Could Ukraine take back Crimea?

ow were they able to take back so much territory and so quickly if they're suffering casualties at that rate? The reason why Russia is retreating in every direction is because they're losing 100k men
Russia hasn't lost 100,000 fighters since the war began. Ukraine, on the other hand, has lost that many and more. Ukraine has won some battles, but it can not win this war with Russia.

Even Biden has noticed
There is no way Ukraine, NATO, and the US will take the Crimea without nuclear war.

The West is trying to corner Putin and Russia. What happens when you corner a dangerous powerful nation? This is NOT like taking down Afghanistan or Iraq or Libya or Syria or Yemen or Serbia.

Well i guess if you say so then it must be true!

Russia hasn't lost 100,000 fighters since the war began. Ukraine, on the other hand, has lost that many and more. Ukraine has won some battles, but it can not win this war with Russia.

Even Biden has noticed

Right, Russia hasn't had catastrophic losses of men and equipment, that's why they need to draft the elderly, prisoners and those with major health problems and send them to the front line without any training or weapons.
Well i guess if you say so then it must be true!

Right, Russia hasn't had catastrophic losses of men and equipment, that's why they need to draft the elderly, prisoners and those with major health problems and send them to the front line without any training or weapons.
Not everywhere.

Russia's hope for Ukraine win revealed in battle for Bakhmut

"BAKHMUT, Ukraine -- Russian soldiers pummeling a city in eastern Ukraine with artillery are slowly edging closer in their attempt to seize Bakhmut, which has remained in Ukrainian hands during the eight-month war despite Moscow's goal of capturing the entire Donbas region bordering Russia..."

"Taking Bakhmut would rupture Ukraine's supply lines and open a route for Russian forces to press on toward Kramatorsk and Sloviansk, key Ukrainian strongholds in Donetsk province."
Oh year, taking some hundreds of meters per month.
Nine months into Putin's three day war you still haven't figured out that Russia is losing because its military and political leadership is shockingly incompetent. Russian forces have been chronically short of fuel, ammo and food because the AFU has systematically destroyed Russian supply depots and convoys carrying goods to the front lines and the Russians have been unable to stop them. There simply is no rational basis for believing Russia can win on the battlefield.
I hear Trump is going to lose to Hillary by landslide!

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