Congratulations, Trumpsters

That, in a nutshell is the 2020 Republican Platform
Unchanged from 2016.

With the Democrats are Bad added in. That's not a Party Platform. And there should have been some things removed since Rump crapped on some of it during his first 4 years. You want to see what a real Party Platform looks like, look at the Eisenhower Party Platform. Now, there was a work of art.
, that word "cult" sure is getting around now
Has been for a while. And i am sure you hear it more than most, when you slither to the internet to act in ways you could not act around your friends, family, and co-workers.
speaking of the Party of Chi...or the DNC hard at work, spreading their cult of personality for their Dear Leader:

And not one of those kids is now a cultist. And there is no Obama cult, nor is that an attempt to create one.

Try as you might, you are not going to construct an alternate reality where the entire world is not embarrassed of the Trump cult and pities this country for being infected by it. Everyone knows what the Trump cult is. Even the Trump cultists. And especially the hostage GOP.
I found it but it was more a campaign message than anything else. A Party Platform is to tell us all what is GOOD about whatever President and Party are going to do for the Citizens and Country. What I found was a "Let's blame the Democrats". And I already posted the link.
You seem to have a strange difficulty finding things that we all know about.
I didn't say it was hateful. I just stated that it wasn't a Party Platform. And I won't go into why that is since you are incapable of understanding or you are just trolling.
:rolleyes: ...I understood perfectly well. You said >>"it also has some really hateful things in there" So once again, what are these supposed "hateful things", Mr Dodge ?
Try as you might, you are not going to construct an alternate reality where the entire world is not embarrassed of the Trump cult and pities this country for being infected by it. Everyone knows what the Trump cult is. Even the Trump cultists. And especially the hostage GOP.
Yes everyone knows what the Trump support is - it is the overwhelming majority of the American people who voted for Trump in 2016 and again in 2020, and if you're not one of us, maybe you should find another country to live in, since you are out of step with America.

And no, it is NOT the "entire world" that disapproves of Trump and the majority of Americans supporting him. It is only that part of the world which, before he come to power, was unrestrictedly taking advantage of the American people (ex. China, Mexico, Guatemla, some NATO countries, Muslim terrorist countries, etc.) which he put a stop to, unlike the negligent Obama.

Many countries are well-known to view Trump very favorably (ex. Nigeria, Israel, South Korea, Kenya, Turkey, India, the Phillipines, UAE, Bahrain, Poland, Belarus, Liberia, Macedonia,) and generally, sub-Saharan African nations have typically expressed favorable opinions of the US, during Trump's 4 years. Even countries that have not controlled their emigration of migrants to the US (El Salvador & Honduras,) view Trump favorably, pledging to do better, and in return, Trump sent them ventilators for the coronavirus.

Sure, countries around the world are likely to like you IF YOU KISS THEIR ASS, and bow down to them, as Obama so frequently did. I guess that's your way of conducting foreign policy. Thankfully, Trump didn't do that, but instead put America first, which is why he is so popular.
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, that word "cult" sure is getting around now
Has been for a while. And i am sure you hear it more than most, when you slither to the internet to act in ways you could not act around your friends, family, and co-workers.
speaking of the Party of Chi...or the DNC hard at work, spreading their cult of personality for their Dear Leader:

And not one of those kids is now a cultist. And there is no Obama cult, nor is that an attempt to create one.

Try as you might, you are not going to construct an alternate reality where the entire world is not embarrassed of the Trump cult and pities this country for being infected by it. Everyone knows what the Trump cult is. Even the Trump cultists. And especially the hostage GOP.

i sure hope they were able to leave the cult....often times in the cases of leftist Jim Jones and Jonestown, the children don't ever get a chance to get I hope they were able to escape.

The entire world, well...China, and Iran are thrilled that Trump is out of office and they have their puppets in office again...
With the Democrats are Bad added in. That's not a Party Platform. And there should have been some things removed since Rump crapped on some of it during his first 4 years. You want to see what a real Party Platform looks like, look at the Eisenhower Party Platform. Now, there was a work of art.
Yes, especially the Operation Wetback in 1954 ,which deported millions of illegal aliens back to Mexico, and by 1959, illegal immigration to the US practically no longer existed.
Try as you might, you are not going to construct an alternate reality where the entire world is not embarrassed of the Trump cult and pities this country for being infected by it. Everyone knows what the Trump cult is. Even the Trump cultists. And especially the hostage GOP.
Yes everyone knows what the Trump support is - it is the overwhelming majority of the American people who voted for Trump in 2016 and again in 2020, and if you're not one of us, maybe you should find another country to live in, since you are out of step with America.

And no, it is NOT the "entire world" that disapproves of Trump and the majority of Americans supporting him. It is only that part of the world which, before he come to power, was unrestrictedly taking advantage of the American people (ex. China, Mexico, Guatemla, some NATO countries, Muslim terrorist countries, etc.) which he put a stop to, unlike the negligent Obama.

Many countries are well-known to view Trump very favorably (ex. Nigeria, Israel, South Korea, Kenya, Turkey, India, the Phillipines, UAE, Bahrain, Poland, Belarus, Liberia, Macedonia,) and generally, sub-Saharan African nations have typically expressed favorable opinions of the US, during Trump's 4 years. Even countries that have not controlled their emigration of migrants to the US (El Salvador & Honduras,) view Trump favorably, pledging to do better, and in return, Trump sent them ventilators for the coronavirus.

Sure, countries around the world are likely to like you IF YOU KISS THEIR ASS, and bow down to them, as Obama so frequently did. I guess that's your way of conducting foreign policy. Thankfully, Trump didn't do that, but instead put America first, which is why he is so popular.

One problem with that. There are more of us than there are of you. And your numbers keep shrinking every day. So pack your bags.
I didn't say it was hateful. I just stated that it wasn't a Party Platform. And I won't go into why that is since you are incapable of understanding or you are just trolling.
:rolleyes: ...I understood perfectly well. You said >>"it also has some really hateful things in there" So once again, what are these supposed "hateful things", Mr Dodge ?

Did you read my cite and message? I already posted it and made the proof. So you are having another Vinnie Barbarino Moment.
One problem with that. There are more of us than there are of you. And your numbers keep shrinking every day. So pack your bags.
FALSE! There are NOT more of you. That is the FALSE propaganda from your leftist media, you have been duped into thinking. HA HA, More of you huh ? Oh ? Why? Because despicable cheaters set up election machines to make it appear that Joe Biden (who couldn't even fill up a parking lot during the campaign) got 80 million votes ? That makes it be "more" of you ? How stupid can you be ?

Trump was filling up massive arenas for months with supporters all over the country, while Biden was laying low, confident that his cheat machines would swing him the election. When he actually did go out and set up an big, important event (with Kamala Harris), in Arizona, NOBODY showed up - and this is the guy who is supposed to have gotten more votes than Obama, in 2012. You must think we are all idiots. Use your brain.

Biden supporters are about 10% of the American people (if that). Most of his supporters are illegal aliens. You really need to start watching Newsmax.

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Try as you might, you are not going to construct an alternate reality where the entire world is not embarrassed of the Trump cult and pities this country for being infected by it. Everyone knows what the Trump cult is. Even the Trump cultists. And especially the hostage GOP.
Yes everyone knows what the Trump support is - it is the overwhelming majority of the American people who voted for Trump in 2016 and again in 2020, and if you're not one of us, maybe you should find another country to live in, since you are out of step with America.

And no, it is NOT the "entire world" that disapproves of Trump and the majority of Americans supporting him. It is only that part of the world which, before he come to power, was unrestrictedly taking advantage of the American people (ex. China, Mexico, Guatemla, some NATO countries, Muslim terrorist countries, etc.) which he put a stop to, unlike the negligent Obama.

Many countries are well-known to view Trump very favorably (ex. Nigeria, Israel, South Korea, Kenya, Turkey, India, the Phillipines, UAE, Bahrain, Poland, Belarus, Liberia, Macedonia,) and generally, sub-Saharan African nations have typically expressed favorable opinions of the US, during Trump's 4 years. Even countries that have not controlled their emigration of migrants to the US (El Salvador & Honduras,) view Trump favorably, pledging to do better, and in return, Trump sent them ventilators for the coronavirus.

Sure, countries around the world are likely to like you IF YOU KISS THEIR ASS, and bow down to them, as Obama so frequently did. I guess that's your way of conducting foreign policy. Thankfully, Trump didn't do that, but instead put America first, which is why he is so popular.

One problem with that. There are more of us than there are of you. And your numbers keep shrinking every day. So pack your bags.
FALSE! There are NOT more of you. That is the FALSE propaganda from your leftist media, you have been duped into thinking. HA HA, More of you huh ? Oh ? Why? Because despicable cheaters set up election machines to make it appear that Joe Biden (who couldn't even fill up a parking lot during the campaign) got 80 million votes ? That makes it be "more" of you ? How stupid can you be ?

Trump was filling up massive arenas for months with supporters all over the country, while Biden was laying low, confident that his cheat machines would swing him the election. When he actually did go out and set up an big, important event (with Kamala Harris), in Arizona, NOBODY showed up - and this is the guy who is supposed to have gotten more votes than Obama, in 2012. You must think we are all idiots. Use your brain.

Biden supporters are about 10% of the American people (if that).
I would do one even better, only around 19% of Americans identify as Leftist/Liberal.
Did you read my cite and message? I already posted it and made the proof. So you are having another Vinnie Barbarino Moment.
No, I didn't read it (if it exists at all). So are you going to keep DODGING, or are you going to say what these "hateful" things are supposed to be ? (in your leftist media deranged mind)

note> regarding your "hateful" remark, and failure to back it up, you already have 2 strikes against you. Time to explain yourself, rookie. We require substance around here.
In all seriousness, I have to hand it to you: You have completely kicked ass and taken over your party.

It's not my job to understand this, but I sure as hell can see the results. The GOP "civil war" is over, if it ever really existed to begin with.

The final straw for me came from Mitch McConnell -- who has been trying to straddle the fence and failing pretty badly -- yesterday. Just a couple of weeks after condemning Trump on the Senate floor for his responsibility in the Capitol terrorist attacks of January 6, Mitch has now completely capitulated and said he would "absolutely" back Trump in 2024.

One guy owns a political party now. Incredible. And congratulations, I guess.

Well we will see in 2024 all the same underhanded tactics to suppress the vote , disenfranchise voters , exact names match and a whole host more. When that fails we will see a ( Stop the steal campaign on steroids) Republicans know they offer nothing to hard working Americans and therefore an enlightened electorate is their worse enemy. They have to cheer as usual and then claim the other side are the cheaters.

If that were true, you libs would not spend so much time lying.

Four years from now the riot of 1/6 will be a fading memory. We will have Biden's record of dealing with antifa and blm riots to talk about for the election.

Hell, lots of issues, and everyone, the moment you think of it, you immediately see how it will hurt Biden.

The Defund movement is going to cause crime to spike. Already happening.

His trade policies will be terrible.

His immigration policies will be terrible. THough lots of new dem voters imported, but at costs to existing Americans.

More wars overseas.

Teh economy will be sucky.

Covid will be able to be looked at more clearly. The panic mongering of the left will be more known.
In all seriousness, I have to hand it to you: You have completely kicked ass and taken over your party.

It's not my job to understand this, but I sure as hell can see the results. The GOP "civil war" is over, if it ever really existed to begin with.

The final straw for me came from Mitch McConnell -- who has been trying to straddle the fence and failing pretty badly -- yesterday. Just a couple of weeks after condemning Trump on the Senate floor for his responsibility in the Capitol terrorist attacks of January 6, Mitch has now completely capitulated and said he would "absolutely" back Trump in 2024.

One guy owns a political party now. Incredible. And congratulations, I guess.


I pray for the twice impeached and only one to lose popular vote twice in history, mr dj pussygrabber, to run again, for one thing I need the laughter, also that will solidify the Biden-Kamala dynasty ...

In all seriousness, I have to hand it to you: You have completely kicked ass and taken over your party.

It's not my job to understand this, but I sure as hell can see the results. The GOP "civil war" is over, if it ever really existed to begin with.

The final straw for me came from Mitch McConnell -- who has been trying to straddle the fence and failing pretty badly -- yesterday. Just a couple of weeks after condemning Trump on the Senate floor for his responsibility in the Capitol terrorist attacks of January 6, Mitch has now completely capitulated and said he would "absolutely" back Trump in 2024.

One guy owns a political party now. Incredible. And congratulations, I guess.


I pray for the twice impeached and only one to lose popular vote twice in history, mr dj pussygrabber, to run again, for one thing I need the laughter, also that will solidify the Biden-Kamala dynasty ...

View attachment 462769
Well, I figured the same thing in 2016.

I can't imagine that he'd win, but....

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