Congressional GOPers are a bit SCARED of town hall meetings?

Trump lap dogs? Trumps numbers continue to rise as the spineless repubs ignore and delay his agenda. Yeah, they may all get kicked out in 2018.

Numbers continue to rise??? Hey, moron, look it up.

Approval rating
Most recent weekly average 40
Feb 13-19, 2017

High point, 45 Jan 20-29, 2017

You must hate it when you continuously and thoroughly get thumped on the head. Current approvals range from 45-55 percent.
....and who can blame these weak-spined Trump lap-dogs. The question will be as to how long will they be able to still back Trump....OR......worry about their own sorry ass on reelection in 2018.

Ask right wingers like Chaffetz, Reed, Sanford, Scott, Grassley, etc. how much they're "enjoying" being shouted down with chants of "DO YOUR JOB" [in investigating Trump's ties with Russia.]

If these protests keep increasing in both frequency and volume, elected GOPers will either hide back in their DC bunkers OR change their minds about backing a loser like Trump.

Trump lap dogs? Trumps numbers continue to rise as the spineless repubs ignore and delay his agenda. Yeah, they may all get kicked out in 2018.
Trump's numbers continue to rise?!? Trump's numbers are augering into the dirt.

If you listen to the propaganda networks, msnbc, cnn, fox, nbc, abc, cbs. They all hate trump. Of course they're going to skew and poll his numbers in the gutter.
you elected a Gutter doesn't take much to despise the loud mouthed crud
Trump lap dogs? Trumps numbers continue to rise as the spineless repubs ignore and delay his agenda. Yeah, they may all get kicked out in 2018.

Numbers continue to rise??? Hey, moron, look it up.

Approval rating
Most recent weekly average 40
Feb 13-19, 2017

High point, 45 Jan 20-29, 2017

You must hate it when you continuously and thoroughly get thumped on the head. Current approvals range from 45-55 percent.
that's when racists nazis and alt right folks are polled
Trump lap dogs? Trumps numbers continue to rise as the spineless repubs ignore and delay his agenda. Yeah, they may all get kicked out in 2018.

Numbers continue to rise??? Hey, moron, look it up.

Approval rating
Most recent weekly average 40
Feb 13-19, 2017

High point, 45 Jan 20-29, 2017

You must hate it when you continuously and thoroughly get thumped on the head. Current approvals range from 45-55 percent.

No, current approvals range from 41 to 51% and you can automatically take 4 points off the Rasmussen 51.

Here's the indicator for 2018. In the last 25 years no president who ever held the House after his election ever held it after the midterms if his approval rating was under 50%. That would be Clinton, Bush in his second term, and Obama.
Where do bills usually end up when they've been tabled?

Well, according to morons like you. in the waste basket never to be seen again.
You'd think that right wingers may have kept a copy somewhere???..............LOL
You must hate it when you continuously and thoroughly get thumped on the head. Current approvals range from 45-55 percent.

By all means, live in your delusions....I really don't give a crap if you remain ignorant...Its kind of "fun" to have morons on here to pick on.
....and who can blame these weak-spined Trump lap-dogs. The question will be as to how long will they be able to still back Trump....OR......worry about their own sorry ass on reelection in 2018.

Ask right wingers like Chaffetz, Reed, Sanford, Scott, Grassley, etc. how much they're "enjoying" being shouted down with chants of "DO YOUR JOB" [in investigating Trump's ties with Russia.]

If these protests keep increasing in both frequency and volume, elected GOPers will either hide back in their DC bunkers OR change their minds about backing a loser like Trump.

Trump lap dogs? Trumps numbers continue to rise as the spineless repubs ignore and delay his agenda. Yeah, they may all get kicked out in 2018.
Trump's numbers continue to rise?!? Trump's numbers are augering into the dirt.

If you listen to the propaganda networks, msnbc, cnn, fox, nbc, abc, cbs. They all hate trump. Of course they're going to skew and poll his numbers in the gutter.
you elected a Gutter doesn't take much to despise the loud mouthed crud

The gutter prez left office last month.
You must hate it when you continuously and thoroughly get thumped on the head. Current approvals range from 45-55 percent.

By all means, live in your delusions....I really don't give a crap if you remain ignorant...Its kind of "fun" to have morons on here to pick on.

I know. Its nice sticking hot irons in your eyes and you'll always be deranged, misinformed, and lap up the propaganda like its nectarine from the gods!
....and who can blame these weak-spined Trump lap-dogs. The question will be as to how long will they be able to still back Trump....OR......worry about their own sorry ass on reelection in 2018.

Ask right wingers like Chaffetz, Reed, Sanford, Scott, Grassley, etc. how much they're "enjoying" being shouted down with chants of "DO YOUR JOB" [in investigating Trump's ties with Russia.]

If these protests keep increasing in both frequency and volume, elected GOPers will either hide back in their DC bunkers OR change their minds about backing a loser like Trump.

Yeah they're complaining right now in Colorado about NO town hall meetings scheduled. It's because Senate and House Republicans were warned about the Welcome home party--that Utah gave their Republican representatives.
Republican town halls are getting very, very nasty
With Congress out of session, many in Colorado ask: Where are the town halls? – The Denver Post

I wish I could've attended the Chaffetz party. I'd even more like to attend a welcome home for Hatch but he's probably too much of a wimp to have one.
Winners win

Losers act like children.

How "true"....especially when Obama WON twice and we had to watch racist pigs act like children.....
Thanks for the reminder......LOL..

Really? I don't remember the riots. I don't remember smashed windows and destruction of private property. I don't remember the assaults of innocent people. I don't remember people dressing up in pussy hats.

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Really? I don't remember the riots. I don't remember smashed windows and destruction of private property. I don't remember the assaults of innocent people. I don't remember people dressing up in pussy hats.

Just to jog your memory a bit.......

....and who can blame these weak-spined Trump lap-dogs. The question will be as to how long will they be able to still back Trump....OR......worry about their own sorry ass on reelection in 2018.

Ask right wingers like Chaffetz, Reed, Sanford, Scott, Grassley, etc. how much they're "enjoying" being shouted down with chants of "DO YOUR JOB" [in investigating Trump's ties with Russia.]

If these protests keep increasing in both frequency and volume, elected GOPers will either hide back in their DC bunkers OR change their minds about backing a loser like Trump.

You mean because bob craemer, and scot foval confessed to hiring people to incite violence at Trump rallies....where they beat people up, and shut down events with their violence...and then they burned up Berkely and threw rocks at mean because of the actual violence demonstrated over and over again by democrat, fascist brown shirts......You mean because of that?
Really? I don't remember the riots. I don't remember smashed windows and destruction of private property. I don't remember the assaults of innocent people. I don't remember people dressing up in pussy hats.

Just to jog your memory a bit.......


That is one of bob craemer and scot fovals hired thugs...the ones they hired to incite violence at Trump rallies, under the orders of hilary clinton and the Democrat National Committee....they confessed to doing these things on video......they are now doing it at these townhalls......
....and who can blame these weak-spined Trump lap-dogs. The question will be as to how long will they be able to still back Trump....OR......worry about their own sorry ass on reelection in 2018.

Ask right wingers like Chaffetz, Reed, Sanford, Scott, Grassley, etc. how much they're "enjoying" being shouted down with chants of "DO YOUR JOB" [in investigating Trump's ties with Russia.]

If these protests keep increasing in both frequency and volume, elected GOPers will either hide back in their DC bunkers OR change their minds about backing a loser like Trump.

Trump lap dogs? Trumps numbers continue to rise as the spineless repubs ignore and delay his agenda. Yeah, they may all get kicked out in 2018.
Polling Data
Poll Date Sample Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 2/2 - 2/20 -- 45.1 50.4 -5.3
Gallup 2/18 - 2/20 1500 A 41 53 -12
Rasmussen Reports 2/16 - 2/20 1500 LV 50 50 Tie
Economist/YouGov 2/12 - 2/14 1100 RV 46 49 -3
FOX News 2/11 - 2/13 1013 RV 48 47 +1
Reuters/Ipsos 2/10 - 2/14 1774 A 46 50 -4
Pew Research 2/7 - 2/12 1246 RV 42 54 -12
PPP (D) 2/7 - 2/8 712 RV 43 53 -10
Emerson 2/5 - 2/6 617 RV 48 47 +1
Quinnipiac 2/2 - 2/6 1155 RV 42 51 -9
All President Trump Job Approval Polling Data
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

LOL The orange clown's numbers are rising? LOL No other President has had this low of approval rating at this time in his administration.

No one has had this kind of attack from the democrats in the press. hollywood and his own party...because he threatens to weaken their power...
The left is just frustrated they can't win elections.

However, thanks to the Trumpster.....decent folks have concluded that they need to show up to vote, and the DNC better come up with better and less tainted candidates, AND "buyers' remorse" has set in from folks that simply voted for the orange clown based solely on Clinton hatred.

I'll try to remember what right wingers are stating today, versus the mid term election results in 2018.
Kicking butt and taking names ehhh.
okee dokeee.
....and who can blame these weak-spined Trump lap-dogs. The question will be as to how long will they be able to still back Trump....OR......worry about their own sorry ass on reelection in 2018.

Ask right wingers like Chaffetz, Reed, Sanford, Scott, Grassley, etc. how much they're "enjoying" being shouted down with chants of "DO YOUR JOB" [in investigating Trump's ties with Russia.]

If these protests keep increasing in both frequency and volume, elected GOPers will either hide back in their DC bunkers OR change their minds about backing a loser like Trump.
These are tea party tactics, they are very effective, especially when you are out of ideas of your for 2018, the left will be lucky if it can retain it's current numbers, more than likely they are going to slip further into the abyss of irrelevancy...I will admit that in most first terms a president usually loses seats in one or both houses, but the left is in such a mess right now that they look like they can break that trend...the good news for them is that they cannot slip much further.
These are tea party tactics, they are very effective, especially when you are out of ideas of your for 2018, the left will be lucky if it can retain it's current numbers, more than likely they are going to slip further into the abyss of irrelevancy...I will admit that in most first terms a president usually loses seats in one or both houses, but the left is in such a mess right now that they look like they can break that trend...the good news for them is that they cannot slip much further.

Not to interfere with your stupidity and ignorance, you should know that democrats actually GAINED seats in congress in 2016.....but, stay dumb, we need idiots to convince our kids to stay in school.....LOL
These are tea party tactics, they are very effective, especially when you are out of ideas of your for 2018, the left will be lucky if it can retain it's current numbers, more than likely they are going to slip further into the abyss of irrelevancy...I will admit that in most first terms a president usually loses seats in one or both houses, but the left is in such a mess right now that they look like they can break that trend...the good news for them is that they cannot slip much further.

Not to interfere with your stupidity and ignorance, you should know that democrats actually GAINED seats in congress in 2016....
Really? what did they do in 1974? 76? 92? not that those years are anymore relevant to my post than 2016 but they just as easily could be used to answer a point you wish was made as opposed to the one you can't dispute

.....but, stay dumb, we need idiots to convince our kids to stay in school.....LOL
That's more like a left wing recruitment tool for public education...but again, the above is what happens when your debate comes from the TV screen and you try to pass off here where there is rebuttal.
Last edited:
....and who can blame these weak-spined Trump lap-dogs. The question will be as to how long will they be able to still back Trump....OR......worry about their own sorry ass on reelection in 2018.

Ask right wingers like Chaffetz, Reed, Sanford, Scott, Grassley, etc. how much they're "enjoying" being shouted down with chants of "DO YOUR JOB" [in investigating Trump's ties with Russia.]

If these protests keep increasing in both frequency and volume, elected GOPers will either hide back in their DC bunkers OR change their minds about backing a loser like Trump.

Trump lap dogs? Trumps numbers continue to rise as the spineless repubs ignore and delay his agenda. Yeah, they may all get kicked out in 2018.
Trump's numbers continue to rise?!? Trump's numbers are augering into the dirt.

If you listen to the propaganda networks, msnbc, cnn, fox, nbc, abc, cbs. They all hate trump. Of course they're going to skew and poll his numbers in the gutter.
Alternative facts? We don't have a statesman in the White House. We have a petulant game show host. And what's worse is the people know it.

Blame the boogeyman media. That's the simple thing to do. Simple answers for simple minds.

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