Cornelius: Super Bowl Demonization


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The Philadelphia Eagles (NFL) are certainly the Underdog Team of the New Millennium, having reached a whopping 6 NFC Championship games since 2000 but winning only two of them. The last victory came in the 2004-2005 season when, you guessed it, the Eagles lost to the Patriots 24-21 in Super Bowl 39.

The New England Patriots are certainly the Super Bowl Team of the New Millennium, having reached a whopping 8(!) Super Bowls since 2000 and winning 5(!) of them! The only ones they lost were to Eli Manning's under-appreciated N.Y. Giants (2008, 2012). Could this signal Tom Brady's unprecedented and in all likelihood never-duplicated 6th Vince Lombardi trophy? Most sports-writers resoundingly say, "YES!"

So, the underdog Eagles face the Goliath-like Patriots in Super Bowl 52 (on February 4, Sunday). Unless you're mentally crazy, you're not betting huge on the Eagles in any major sports-pool or in Vegas(!).

Now, we've seen many title/championship games in which the underdog team is clearly unprepared or skilled enough to take down the favorites. We've seen the Broncos' John Elway play the underdog role in multiple Super Bowls and lose before finally winning a couple in nice style.

Underdog 'valor' is therefore a rather pedestrian and worn-out story, and no one likes to beat a dead horse...but WHO is NOT bored with seeing Brady's Patriots win...EVERYTHING?(!)?

So here's an 'offbeat' Eagles sentiment underdog story I cooked up referencing the shrewdly rebellious fictional super-intelligent ape-man Cornelius (from the Planet of the Apes sci-fi franchise). The purpose of this story is to give us USMBers pause and comfort as we basically 'predict' who'll win the Big Game on Sunday (when did sports become so frustratingly...predictable?).



Cornelius got out of his time-travel device and landed in 2018 New York City where he found himself wandering around in Times Square on New Year's Day. Cornelius ran into the Hollywood (USA) actress Charlize Theron (star of the historical crime-drama Monster) who was very amused at what she obviously assumed to be a man in a ape-monkey outfit and cheered and raved to him why the underdog Philadelphia Eagles were destined to win Super Bowl 52. Theron was so spirited about this 'Eagles team' that Cornelius was inspired to do some research on pre-apocalyptic man's incessant predisposition to use animal-mascots for sports-teams.

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Cornelius prepared his report and brought it back to his own Ape Planet (post-apocalyptic Earth) to show to the Council of Science (CS). After conferring with the CS, Cornelius concluded that pre-apocalyptic man was bent on 'cheering' for animalia-symbols and totems but not necessarily investing in environmental activism or animal rights politics. Cornelius then snuck into his room where he pulled out his special homemade time-device for viewing Super Bowl 52 (back in the year 2018!). Cornelius noticed the actress he met in Times Square (Charlize Theron!) cheering in an Eagles jersey and wondered why the woman (originally from South Africa but not African by ethnicity) was so hyper about rooting for the Eagles!


Cornelius watched Super Bowl 52, play-by-play, trying to map the progress of the tightly-run Eagles offense and defense and comparing it to the machine-like precision of Tom Brady's Patriots. Cornelius remarked to himself that if humanity destroyed itself in an apocalyptic nuclear war, they certainly did not show much disdain for festive Earthlings (e.g., Charlize Theron) cheering for animalia-mascot teams (e.g., Eagles) as if they truly did care about life on the planet(!). Cornelius decided to turn his TV-time-device off, too nervous to 'witness' the outcome of Super Bowl 52. "If the Eagles won, perhaps a descendent of this actress Charlize Theron will tell me!" That was good enough for Cornelius...



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