Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

In response to Spain's recognition of a Palestinian state and the antisemitic call by Spain's Deputy Prime Minister to not just recognize a Palestinian state but to 'liberate Palestine from the river to the sea,' I have decided to sever the connection between Spain's representation in Israel and the Palestinians, and to prohibit the Spanish consulate in Jerusalem from providing services to Palestinians from the West Bank. If this ignorant, hate-filled individual wants to understand what radical Islam truly seeks, she should study the 700 years of Islamic rule in Al-Andalus—today's Spain.

Watch: Palestinian mother from Gaza brought her baby to an Israeli hospital and let Jewish doctors to save his life by treating his rare congenital heart defect. While her son was recovering from the surgery, she told a journalist about her hope to sacrifice her son's soul as a Shahid (martyr for Islam), i.e., raising him to be a suicide bomber and kill Jews "for Jerusalem". She explained that for Palestinian Muslims "death" is part of the religious way of life and even their little children strive to die as suicide bombers and become "martyrs" for the sake Islam. She emphasized that unlike Jews who mourn the death of every single person in Israel, the Palestinians in Gaza "cry out of joy" as they welcome death and celebrate it.

This interview was filmed several years ago, but nothing has changed since then. The Palestinians must stop glorifying terrorism and introducing their children to Jihad!This is why there is no peace in the Middle East!

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