Cop Fires on Unarmed Man and His 6-Year-Old Daughter on Their Way to Get Asthma Medicine

I haven't read up on the story. But I know this forum so someone actually should before I do and find out there was no one shot, no child in a kill zone and probably a suspended license involved. It is only fair before I school everyone.

My post #13 has the video of the man the news. The spin in the op and most sources is pure fabulousness
So the guy in his rush to get home so he could get the much needed asthma medication(which he should of had with him) stops at an ATM only to drive away when he sees the po po behind him. I thought he was trying to get home?
Turns out he has minor warrants and a plethora of other violations.
Add the fact that he could have gotten his daughter killed running stop signs..?
This fool has no business raising children.
Sorry,but I'm but sure I believe the asthma excuse unless the cop actually saw the child in distress.
Sounds to me like he was going to the ATM and saw that he was about to get pulled over so he took off....with his daughter in the car.

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