Could Trump be the first US President to do jail time

There was no 145 million from Russia to Clinton ANYTHING.

We've been over this a million times but these shameless bullshit peddlers keep throwing it out there as if it's true.

You've been through that the Russian deal money came through a Canadian.

Again bullshit, there is no evidence CANADIAN's donations to Clinton Foundation had ANYTHING to do with Uranium One deal security clearance approved by 8 different Federal agencies. He left the CANADIAN company and sold all his interest long before the deal.

You believe whatever the fuck you want to believe, not what there is good evidence of.

Look man. You're going out and mining the internet for points you can twist. I'm not wasting my time doing that back because you aren't doing this with intellectual integrity. But give me a link the Canadian had no interest in selling his company to the Russians much less the Russians weren't paying him the money to do that.


What else would you like me to DIS-prove? Maybe that this Canadian WAS NOT a secret Russian agent conspiring to kill Trump?

You make up total horseshit and then dump the burden on me to dis-prove and top it off with some bullshit about intellectual integrity?

You are saying 145 million come from Russians? Fine, PUT UP THE EVIDENCE or stfu.

Meanwhile, facts are that big money to Clinton Foundation came from a Canadian businessman who had no financial stake in U1 deal security clearance.

We got to the Canadian and you said he had divested all his interest and had no benefit from giving all that money to Hillary. That's me failing to prove MY claim?

you said Russians gave Clinton 145 million - did you not?

Evidence you presented so far - NOTHING

Here is the actual story:

In 2007
, [CANADIAN] and the former president created the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative, which self-avowedly "has extensive experience in projects that organize market-driven activities to meet the private sector’s requirements for optimization of local supply chains," whatever that means. By 2006, Giustra had donated more than $30 million to the Clintons' charitable endeavors and pledged $100 million more.

The next year, Giustra sold his mining company, UrAsia, to a large Canadian uranium-mining firm called Uranium One

Clinton Uranium 'Scandal' Doesn't Have Much Fuel

Clinton did not become Secretary of State until 2009!

Will you now stop spreading bullshit about Russians giving Clinton 145 million?
So, Flynn’s money laundering from before he met Trump? Stretch much?

Flynn commits crimes.
Trump hires Flynn
Trump tries to protect Flynn
Trump fires Flynn
Trump fires Comey to protect Flynn

Clearly obstruction.
As more information comes out about Trump campaign and collusion with Russia on the US election and on Trump obstructing justice there seems to be a real possibility Trump could do jail time.
It is amazing he has not already done jail time for his business practices.

You idiot

the only so called President, who can do and should do jail time if there is any justice in this Barry Soetoro

well you are HALFWAY correct there Skye as i said so well myself,HEE HEE,EVERY president starting with Crusader Retards hero Reagan up to Obama should ALL have been put behind bars.Trump is the first one since then who has BROKE that trend who should NOT. This OP is an idiot indeed.:haha:
So, Flynn’s money laundering from before he met Trump? Stretch much?

Flynn commits crimes.
Trump hires Flynn
Trump tries to protect Flynn
Trump fires Flynn
Trump fires Comey to protect Flynn

Clearly obstruction.

But, I thought Trump asked if they could take it easy on Flynn because Trump had already fired him but gave no instructions to Comey about it. Then, he fired Comey to protect himself. You guys change your stories all the time
As more information comes out about Trump campaign and collusion with Russia on the US election and on Trump obstructing justice there seems to be a real possibility Trump could do jail time.
It is amazing he has not already done jail time for his business practices.

You idiot

the only so called President, who can do and should do jail time if there is any justice in this Barry Soetoro

On what basis. And why do you find it so difficult to use his real name?

But you're physically ill because of how we feel about your president? Too damn funny.

You are the one who is too damn funny. Libturds always are.

You are the one who is too damn funny. Libturds always are.


MarathonMikePlatinum Member

If Hillary and Obama didn't go to jail, ain't nobody going to jail.

Mike and Skye you both nailed it.
They paid Bill $500K for the increased sanctions Obama put on russia? Who knew?

Selling Russia 20% of US uranium reserves was one of the sanctions Obama put on Russia? Who knew?

20% of american uranium reserves that has to stay in america. Like selling somebody property with a clause that only allows them to sell it back to the original owner.
As more information comes out about Trump campaign and collusion with Russia on the US election and on Trump obstructing justice there seems to be a real possibility Trump could do jail time.
It is amazing he has not already done jail time for his business practices.

Pence will pardon him but that won't keep individual states from pursuing criminal charges and sentencing.
As more information comes out about Trump campaign and collusion with Russia on the US election and on Trump obstructing justice there seems to be a real possibility Trump could do jail time.
It is amazing he has not already done jail time for his business practices.
From your keyboard to God's ears!
And god’s laughing his ass off! Thanks
God finds no humour in Donald Trump's presidency. Could Trump be the antiChrist.

Thanks for letting us know that the Fuddhead is now the spokes-model for God.
God has spoken to me and told me that he (God) is not speaking to Pence. Pence needs to realize it is the devil.
I have also been told that people like you are very mixed up and very anti-Godlike but you can change your ways. Gos can help you.

You mean Lucifer has spoken to you.:2up:
But, I thought Trump asked if they could take it easy on Flynn because Trump had already fired him but gave no instructions to Comey about it.

Geeez. Being fired is the proper punishment for committing half a dozen felonies?

If Trump wanted to get Flynn off the hook, he could have issued him a pardon like he did Sheriff Arpaio. Instead Trump obstructed justice because he knows a pardon doesn't keep somebody from talking.
You've been through that the Russian deal money came through a Canadian.

Again bullshit, there is no evidence CANADIAN's donations to Clinton Foundation had ANYTHING to do with Uranium One deal security clearance approved by 8 different Federal agencies. He left the CANADIAN company and sold all his interest long before the deal.

You believe whatever the fuck you want to believe, not what there is good evidence of.

Look man. You're going out and mining the internet for points you can twist. I'm not wasting my time doing that back because you aren't doing this with intellectual integrity. But give me a link the Canadian had no interest in selling his company to the Russians much less the Russians weren't paying him the money to do that.


What else would you like me to DIS-prove? Maybe that this Canadian WAS NOT a secret Russian agent conspiring to kill Trump?

You make up total horseshit and then dump the burden on me to dis-prove and top it off with some bullshit about intellectual integrity?

You are saying 145 million come from Russians? Fine, PUT UP THE EVIDENCE or stfu.

Meanwhile, facts are that big money to Clinton Foundation came from a Canadian businessman who had no financial stake in U1 deal security clearance.

We got to the Canadian and you said he had divested all his interest and had no benefit from giving all that money to Hillary. That's me failing to prove MY claim?

you said Russians gave Clinton 145 million - did you not?

Evidence you presented so far - NOTHING

Here is the actual story:

In 2007
, [CANADIAN] and the former president created the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative, which self-avowedly "has extensive experience in projects that organize market-driven activities to meet the private sector’s requirements for optimization of local supply chains," whatever that means. By 2006, Giustra had donated more than $30 million to the Clintons' charitable endeavors and pledged $100 million more.

The next year, Giustra sold his mining company, UrAsia, to a large Canadian uranium-mining firm called Uranium One

Clinton Uranium 'Scandal' Doesn't Have Much Fuel

Clinton did not become Secretary of State until 2009!

Will you now stop spreading bullshit about Russians giving Clinton 145 million?

You said he gave nothing to the Clinton foundation when he had an interest in the deal, now you're saying he gave $30 million and promised $100 million while he had an interest in the deal. Also, you didn't show that his interest ended when he sold his business to Uranium One.

More flip, flop and fly ...

They paid Bill $500K for the increased sanctions Obama put on russia? Who knew?

Selling Russia 20% of US uranium reserves was one of the sanctions Obama put on Russia? Who knew?

20% of american uranium reserves that has to stay in america. Like selling somebody property with a clause that only allows them to sell it back to the original owner.

Liar. Much of it left the United States. You already know that
But, I thought Trump asked if they could take it easy on Flynn because Trump had already fired him but gave no instructions to Comey about it.

Geeez. Being fired is the proper punishment for committing half a dozen felonies?

If Trump wanted to get Flynn off the hook, he could have issued him a pardon like he did Sheriff Arpaio. Instead Trump obstructed justice because he knows a pardon doesn't keep somebody from talking.

At that time, did they know about the felonies? And a pardon allows a person to not worry about talking
Again bullshit, there is no evidence CANADIAN's donations to Clinton Foundation had ANYTHING to do with Uranium One deal security clearance approved by 8 different Federal agencies. He left the CANADIAN company and sold all his interest long before the deal.

You believe whatever the fuck you want to believe, not what there is good evidence of.

Look man. You're going out and mining the internet for points you can twist. I'm not wasting my time doing that back because you aren't doing this with intellectual integrity. But give me a link the Canadian had no interest in selling his company to the Russians much less the Russians weren't paying him the money to do that.


What else would you like me to DIS-prove? Maybe that this Canadian WAS NOT a secret Russian agent conspiring to kill Trump?

You make up total horseshit and then dump the burden on me to dis-prove and top it off with some bullshit about intellectual integrity?

You are saying 145 million come from Russians? Fine, PUT UP THE EVIDENCE or stfu.

Meanwhile, facts are that big money to Clinton Foundation came from a Canadian businessman who had no financial stake in U1 deal security clearance.

We got to the Canadian and you said he had divested all his interest and had no benefit from giving all that money to Hillary. That's me failing to prove MY claim?

you said Russians gave Clinton 145 million - did you not?

Evidence you presented so far - NOTHING

Here is the actual story:

In 2007
, [CANADIAN] and the former president created the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative, which self-avowedly "has extensive experience in projects that organize market-driven activities to meet the private sector’s requirements for optimization of local supply chains," whatever that means. By 2006, Giustra had donated more than $30 million to the Clintons' charitable endeavors and pledged $100 million more.

The next year, Giustra sold his mining company, UrAsia, to a large Canadian uranium-mining firm called Uranium One

Clinton Uranium 'Scandal' Doesn't Have Much Fuel

Clinton did not become Secretary of State until 2009!

Will you now stop spreading bullshit about Russians giving Clinton 145 million?

You said he gave nothing to the Clinton foundation when he had an interest in the deal, now you're saying he gave $30 million and promised $100 million while he had an interest in the deal. Also, you didn't show that his interest ended when he sold his business to Uranium One.

More flip, flop and fly ...

Read again what you quoted, post something SANE.

There is no way in hell Giustra had any idea about Clinton becoming a DoS head back 2006 when he gave 30 mill and pledged more donations to Clinton Foundation. Nor did Giustra had any financial stake when Russians were buying U1 shares. Nor is there any evidence at all he had any connections to Russians.

Your conspiracy theory about Russians giving money to Clitnon is not adding up. DUH.

I really don't get why you want to keep this up - do you ENJOY peddling bullshit? Do you enjoy looking like a total fool? Whats wrong with you?
Last edited:
Obstruction to conspire to collude!!

Drugs is the only way I can explain these type of hysterical and hallucinogenic OPs Frank....drugs.

Stupid people are everywhere. They don't know they are stupid. They see what they want to see.

Elmer is seriously stupid


The OP is deranged. Apparently you are too. Stop pulling this stupid shit out of your ass. Keep it there


That is what I meant. The OP is deranged.
  • Thanks
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Look man. You're going out and mining the internet for points you can twist. I'm not wasting my time doing that back because you aren't doing this with intellectual integrity. But give me a link the Canadian had no interest in selling his company to the Russians much less the Russians weren't paying him the money to do that.


What else would you like me to DIS-prove? Maybe that this Canadian WAS NOT a secret Russian agent conspiring to kill Trump?

You make up total horseshit and then dump the burden on me to dis-prove and top it off with some bullshit about intellectual integrity?

You are saying 145 million come from Russians? Fine, PUT UP THE EVIDENCE or stfu.

Meanwhile, facts are that big money to Clinton Foundation came from a Canadian businessman who had no financial stake in U1 deal security clearance.

We got to the Canadian and you said he had divested all his interest and had no benefit from giving all that money to Hillary. That's me failing to prove MY claim?

you said Russians gave Clinton 145 million - did you not?

Evidence you presented so far - NOTHING

Here is the actual story:

In 2007
, [CANADIAN] and the former president created the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative, which self-avowedly "has extensive experience in projects that organize market-driven activities to meet the private sector’s requirements for optimization of local supply chains," whatever that means. By 2006, Giustra had donated more than $30 million to the Clintons' charitable endeavors and pledged $100 million more.

The next year, Giustra sold his mining company, UrAsia, to a large Canadian uranium-mining firm called Uranium One

Clinton Uranium 'Scandal' Doesn't Have Much Fuel

Clinton did not become Secretary of State until 2009!

Will you now stop spreading bullshit about Russians giving Clinton 145 million?

You said he gave nothing to the Clinton foundation when he had an interest in the deal, now you're saying he gave $30 million and promised $100 million while he had an interest in the deal. Also, you didn't show that his interest ended when he sold his business to Uranium One.

More flip, flop and fly ...

Read again what you quoted, post something SANE.

There is no way in hell Giustra had any idea about Clinton becoming a DoS head back 2006 when he gave 30 mill and pledged more donations to Clinton Foundation. Nor did Giustra had any financial stake in Russians buying U1 shares.

Is there some rule that rightwingers must post like total retards?

What you need to know about Clinton and the Uranium One deal
You've been through that the Russian deal money came through a Canadian.

Again bullshit, there is no evidence CANADIAN's donations to Clinton Foundation had ANYTHING to do with Uranium One deal security clearance approved by 8 different Federal agencies. He left the CANADIAN company and sold all his interest long before the deal.

You believe whatever the fuck you want to believe, not what there is good evidence of.

Look man. You're going out and mining the internet for points you can twist. I'm not wasting my time doing that back because you aren't doing this with intellectual integrity. But give me a link the Canadian had no interest in selling his company to the Russians much less the Russians weren't paying him the money to do that.


What else would you like me to DIS-prove? Maybe that this Canadian WAS NOT a secret Russian agent conspiring to kill Trump?

You make up total horseshit and then dump the burden on me to dis-prove and top it off with some bullshit about intellectual integrity?

You are saying 145 million come from Russians? Fine, PUT UP THE EVIDENCE or stfu.

Meanwhile, facts are that big money to Clinton Foundation came from a Canadian businessman who had no financial stake in U1 deal security clearance.

We got to the Canadian and you said he had divested all his interest and had no benefit from giving all that money to Hillary. That's me failing to prove MY claim?

you said Russians gave Clinton 145 million - did you not?

Evidence you presented so far - NOTHING

Here is the actual story:

In 2007
, [CANADIAN] and the former president created the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative, which self-avowedly "has extensive experience in projects that organize market-driven activities to meet the private sector’s requirements for optimization of local supply chains," whatever that means. By 2006, Giustra had donated more than $30 million to the Clintons' charitable endeavors and pledged $100 million more.

The next year, Giustra sold his mining company, UrAsia, to a large Canadian uranium-mining firm called Uranium One

Clinton Uranium 'Scandal' Doesn't Have Much Fuel

Clinton did not become Secretary of State until 2009!

Will you now stop spreading bullshit about Russians giving Clinton 145 million?
did her foundation get 145 million after the deal or not? can you answer that?
Mueller is conducting his investigation in the media.

I don't think he can find any evidence. He may manufacture some, but find some?.... never.

19 people indicted, 5 guilty pleas, Manafort will probably die in jail and this is only at half time.

"For the media"? No dumbass, this ain't some tv show, this is as real and as serious as it gets

The shear numbers are very impressive.
Only to a few Snowflakes.

13 Russians indicted that have nothing to do with Trump.
3 former Trump members that spent mere days on the campaign indicted for shit they did years ago. Not for anything they did for Trump.
These are simply indictments meant to show that the investigation isn't a total waste of time and money.
Instead we discovered the corruption in the Obama administration using perjury to get warrants to spy on political opponents.

What the fuck makes you think that the investigation is about Trump? It's about Russian interference in our elections and whatever criminal activity surrounds it.

Trump personally is now under serious investigation for Obstruction of Justice, which is but one branch of investigation.

Again, this ain't like your standard fare go-no-where Republican dog and pony shows, this is what a real investigation looks like.
Obstruction of what crime. Don't you first need a crime to obstruct?

At very least crime Flynn plead guilty to. DUH

Trump asked Comey to squash investigation (OBSTRUCTION), Comey declined and Trump fired him (MORE OBSTRUCTION). Mueller picked up where Comey left off and forced Flynn into guilty plea and co-operation with the investigation.

Trump never tried to squash anything. We do know Obama interfered in the Hillary email investigation.
As more information comes out about Trump campaign and collusion with Russia on the US election and on Trump obstructing justice there seems to be a real possibility Trump could do jail time.
It is amazing he has not already done jail time for his business practices.

Based on the current evidence, Obama is the only POTUS in danger of jail time...
20% of american uranium reserves that has to stay in america. Like selling somebody property with a clause that only allows them to sell it back to the original owner.

Liar. Much of it left the United States. You already know that

Yes it went to Canada, which is part of North America (see NAFTA agreement)

And you know none of it went to Russia or Russian interests..
Look man. You're going out and mining the internet for points you can twist. I'm not wasting my time doing that back because you aren't doing this with intellectual integrity. But give me a link the Canadian had no interest in selling his company to the Russians much less the Russians weren't paying him the money to do that.


What else would you like me to DIS-prove? Maybe that this Canadian WAS NOT a secret Russian agent conspiring to kill Trump?

You make up total horseshit and then dump the burden on me to dis-prove and top it off with some bullshit about intellectual integrity?

You are saying 145 million come from Russians? Fine, PUT UP THE EVIDENCE or stfu.

Meanwhile, facts are that big money to Clinton Foundation came from a Canadian businessman who had no financial stake in U1 deal security clearance.

We got to the Canadian and you said he had divested all his interest and had no benefit from giving all that money to Hillary. That's me failing to prove MY claim?

you said Russians gave Clinton 145 million - did you not?

Evidence you presented so far - NOTHING

Here is the actual story:

In 2007
, [CANADIAN] and the former president created the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative, which self-avowedly "has extensive experience in projects that organize market-driven activities to meet the private sector’s requirements for optimization of local supply chains," whatever that means. By 2006, Giustra had donated more than $30 million to the Clintons' charitable endeavors and pledged $100 million more.

The next year, Giustra sold his mining company, UrAsia, to a large Canadian uranium-mining firm called Uranium One

Clinton Uranium 'Scandal' Doesn't Have Much Fuel

Clinton did not become Secretary of State until 2009!

Will you now stop spreading bullshit about Russians giving Clinton 145 million?

You said he gave nothing to the Clinton foundation when he had an interest in the deal, now you're saying he gave $30 million and promised $100 million while he had an interest in the deal. Also, you didn't show that his interest ended when he sold his business to Uranium One.

More flip, flop and fly ...

Read again what you quoted, post something SANE.

There is no way in hell Giustra had any idea about Clinton becoming a DoS head back 2006 when he gave 30 mill and pledged more donations to Clinton Foundation. Nor did Giustra had any financial stake when Russians were buying U1 shares. Nor is there any evidence at all he had any connections to Russians.

Your conspiracy theory about Russians giving money to Clitnon is not adding up. DUH.

I really don't get why you want to keep this up - do you ENJOY peddling bullshit? Do you enjoy looking like a total fool? Whats wrong with you?

That's the lamest crap ever. People paid Hillary BEFORE she gave them what they wanted. That proves it wasn't bribery ...

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