Conservative Hypocrisy on Abortion

Pro-Life Rep. Tim Murphy Pressured Mistress to Get Abortion

Republicans also say tax cuts for billionaires really grows the economy.

You can't listen to these people. They lie.
Deanna, pull your head out of your ass sweetheart. The middle class got a tax cut and the economy is booming. All it took was Obama leaving office and letting the folks who understand how things work take over. You're welcome.
Abortion really has nothing to do with teflon cooking pots.
Abortion really has nothing to do with teflon cooking pots.
If you make a little hat out of tinfoil and shove your head up your ass, you too can think like a liberal.
Last night I watched a documentary on Netflix called the Devil We Know. The documentary was the story of the role of Dupont in the production, proliferation and manufacture of Teflon. Teflon is made from a chemical called C8. C8, also known as perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), is man-made and used in the process of producing Teflon, known for its nonstick qualities. Following a barrage of lawsuits against DuPont for the release of C8 into the environment, production ended in 2015. 99% of American blood samples show we are all contaminated with C8.

C8 was known to cause birth defects, cancer and premature deaths in those exposed. The documentary had an interview with a child born of birth defects because his mother was exposed to the chemical. There were many more like him.

In a deposition when a Dupont corporate officer was asked whether C8 was a danger to the mother he was adamant that there was no such danger, the only danger, he protested, was "to the fetus".

Dupont has since discontinued C8 but its substitute is believed just as toxic.

There are tens of thousands of other chemical that are unregulated by the EPA. The same EPA that is being gutted by the Trump administration. The same Trump administration that is gutting discharge rules allowing more toxins into our air and water. C8 and its progeny are far from the only chemicals that cause these birth defects and premature deaths.

So, all these threads from conservatives condemning abortion is only so much claptrap if you are inconsistent with your beliefs. Begs the question of course whether if a profit is involved, you will turn the other way.

Where is your outrage here?

Why doesn’t Pelosi just pass a law banning it then?

The power belongs to the EPA. Instead of gutting the EPA, deregulating the discharge of toxins into the air and water, and giving passes to big polluters, the EPA mandate should be vigorously enforced.

The fact is it is not just Dupont but Monsanto, Dow, BASF, etc.not to mention mining corporations, that dump toxic effluents into the environment.

The interesting statistic was that it is not only 99% of Americans that have C8 in its system, but 95 % of the world population has C8 in its blood. We are all toxic superfund sites.

There are many ways I could have taken this thread, but since there were abortion threads sprouting up all over this forum, I asked the question why are these big polluters given a pass for the havoc they are reeking on the unborn and the living. Why do "pro-life" types pass up any condemnation of these companies and their actions? Why are so many "pro-lifers" against laws, rules and regulations that limit pollutants that would lessen the amount of birth defects?

The West Virginia town at the heart of the story, is very conservative. They knew what the Dupont plant was exposing their children and families to but they chose to turn a blind eye to the poisons being unleashed in their town. Why? I guess it comes down to a choice between jobs and health, even if we are talking the health of fetuses.

I think this a false choice, however. There is no reason why Dupont could not have spent some money keeping their employees safe as well as taking appropriate controls to limit discharge of C8 into the environment. Rather than do that, Dupont had engaged in a 50 year coverup.

Dupont makes $25 billion dollars a year. A shame that to make an extra buck they destroyed the lives of so many.

No the power is with Congress to pass laws that companies need to abide by, not some bureaucracy that changes the rules on a whim.

So the question still stands, why haven’t Dems passed a bill making what DuPont did illegal?
Last night I watched a documentary on Netflix called the Devil We Know. The documentary was the story of the role of Dupont in the production, proliferation and manufacture of Teflon. Teflon is made from a chemical called C8. C8, also known as perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), is man-made and used in the process of producing Teflon, known for its nonstick qualities. Following a barrage of lawsuits against DuPont for the release of C8 into the environment, production ended in 2015. 99% of American blood samples show we are all contaminated with C8.

C8 was known to cause birth defects, cancer and premature deaths in those exposed. The documentary had an interview with a child born of birth defects because his mother was exposed to the chemical. There were many more like him.

In a deposition when a Dupont corporate officer was asked whether C8 was a danger to the mother he was adamant that there was no such danger, the only danger, he protested, was "to the fetus".

Dupont has since discontinued C8 but its substitute is believed just as toxic.

There are tens of thousands of other chemical that are unregulated by the EPA. The same EPA that is being gutted by the Trump administration. The same Trump administration that is gutting discharge rules allowing more toxins into our air and water. C8 and its progeny are far from the only chemicals that cause these birth defects and premature deaths.

So, all these threads from conservatives condemning abortion is only so much claptrap if you are inconsistent with your beliefs. Begs the question of course whether if a profit is involved, you will turn the other way.

Where is your outrage here?

Why doesn’t Pelosi just pass a law banning it then?

The power belongs to the EPA. Instead of gutting the EPA, deregulating the discharge of toxins into the air and water, and giving passes to big polluters, the EPA mandate should be vigorously enforced.

The fact is it is not just Dupont but Monsanto, Dow, BASF, etc.not to mention mining corporations, that dump toxic effluents into the environment.

The interesting statistic was that it is not only 99% of Americans that have C8 in its system, but 95 % of the world population has C8 in its blood. We are all toxic superfund sites.

There are many ways I could have taken this thread, but since there were abortion threads sprouting up all over this forum, I asked the question why are these big polluters given a pass for the havoc they are reeking on the unborn and the living. Why do "pro-life" types pass up any condemnation of these companies and their actions? Why are so many "pro-lifers" against laws, rules and regulations that limit pollutants that would lessen the amount of birth defects?

The West Virginia town at the heart of the story, is very conservative. They knew what the Dupont plant was exposing their children and families to but they chose to turn a blind eye to the poisons being unleashed in their town. Why? I guess it comes down to a choice between jobs and health, even if we are talking the health of fetuses.

I think this a false choice, however. There is no reason why Dupont could not have spent some money keeping their employees safe as well as taking appropriate controls to limit discharge of C8 into the environment. Rather than do that, Dupont had engaged in a 50 year coverup.

Dupont makes $25 billion dollars a year. A shame that to make an extra buck they destroyed the lives of so many.

No the power is with Congress to pass laws that companies need to abide by, not some bureaucracy that changes the rules on a whim.

So the question still stands, why haven’t Dems passed a bill making what DuPont did illegal?

The House of Representatives can not pass their own laws without that law being agreed to by the Senate and signed by the President. With all due respect, that is like a middle school knowledge. So you're just talking nonsense.

Here is the mission of the EPA:

The mission of EPA is to protect human health and the environment.

EPA works to ensure that:
  • Americans have clean air, land and water;
  • National efforts to reduce environmental risks are based on the best available scientific information;
  • Federal laws protecting human health and the environment are administered and enforced fairly, effectively and as Congress intended;
  • Environmental stewardship is integral to U.S. policies concerning natural resources, human health, economic growth, energy, transportation, agriculture, industry, and international trade, and these factors are similarly considered in establishing environmental policy;
  • All parts of society--communities, individuals, businesses, and state, local and tribal governments--have access to accurate information sufficient to effectively participate in managing human health and environmental risks;
  • Contaminated lands and toxic sites are cleaned up by potentially responsible parties and revitalized; and
  • Chemicals in the marketplace are reviewed for safety.
Our Mission and What We Do | US EPA

So, my questions to you if you so chose to answer them without deflection or obfuscation and with a simple yes and no answer are:

Should the EPA be gutted to prevent enforcement of environmental laws?
Should corporations be allowed be dump whatever toxins they wish into the environment?
Should we have limits to the amount of toxins that are dumped in the environment?
What is the appropriate amount of toxins that you would allow your children or pregnant women to ingest?
Is there an appropriate amount?
If a toxin has been shown to cause birth defects, induce abortions or cause cancer and a corporation has covered it up for 25 years or more, should the corporate officers be held criminally liable?
Does a corporation profits trump the health of the unborn, children and adults?
If not, why are you against enforcement of environmental laws and the agencies that enforce them.
If so, then are you putting a price tag on human life?
I guess when you're chopping up babies and throwing their bits into the dumpster, you have to come up with some argument to make yourself feel justified.
Some ignorant pukes are against contraception. I say we need a lot more emphasis on it. Preventing a pregnancy means no abortion. It's a win win. The life hasn't been conceived.
WTF? The crazy angry left gives no evidence to support the claim that the EPA is being "gutted" and then they take a quantum leap that Star Trec would be proud of with the crazy rant that by "gutting the EPA" the Trump administration is actually sponsoring more abortions. The left has gone so far over the edge of sanity that it's getting downright scary that there may be a tiny faction of crazies who actually believe this stuff. The post indicates that the ignorant left that probably borrows junk from left wing blog sites really has no concept of abortion. The post indicates that they don't understand the difference between miscarriages and the intentional killing of an unborn baby.
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For the authoritarian right abortion is about compelling conformity and expanding the authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty – in this case the right to privacy.

Likewise conservatives seek to expand the authority of their corporate masters at the expense of the health and well-being of consumers.
What does a woman aborting a man’s baby without his consent have to do with privacy?

A fetus can give consent? Who knew
Sure. Once it’s grown into a parent.
Some ignorant pukes are against contraception. I say we need a lot more emphasis on it. Preventing a pregnancy means no abortion. It's a win win. The life hasn't been conceived.

Leftist fucking ghouls.
And you know what, mind your own business. How many do you know personally who have had an abortion? You must know them all. Any of your friends, relatives, kids? You? Don't answer, its none of my business.

You run your mouth on hear daily, you're the last person that needs to tell anybody to mind their own business!

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