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I think we'll still need some Air Force and Navel bases.

Well, we do where we have US interests, but where we have US interests, we have US territory to put them. I don't mean they should only be in the US proper, I mean they should only be on land controlled by the US. Also, planes fly further and further, aircraft carriers are practically naval bases. Where do we need them that we have no place of our own to put them?

The last two I would remove are Korea (until it's stable and safe) and Guantanamo Bay (to piss off the Communist Cuban government). But eventually, they should be no where but our territory.

You can't ask the Mediterranean fleet to sail all the way back to the East Coast of the USA to be refueled and restocked. It would spend half it's patrol time just getting to its destination and returning. That's why we have a Navel base in Italy. We also have one in Diego Garcia so we can patrol the Indian Ocean.

We also have a number of air force bases in strategic locations throughout the world that couldn't be located on U.S. territory. If you want to have the ability to project force to any part of the world on short notice, then you need these bases. However, I think we can pretty much dispense with all the overseas army bases.

Why do we need a Mediterranean fleet when there are is no US territory in the Mediterranean? Why do we need to patrol the Indian ocean? Why do we need to be able to project force to any part of the world on short notice? Seriously, I'm asking. I think we are the US, not a world government, and that's what we should be. I don't even want to do those jobs even if local governments paid our government to do it. Now if US companies want to sell their services to foreign governments, I'd be fine with that.
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