Could Somebody Please Explain This? (Mostly Asking Liberals)

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
For those of you liberals on here who think that we're not headed towards communism and the government doesn't want to try and control us, why the government keeps giving out free money to people, having them rely solely on them, and not get a freaking JOB and that's why so many businesses are shorthanded right now?
For those of you liberals on here who think that we're not headed towards communism and the government doesn't want to try and control us, why the government keeps giving out free money to people, having them rely solely on them, and not get a freaking JOB and that's why so many businesses are shorthanded right now?
You've put us all on Ignore....who are you really talking to?
They want to hyperinflate the country and watch it dissolve so they can throw the Constitution in the trash bin?

After all, it is a product of systemic racism

Just a guess.
Define "communism".

I neglected to leave that part out. Whenever you bring up the word "communism" to a leftist, they also invariably try to redefine what the word "communism" means, followed by a feeble attempt to prove what we are in fact, a communist or at least a socialist country. They bring up Social Security, welfare, tax breaks, roads, schools, and whole shitload of things that were in reality, funded by capitalism.

Been down that road too many times already.
Liberals scoff when you use the word "communism." But deep inside, they admire it.

Not very deep inside, from the looks of it.

Lib chant/song:

If you're happy as a commie, clap your hands
If you're happy as a commie, clap your hands

If you're happy as a commie and also as a dummy
If you're happy as a commie, clap your hands

Yay us!
For those of you liberals on here who think that we're not headed towards communism and the government doesn't want to try and control us, why the government keeps giving out free money to people, having them rely solely on them, and not get a freaking JOB and that's why so many businesses are shorthanded right now?
Been down that road too many times already.
Yep. We've busted you for your dishonesty and cowardice many times. You always run, like you're doing this time.

You don't even know what "communism" means. You only know that TheParty told you to use it as an all-purpose insult against anything that TheParty doesn't approve of. Being a good party apparatchik, you always do what TheParty commands.

The ironic part, of course, is the way that your blind obedience to TheParty is a hallmark of communism.
For those of you liberals on here who think that we're not headed towards communism and the government doesn't want to try and control us, why the government keeps giving out free money to people, having them rely solely on them, and not get a freaking JOB and that's why so many businesses are shorthanded right now?
Didn’t your orange loser give out free money too? Did you think we were headed towards communism then too or does it just kick in when Biden does it?
Yep. We've busted you for your dishonesty and cowardice many times. You always run, like you're doing this time.

You don't even know what "communism" means. You only know that TheParty told you to use it as an all-purpose insult against anything that TheParty doesn't approve of. Being a good party apparatchik, you always do what TheParty commands.

The ironic part, of course, is the way that your blind obedience to TheParty is a hallmark of communism.

You ain't "busted" nobody, twatopottamus. I am the epitome of "honesty" and I'll tell you to your face, that you're a commie twat.

As for "cowardace", you twats don't scare me one bit, not even a little, ya commie biatch.

Now do us all a favor and get off your fat ass and walk around the block or something.
For those of you liberals on here who think that we're not headed towards communism and the government doesn't want to try and control us, why the government keeps giving out free money to people, having them rely solely on them, and not get a freaking JOB and that's why so many businesses are shorthanded right now?
Free money?

Unemployment benefits arent free money.
Those are temporary benefits that will soon expire.

You seem to be conflating liberals with left wing ideology. The US Constitution is a liberal document. Liberals proudly support the Republic it established. For us to become a Communist, Socialist, or Marxist nation, that Constitution would have to be replaced. Can you name one politician that advocates for replacing our Constitution?
For those of you liberals on here who think that we're not headed towards communism and the government doesn't want to try and control us, why the government keeps giving out free money to people, having them rely solely on them, and not get a freaking JOB and that's why so many businesses are shorthanded right now?
The left is jealous of people in socialist countries who get a guaranteed government check each month without having to work.

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