Could Democrats Have Conspired To Create Covid-19 ?

Even if the Democrats had nothing to do with the coronavirus, to them it's a gift sent from heaven. Like several Democrats have said on more than one occasion, "Never let a good crisis go to waste", and they certainly are making the best of this one.

They failed every time they tried to unseat President Trump: Years of fake scandals, an "investigation", and even an impeachment. And even though President Trump had nothing to do with a global pandemic, the Democrats glommed onto it as their "April surprise", weaponized the death and suffering of the American people, and are using it as a hammer to wage a political jihad against the President.

Researchers say the chemicals in household cleaning products can damage your lungs as much as smoking cigarettes. ... “The take-home message of this study is that in the long run, cleaning chemicals very likely cause rather substantial damage to your lungs,” Svanes said.

Cleaning Sprays May Cause Long-Term Lung Damage › ... › News

Feb 20, 2018 - The researchers said that the decline in lung health may be due to the irritation that most cleaning chemicals cause on the mucous membranes lining the airways, which can cause long-term changes.
Lots of puzzle parts fit together here. Up until the beginning of the coronavirus, Democrats came out with every sneaky manuever they could, to manipulate American opinion against Trump. They failed with all of them. Even now with the coronavirus having hit America hard (75,000 deaths), Trump still maintains a 49% approval rate (according to Gallup). Democrats have long been told that they had no issue to run on, since the economy has been strong, and things were going good. Democrats believed it, and so do I.

Searching for an issue, and a big one, now in the election year of 2020, Democrats' backs are up against the wall. They are desperate for anything that could dislodge Trump. So what does one do? First look for allies. The Chinese are a natural ally for the Democrats. Both are politically on the left. Both dislike (if not hate Trump). And both can gain from Trump's removal. The Democrats would gain by getting their guy back in the White House, and the Chinese would gain by no longer having Trump challenging and disputing China's 30 year stranglehold on the US economy, which has saturated US stores (aka the economy) with Chinese made goods.

A killing virus that is hard to combat, could be propagandized to make Trump look weak, just in time for the 2020 presidential campaign. Did Democrat leaders conspire with the Chinese to unleash the corona virus on the US ?
Ok, this one gets the wreck-it Ralph facepalm.

Lots of puzzle parts fit together here. Up until the beginning of the coronavirus, Democrats came out with every sneaky manuever they could, to manipulate American opinion against Trump. They failed with all of them. Even now with the coronavirus having hit America hard (75,000 deaths), Trump still maintains a 49% approval rate (according to Gallup). Democrats have long been told that they had no issue to run on, since the economy has been strong, and things were going good. Democrats believed it, and so do I.

Searching for an issue, and a big one, now in the election year of 2020, Democrats' backs are up against the wall. They are desperate for anything that could dislodge Trump. So what does one do? First look for allies. The Chinese are a natural ally for the Democrats. Both are politically on the left. Both dislike (if not hate Trump). And both can gain from Trump's removal. The Democrats would gain by getting their guy back in the White House, and the Chinese would gain by no longer having Trump challenging and disputing China's 30 year stranglehold on the US economy, which has saturated US stores (aka the economy) with Chinese made goods.

A killing virus that is hard to combat, could be propagandized to make Trump look weak, just in time for the 2020 presidential campaign. Did Democrat leaders conspire with the Chinese to unleash the corona virus on the US ?

I found it exceedingly difficult to hunt down anything substantial, which was critical or investigative in nature, other than fluff pieces about Obama's dealing with China. If you want to know about that, go to the library, that information has all been memory-holed off the web.

The first few pages from search engines gave this;

This article was particularly interesting, because it gave me a link for which I could start digging in the WAYBACK machine for what they don't want you to find.

Ahhhh. . . Big Brother. It contained a now dead link that was removed from the Government Printing Office at the end of the Obama Era, that last it was there was in 2016.


Chapter 1 Contents







The democrats DID NOT CREATE THIS CRISIS!!! Pandemics happen. It's the response to pandemics that make the difference.
I'm imagining, what if democrats were behind 9-11 in an attempt to take down George W. Bush. Thousands of dead Americans and Bush's failure to protect them, that they could blame on him. But in that fictional scenario, they failed completely, because Bush turned 9-11 into the reason to re-elect him.

Imagining them giving Trump the same opportunity to unite the country with him, against the pandemic would be an idiot move. And Trumps unpredictable nature means they could never have guessed if Trump would run with the ball, or fumble.
Could it be, here in Reality World, there were no such actions by your political opponents and fellow citizens? Could it be that there are ACTUAL TERRORISTS in the world?

Could it be that there are ACTUAL PANDEMIC occurring without the cooperation, collusion and knowledge of your political opponents and fellow citizens?

In your estimation, did Trump fumble this opportunity to behave, speak and unite the country in a concerted effort to blunt the affects of this current contagion?
This could have been a golden political opportunity for Trump. Had he acted forcefully, intelligently and competently, he could have not only saved lives, fortunes and futures for Americans and the world, but assured his re-election.

But he squandered his shot at leadership. He side stepped responsibility to provide PPE and support for local public health officials. He punted responsibility for necessary testing to the states. He diminished the severity of the contagion. He failed to lead by example by not taking the advice of his own public health advisors.
Difficult to watch someone STARVING for information, so here you are >>>

First you have to convince us that Trump has credibility, virtue and empathy.

Okay, go!
Lots of puzzle parts fit together here. Up until the beginning of the coronavirus, Democrats came out with every sneaky manuever they could, to manipulate American opinion against Trump. They failed with all of them. Even now with the coronavirus having hit America hard (75,000 deaths), Trump still maintains a 49% approval rate (according to Gallup). Democrats have long been told that they had no issue to run on, since the economy has been strong, and things were going good. Democrats believed it, and so do I.

Searching for an issue, and a big one, now in the election year of 2020, Democrats' backs are up against the wall. They are desperate for anything that could dislodge Trump. So what does one do? First look for allies. The Chinese are a natural ally for the Democrats. Both are politically on the left. Both dislike (if not hate Trump). And both can gain from Trump's removal. The Democrats would gain by getting their guy back in the White House, and the Chinese would gain by no longer having Trump challenging and disputing China's 30 year stranglehold on the US economy, which has saturated US stores (aka the economy) with Chinese made goods.

A killing virus that is hard to combat, could be propagandized to make Trump look weak, just in time for the 2020 presidential campaign. Did Democrat leaders conspire with the Chinese to unleash the corona virus on the US ?
Don't be stupid. Trump has a hard time tying his shoes.
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The democrats DID NOT CREATE THIS CRISIS!!! Pandemics happen. It's the response to pandemics that make the difference.
I'm imagining, what if democrats were behind 9-11 in an attempt to take down George W. Bush. Thousands of dead Americans and Bush's failure to protect them, that they could blame on him. But in that fictional scenario, they failed completely, because Bush turned 9-11 into the reason to re-elect him.

Imagining them giving Trump the same opportunity to unite the country with him, against the pandemic would be an idiot move. And Trumps unpredictable nature means they could never have guessed if Trump would run with the ball, or fumble.
predicting the blob's failure was easy. I almost feel sorry for him.
predicting the blob's failure was easy. I almost feel sorry for him.

Hoho, it would have been hard for it to have gone down any more...note too how it stops a few weeks ago. I don't thing the IMPOTUS will have been happy with its trend since then.
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predicting the blob's failure was easy. I almost feel sorry for him.

His massive failures are almost legendary at this point.
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