Wasn’t the narrative that Portland violence was a result of Federal Troops

...so the riots have stopped, right? It was because of the Federal troops. Now they are gone, so the violence had stopped.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Look at all of these peaceful protester.

A couple nights ago the riots were about 3 blocks away from my house.

There were precisely 0 federal troops in the area, but that didn't stop them from vandalizing homes and whooping some old lady's ass in her front yard. Not to mention blockading the exit from a police station that they tried to burn down with police in it. Even Ted "Stand Down" Wheeler had to concede that it was attempted murder.
...so the riots have stopped, right? It was because of the Federal troops. Now they are gone, so the violence had stopped.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Look at all of these peaceful protester.

A couple nights ago the riots were about 3 blocks away from my house.

There were precisely 0 federal troops in the area, but that didn't stop them from vandalizing homes and whooping some old lady's ass in her front yard. Not to mention blockading the exit from a police station that they tried to burn down with police in it. Even Ted "Stand Down" Wheeler had to concede that it was attempted murder.

Come on man. Don’t lie. The liberals say the violence was only because of Federal Troops.
...so the riots have stopped, right? It was because of the Federal troops. Now they are gone, so the violence had stopped.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Look at all of these peaceful protester.

A couple nights ago the riots were about 3 blocks away from my house.

There were precisely 0 federal troops in the area, but that didn't stop them from vandalizing homes and whooping some old lady's ass in her front yard. Not to mention blockading the exit from a police station that they tried to burn down with police in it. Even Ted "Stand Down" Wheeler had to concede that it was attempted murder.

Come on man. Don’t lie. The liberals say the violence was only because of Federal Troops.

Come on man is becoming my favorite political quote of 2020 in a hurry.
...so the riots have stopped, right? It was because of the Federal troops. Now they are gone, so the violence had stopped.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Look at all of these peaceful protester.

A couple nights ago the riots were about 3 blocks away from my house.

There were precisely 0 federal troops in the area, but that didn't stop them from vandalizing homes and whooping some old lady's ass in her front yard. Not to mention blockading the exit from a police station that they tried to burn down with police in it. Even Ted "Stand Down" Wheeler had to concede that it was attempted murder.

Come on man. Don’t lie. The liberals say the violence was only because of Federal Troops.

Come on man is becoming my favorite political quote of 2020 in a hurry.

...so the riots have stopped, right? It was because of the Federal troops. Now they are gone, so the violence had stopped.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Look at all of these peaceful protester.

That went by the wayside. I think their main thrust in Washington and Oregon is now "Anarchy, Now more than ever before". I am starting go think they are glad Floyd was murdered by the cop, as it gave them cover during the organzation and logistics phase of the anarchist movement operation, they wanted to do, anyway.
...so the riots have stopped, right? It was because of the Federal troops. Now they are gone, so the violence had stopped.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Look at all of these peaceful protester.

A couple nights ago the riots were about 3 blocks away from my house.

There were precisely 0 federal troops in the area, but that didn't stop them from vandalizing homes and whooping some old lady's ass in her front yard. Not to mention blockading the exit from a police station that they tried to burn down with police in it. Even Ted "Stand Down" Wheeler had to concede that it was attempted murder.

Come on man. Don’t lie. The liberals say the violence was only because of Federal Troops.

Come on man is becoming my favorite political quote of 2020 in a hurry.

Good one!!!
There's gotta be a good way to use his favorite slogan.
I'm beginning to wonder if it's the only one he remembers.
...so the riots have stopped, right? It was because of the Federal troops. Now they are gone, so the violence had stopped.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Look at all of these peaceful protester.

A couple nights ago the riots were about 3 blocks away from my house.

There were precisely 0 federal troops in the area, but that didn't stop them from vandalizing homes and whooping some old lady's ass in her front yard. Not to mention blockading the exit from a police station that they tried to burn down with police in it. Even Ted "Stand Down" Wheeler had to concede that it was attempted murder.

Come on man. Don’t lie. The liberals say the violence was only because of Federal Troops.

Come on man is becoming my favorite political quote of 2020 in a hurry.

Good one!!!
There's gotta be a good way to use his favorite slogan.
I'm beginning to wonder if it's the only one he remembers.

Come on man! You’re a lying dog faced pony soldier. Are you a junkie?
...so the riots have stopped, right? It was because of the Federal troops. Now they are gone, so the violence had stopped.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Look at all of these peaceful protester.

A couple nights ago the riots were about 3 blocks away from my house.

There were precisely 0 federal troops in the area, but that didn't stop them from vandalizing homes and whooping some old lady's ass in her front yard. Not to mention blockading the exit from a police station that they tried to burn down with police in it. Even Ted "Stand Down" Wheeler had to concede that it was attempted murder.

Come on man. Don’t lie. The liberals say the violence was only because of Federal Troops.

Come on man is becoming my favorite political quote of 2020 in a hurry.

Good one!!!
There's gotta be a good way to use his favorite slogan.
I'm beginning to wonder if it's the only one he remembers.

Come on man! You’re a lying dog faced pony soldier. Are you a junkie?

It'd be hilarious if biden were to come out of basement and talk to the public....after every sentence the crowd could yell out...Come On Man!!!!
The dementia anger and irritation from Joe would be funny as Hell!!!
...so the riots have stopped, right? It was because of the Federal troops. Now they are gone, so the violence had stopped.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Look at all of these peaceful protester.

A couple nights ago the riots were about 3 blocks away from my house.

There were precisely 0 federal troops in the area, but that didn't stop them from vandalizing homes and whooping some old lady's ass in her front yard. Not to mention blockading the exit from a police station that they tried to burn down with police in it. Even Ted "Stand Down" Wheeler had to concede that it was attempted murder.

Come on man. Don’t lie. The liberals say the violence was only because of Federal Troops.

Come on man is becoming my favorite political quote of 2020 in a hurry.

Good one!!!
There's gotta be a good way to use his favorite slogan.
I'm beginning to wonder if it's the only one he remembers.

Come on man! You’re a lying dog faced pony soldier. Are you a junkie?

It'd be hilarious if biden were to come out of basement and talk to the public....after every sentence the crowd could yell out...Come On Man!!!!
The dementia anger and irritation from Joe would be funny as Hell!!!

I am forward looking to that moment.
...so the riots have stopped, right? It was because of the Federal troops. Now they are gone, so the violence had stopped.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Look at all of these peaceful protester.

A couple nights ago the riots were about 3 blocks away from my house.

There were precisely 0 federal troops in the area, but that didn't stop them from vandalizing homes and whooping some old lady's ass in her front yard. Not to mention blockading the exit from a police station that they tried to burn down with police in it. Even Ted "Stand Down" Wheeler had to concede that it was attempted murder.

Ted only said that because he has finally realized he's hurt demoscum election chances.
The Dimwinger uprising continues.

Riots and looting is fully supported and encouraged by the Dimwinger party.

I think the Democrats plot here is going to backfire on them and they're not even realizing it.

We have Democrat citizens in Democrat cities, who are destroying private and public property. Why are Democrat citizens destroying this in Democrat cities? Because of a white police officer in another Democrat city accidentally killed a black suspect.

Democrat leaders have allowed this civil unrest to go on for weeks and now months. They are doing very little to stop it, in spite of the Presidents generous offers to provide aid.

I have no idea how they figure by allowing this to happen, they can go to the public and say "You don't need Trump, you need our leadership."

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