Conservative Tax Cuts - you gotta be kidding me

Stop reading Soros websites.

All you do here is disseminate propaganda that isn't even yours. You're such a lightweight that you cannot even create your own have to steal and/or parrot them from others. Ironic that someone as fat as you would be such an intellectual lightweight.
People making $15K a year pay the same percent Fed and State taxes I do? In which parallel universe?

Of course income tax alone aren't the onjly thing people are paying. Because you cut taxes, which cut revenue, which forced deficits, spending for things was reduced, which increased out of pocket costs for everyone.

Education is a perfect example because they just suffered through this in Kansas, which is why Republicans repealed the tax cuts there;

Conservatives cut taxes in Kansas, making the same wild claims they always make. And when those claims inevitably were not fulfilled, the result was that KS's budget produced massive deficits. Why? Because tax cuts don't pay for themselves, despite people like weatherman pretending they do. So since deficits appeared out of thin air, spending had to be cut to close the gap because Kansas stupidly has a BBA as well. So what did KS do? They cut spending for public education which caused the KS State Board of Regents to raise tuition costs to make up for the drop in funding from Topeka, which then forced students and their families to borrow more in order to cover the raise in tuition as a result of tax cuts.

What happened in KS was just a symptom of the bigger disease within the GOP and Conservative Movement; intellectual dishonesty.
Trump is truely a miracle worker. The left are now concerned about deficits
And you pseudocons aren't.

A real miracle.

"No biggie. What's another few trillion on the pile?"
It sure beats the Obamacare tax increases that became the biggest tax increase on the Middle Class in US history.

What tax increase was that? Are you referring to the payroll tax cut that expired after two years? You're trying to pretend that was a tax increase?
People making $15K a year pay the same percent Fed and State taxes I do? In which parallel universe?

Of course income tax alone aren't the onjly thing people are paying. Because you cut taxes, which cut revenue, which forced deficits, spending for things was reduced, which increased out of pocket costs for everyone.

Education is a perfect example because they just suffered through this in Kansas, which is why Republicans repealed the tax cuts there;

Conservatives cut taxes in Kansas, making the same wild claims they always make. And when those claims inevitably were not fulfilled, the result was that KS's budget produced massive deficits. Why? Because tax cuts don't pay for themselves, despite people like weatherman pretending they do. So since deficits appeared out of thin air, spending had to be cut to close the gap because Kansas stupidly has a BBA as well. So what did KS do? They cut spending for public education which caused the KS State Board of Regents to raise tuition costs to make up for the drop in funding from Topeka, which then forced students and their families to borrow more in order to cover the raise in tuition as a result of tax cuts.

What happened in KS was just a symptom of the bigger disease within the GOP and Conservative Movement; intellectual dishonesty.
Trump is truely a miracle worker. The left are now concerned about deficits
And you pseudocons aren't.

A real miracle.

"No biggie. What's another few trillion on the pile?"
No fair quoting Obama.
People making $15K a year pay the same percent Fed and State taxes I do? In which parallel universe?

Of course income tax alone aren't the onjly thing people are paying. Because you cut taxes, which cut revenue, which forced deficits, spending for things was reduced, which increased out of pocket costs for everyone.

Education is a perfect example because they just suffered through this in Kansas, which is why Republicans repealed the tax cuts there;

Conservatives cut taxes in Kansas, making the same wild claims they always make. And when those claims inevitably were not fulfilled, the result was that KS's budget produced massive deficits. Why? Because tax cuts don't pay for themselves, despite people like weatherman pretending they do. So since deficits appeared out of thin air, spending had to be cut to close the gap because Kansas stupidly has a BBA as well. So what did KS do? They cut spending for public education which caused the KS State Board of Regents to raise tuition costs to make up for the drop in funding from Topeka, which then forced students and their families to borrow more in order to cover the raise in tuition as a result of tax cuts.

What happened in KS was just a symptom of the bigger disease within the GOP and Conservative Movement; intellectual dishonesty.
Trump is truely a miracle worker. The left are now concerned about deficits
And you pseudocons aren't.

A real miracle.

"No biggie. What's another few trillion on the pile?"

Well, there's also the bullshit lie of his that I'm concerned about deficits when I said nothing of the sort. Weatherman does that a lot; he misrepresents what people say just to give himself leverage and a position of strength in the debate. But that's what poseurs, frauds, and propagandists do. God, I pity the poor soul that has to put up with that arrogant stupidity.
No fair quoting Obama.

Conservatives pretended in 2001 that if we cut taxes for the rich, it would lead to all these new jobs, the debt would disappear, and we'd be awash in prosperity...we weren't.

Conservatives in Kansas pretended in 2012 that if we cut taxes for the rich, it would lead to all these new jobs, the debt would disappear, and we'd be awash in prosperity...we weren't.

So why should anyone listen to Conservatives when they talk about cutting taxes for the rich today?
People making $15K a year pay the same percent Fed and State taxes I do? In which parallel universe?

Of course income tax alone aren't the onjly thing people are paying. Because you cut taxes, which cut revenue, which forced deficits, spending for things was reduced, which increased out of pocket costs for everyone.

Education is a perfect example because they just suffered through this in Kansas, which is why Republicans repealed the tax cuts there;

Conservatives cut taxes in Kansas, making the same wild claims they always make. And when those claims inevitably were not fulfilled, the result was that KS's budget produced massive deficits. Why? Because tax cuts don't pay for themselves, despite people like weatherman pretending they do. So since deficits appeared out of thin air, spending had to be cut to close the gap because Kansas stupidly has a BBA as well. So what did KS do? They cut spending for public education which caused the KS State Board of Regents to raise tuition costs to make up for the drop in funding from Topeka, which then forced students and their families to borrow more in order to cover the raise in tuition as a result of tax cuts.

What happened in KS was just a symptom of the bigger disease within the GOP and Conservative Movement; intellectual dishonesty.
Trump is truely a miracle worker. The left are now concerned about deficits
And you pseudocons aren't.

A real miracle.

"No biggie. What's another few trillion on the pile?"

Well, there's also the bullshit lie of his that I'm concerned about deficits when I said nothing of the sort. Weatherman does that a lot; he misrepresents what people say just to give himself leverage and a position of strength in the debate. But that's what poseurs, frauds, and propagandists do. God, I pity the poor soul that has to put up with that arrogant stupidity.

I've been railing against the tax expenditures which add to our debt and raises our tax rates ever since I came to this forum.

Weatherman has to invent bullshit when he is getting his ass kicked.
How could crazy angry border line psychotic lefties not be grateful that their own 401k's are secure and the DOW is in record territory in ten months while it stagnated under Hussein's inept leadership for eight years? Why don't angry lefties understand that most Americans are aware that the old myth of "republicans care only about the wealthy" doesn't work in the information age? Were democrats in a freaking coma when they couldn't see the hypocrisy of Hillary taking a quarter of a million dollars each for a half a dozen 15 minute mystery speeches to friendly Wall Street bankers while Obama was pretending that Wall Street was the enemy? How about Hillary and Hussein smooching it up with perhaps the biggest sexual abuser on the planet while pretending that the fat cat elitists in H'wood, who contribute only to democrats, are just working stiffs like the rest of us.

Whatabout your whatabout? How come whenever a debate gets into territory where you are insecure, you invoke "whatabout"? What about that?
Let's see, how can I rephrase "what about". What about the crazy left acknowledging the fact that your sorry ass retirement is stable while nobody knew what would happen during Hussein's eight freaking years of stagnation?
People making $15K a year pay the same percent Fed and State taxes I do? In which parallel universe?

Of course income tax alone aren't the onjly thing people are paying. Because you cut taxes, which cut revenue, which forced deficits, spending for things was reduced, which increased out of pocket costs for everyone.

Education is a perfect example because they just suffered through this in Kansas, which is why Republicans repealed the tax cuts there;

Conservatives cut taxes in Kansas, making the same wild claims they always make. And when those claims inevitably were not fulfilled, the result was that KS's budget produced massive deficits. Why? Because tax cuts don't pay for themselves, despite people like weatherman pretending they do. So since deficits appeared out of thin air, spending had to be cut to close the gap because Kansas stupidly has a BBA as well. So what did KS do? They cut spending for public education which caused the KS State Board of Regents to raise tuition costs to make up for the drop in funding from Topeka, which then forced students and their families to borrow more in order to cover the raise in tuition as a result of tax cuts.

What happened in KS was just a symptom of the bigger disease within the GOP and Conservative Movement; intellectual dishonesty.
Trump is truely a miracle worker. The left are now concerned about deficits
And you pseudocons aren't.

A real miracle.

"No biggie. What's another few trillion on the pile?"

Well, there's also the bullshit lie of his that I'm concerned about deficits when I said nothing of the sort. Weatherman does that a lot; he misrepresents what people say just to give himself leverage and a position of strength in the debate. But that's what poseurs, frauds, and propagandists do. God, I pity the poor soul that has to put up with that arrogant stupidity.
Like your hilarious lies about the tax plan?

Great position Trump worked you into for 2018 - middle income workers don’t deserve a tax cut.
Except most of it goes to the 47% who pay nothing.

So why do 47% "pay nothing"? Simple; their taxes were cut!

So Conservatives cut taxes, which increased the number of those who don't pay taxes, then Conservatives whine about those who don't pay taxes and use that as an cut taxes.

Basically, weatherman, your taxation policy is a giant circle jerk and you're voluntarily eating the cracker.
Let's see, how can I rephrase "what about". What about the crazy left acknowledging the fact that your sorry ass retirement is stable while nobody knew what would happen during Hussein's eight freaking years of stagnation?

So this is a lie...the market did better under Obama than it did under any other President, ever. In fact, the market reached record highs throughout Obama's term. It's a lie on your part that there was uncertainty. You're a liar. Obama and Trump grew the stock market nearly the same % (17% for Obama, 18% for Trump) during their first ten months. The difference is that Obama was handed a shitty economy thanks to you guys, and Trump was handed a prosperous economy thanks to Obama.
Like your hilarious lies about the tax plan?

What am I lying about?

You're the one who says the tax cuts pay for themselves.
You're the one who says tax cuts create all this growth.
You're the one who says tax cuts reduce the deficit.
You're the one who says tax cuts raise wages.

So who's the liar here?

reat position Trump worked you into for 2018 - middle income workers don’t deserve a tax cut.

Trump's tax cut doesn't cut taxes for middle income workers. It raises them for at least half of all those workers.
Let's see, how can I rephrase "what about". What about the crazy left acknowledging the fact that your sorry ass retirement is stable while nobody knew what would happen during Hussein's eight freaking years of stagnation?

So this is a lie...the market did better under Obama than it did under any other President, ever. In fact, the market reached record highs throughout Obama's term. It's a lie on your part that there was uncertainty. You're a liar. Obama and Trump grew the stock market nearly the same % (17% for Obama, 18% for Trump) during their first ten months. The difference is that Obama was handed a shitty economy thanks to you guys, and Trump was handed a prosperous economy thanks to Obama.
Economies always do well with a Republican Congress, crappy with a Dem Congress.
Like your hilarious lies about the tax plan?

What am I lying about?

You're the one who says the tax cuts pay for themselves.
You're the one who says tax cuts create all this growth.
You're the one who says tax cuts reduce the deficit.
You're the one who says tax cuts raise wages.

So who's the liar here?

reat position Trump worked you into for 2018 - middle income workers don’t deserve a tax cut.

Trump's tax cut doesn't cut taxes for middle income workers. It raises them for at least half of all those workers.
Hilarious watching you call JFK and Obama liars.
How do crazy angry lefties get away with the term "budget busting" when Barry Hussein busted the budget for eight years without offering the slightest incentive to businesses other than failing jokes like Solyndra?

Funny. How much NEW debt did President Obama create that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush's actions and/or policies? Bush's clusterfuck didn't just end on the day President Obama was sworn in. There were the Bush tax cuts (unprecedented during wartime) and the costs of two wars that Bush was keeping OFF the books.


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