Country With the World's Most Successful Education System

But...But...But.... progressive education doesn't work :(

I'd point out, that the big secret here is that Finland has made education a priority, something many of the individual States in the Union did not do.


Hope this already hasn't been mentioned, but here goes:

1. I wonder, how many FSL (Finnish as Second Language) Finland Has?

2. I wonder, how much Racial Diversity Finland Has?

Let's compare ourselves with other apples instead of oragnes.

We have to deal with reality. We have two wars we are fighting and two other countries to rebuild after the wars. Republicans are pushing to start more. Not sure where "race" fits in there.

Education just isn't a priority in this country. Only about 6% of scientists are Republican. Republicans make up about half the country. What does that tell you about education? Half the country wants to teach "magical creation" and believe that colleges have been taken over by "elitist" liberals who teach communism.

Public Praises Science; Scientists Fault Public, Media: Section 4: Scientists, Politics and Religion - Pew Research Center for the People & the Press

Naturally, we are against abortion and that means lots of kids we refuse to take care of.

Healthcare in Finland - KELA Card - Finnish Health Centres - Hospitals in Finland

Abortion is allowed in Finland in cases where childbirth will cause a health risk for the woman or if pregnancy and childbirth would cause a significant strain on the woman’s life (meaning: if the woman had already had four children, or if, owing to disease or mental disturbance, one or both parents would be unable to raise the child). Women under 17 years of age and over 40 years of age are allowed to request an abortion on the basis of their age.

Don't see it getting better until this generation of Republicans die off. They are just too entrenched in "stupid".

What's an "oragne"?
But...But...But.... progressive education doesn't work :(

I'd point out, that the big secret here is that Finland has made education a priority, something many of the individual States in the Union did not do.


Hope this already hasn't been mentioned, but here goes:

1. I wonder, how many FSL (Finnish as Second Language) Finland Has?

2. I wonder, how much Racial Diversity Finland Has?

Let's compare ourselves with other apples instead of oragnes.

We have to deal with reality. We have two wars we are fighting and two other countries to rebuild after the wars. Republicans are pushing to start more. Not sure where "race" fits in there.

Education just isn't a priority in this country. Only about 6% of scientists are Republican. Republicans make up about half the country. What does that tell you about education? Half the country wants to teach "magical creation" and believe that colleges have been taken over by "elitist" liberals who teach communism.

Public Praises Science; Scientists Fault Public, Media: Section 4: Scientists, Politics and Religion - Pew Research Center for the People & the Press

Naturally, we are against abortion and that means lots of kids we refuse to take care of.

Healthcare in Finland - KELA Card - Finnish Health Centres - Hospitals in Finland

Abortion is allowed in Finland in cases where childbirth will cause a health risk for the woman or if pregnancy and childbirth would cause a significant strain on the woman’s life (meaning: if the woman had already had four children, or if, owing to disease or mental disturbance, one or both parents would be unable to raise the child). Women under 17 years of age and over 40 years of age are allowed to request an abortion on the basis of their age.

Don't see it getting better until this generation of Republicans die off. They are just too entrenched in "stupid".

What's an "oragne"?

Rdean is a prime example of our piss poor education system.
The OP itself demonstrates the failure of our education system.

The entire nation of Finland has less people than the Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens combined. If we had no teacher union in those three boroughs and left the schools in the hands of the communities and parents, the top of our graduating class would be the best in the world, while the worst could all work for ACORN.
That's why I asked if their system was scalable. If it is not as effectual at 50 times... maybe 100 times it's size, this is not a valid comparison really. It's still good, but... like grapefruit and oranges.
The goal of our educational system is to keep as many people wedded to the teat of Big Gubbamint as humanly possible so in that respect, its a grand slam

Hope this already hasn't been mentioned, but here goes:

1. I wonder, how many FSL (Finnish as Second Language) Finland Has?

2. I wonder, how much Racial Diversity Finland Has?

Let's compare ourselves with other apples instead of oragnes.

We have to deal with reality. We have two wars we are fighting and two other countries to rebuild after the wars. Republicans are pushing to start more. Not sure where "race" fits in there.

Education just isn't a priority in this country. Only about 6% of scientists are Republican. Republicans make up about half the country. What does that tell you about education? Half the country wants to teach "magical creation" and believe that colleges have been taken over by "elitist" liberals who teach communism.

Public Praises Science; Scientists Fault Public, Media: Section 4: Scientists, Politics and Religion - Pew Research Center for the People & the Press

Naturally, we are against abortion and that means lots of kids we refuse to take care of.

Healthcare in Finland - KELA Card - Finnish Health Centres - Hospitals in Finland

Abortion is allowed in Finland in cases where childbirth will cause a health risk for the woman or if pregnancy and childbirth would cause a significant strain on the woman’s life (meaning: if the woman had already had four children, or if, owing to disease or mental disturbance, one or both parents would be unable to raise the child). Women under 17 years of age and over 40 years of age are allowed to request an abortion on the basis of their age.

Don't see it getting better until this generation of Republicans die off. They are just too entrenched in "stupid".

What's an "oragne"?

Rdean is a prime example of our piss poor education system.

I just dropped a lot of truth on your tiny head AND cleared up some misconceptions. Too bad you are too blind to see it. An index finger in each ear, eyes tightly closed, singing the "La la" song will do that. But hey, it's got a good beat.
We have to deal with reality. We have two wars we are fighting and two other countries to rebuild after the wars. Republicans are pushing to start more. Not sure where "race" fits in there.

Education just isn't a priority in this country. Only about 6% of scientists are Republican. Republicans make up about half the country. What does that tell you about education? Half the country wants to teach "magical creation" and believe that colleges have been taken over by "elitist" liberals who teach communism.

Public Praises Science; Scientists Fault Public, Media: Section 4: Scientists, Politics and Religion - Pew Research Center for the People & the Press

Naturally, we are against abortion and that means lots of kids we refuse to take care of.

Healthcare in Finland - KELA Card - Finnish Health Centres - Hospitals in Finland

Abortion is allowed in Finland in cases where childbirth will cause a health risk for the woman or if pregnancy and childbirth would cause a significant strain on the woman’s life (meaning: if the woman had already had four children, or if, owing to disease or mental disturbance, one or both parents would be unable to raise the child). Women under 17 years of age and over 40 years of age are allowed to request an abortion on the basis of their age.

Don't see it getting better until this generation of Republicans die off. They are just too entrenched in "stupid".

What's an "oragne"?

Rdean is a prime example of our piss poor education system.

I just dropped a lot of truth on your tiny head AND cleared up some misconceptions. Too bad you are too blind to see it. An index finger in each ear, eyes tightly closed, singing the "La la" song will do that. But hey, it's got a good beat.

Rdean...I've come to believe pea brainism is a vehement choice...

"Eighty percent of Republicans are just Democrats that don't know what's going on"
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
I thought the united states was the best country in the world. Between medical, educational and basic standards of living, we suck. Especially child mortality rates.

At some point you'll begin to question why you've been lied to.

Infant mortality? So, Cuba has a lower infant mortality rate? On January 2, 2009 they announced 4.7 out of every 1,000 for 2008. Seem believable? Well, maybe the number, but calculated in 48 hours? It takes the US about two years to get all the data for our. One reason that Cuba has a low infant mortality, and the corresponding high life expectancy, is because they induce abortion at the first sign of possible trouble with a fetus. “Cuba's annual induced abortion rate persistently ranks among the highest in the world, and abortion plays a prominent role in Cuban fertility regulation.”
Wiley InterScience :: Session Cookies

And, of course, there are a variety of ways that infant mortality statistics are measured. While 40% of America’s infant mortality rate is due to reporting of infants who die on the day of their birth, many countries don’t register such deaths at all. Other countries require specific size (Switzerland, 30 cm) and weights (Austria and Germany, 500 gms) to be listed as having been born.
Bernadine Healy, M.D.: Behind the baby count - US News and World Report

Rarely reported in comparing infant mortality rates it the negative effect of “very pre-term” babies, whose death rate is far higher than full term. When comparing the US infant mortality rate to such category-stars as in this NYTimes report of 11/4/09:
“If the United States could match Sweden’s prematurity rate, the new report said, “nearly 8,000 infant deaths would be averted each year, and the U.S. infant mortality rate would be one-third lower.”

We find the usual anti-US slant of the Times, in not mentioning that race is the reason:

“The use of this example highlights to disingenuousness of the authors. In their supposedly “detailed” report on infant mortality, they fail to analyze the most important detail: race. Unfortunately, African descent is a major risk factor for prematurity, and prematurity is a major cause of infant mortality. Therefore, it is hardly surprising that the US has a higher infant mortality rate than Sweden. The US has the highest proportion of women of African descent of any first world country. Sweden, of course, has virtually none. So our higher rate of infant mortality does not reflect poor medical care. It reflects factors beyond the control of doctors. Race is an uncontrollable factor; obstetricians and pediatricians have no control over assisted reproductive techniques. In fact, the data actually show obstetricians and pediatricians do a remarkable job of ensuring infant health.”

Infant mortality report neglects the most important detail - AmyTuteurMD - Open Salon

One factor contributing to the U.S.'s infant mortality rate is that blacks have intractably high infant mortality rates -- irrespective of age, education, socioeconomic status and so on. No one knows why.

Neither medical care nor discrimination can explain it: Hispanics in the U.S. have lower infant mortality rates than either blacks or whites. Give Switzerland or Japan our ethnically diverse population and see how they stack up on infant mortality rates.
A Statistical Analysis of Maritime Unemployment Rates, 1946-1948. Just Kidding, More Liberal Lies About National Healthcare! - HUMAN EVENTS

Along the same line, once deaths due to homicide and auto accidents are removed from the statistics, the US has the greatest life expectancy in the world.
But...But...But.... progressive education doesn't work :(

I'd point out, that the big secret here is that Finland has made education a priority, something many of the individual States in the Union did not do.


Hope this already hasn't been mentioned, but here goes:

1. I wonder, how many FSL (Finnish as Second Language) Finland Has?

2. I wonder, how much Racial Diversity Finland Has?

Let's compare ourselves with other apples instead of oragnes.

Not much diversity:

Ethnic groups:

Finn 93.4%, Swede 5.6%, Russian 0.5%, Estonian 0.3%, Roma (Gypsy) 0.1%, Sami 0.1% (2006)

Lutheran Church of Finland 82.5%, Orthodox Church 1.1%, other Christian 1.1%, other 0.1%, none 15.1% (2006)

Finnish 91.2% (official), Swedish 5.5% (official), other 3.3% (small Sami- and Russian-speaking minorities) (2007)

definition: age 15 and over can read and write
total population: 100%
male: 100%
female: 100% (2000 est.)
School life expectancy (primary to tertiary education):

total: 17 years
male: 17 years
female: 18 years (2006)

i notice there is not a lot of 3rd worlders sitting in their classrooms....
But...But...But.... progressive education doesn't work :(

I'd point out, that the big secret here is that Finland has made education a priority, something many of the individual States in the Union did not do.


Hope this already hasn't been mentioned, but here goes:

1. I wonder, how many FSL (Finnish as Second Language) Finland Has?

2. I wonder, how much Racial Diversity Finland Has?

Let's compare ourselves with other apples instead of oragnes.

OR we could make excuses...

With free, high-quality education for all
Finland's repeated success in the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) study has focused widespread international attention on the country's school system and its support for lifelong learning. They form the basis of this excellence.

Finnish teenagers' maths, science and reading skills are rated at or close to the top of the nearly 60 countries assessed in the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) study.

A three-yearly appraisal of 15-year-olds in the principal industrialised countries, PISA is organised by the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development). For the results gathered in 2006 and published in 2007, a total of 4,714 students from 155 schools took part in Finland.

In that PISA study, special attention was paid to natural sciences, in which Finnish 15-year-olds came out on top by a large margin ahead of Japan, Hong Kong and Korea. Finland's score of 563 points in this category was also the highest total ever recorded in a PISA study.

In reading comprehension Finnish youngsters ranked second after South Korea, and in mathematics they trailed top-scorer Chinese Taipei by only one point.

Understanding children's needs

According to the survey, the strength of the Finnish school system is that it guarantees equal learning opportunities, regardless of social background. Instead of comparison between pupils, the focus is on supporting and guiding pupils with special needs. Very few children need to be made to repeat a year.

The teaching staff in Finnish schools is highly educated. Qualifications for all school levels require a Master of Arts degree including extensive pedagogical study and qualifications in special subjects.

Small children's feelings of safety and motivation are increased by the fact that they are taught by a single teacher. Also, although students receive progress evaluations, scaled grading is not introduced until the fifth year. Finnish schools aim for natural, warm relations between teachers and pupils.

Comprehensive school

Comprehensive school education is provided by the child's home municipality, and the network of primary-level schools is dense. Instruction and all basic education materials are free of charge for the children, and services include a free hot lunch every day, school healthcare and free transport for children who live too far from the school to walk or use public transport.

Preschool instruction is provided for six-year-olds. This is voluntary, but almost the entire age group participates.

Instruction is provided in both official languages, Finnish and Swedish. In major cities schooling is available in other languages as well. Special schools exist for disabled or hospitalised children. Practically every Finnish child goes to school.

Inside Finnish schools

Classes number about 30 pupils per age group, usually less in the younger classes. For the first six years of comprehensive school, the children are instructed by a class teacher. Instruction during the last three years of comprehensive school is taken over by subject teachers. Pupils are also given special instruction if needed for speech impediments and for reading and writing problems or similar special needs.

Comprehensive school subjects include native language and literature; other languages; environmental studies; civics; religion or ethics; history; social studies; mathematics; physics; chemistry; biology; geography; physical education; music; art; handicrafts and home economics. The goals of instruction and the core curriculum are the same nationwide, but the local authorities and schools draw up their own local curricula on that basis.

Emphasis on languages

Finnish schools emphasize foreign language studies. The first foreign language is generally introduced in the third year of comprehensive school and the second domestic language (Swedish for Finnish-speaking pupils and Finnish for Swedish speakers) in the seventh year, if not sooner.

In addition, pupils may opt for up to six different languages by the completion of upper secondary level. The most common foreign languages are English, German, French, Russian and Spanish.

Immigrants with native languages other than Finnish or Swedish receive special instruction in Finnish as a second language. Municipally funded instruction in the children's native language is provided twice a week.

what happened to California? 5 to no. 48.....mmmmm
OR we could make excuses...


Excuses for not having? ....what exactly? A school system like Finland?:cuckoo:

Do I really need to post demographic data for the USA so we can understand that we're comparing two completely different govenments, geographies, histories, cultures, etc., etc?

So tell me, is America falling way behind in all areas except arresting and incarcerating human beings because certain ethnic groups are unable to learn? Or...maybe America has become an Oligarchy, and the Reagan revolution and the Contract with America were really a contract to sell out a vital middle class for wealthy corporations and a powerful elite?

THEIR kids aren't suffering are they?

Top of the Class
First broadcast September 2007

Finnish children

Education matters - so what do we know about the best ways to do it?

In this two-part series Owen Bennett-Jones visits educational establishments which have been judged to be the best - whether by tests or surveys - to find out what they can tell us about the best educational practices.

Part One - Finland

Listen to the programme

Finland which has been judged to have the best educational system in the world. Here all schools get good results, teachers have extensive training and children don't start school until they are seven years old.

It's education for all. And each child matters. So what lessons can we learn from Finland?

America say f_cking leftists don't know shit!
what happened to California?.....
We have to deal with reality. We have two wars we are fighting and two other countries to rebuild after the wars. Republicans are pushing to start more. Not sure where "race" fits in there.

Education just isn't a priority in this country. Only about 6% of scientists are Republican. Republicans make up about half the country. What does that tell you about education? Half the country wants to teach "magical creation" and believe that colleges have been taken over by "elitist" liberals who teach communism.

Public Praises Science; Scientists Fault Public, Media: Section 4: Scientists, Politics and Religion - Pew Research Center for the People & the Press

Naturally, we are against abortion and that means lots of kids we refuse to take care of.

Healthcare in Finland - KELA Card - Finnish Health Centres - Hospitals in Finland

Abortion is allowed in Finland in cases where childbirth will cause a health risk for the woman or if pregnancy and childbirth would cause a significant strain on the woman’s life (meaning: if the woman had already had four children, or if, owing to disease or mental disturbance, one or both parents would be unable to raise the child). Women under 17 years of age and over 40 years of age are allowed to request an abortion on the basis of their age.

Don't see it getting better until this generation of Republicans die off. They are just too entrenched in "stupid".

What's an "oragne"?

it will get better when extremist leftist like you and your extremist buddies on the right die off.....if anyone is "entrenched" in stupid its you and your extremist butt should be an example of a late term abortion....a real late one...
Last edited:
The OP itself demonstrates the failure of our education system.

The entire nation of Finland has less people than the Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens combined. If we had no teacher union in those three boroughs and left the schools in the hands of the communities and parents, the top of our graduating class would be the best in the world, while the worst could all work for ACORN.
That's why I asked if their system was scalable. If it is not as effectual at 50 times... maybe 100 times it's size, this is not a valid comparison really. It's still good, but... like grapefruit and oranges.

the County i live in has 3.5 mil....thats about 1.5 mil less than their whole country.....
Rdean is a prime example of our piss poor education system.

I just dropped a lot of truth on your tiny head AND cleared up some misconceptions. Too bad you are too blind to see it. An index finger in each ear, eyes tightly closed, singing the "La la" song will do that. But hey, it's got a good beat.

Rdean...I've come to believe pea brainism is a vehement choice...

"Eighty percent of Republicans are just Democrats that don't know what's going on"
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

and you two along with your buddies Midcant and Zona are the best examples we have to offer.....
Well: Hint: Take the most "white" county of the states and compare it to Finland. Than see if their is a difference. Then marvel at the Finnish education system.

its really simple: Better Teachers -> Better Teaching -> Better pupils -> Better educational system.

So how do you get better teachers? Propably by having "Teacher" as a respectable job that pays decently enough.

Secondly: Who is better in guaging the progress of a student? Some kind of nationwide test or the teacher that actually works with the student? The USA goes for "Nationwide test", the Fins go for the decentralised small state solution: "leave that to the teacher who actually teaches the kid on a daily basis".

In precisly what way would these changes be hampered by beeing "A big heterogenous nation"?
And Change number 2 would actually safe money, since one could fire all the beurocrats responsible for running stupid nation wade student assesment tests.
The OP itself demonstrates the failure of our education system.

The entire nation of Finland has less people than the Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens combined. If we had no teacher union in those three boroughs and left the schools in the hands of the communities and parents, the top of our graduating class would be the best in the world, while the worst could all work for ACORN.
That's why I asked if their system was scalable. If it is not as effectual at 50 times... maybe 100 times it's size, this is not a valid comparison really. It's still good, but... like grapefruit and oranges.

the County i live in has 3.5 mil....thats about 1.5 mil less than their whole country.....
Yep. The Twin Cities has about as many people as your county if you include the whole 6 county area. I'd be happy to have them try to transplant the system here, but I'm not sure how they're going to deal with all the rather... ummmm... STRIDENT immigrant groups that refuse to integrate cleanly if at all. The new Somali immigrants have carved themselves out of integration mostly on linguistic, religious and racial grounds. At least that's been my observation. Others would do great except for language issues where the tongue spoke at home is not English, but that's minor in comparison.

Oh well, I suspect it's always this way for first generation immigrants. But what really kinda makes me go WTF is that many of them don't even really want to stay in the US. They just want to be away from the war in Somalia and will return the instant it's over. So they're not really immigrants as much as ex-pats en masse. They can be really decent people to know... but you have to realize how alien their culture is from that in the US and that can be very problematic for some.

I just use the Somalis because it's the most obvious and clear cut example I have.

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