Countries friendly to white American ex-pats.

I was so were you

All buildings sit on a patch of dirt or ground if you prefer.

If you were born in a hospital that hospital was built on a patch of dirt.

And I never said you put any words in my mouth. I said you made a stupid assumption.

Is English your first language?
I was born in a hospital using the lastest state of the art technology and then I was placed in a crib at my parents house I probably didnt even touch dirt until I was at least a whole year old.
Seriously though we cant use rare exceptions to cover up or define the state of things for the rest of all the others, especially when youre referring to the Irish who are almost all across the board everywhere 99% unmixed.
America's birth defect will always be right in one's face and they won't even be aware they're showing it.


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America's birth defect will always be right in one's face.
Lets keep this on topic, which is what places in the world are friendly to white ex-pats? Attacking this topic is like saying everyone except white people have the right to seek a safe alternative to this crumbling empire. I know the American bashing is pretty easy to resort to but that isnt why I made this topic. Theres a plethora of ex-pat articles and lists for most any nationality, race or culture and surprisingly few for plain white people seeking to leave the USA. Thats why I made this topic.

And like I stated earlier, America's reputation is terrible and it would be wise for you if you are going to be an ex-pat, to do your research on what works best for you in securing a new future in a foreign land.

Yet, no answers to my question, "what countries would you suggest are best ex-pat destinations?"
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Saying you're American conjures a confusing picture to a foreigner as this country is so racially and culturally mixed you cant actually use this terminology to define yourself like an Irishman or Greek could say to us that theyre Greek or Irish. You have to go into more detail because you might as well just say youre from Earth because being American can now literally mean anything.

So, I was looking at lists of ex-pat friendly countries and obviously they were made for people of particular races. Some lists were heavy on spanish countries, some heavy on island countries and vacation destination principalities while others were heavy on middle eastern/asian countries. Obviously this idea of ex-pat doesnt have a general mainlined definition and as soon as you walk out that door to choose your new destination that melting pot of American mixology sharply ceases and the old ways of the world where borders and cultures are respected and separated, not forcefully blended, returns. For most Americans they are totally unaware of this and that makes them ignorant to the rest of the world. So, if you are an ex-pat stepping away from this crumbling Rome called America as I am, you might want to think long and hard about where you choose to go and drop all your American preconceived notions. America is the black sheep and it is totally alien here to the eyes of outsiders.

That being said, youll probably want to go somewhere populated with people much like yourself that you know you could get along with for the rest of your life. So if you are white you probably dont want to move to some war torn country of a different cultural nationality than you. Theres many a dangerous place for you, even in Europe, where your heritage is probably originated. Remember, America has a terrible reputation and if you dont drop your overbearing pride youre probably not gonna last too long. But theres still places welcoming for you if youre not a loud mouth know it all who thinks he owns the world.

Theres a real division there in Europe between the EU and the Royal north. Across the continent, even as a union, there are vast differences in culture and practice that you should farmiliarize yourself with. The union has prevented war and stabilized some of the previously shaky countries but dont get the stupid idea that its the same as driving over state lines in the USA. All these histories are intermingled and deep and national identity is far stronger than any McDonaldized American can understand. You must cross this threshold to become a new citizen and dedicate yourself and naturalize yourself which requires a lot of humble respect and obedience to the ways of your new home.

Anyone got suggestions on what countries are most friendly and accepting to American ex-pats?

The obviously most popular choices for white Americans are Canada, Austrailia, the UK, Germany and France.
You made some flawed assumptions Brickhouse.

First, American ex-pats aren’t likely to be all that proud of their American origins. Their ex-pats after all and by definition, they’ve given up their US citizenship. Right?

Second, those countries you picked have become authoritarian disasters. Most American ex-pats leave because the US has become authoritarian, so not likely to go to those countries.

My top choice is Costa Rica. Beautiful country which smartly outlawed their military long ago.
I was born in a hospital using the lastest state of the art technology and then I was placed in a crib at my parents house I probably didnt even touch dirt until I was at least a whole year old.
You know if you quit being so literal you might start to comprehend the use of nuance in language.

English isn't your first language is it?
Lets keep this on topic, which is what places in the world are friendly to white ex-pats? Attacking this topic is like saying everyone except white people have the right to seek a safe alternative to this crumbling empire. I know the American bashing is pretty easy to resort to but that isnt why I made this topic. Theres a plethora of ex-pat articles and lists for most any nationality, race or culture and surprisingly few for plain white people seeking to leave the USA. Thats why I made this topic.

And like I stated earlier, America's reputation is terrible and it would be wise for you if you are going to be an ex-pat, to do your research on what works best for you in securing a new future in a foreign land.

Yet, no answers to my question, "what countries would you suggest are best ex-pat destinations?"
Its a bullshit topic and you have severe issues. Get some help , maybe ask your teachers ?
Most of the diversity within Ireland comes from European descent, with exactly 5% of the population identifying as non-white.
Its a bullshit topic and you have severe issues. Get some help , maybe ask your teachers ?
I am not going to continue any arguments against my topic as this causes drift and sprawl so I am inviting anyone with real opinions on what ex-pats should consider when leaving the USA.
But anyway, it would appear that the countries which would appeal most to you are authoritarian right wing establishments concerned with 'white' ethnic purity. So Hungary, Poland, Ukraine are your go to choices. Belarus? Maybe.
Here's your fact. You made up some bullshit, like the rest of your posting.
I should have stated "Heres your fact, Tommy." Sorry.
But anyway, it would appear that the countries which would appeal most to you are authoritarian right wing establishments concerned with 'white' ethnic purity. So Hungary, Poland, Ukraine are your go to choices. Belarus? Maybe.
The countries I listed arent personal picks but the most popular choice among Americans whom I personally talked with throughout my life, whether they be family, friends and strangers. Where I would move would be kept to myself.
A lot of Americans have moved to the Land of Milk and Honey, the tremendous state of Israel, and done pretty well.
I should have stated "Heres your fact, Tommy." Sorry.

The countries I listed arent personal picks but the most popular choice among Americans whom I personally talked with throughout my life, whether they be family, friends and strangers. Where I would move would be kept to myself.
I don’t believe any of those nations are popular with American ex-pats. I believe the nation the most US ex-pats is Mexico.
But anyway, it would appear that the countries which would appeal most to you are authoritarian right wing establishments concerned with 'white' ethnic purity. So Hungary, Poland, Ukraine are your go to choices. Belarus? Maybe.
Not necessarily "ethnic purity", then it would be easy for you to choose if you are pure anything, just go back to where your parents came from, no need for help.

But Im not gonna suggest to a Russian-Spanish-American that wants to leave to move to the heart of China.

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