the pretender, and then keep out the citizens.....

Hmmmmmm.....what exactly have the democrats done to our capitol?

Built a fortress, surrounded it with armed troops, and kept out normal citizens....

Again...tell us how Trump is the problem....
So your type doesn't win.
This just in. Many of the rioters were paid by the trump campaign.
Ever hear of the terms soft coup or silent coup? No of course not.

Not really ---- what do those terms mean?
Look them up dummy. There’s more than one way to steal an election. Call it what you want trump tried to pull a coup. A soft coup but a coup non the less.

And trump said he had nothing to do with the riots. He lied. Megan powers works for trump and she was there.Three trump campaign aides were there.

Caroline wren was involved. Works for trump. He pays her $20,000 a month. Maggie Mulvaney, Amy Kramer, Justin caporale, Tim UNESCO,

All traitors who tried to help trump pull off a coup.
It seems that if one were to actually be staging a would fill up the capitol of a country with troops, build up fortifications to protect the pretender, and then keep out the citizens.....

Hmmmmmm.....what exactly have the democrats done to our capitol?

Built a fortress, surrounded it with armed troops, and kept out normal citizens....

Again...tell us how Trump is the problem....
At least you’re consistent at being ignorant and wrong.

‘Some have said it’s not a coup because the U.S. military and other armed groups weren’t involved, and some because Donald Trump didn’t invoke his presidential powers in support of the mob that broke into the Capitol. Others point out that no one has claimed or proved there was a secret plan directed by the president, and that Trump’s efforts to overturn the outcome of the 2020 presidential election could never have succeeded in the first place.

These observations are based on the idea that a coup is a sudden, violent seizure of power involving clandestine plots and military takeovers. By contrast, Trump’s goal was to keep himself in power, and his actions were taken over a period of months and in slow motion.

But that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a coup attempt. Trump disguised what he was doing by operating in plain sight, talking openly about his intent. He normalized his actions so people would accept them.


Technically, what Trump attempted is what’s known as a “self-coup” and Trump isn’t the first leader to try it. Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (nephew of the first Napoleon) pulled one off in France in December 1851 to stay in power beyond his term. Then he declared himself Emperor, Napoleon III. More recently, Nicolas Maduro perpetrated a self-coup in Venezuela after losing the 2017 elections.’

Bloodless coup

non violent revolution

coup d'états

well with the above they usually are unarmed revolts and the best example is the fall of the Berlin wall.
Ever hear of the terms soft coup or silent coup? No of course not.

Look them up dummy. There’s more than one way to steal an election. Call it what you want trump tried to pull a coup. A soft coup but a coup non the less.
So you don't know the meaning of the terms soft coup and silent coup. I didn't think you did, dummy.
Ever hear of the terms soft coup or silent coup? No of course not.

Look them up dummy. There’s more than one way to steal an election. Call it what you want trump tried to pull a coup. A soft coup but a coup non the less.
So you don't know the meaning of the terms soft coup and silent coup. I didn't think you did, dummy.
I looked it up before I used the word. Did you look it up? If I was wrong let me know.
It seems that if one were to actually be staging a would fill up the capitol of a country with troops, build up fortifications to protect the pretender, and then keep out the citizens.....

Hmmmmmm.....what exactly have the democrats done to our capitol?

Built a fortress, surrounded it with armed troops, and kept out normal citizens....

Again...tell us how Trump is the problem....
Ever hear of the terms soft coup or silent coup? No of course not.

Now are you going to say trump isn’t guilty of sedition?

The capitol insurrectionists said they were following trumps orders.

Yes....that is what obama and the democrats tried to do with the FBI, CIA, DOJ, and State dept. ..............

Since Trump didn't issue any orders, how were they following orders he didn't give?
It seems that if one were to actually be staging a would fill up the capitol of a country with troops, build up fortifications to protect the pretender, and then keep out the citizens.....

Hmmmmmm.....what exactly have the democrats done to our capitol?

Built a fortress, surrounded it with armed troops, and kept out normal citizens....

Again...tell us how Trump is the problem....

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