Coronavirus Hysteria?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
As death projections continue to plummet, the current hysteria over the Coronavirus may be peaking. New treatments seem to be effective, and quarantining the entire population is now justified on the basis of smoothing the curve of people needing hospital care rather than as a legitimate protective therapy.

Quarantining particularly susceptible people is obviously warranted, but isolating the general population only postpones their eventual immunity while destroying our economy. Who wants to do that?
As death projections continue to plummet, the current hysteria over the Coronavirus may be peaking. New treatments seem to be effective, and quarantining the entire population is now justified on the basis of smoothing the curve of people needing hospital care rather than as a legitimate protective therapy.

Quarantining particularly susceptible people is obviously warranted, but isolating the general population only postpones their eventual immunity while destroying our economy. Who wants to do that?


The same people that thought Impeaching the President would win them the Election this coming November.

MSM and many others will pin the collapse of our economy on Trump and will spin it to the point he caused the outbreak in China killing innocent people.
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As death projections continue to plummet, the current hysteria over the Coronavirus may be peaking. New treatments seem to be effective, and quarantining the entire population is now justified on the basis of smoothing the curve of people needing hospital care rather than as a legitimate protective therapy.

Quarantining particularly susceptible people is obviously warranted, but isolating the general population only postpones their eventual immunity while destroying our economy. Who wants to do that?

Talked to my cousin in upstate NY earlier. She says there are 8 people in all of Albany County hospitalized with Wuhan. All the problems stem from NYC.
As death projections continue to plummet, the current hysteria over the Coronavirus may be peaking. New treatments seem to be effective, and quarantining the entire population is now justified on the basis of smoothing the curve of people needing hospital care rather than as a legitimate protective therapy.

Quarantining particularly susceptible people is obviously warranted, but isolating the general population only postpones their eventual immunity while destroying our economy. Who wants to do that?

Talked to my cousin in upstate NY earlier. She says there are 8 people in all of Albany County hospitalized with Wuhan. All the problems stem from NYC.

Quarantining particularly susceptible people is obviously warranted, but isolating the general population only postpones their eventual immunity while destroying our economy. Who wants to do that?

The political party that hopes to gain by having a disaster occur, and trying to blame the current President for it, wants to do that. The same party that's been trying very hard to sabotage this President since well before he took office.
Hasn't 'smoothing the curve' been the plan for a while now? I don't think that social distancing or even quarantining have ever been seen as a way to stop the spread, only slow it.
Talked to my cousin in upstate NY earlier. She says there are 8 people in all of Albany County hospitalized with Wuhan.
Well she made an error. That's the number in ICU. Or was, until one of them died.

No rational person would think Albany county has any special immunity to covid-19. What is more rational is to understand that the spread of the virus there has just begun, and that they will see exponential growth in the number of cases for a little while.
The only hysteria is among the dishonest, blind partisan right desperately trying to downplay the severity of the outbreak, fearful that Trump’s failure to address the crisis will cost Republicans the WH this November.

This thread is further proof of that.

“DETROIT (AP) — The coronavirus continued its unrelenting spread across the United States with fatalities doubling in two days and authorities saying Saturday that an infant who tested positive had died. It pummeled big cities like New York, Detroit, New Orleans and Chicago, and made its way, too, into rural America as hotspots erupted in small Midwestern towns and Rocky Mountain ski havens.


Worldwide infections surpassed the 660,000 mark with more than 30,000 deaths as new cases also stacked up quickly in Europe, according to a tally by Johns Hopkins University. The U.S. leads the world in reported cases with more than 120,000. Confirmed deaths surpassed 2,000 on Saturday, twice the number just two days before, highlighting how quickly infections are escalating. Still, five countries have higher death tolls: Italy, Spain, China, Iran and France. Italy has more than 10,000 deaths, the most of any country.”

I don't think he was suffering from hysteria, but you can sadly add Joe Diffie to the list in Nashville.
I've been seeing lefties make ridiculous efforts to keep the pandemic hoax alive. I've seen them try to conflate the pandemic hoax with a notion that Trumpers think the virus itself is a hoax, and I have seen them claim that Trump directed people to ingest fish tank cleaner the pandemic hoax is crumbling.
The president is keeping it alive now, live on FOX.

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