Convicted Felon Trump Conveniently Nominates His Defense Attorney To DOJ

Are you denying that Biden is on record, indeed a poster on this board has the video on his signature, promising that "he is going to do away with fossil fuels"? Are you denying he made moves via EXECUTIVE ORDER to do exactly that?

We're not talking about advocating. We ARE talking about dictatorial mandates to ban ICE by 2035. Your buddy, Newsom in CA has already banned small ICEs. SMH, educate yourself so your ignorance isn't so obvious.

This is a lie. Please link to where I advocated for two sets of laws. Democrats have clearly showed that they believe that there should be though. Lying, false, investigations into RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, two scam impeachments, multiple kangaroo court proceedings that have been denounced by constitutional scholars, charging Trump for his legal possession of docs while excusing Biden's proven illegal possession and improper storage of sensitive docs that he NEVER HAD LEGAL AUTHORIZATION TO POSSESS, because he was a mentally addled old man. That is two different sets of laws meant to politically persecute the opposition party. Run along. I'm tired of playing your circuitous nonsensical games.

There is zero evidence of this. Fossil fuel production has been up way more under Biden than Trump, which is actually not a good thing. Is this your idea of "doing away with fossil fuels?" Simply putting a hold on new oil leases is not getting rid of fossil fuels, nor is it even possible. Try harder.

Biden wants half of new cars produced to be EVs by 2035. That's not a ban on all ICE vehicles, but I guess this is how the conspiratorial brain works. Play the victim at all costs in order to blame a democrat. A few states do want to phase out the sale of new ICE cars though. That's their right. Were you bitching and moaning when the government forced all car manufacturers to install seat belts in new cars, or later on when they forced car companies to install air bags on new cars? Or what about when they forced car companies to improve car safety for crashes in new cars? Were you screaming DICTATORSHIP back then too?

You celebrate Trump's escape from his crimes and I'm almost absolutely certain you will continue to do so if and when he commits more crimes in the next 4 years or beyond. Everything you've said in this last paragraph is in defense for 2 sets of laws in this country. I'm pretty sure you're in some other thread or maybe in this one right now defending Matt Gaetz.
Donald Trump has nominated Todd Blanche, who defended him in court on multiple criminal charges, to be deputy attorney general of the United States.

If Trump’s slate of nominations were to be confirmed en masse, Blanche would answer to Trump’s proposed attorney general, former Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz, who is accused of child sex trafficking.

It's the new law and order administration.
Donald Trump has nominated Todd Blanche, who defended him in court on multiple criminal charges, to be deputy attorney general of the United States.

If Trump’s slate of nominations were to be confirmed en masse, Blanche would answer to Trump’s proposed attorney general, former Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz, who is accused of child sex trafficking.

It's the new law and order administration.
ya and biden appointed blinken cuz he got 51 nut cases to lie about the hunter biden laptop.
This is why you lost the election
Your moral superiority is bullshit.
Doubtful. Kamala just didn't make much of him being a criminal, that's all.
If memory serves me correctly, Trumps poll numbers increased (got better) with each event associated with his "criminal" indictments.
Mug shot-- better poll numbers.
Go to court -- better poll numbers.
Convicted -- better poll numbers.

That said, Kamal made plenty about him being a criminal along with "fascist" and Hitler.
If memory serves me correctly, Trumps poll numbers increased (got better) with each event associated with his "criminal" indictments.
Mug shot-- better poll numbers.
Go to court -- better poll numbers.
Convicted -- better poll numbers.

That said, Kamal made plenty about him being a criminal along with "fascist" and Hitler.

Kamala spoke about it, but she didn't make it stand out, didn't make it big.

And Trump's whole attitude is that any publicity is publicity, no matter how bad. People know Trump, and the more they see him, the more he's there.

The US is becoming the TikTok generation, where people like idiots going around pulling silly stunts. They like it, they give likes. Voting feels the same to them.
Kamala spoke about it, but she didn't make it stand out, didn't make it big.

And Trump's whole attitude is that any publicity is publicity, no matter how bad. People know Trump, and the more they see him, the more he's there.

The US is becoming the TikTok generation, where people like idiots going around pulling silly stunts. They like it, they give likes. Voting feels the same to them.
Kamala got plenty of coverage--even when she violated the Hatch act using the VP seal and residence as a back drop for campaign ads. LOL, America was paying attention. LMAO
Sure sure, make the conspiracy as far and as wide as needed to never have to admit that Dear Leader is culpable in his many legal problems.

Cultism 101.
I'm not saying that Trump is squeaky clean. No one reaches the presidency without some level of corruption. I just question the intense focus on everything Trump has ever done while the Biden family's dealings are ignored.
Donald Trump has nominated Todd Blanche, who defended him in court on multiple criminal charges, to be deputy attorney general of the United States.

If Trump’s slate of nominations were to be confirmed en masse, Blanche would answer to Trump’s proposed attorney general, former Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz, who is accused of child sex trafficking.

It's the new law and order administration.
This is Trump trying to save a buck.

Yes, that's how petty and small our next president is.
I'm not saying that Trump is squeaky clean. No one reaches the presidency without some level of corruption. I just question the intense focus on everything Trump has ever done while the Biden family's dealings are ignored.

You are posting a bs equivocation.

Every President reached it without criminal indictments and conviction except Trump.
You are posting a bs equivocation.

Every President reached it without criminal indictments and conviction except Trump.
Sure, but most presidents also don't have an entire establishment against them. Trump may be one of the only presidents to enter office without the approval of most of the managerial state (at least in the modern age).

Before the managerial state existed in any major capacity, an outsider rising to the presidency was more feasible, but Trump is essentially an anomaly given our current governmental apparatus.
while the Biden family's dealings are ignored.

Biden own son was convicted while Biden was president and his family was the subject of years long Republican investigations. So what the hell are you talking about?

Just because you don’t happen to like that nothing criminal was found on Biden doesn’t mean he somehow got less scrutiny than Trump.
Sure, but most presidents also don't have an entire establishment against them.

What they didn’t have against them was EVIDENCE TO CONVICT, while Trump did.

I know you don’t like that difference, but that’s the determining factor in his many indictments - prosecutors that believed they had enough evidence of criminality to get a conviction in a court of law, by a jury of peers.

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