Coup Conspirators Take Care Of Their Own : Fired Former FBI Deputy Director, Perjurer Andrew McCabe Given Back Full Pension


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Former FBI Official Andrew McCabe Wins

Back Full Pension in Lawsuit Settlement After

Getting Fired For Lying to Feds Under Oath

Former Obama faux 'Russian Collusion' coup Conspirator Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was fired in March 2018 by then US AG Jeff Sessions. AG Sessions fired McCabe just several days before he was to retire, denying him his pension. The move was a calculated move, reportedly, as punishment for McCabe's criminal action in Obama's coup attempt against newly elected President Trump without sending McCabe to prison.

Evidence, to include FISA Court evidence, proved the FBI was not only illegally spying on President Trump and his team, they had also been defrauding the FISA Court and illegally spying on US citizens, reporters, the media, Congress, the USSC, and candidate and newly elected President Donald Trump. The FISA Court confirmed and exposed the FBI's illegal spying over DECADES, to include under former FBI Director Mueller, picked as Special Counsel to investigate Trump, FBI Director James Comey - McCabe's Boss, and still on-going under newly appointed FBI Director Wray.

McCabe testified under oath before Congress and was proven to have lied to Congress while under oath, Felony Perjury. His boss, James Comey, also testified before Congress. Under oath during his testimony Comey 'threw' his Deputy Director McCabe 'under the' proverbial 'bus', revealing that McCabe had intentionally leaked classified information and had lied under oath.

For his proven part in treason intended to overthrow the United States Government by illegally removing the newly elected President from office McCabe got away with being fired days before his retirement, losing his pension but NOT going to jail, as he should have.

The traitors, however, protect their own. Despite having leaked classified information (illegal), despite having committed Felony Perjury SEVERAL times, and despite participating in a treasonous failed coup attempt, McCabe has not served any jail time and has just had his full pension re-instated.
- Who says 'Crime Does Not Pay'.

I imagine Biden / Biden's administration had a big role in this happening.


If there MIGHT still be a silver lining, it is being reported that Special Investigator John Durham is seriously looking at indicting McCabe for his proven crimes.
After playing his part in Obama's failed attempted coup, after being given a break by only being fired and being denied his pension rather than going to prison, which he deserved, this criminal asshole sued the DOJ in 2019 to get his pension back. At that time, this criminal, perjurous, treasonous POS had the nerve to lash out at the man he tried to criminally remove from office (President Trump) by declaring:

“1Politics should never play a role in the fair administration of justice and civil service personnel decisions. 2This result encourages the men and women of the FBI to continue to protect the American people by standing up for the truth and doing their jobs without fear of political retaliation.”

'Politics should never play a role in the administration of justice and civil service decisions'

1- This criminal, treasonous SOB betrayed his oath of office, the trust of the American people, and attempted to help overthrow the US govt by manufacturing a fake crime and illegally removing the President of the United States from office due to HIS OWN POLITICS.

1- Politics had no part in his being fired or his pension being removed. He was fired for violating several laws. US AG Sessions violated his oath of office and deviated from the law by cutting this asshole a break by ONLY firing him and denying him his pension. Sessions should have indicted McCabe and put him in prison.

2 McCabe dares to talk about protecting the American people when he and his FBI violated the US Constitution, USA Laws, illegally spied on Americans and a newly elected President and his team. He further goes on to claim he and his FBI stood / stand up for 'Truth', despite the fact that he was caught, along with his other crimes, committing Felony Perjury under oath before Congress. 'Without fear of political retaliation'? Again, McCabe was not fired and did not have his pension stripped because of 'Political Retaliation'. He was fired and denied his pension because he committed reason, leaked classified information, and was proven to have committed Perjury before Congress several times. Even his boss threw him under the bus for committing crimes.

Former FBI Official Andrew McCabe Wins

Back Full Pension in Lawsuit Settlement After

Getting Fired For Lying to Feds Under Oath

Former Obama faux 'Russian Collusion' coup Conspirator Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was fired in March 2018 by then US AG Jeff Sessions. AG Sessions fired McCabe just several days before he was to retire, denying him his pension. The move was a calculated move, reportedly, as punishment for McCabe's criminal action in Obama's coup attempt against newly elected President Trump without sending McCabe to prison.

Evidence, to include FISA Court evidence, proved the FBI was not only illegally spying on President Trump and his team, they had also been defrauding the FISA Court and illegally spying on US citizens, reporters, the media, Congress, the USSC, and candidate and newly elected President Donald Trump. The FISA Court confirmed and exposed the FBI's illegal spying over DECADES, to include under former FBI Director Mueller, picked as Special Counsel to investigate Trump, FBI Director James Comey - McCabe's Boss, and still on-going under newly appointed FBI Director Wray.

McCabe testified under oath before Congress and was proven to have lied to Congress while under oath, Felony Perjury. His boss, James Comey, also testified before Congress. Under oath during his testimony Comey 'threw' his Deputy Director McCabe 'under the' proverbial 'bus', revealing that McCabe had intentionally leaked classified information and had lied under oath.

For his proven part in treason intended to overthrow the United States Government by illegally removing the newly elected President from office McCabe got away with being fired days before his retirement, losing his pension but NOT going to jail, as he should have.

The traitors, however, protect their own. Despite having leaked classified information (illegal), despite having committed Felony Perjury SEVERAL times, and despite participating in a treasonous failed coup attempt, McCabe has not served any jail time and has just had his full pension re-instated.
- Who says 'Crime Does Not Pay'.

I imagine Biden / Biden's administration had a big role in this happening.


If there MIGHT still be a silver lining, it is being reported that Special Investigator John Durham is seriously looking at indicting McCabe for his proven crimes.
A reward for a job well-done.

Former FBI Official Andrew McCabe Wins

Back Full Pension in Lawsuit Settlement After

Getting Fired For Lying to Feds Under Oath

Former Obama faux 'Russian Collusion' coup Conspirator Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was fired in March 2018 by then US AG Jeff Sessions. AG Sessions fired McCabe just several days before he was to retire, denying him his pension. The move was a calculated move, reportedly, as punishment for McCabe's criminal action in Obama's coup attempt against newly elected President Trump without sending McCabe to prison.

Evidence, to include FISA Court evidence, proved the FBI was not only illegally spying on President Trump and his team, they had also been defrauding the FISA Court and illegally spying on US citizens, reporters, the media, Congress, the USSC, and candidate and newly elected President Donald Trump. The FISA Court confirmed and exposed the FBI's illegal spying over DECADES, to include under former FBI Director Mueller, picked as Special Counsel to investigate Trump, FBI Director James Comey - McCabe's Boss, and still on-going under newly appointed FBI Director Wray.

McCabe testified under oath before Congress and was proven to have lied to Congress while under oath, Felony Perjury. His boss, James Comey, also testified before Congress. Under oath during his testimony Comey 'threw' his Deputy Director McCabe 'under the' proverbial 'bus', revealing that McCabe had intentionally leaked classified information and had lied under oath.

For his proven part in treason intended to overthrow the United States Government by illegally removing the newly elected President from office McCabe got away with being fired days before his retirement, losing his pension but NOT going to jail, as he should have.

The traitors, however, protect their own. Despite having leaked classified information (illegal), despite having committed Felony Perjury SEVERAL times, and despite participating in a treasonous failed coup attempt, McCabe has not served any jail time and has just had his full pension re-instated.
- Who says 'Crime Does Not Pay'.

I imagine Biden / Biden's administration had a big role in this happening.


If there MIGHT still be a silver lining, it is being reported that Special Investigator John Durham is seriously looking at indicting McCabe for his proven crimes.
Can't say I didn't predict this. If you fire somebody the day before their pension is secure, in order to get their pension and you can't convince people there was another valid reason to take such a vindictive action, the person will win in the end, and might even get a book deal or a mini-season.
The OP speaks as though McCabe was proven to have committed criminal perjury.

One problem. Guess what it is?

You guys are living in a fantasy.
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Can't say I didn't predict this. If you fire somebody the day before their pension is secure, in order to get their pension and you can't convince people there was another valid reason to take such a vindictive action, the person will win in the end, and might even get a book deal or a mini-season.

McCabe engaged in treason.

That's a pretty good reason to take his pension, though I agree that he should be stood against a wall and shot.
The FBI really does take care of it's own "traitors". After FBI agent Robert Hanssen was literally caught with his hand in the till and was found to have caused the deaths of foreign agents by collaborating with Russia for sacks of money left under a Washington park bridge, the FBI had no other choice but to agree to prosecution. The kicker is that the FBI avoided a trial by awarding a full federal pension to Hanssen's family (who may have benefitted from and may have had knowledge of his treason) as if he retired honorably. No wonder hard line foreign governments consider the US feds to be easy marks and pushovers.
McCabe engaged in treason.

That's a pretty good reason to take his pension, though I agree that he should be stood against a wall and shot.
Talk to the inspector general and the judge. It is done. You lost.
Don't feel sorry for McCabe losing his pension.
Somehow he became a multi-millionaire while serving he public.
The Democrat Party takes care of its cult members.

Andrew McCabe Age, Net worth: Wife, Bio-Wiki, Weight, Kids ...

Oct 13, 2021 · What is the net worth of Andrew Mccabe? The net worth is $12 million. Where is the birthplace of Andrew Mccabe? The birthplace of Andrew Mccabe is Hartford, Connecticut,
(1) McCabe “lacked candor” about directing a leak to the Wall Street Journal that the Clinton Foundation was under investigation.
(2) McCabe “lacked candor” on at least four documentable occasions.
(3) McCabe put his own interests above that of the FBI.
(4) McCabe broke FBI and Department of Justice policies by leaking the information.
(5) After the report, McCabe fought back (through his attorney).

McCabe is a Democrat Cult Coupster
I don't know about pricing, but it proves that he perjured himself and leaves no doubt.
It doesn’t prove any such thing, nor could it.

You’re impossibly lost with no concept of how the legal system works.

For example, you don’t understand that a prosecutor can only be removed by the president.

Former FBI Official Andrew McCabe Wins

Back Full Pension in Lawsuit Settlement After

Getting Fired For Lying to Feds Under Oath

Former Obama faux 'Russian Collusion' coup Conspirator Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was fired in March 2018 by then US AG Jeff Sessions. AG Sessions fired McCabe just several days before he was to retire, denying him his pension. The move was a calculated move, reportedly, as punishment for McCabe's criminal action in Obama's coup attempt against newly elected President Trump without sending McCabe to prison.

Evidence, to include FISA Court evidence, proved the FBI was not only illegally spying on President Trump and his team, they had also been defrauding the FISA Court and illegally spying on US citizens, reporters, the media, Congress, the USSC, and candidate and newly elected President Donald Trump. The FISA Court confirmed and exposed the FBI's illegal spying over DECADES, to include under former FBI Director Mueller, picked as Special Counsel to investigate Trump, FBI Director James Comey - McCabe's Boss, and still on-going under newly appointed FBI Director Wray.

McCabe testified under oath before Congress and was proven to have lied to Congress while under oath, Felony Perjury. His boss, James Comey, also testified before Congress. Under oath during his testimony Comey 'threw' his Deputy Director McCabe 'under the' proverbial 'bus', revealing that McCabe had intentionally leaked classified information and had lied under oath.

For his proven part in treason intended to overthrow the United States Government by illegally removing the newly elected President from office McCabe got away with being fired days before his retirement, losing his pension but NOT going to jail, as he should have.

The traitors, however, protect their own. Despite having leaked classified information (illegal), despite having committed Felony Perjury SEVERAL times, and despite participating in a treasonous failed coup attempt, McCabe has not served any jail time and has just had his full pension re-instated.
- Who says 'Crime Does Not Pay'.

I imagine Biden / Biden's administration had a big role in this happening.


If there MIGHT still be a silver lining, it is being reported that Special Investigator John Durham is seriously looking at indicting McCabe for his proven crimes.
Glad this bullying wrong was corrected.
It doesn’t prove any such thing, nor could it.

You’re impossibly lost with no concept of how the legal system works.

For example, you don’t understand that a prosecutor can only be removed by the president.

I understand that you are using a strawman fallacy.

McCabe was under oath and under penalty of perjury while he repeatedly lied.

Your only argument it that he is not subject to the law because he is a democrat.
I understand that you are using a strawman fallacy.

McCabe was under oath and under penalty of perjury while he repeatedly lied.

Your only argument it that he is not subject to the law because he is a democrat.

There’s no strawman here. You just have no idea what you’re talking about. Trump’s prosecutors could have filed charges. Doing so would have been more evidence of political persecution of McCabe as they couldn’t even get a grand jury to indict him. That’s how weak the perjury case was.

And no, a video isn’t sufficient to prove a lie. It’s simply not possible.
There’s no strawman here.

That you lack the intellect and education to understand that {you don’t understand that a prosecutor can only be removed by the president.} has utterly nothing to do with perjury by McCabe, is irrelevant.

You tried to shift to an argument you thought you could win as you were being humiliated on your dishonesty regarding the traitor McCabe.

You just have no idea what you’re talking about. Trump’s prosecutors could have filed charges. Doing so would have been more evidence of political persecution of McCabe as they couldn’t even get a grand jury to indict him. That’s how weak the perjury case was.

And no, a video isn’t sufficient to prove a lie. It’s simply not possible.

Again, the fact remains that McCabe committed felony perjury. "Orange Man Bad" doesn't alter the facts. McCabe is guilty of perjury. He was not prosecuted because he is part of the Reich and was operating to further an attempted coup ordered by the Reich.

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