Conservatives Expose Their Hypocrisy With Lack of Criticism of Trump Executive Orders

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
President after president, the Executive Branch has been consolidating power through the use of Executive Orders. One of the most egregious examples of this was President Obama writing an EO on DACA because he couldn't get it through Congress. He was justifiably criticized by the right, but today, where is the right when Trump stepped up and said, "Hold my beer?" The EOs he signed yesterday are grossly unconstitutional. The power of the purse lies explicitly with the Congress. The president has no authority whatsoever to unilaterally decide how are we are taxed and how that money is spent. It is irrelevant that Congress couldn't reach a deal. We have three branches of government for a reason. We're not a monarchy. It's not supposed to be easy to make law and policy that impacts 300 million people and in some cases the entire world. Where are the cries of small government from the right? This is a monumental abuse of his power in order to help aid his reelection bid and aside from Republican Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska, the Republican Party has been silent on this Constitutional onslaught. If these orders are not overturned by the courts, the right's passiveness is laying another stone towards enabling the Office of President to become a benevolent dictatorship in the future.
I suppose one could also argue that Democrats are hypocrites also for condemning them. I've noted for years that anything one refuses to condemn will only get worse.

Yes, Trump is a huge hypocrite but others can't really expect him to not do things they supported others doing.
President after president, the Executive Branch has been consolidating power through the use of Executive Orders. One of the most egregious examples of this was President Obama writing an EO on DACA because he couldn't get it through Congress. He was justifiably criticized by the right, but today, where is the right when Trump stepped up and said, "Hold my beer?" The EOs he signed yesterday are grossly unconstitutional. The power of the purse lies explicitly with the Congress. The president has no authority whatsoever to unilaterally decide how are we are taxed and how that money is spent. It is irrelevant that Congress couldn't reach a deal. We have three branches of government for a reason. We're not a monarchy. It's not supposed to be easy to make law and policy that impacts 300 million people and in some cases the entire world. Where are the cries of small government from the right? This is a monumental abuse of his power in order to help aid his reelection bid and aside from Republican Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska, the Republican Party has been silent on this Constitutional onslaught. If these orders are not overturned by the courts, the right's passiveness is laying another stone towards enabling the Office of President to become a benevolent dictatorship in the future.
What you say has some merit

however democrats under obama have been the worst abusers of EOs

and they will be even worse abusers when they return to power

unless repubs have control of congress there is nothing they can do to stop the dems from this practice
President after president, the Executive Branch has been consolidating power through the use of Executive Orders. One of the most egregious examples of this was President Obama writing an EO on DACA because he couldn't get it through Congress. He was justifiably criticized by the right, but today, where is the right when Trump stepped up and said, "Hold my beer?" The EOs he signed yesterday are grossly unconstitutional. The power of the purse lies explicitly with the Congress. The president has no authority whatsoever to unilaterally decide how are we are taxed and how that money is spent. It is irrelevant that Congress couldn't reach a deal. We have three branches of government for a reason. We're not a monarchy. It's not supposed to be easy to make law and policy that impacts 300 million people and in some cases the entire world. Where are the cries of small government from the right? This is a monumental abuse of his power in order to help aid his reelection bid and aside from Republican Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska, the Republican Party has been silent on this Constitutional onslaught. If these orders are not overturned by the courts, the right's passiveness is laying another stone towards enabling the Office of President to become a benevolent dictatorship in the future.

Its really up to Chuck and Nancy to sue if they disagree with the President's actions. Are they going to do it?
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Its really up to Chuck and Nancy to sue if they disagree with the President's actions. Are they going to do it?

Good question. They should, but you know full well if they do the Republicans will dishonestly turn it into a smear campaign of how Democrats want Americans to starve. What happened to allegedly being the party of the Constitution?
Its really up to Chuck and Nancy to sue if they disagree with the President's actions. Are they going to do it?

Good question. They should, but you know full well if they do the Republicans will dishonestly turn it into a smear campaign of how Democrats want Americans to starve. What happened to allegedly being the party of the Constitution?

If Chuck and Nancy want people to starve, why wouldn't President Trump mention it as he is fighting for his own life?
Its really up to Chuck and Nancy to sue if they disagree with the President's actions. Are they going to do it?

Good question. They should, but you know full well if they do the Republicans will dishonestly turn it into a smear campaign of how Democrats want Americans to starve. What happened to allegedly being the party of the Constitution?

There is no way the Democrats can now win this. They blew it. They should have passed a clean bill that addressed the needs of the people. Period. That's what people want. If they had done that and the Republicans don't pass it or tried to load their own corruption into it then the Democrats win.

Trump is a hypocrite with his EO's here as he condemned Obama for his but as inept as he is, he beat Nancy here.
Pelosi tried to hold relief efforts hostage until she could get what she wanted, and, just like when she tried to do the same with the Articles of Impeachment to get the Senate to agree to her terms, she got her ass spanked.

Americans want leaders working for the American people.

Good job, Mr. President.

And if they do, the right just gave them cover to do so.
They didnt need cover before

as you point out obama implemented DACA over republican objections and the next dem will do even worse

no one stopped them before and no one will stop them next time either
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Trump is a hypocrite with his EO's here as he condemned Obama for his but as inept as he is, he beat Nancy here.

And what you summed up here is exactly the problem. It's no longer about what's best for America; it's whose team can stick it to the other.
President after president, the Executive Branch has been consolidating power through the use of Executive Orders. One of the most egregious examples of this was President Obama writing an EO on DACA because he couldn't get it through Congress. He was justifiably criticized by the right, but today, where is the right when Trump stepped up and said, "Hold my beer?" The EOs he signed yesterday are grossly unconstitutional. The power of the purse lies explicitly with the Congress. The president has no authority whatsoever to unilaterally decide how are we are taxed and how that money is spent. It is irrelevant that Congress couldn't reach a deal. We have three branches of government for a reason. We're not a monarchy. It's not supposed to be easy to make law and policy that impacts 300 million people and in some cases the entire world. Where are the cries of small government from the right? This is a monumental abuse of his power in order to help aid his reelection bid and aside from Republican Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska, the Republican Party has been silent on this Constitutional onslaught. If these orders are not overturned by the courts, the right's passiveness is laying another stone towards enabling the Office of President to become a benevolent dictatorship in the future.
So don’t vote for him allow democrats green new deal to happen..
President after president, the Executive Branch has been consolidating power through the use of Executive Orders. One of the most egregious examples of this was President Obama writing an EO on DACA because he couldn't get it through Congress. He was justifiably criticized by the right, but today, where is the right when Trump stepped up and said, "Hold my beer?" The EOs he signed yesterday are grossly unconstitutional. The power of the purse lies explicitly with the Congress. The president has no authority whatsoever to unilaterally decide how are we are taxed and how that money is spent. It is irrelevant that Congress couldn't reach a deal. We have three branches of government for a reason. We're not a monarchy. It's not supposed to be easy to make law and policy that impacts 300 million people and in some cases the entire world. Where are the cries of small government from the right? This is a monumental abuse of his power in order to help aid his reelection bid and aside from Republican Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska, the Republican Party has been silent on this Constitutional onslaught. If these orders are not overturned by the courts, the right's passiveness is laying another stone towards enabling the Office of President to become a benevolent dictatorship in the future.
ok when you have a congress whose sole purpose is to stop anything you do and your actions are constitutional Executive orders are fine it's better than the next option send in the military to go after the terrorist congressmen
Trump is a hypocrite with his EO's here as he condemned Obama for his but as inept as he is, he beat Nancy here.

And what you summed up here is exactly the problem. It's no longer about what's best for America; it's whose team can stick it to the other.

Think of it like the justice system. It’s not about justice, it’s about what side can prove their case.

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