

Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2009
Tomorrow, the new Chief of Staff Kelly will take over and hopefully get the Administrative staff in the White House squared away. With that in mind, what agenda items that are within the power of the President would you like to see this administration to focus on?

For Me, and not necessarily in this order;

Time to fill the vacant Judicial seats all up and down the entire Judiciary. There is something like 136 vacant seats with 24 pending nominations. This is not acceptable. Now that the filibuster is ended for judicial nominee's, there should be at least 100 vacancies filled by the end of September. This is doable.

The number of oppressive regulations on business needs to be accelerated. This country no longer needs the two trillion dollars economic suppression of these regulations.

I would also like this administration to become more proactive in the Korean issue. They need to put pressure on S. Korea to harden their cities and plan for some survivability of their citizens by the end of next year. That mad baby is going to do something really stupid and that entire peninsula is going to go up in flames.

These are things that this Administration can do without the Congress.

What is your list?
How about providing free Lithium for all conservatives? I personally won't mind my taxes dollars being spent on such a worthwhile and helpful cause.
Push for tax reform now make tax the 18 election be about health and taxes, win in on both issues
Tomorrow, the new Chief of Staff Kelly will take over and hopefully get the Administrative staff in the White House squared away. With that in mind, what agenda items that are within the power of the President would you like to see this administration to focus on?

For Me, and not necessarily in this order;

Time to fill the vacant Judicial seats all up and down the entire Judiciary. There is something like 136 vacant seats with 24 pending nominations. This is not acceptable. Now that the filibuster is ended for judicial nominee's, there should be at least 100 vacancies filled by the end of September. This is doable.

The number of oppressive regulations on business needs to be accelerated. This country no longer needs the two trillion dollars economic suppression of these regulations.

I would also like this administration to become more proactive in the Korean issue. They need to put pressure on S. Korea to harden their cities and plan for some survivability of their citizens by the end of next year. That mad baby is going to do something really stupid and that entire peninsula is going to go up in flames.

These are things that this Administration can do without the Congress.

What is your list?
1. Cancel our membership in the UN and tell them to get out.
2. Shut down the CIA.
3. Put the NSA under new management
4. Declare that regulations are being used as a 4th branch of government and go down the list to axe each and every one that is strangling the life out of the branches that were designed to run this country effectively.
5. Take back all lands, national parks, etc. under control of UNESCO cancel all agreements with them.
6. Shut down the federal reserve (we were better off without it), the CFR and the Trilateral Commission.
7. Bring back all the Generals, Majors, Admirals and other top military who were fired or retired during Obama administration.
8. Put our military on our border until the fence is built. As many soldiers as it takes.
That's a good start.
Tomorrow, the new Chief of Staff Kelly will take over and hopefully get the Administrative staff in the White House squared away. With that in mind, what agenda items that are within the power of the President would you like to see this administration to focus on?

For Me, and not necessarily in this order;

Time to fill the vacant Judicial seats all up and down the entire Judiciary. There is something like 136 vacant seats with 24 pending nominations. This is not acceptable. Now that the filibuster is ended for judicial nominee's, there should be at least 100 vacancies filled by the end of September. This is doable.

The number of oppressive regulations on business needs to be accelerated. This country no longer needs the two trillion dollars economic suppression of these regulations.

I would also like this administration to become more proactive in the Korean issue. They need to put pressure on S. Korea to harden their cities and plan for some survivability of their citizens by the end of next year. That mad baby is going to do something really stupid and that entire peninsula is going to go up in flames.

These are things that this Administration can do without the Congress.

What is your list?
free ice cream for everyone.
Investigation and prosecution of the crimes alleged to have been committed by the Hussein administration and the Hillary campaign as well as prosecution of leakers within the administration. The judicial and legislative branches will take care of themselves.
Get his phone done in the Rainbow Brite motif for when he's on Twitter with all the other school girls.
Investigation and prosecution of the crimes alleged to have been committed by the Hussein administration and the Hillary campaign as well as prosecution of leakers within the administration. The judicial and legislative branches will take care of themselves.
Investigation and prosecution of the crimes alleged to have been committed by the Hussein administration and the Hillary campaign as well as prosecution of leakers within the administration. The judicial and legislative branches will take care of themselves.

who has been prosecuted in a court of law ?
Investigation and prosecution of the crimes alleged to have been committed by the Hussein administration and the Hillary campaign as well as prosecution of leakers within the administration. The judicial and legislative branches will take care of themselves.

who has been prosecuted in a court of law ?
That is what investigations are for, remember? They need to check their financials all the way back to the 1970's.
Investigation and prosecution of the crimes alleged to have been committed by the Hussein administration and the Hillary campaign as well as prosecution of leakers within the administration. The judicial and legislative branches will take care of themselves.

who has been prosecuted in a court of law ?
That is what investigations are for, remember? They need to check their financials all the way back to the 1970's.

stupid shits like that ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ is how Trump got elected.

ok. you dont have a clue of what the difference is between an investigator and a prosecutor.

youre dismissed.
Tomorrow, the new Chief of Staff Kelly will take over and hopefully get the Administrative staff in the White House squared away. With that in mind, what agenda items that are within the power of the President would you like to see this administration to focus on?

For Me, and not necessarily in this order;

Time to fill the vacant Judicial seats all up and down the entirety Judiciary. There is something like 136 vacant seats with 24 pending nominations. This is not acceptable. Now that the filibuster is ended for judicial nominee's, there should be at least 100 vacancies filled by the end of September. This is doable.

The number of oppressive regulations on business needs to be accelerated. This country no longer needs the two trillion dollars economic suppression of these regulations.

I would also like this administration to become more proactive in the Korean issue. They need to put pressure on S. Korea to harden their cities and plan for some survivability of their citizens by the end of next year. That mad baby is going to do something really stupid and that entire peninsula is going to go up in flames.

These are things that this Administration can do without the Congress.

What is your list?
1. Cancel our membership in the UN and tell them to get out.
2. Shut down the CIA.
3. Put the NSA under new management
4. Declare that regulations are being used as a 4th branch of government and go down the list to axe each and every one that is strangling the life out of the branches that were designed to run this country effectively.
5. Take back all lands, national parks, etc. under control of UNESCO cancel all agreements with them.
6. Shut down the federal reserve (we were better off without it), the CFR and the Trilateral Commission.
7. Bring back all the Generals, Majors, Admirals and other top military who were fired or retired during Obama administration.
8. Put our military on our border until the fence is built. As many soldiers as it takes.
That's a good start.

Book of Jeremiah

That's straight up Fascism.

My list is short -

I know this is a lot to ask of just one general it how about

Keep your temper and patience under control well enough that there's no bloodshed.

Sent from my iPad using
Find the leaks, and pound them into the ground like a tent stake.

Then Tweet about it. lol
Investigation and prosecution of the crimes alleged to have been committed by the Hussein administration and the Hillary campaign as well as prosecution of leakers within the administration. The judicial and legislative branches will take care of themselves.

who has been prosecuted in a court of law ?
That is what investigations are for, remember? They need to check their financials all the way back to the 1970's.

stupid shits like that ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ is how Trump got elected.

ok. you dont have a clue of what the difference is between an investigator and a prosecutor.

youre dismissed.
I'm so hurt. Not.

When it comes to clueless, no one can beat a progressive. BTW, you do realize (I've only been saying it for over a year and a half) I'm no Trump voter. Now, you'll excuse Me if I ignore you since you don't meet the criteria for the thread.

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