Conservatives are unembarrassed by a history of being wrong

LATIMES is biased crap. They leave out the fact that a huge part of the liberal movement was against SS.

Deja Vu: A Look Back at Some of the Tirades Against Social Security and Medicare |

Deja Vu: A Look Back at Some of the Tirades Against Social Security and Medicare |

Deja Vu: A Look Back at Some of the Tirades Against Social Security and Medicare |

Those are 3 different links.

One thing you need to remember. Republicans sign the front of paychecks, liberals sign the back.

One thing you need to remember. Republicans sign the front of paychecks, liberals sign the back.

Lmfao...what a burn.. :)

Too bad it's not based on fact.

Of course it is, wait a second now are you trying to tell us the rich are really democrats?
LATIMES is biased crap. They leave out the fact that a huge part of the liberal movement was against SS.

Deja Vu: A Look Back at Some of the Tirades Against Social Security and Medicare |

Deja Vu: A Look Back at Some of the Tirades Against Social Security and Medicare |

Deja Vu: A Look Back at Some of the Tirades Against Social Security and Medicare |

Those are 3 different links.

One thing you need to remember. Republicans sign the front of paychecks, liberals sign the back.

Did you bother to read the articles you linked to? Somehow I doubt it.

1. Your first link says that the Social Security Act was opposed the the American COMMUNIST Party. Given that there were damn few communists in the US in the 60’s, that’s hardly a campaign of left wing opposition.

2. The second link says that Huey Long filibustered the bill to get his piece of pork barrel funding appended. That’s not opposition to the program.

3. The third link outlines Ronald Reagan’s opposition to Medicaid. So this is hardly liberal opposition.

If this is all you could come up with, it proves your argument has no merits.
If we look at modern times, Conservative policy has always failed and yet conservatives continue repeating the same thing over and over.

Despite the fact that there have been many brilliant thinkers through the centuries who called themselves conservatives, it does seem that, when we look at things through the rearview mirror of American history, it is conservatives who are left stuck in the mud.

Today’s conservatives may call themselves tea partiers, but the original bunch that tossed boxes of tea over the side of British ships was a gaggle of radicals, not conservatives. In 1776, it was conservative people who thought the Declaration of Independence was a traitorous document. Their loyalties lay with British tradition and the king in London.

Throughout the long debate over slavery, abolitionists were condemned as radicals. Even a moderate like Abraham Lincoln was too extreme for the conservatives of his day. They bought into all kinds of excuses for why slavery should be left alone – that it was Biblical, that it would wither away on its own or that the property rights of slaveholders should not be infringed.

In the Gilded Age, when robber barons ruled the economy and workers toiled for long hours at dangerous jobs for meager wages, it was the conservatives who opposed the minimum wage, the 40-hour work week and the eight-hour day. They opposed the right of workers to organize. They opposed Teddy Roosevelt’s conservation plans and his regulation of rapacious industrialists.

And on into the 20th century, it was conservatives who fought against the franchise for women, Social Security, Medicare and racial integration. More recently, they have stood in the way of gay rights and universal health care. Even when they had the right idea – opposing Communism – they were prone to dangerous excess – McCarthyism.

To be fair, the best conservative intellectuals and political leaders have provided a useful tempering of the enthusiasms of liberal social engineers. But on so many of the biggest challenges that have faced the nation, the conservatives of each era have ended up on the wrong side of history.

Conservatives are unembarrassed by a history of being wrong

IM2 OP requires personal input, not just a cut and paste
True – conservatives are consistent at being wrong.

Conservative economic policy has proven to be false.

Conservatives are wrong with regard to various issues such as the myth of ‘voter fraud,’ the decriminalization of marijuana, privacy rights for women, equal protection rights for gay and transgender Americans, and the due process rights of immigrants.

Conservatives repeat the same mistakes time and again because they adhere blindly to failed, wrongheaded conservative dogma.
If we look at modern times, Conservative policy has always failed and yet conservatives continue repeating the same thing over and over.

Despite the fact that there have been many brilliant thinkers through the centuries who called themselves conservatives, it does seem that, when we look at things through the rearview mirror of American history, it is conservatives who are left stuck in the mud.

Today’s conservatives may call themselves tea partiers, but the original bunch that tossed boxes of tea over the side of British ships was a gaggle of radicals, not conservatives. In 1776, it was conservative people who thought the Declaration of Independence was a traitorous document. Their loyalties lay with British tradition and the king in London.

Throughout the long debate over slavery, abolitionists were condemned as radicals. Even a moderate like Abraham Lincoln was too extreme for the conservatives of his day. They bought into all kinds of excuses for why slavery should be left alone – that it was Biblical, that it would wither away on its own or that the property rights of slaveholders should not be infringed.

In the Gilded Age, when robber barons ruled the economy and workers toiled for long hours at dangerous jobs for meager wages, it was the conservatives who opposed the minimum wage, the 40-hour work week and the eight-hour day. They opposed the right of workers to organize. They opposed Teddy Roosevelt’s conservation plans and his regulation of rapacious industrialists.

And on into the 20th century, it was conservatives who fought against the franchise for women, Social Security, Medicare and racial integration. More recently, they have stood in the way of gay rights and universal health care. Even when they had the right idea – opposing Communism – they were prone to dangerous excess – McCarthyism.

To be fair, the best conservative intellectuals and political leaders have provided a useful tempering of the enthusiasms of liberal social engineers. But on so many of the biggest challenges that have faced the nation, the conservatives of each era have ended up on the wrong side of history.

Conservatives are unembarrassed by a history of being wrong

IM2 OP requires personal input, not just a cut and paste
True – conservatives are consistent at being wrong.

Conservative economic policy has proven to be false.

Conservatives are wrong with regard to various issues such as the myth of ‘voter fraud,’ the decriminalization of marijuana, privacy rights for women, equal protection rights for gay and transgender Americans, and the due process rights of immigrants.

Conservatives repeat the same mistakes time and again because they adhere blindly to failed, wrongheaded conservative dogma.

It’s their dogged determination that cutting taxes creates jobs and that tax cuts pay for themselves that is the most dangerous. They’ve crashed the economy twice and undeterred they’ve done it again.
LATIMES is biased crap. They leave out the fact that a huge part of the liberal movement was against SS.

Deja Vu: A Look Back at Some of the Tirades Against Social Security and Medicare |

Deja Vu: A Look Back at Some of the Tirades Against Social Security and Medicare |

Deja Vu: A Look Back at Some of the Tirades Against Social Security and Medicare |

Those are 3 different links.

One thing you need to remember. Republicans sign the front of paychecks, liberals sign the back.

One thing you need to remember. Republicans sign the front of paychecks, liberals sign the back.

Lmfao...what a burn.. :)

Too bad it's not based on fact.

Of course it is, wait a second now are you trying to tell us the rich are really democrats?

I still want to know which liberal signed my pay check? It's been like an hour now..
If a liberal ever signed my pay check I would of milked him for every penny he had.
I would of begged and cried if a liberal ever signed my pay check ..

But reality it was always cons
LATIMES is biased crap. They leave out the fact that a huge part of the liberal movement was against SS.

Deja Vu: A Look Back at Some of the Tirades Against Social Security and Medicare |

Deja Vu: A Look Back at Some of the Tirades Against Social Security and Medicare |

Deja Vu: A Look Back at Some of the Tirades Against Social Security and Medicare |

Those are 3 different links.

One thing you need to remember. Republicans sign the front of paychecks, liberals sign the back.

One thing you need to remember. Republicans sign the front of paychecks, liberals sign the back.

Lmfao...what a burn.. :)

Too bad it's not based on fact.

Of course it is, wait a second now are you trying to tell us the rich are really democrats?

I still want to know which liberal signed my pay check? It's been like an hour now..
Some are, some aren't. Just like the rest of the population.

Happy now?
LATIMES is biased crap. They leave out the fact that a huge part of the liberal movement was against SS.

Deja Vu: A Look Back at Some of the Tirades Against Social Security and Medicare |

Deja Vu: A Look Back at Some of the Tirades Against Social Security and Medicare |

Deja Vu: A Look Back at Some of the Tirades Against Social Security and Medicare |

Those are 3 different links.

One thing you need to remember. Republicans sign the front of paychecks, liberals sign the back.

One thing you need to remember. Republicans sign the front of paychecks, liberals sign the back.

Lmfao...what a burn.. :)

Too bad it's not based on fact.

Of course it is, wait a second now are you trying to tell us the rich are really democrats?

I still want to know which liberal signed my pay check? It's been like an hour now..
Some are, some aren't. Just like the rest of the population.

Happy now?

Once again if a liberal ever signed my pay check I would break his bank .he would beg me to stay in a heart beat..

I am a tough son of a bitch, I only back down when I see that's all they can afford me to pay me..
One thing you need to remember. Republicans sign the front of paychecks, liberals sign the back.

Lmfao...what a burn.. :)

Too bad it's not based on fact.

Of course it is, wait a second now are you trying to tell us the rich are really democrats?

I still want to know which liberal signed my pay check? It's been like an hour now..
Some are, some aren't. Just like the rest of the population.

Happy now?

Once again if a liberal ever signed my pay check I would break his bank .he would beg me to stay in a heart beat..

I am a tough son of a bitch, I only back down when I see that's all they can afford me to pay me..
How nice for you.
Too bad it's not based on fact.

Of course it is, wait a second now are you trying to tell us the rich are really democrats?

I still want to know which liberal signed my pay check? It's been like an hour now..
Some are, some aren't. Just like the rest of the population.

Happy now?

Once again if a liberal ever signed my pay check I would break his bank .he would beg me to stay in a heart beat..

I am a tough son of a bitch, I only back down when I see that's all they can afford me to pay me..
How nice for you.

That's how it works with out unions
Of course it is, wait a second now are you trying to tell us the rich are really democrats?

I still want to know which liberal signed my pay check? It's been like an hour now..
Some are, some aren't. Just like the rest of the population.

Happy now?

Once again if a liberal ever signed my pay check I would break his bank .he would beg me to stay in a heart beat..

I am a tough son of a bitch, I only back down when I see that's all they can afford me to pay me..
How nice for you.

That's how it works with out unions
Uh-huh sure
Thaw how it works to get the money or get the girl..

Dude I am so right you will never understand how right I am, unless you take my advice..
I am telling you, I understand you, because I used to be like you..

I know it hurts like hell I am trying to give you advice brother...
Don't end your life like me, please don't I destroyed my life ..i had so much hate. .
If we look at modern times, Conservative policy has always failed and yet conservatives continue repeating the same thing over and over.

Despite the fact that there have been many brilliant thinkers through the centuries who called themselves conservatives, it does seem that, when we look at things through the rearview mirror of American history, it is conservatives who are left stuck in the mud.

Today’s conservatives may call themselves tea partiers, but the original bunch that tossed boxes of tea over the side of British ships was a gaggle of radicals, not conservatives. In 1776, it was conservative people who thought the Declaration of Independence was a traitorous document. Their loyalties lay with British tradition and the king in London.

Throughout the long debate over slavery, abolitionists were condemned as radicals. Even a moderate like Abraham Lincoln was too extreme for the conservatives of his day. They bought into all kinds of excuses for why slavery should be left alone – that it was Biblical, that it would wither away on its own or that the property rights of slaveholders should not be infringed.

In the Gilded Age, when robber barons ruled the economy and workers toiled for long hours at dangerous jobs for meager wages, it was the conservatives who opposed the minimum wage, the 40-hour work week and the eight-hour day. They opposed the right of workers to organize. They opposed Teddy Roosevelt’s conservation plans and his regulation of rapacious industrialists.

And on into the 20th century, it was conservatives who fought against the franchise for women, Social Security, Medicare and racial integration. More recently, they have stood in the way of gay rights and universal health care. Even when they had the right idea – opposing Communism – they were prone to dangerous excess – McCarthyism.

To be fair, the best conservative intellectuals and political leaders have provided a useful tempering of the enthusiasms of liberal social engineers. But on so many of the biggest challenges that have faced the nation, the conservatives of each era have ended up on the wrong side of history.

Conservatives are unembarrassed by a history of being wrong

IM2 OP requires personal input, not just a cut and paste

And liberals gave us the horrors of communism and the welfare state. Your point is what?

Yeah right. So now we have a fascist president who wants to be like Kim Jung Un.

He isn't. He doesn't.
If we look at modern times, Conservative policy has always failed and yet conservatives continue repeating the same thing over and over.

Despite the fact that there have been many brilliant thinkers through the centuries who called themselves conservatives, it does seem that, when we look at things through the rearview mirror of American history, it is conservatives who are left stuck in the mud.

Today’s conservatives may call themselves tea partiers, but the original bunch that tossed boxes of tea over the side of British ships was a gaggle of radicals, not conservatives. In 1776, it was conservative people who thought the Declaration of Independence was a traitorous document. Their loyalties lay with British tradition and the king in London.

Throughout the long debate over slavery, abolitionists were condemned as radicals. Even a moderate like Abraham Lincoln was too extreme for the conservatives of his day. They bought into all kinds of excuses for why slavery should be left alone – that it was Biblical, that it would wither away on its own or that the property rights of slaveholders should not be infringed.

In the Gilded Age, when robber barons ruled the economy and workers toiled for long hours at dangerous jobs for meager wages, it was the conservatives who opposed the minimum wage, the 40-hour work week and the eight-hour day. They opposed the right of workers to organize. They opposed Teddy Roosevelt’s conservation plans and his regulation of rapacious industrialists.

And on into the 20th century, it was conservatives who fought against the franchise for women, Social Security, Medicare and racial integration. More recently, they have stood in the way of gay rights and universal health care. Even when they had the right idea – opposing Communism – they were prone to dangerous excess – McCarthyism.

To be fair, the best conservative intellectuals and political leaders have provided a useful tempering of the enthusiasms of liberal social engineers. But on so many of the biggest challenges that have faced the nation, the conservatives of each era have ended up on the wrong side of history.

Conservatives are unembarrassed by a history of being wrong

IM2 OP requires personal input, not just a cut and paste

Seems to me the greatest historical fallacy was and is the division of all political thought into two sides. While hundreds and perhaps thousands of degrees of political philosophy exist between the poles of extreme right and radical left, most every social control ideology has been consolidated and watered down into capitalism, democracy, socialism and communism; conservative and liberal.

For eons in the west conservative equaled The Church and liberalism was Protestant reformation. Monarchies and Imperialists existed within the sphere of the global theocracy in Rome who dictated to the world who was chosen next by God to rule over whatever nation.

A second Theocracy without central power arose in the east under Mohammed and aggregated its adherents, formerly followers of more ancient belief systems, much more tyrannically than the Holy See. South of Europe the fall of primordial empires returned many of those ancient peoples to a culture of tribalism.

In this roiling stew of world metamorphosis bubbled to the top a new age of rogue philosophers and burgeoning scientific thinkers and artists who challenged the old guard division of right from left and even began to redefine what each primordial hand encompassed. No longer was the Right just the Church and now the Left was departing from Reformation and the church all together. The Left was to become something much different although it emanated from the same vocal chords of a call for radical change from the establishment and rebellion.

Its much too simple to assign historical Conservatism to just the Church and desire to prevent radical change and to protect the Old Ways because even the old ways were fluid before Christ and in the face of Islam rising in the east--at least in our more Shakespearean contemporary minds and google fingers.

What you allude to in this post, OP is a very small slice of our time on this planet although obviously a very important one as we are currently living its ongoing aftermath. No one wishes a return to pre-Christian Roman Empire or the beautified horrors of Carthaginian culture and what about the endless Greek struggle against the once seemingly eternal Persian Empire? Is that old conflict still raging out of time immemorial?

Look, sometimes the Left evinces more sanity; sometimes the Right checks necessary balances. Neither philosophical anthropological source code can hold for us humans the total instruction manual for what's best for everyone. It's an unfortunate amalgamation of just the two it seems in America today. I'd like to say with some solidarity that America can or will figure it all out. Call me a pessimistic hopeful.
And Obama ran up more debt than all other presidents before him, combined.
No, he didn't. What a pity you rightards can't post without lying.

Barack Hussein Obama ................ 9,315,547,731,596.50
All other presidents combined ... 10,628,881,485,510.20

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

The last president who really did add more debt than all other presidents before him combined was Ronald Reagan.

What's a pity is that you think that makes Barry look good! Seriously?
If we look at modern times, Conservative policy has always failed and yet conservatives continue repeating the same thing over and over.

Despite the fact that there have been many brilliant thinkers through the centuries who called themselves conservatives, it does seem that, when we look at things through the rearview mirror of American history, it is conservatives who are left stuck in the mud.

Today’s conservatives may call themselves tea partiers, but the original bunch that tossed boxes of tea over the side of British ships was a gaggle of radicals, not conservatives. In 1776, it was conservative people who thought the Declaration of Independence was a traitorous document. Their loyalties lay with British tradition and the king in London.

Throughout the long debate over slavery, abolitionists were condemned as radicals. Even a moderate like Abraham Lincoln was too extreme for the conservatives of his day. They bought into all kinds of excuses for why slavery should be left alone – that it was Biblical, that it would wither away on its own or that the property rights of slaveholders should not be infringed.

In the Gilded Age, when robber barons ruled the economy and workers toiled for long hours at dangerous jobs for meager wages, it was the conservatives who opposed the minimum wage, the 40-hour work week and the eight-hour day. They opposed the right of workers to organize. They opposed Teddy Roosevelt’s conservation plans and his regulation of rapacious industrialists.

And on into the 20th century, it was conservatives who fought against the franchise for women, Social Security, Medicare and racial integration. More recently, they have stood in the way of gay rights and universal health care. Even when they had the right idea – opposing Communism – they were prone to dangerous excess – McCarthyism.

To be fair, the best conservative intellectuals and political leaders have provided a useful tempering of the enthusiasms of liberal social engineers. But on so many of the biggest challenges that have faced the nation, the conservatives of each era have ended up on the wrong side of history.

Conservatives are unembarrassed by a history of being wrong

IM2 OP requires personal input, not just a cut and paste

Today’s conservatives may call themselves tea partiers, but the original bunch that tossed boxes of tea over the side of British ships was a gaggle of radicals, not conservatives.

Radicals who wanted low taxes and freedom. That makes them conservatives.
LATIMES is biased crap. They leave out the fact that a huge part of the liberal movement was against SS.

Deja Vu: A Look Back at Some of the Tirades Against Social Security and Medicare |

Deja Vu: A Look Back at Some of the Tirades Against Social Security and Medicare |

Deja Vu: A Look Back at Some of the Tirades Against Social Security and Medicare |

Those are 3 different links.

One thing you need to remember. Republicans sign the front of paychecks, liberals sign the back.
You wish.
If that were the case, it would be Red States following 150 years of conservative economic policies that would be successes and the Blue States would be the basket cases and not the other way around.

Hey dude I have a 480 acre farm
I grew hay, grain, sugar beets, dry beans and some spuds
Care to explain why the 9th circuit tried to ban Roundup

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