Congratulations to the US message board for having no anti-Semitic posters.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
There was a poll that asked folks which group they think causes the most trouble. Muslims got like 15 votes. Black people got maybe seven votes, I think white people might have gotten a few votes…. Jews got no votes. Democrats got a bunch of votes , Republicans got a bunch of votes.

So if somebody is against Jews and they did not participate in that thread, please let us all know. Because here on this form people are open about their views. I have seen a few BLM supporter say negative comments about white people in general, I’ve seen a few Trump supporter say negative comments about blacks in general. I can’t recall ever seeing a negative comment about Jews in general. And if there is one, I’m gonna go ahead and ask people to quote it and provide the message right here.

And no one cannot call somebody anti-Jewish if they criticize Israel . I mean they can but the allegation holds no water….. thought crimes are not a thing on this site

And that’s it Have a nice day.
There was a poll that asked folks which group they think causes the most trouble. Muslims got like 15 votes. Black people got maybe seven votes, I think white people might have gotten a few votes…. Jews got no votes. Democrats got a bunch of votes , Republicans got a bunch of votes.

So if somebody is against Jews and they did not participate in that thread, please let us all know. Because here on this form people are open about their views. I have seen a few BLM supporter say negative comments about white people in general, I’ve seen a few Trump supporter say negative comments about blacks in general. I can’t recall ever seeing a negative comment about Jews in general. And if there is one, I’m gonna go ahead and ask people to quote it and provide the message right here.

And no one cannot call somebody anti-Jewish if they criticize Israel . I mean they can but the allegation holds no water….. thought crimes are not a thing on this site

And that’s it Have a nice day.

Cool, as long as they only hate white Christians everything is great.
I have seen a few BLM supporter say negative comments about white people in general, I’ve seen a few Trump supporter say negative comments about blacks in general. I can’t recall ever seeing a negative comment about Jews in general. And if there is one, I’m gonna go ahead and ask people to quote it and provide the message right here.
He a nasty filthy Jew too.
Cool, as long as they only hate white Christians everything is great.

This is about antisemitism… I’ve seen none of it on the entire US message board. I’ve only seen a tiny fraction of all posters here on the usmb complain about “antisemitism” if somebody criticized Israel…

I haven’t seen one poster say all Jews are the enemy. Have you?

the same people calling folks antisemitic are also folks who criticize BLM and claim to support free speech. They should be embarrassed. It is literally the same tactics BLM supporters use calling anyone and everyone who disagrees with them a racist.

Hell I never thought I would see the day when some of my fellow Trump supporters turn into BLM type crybabies.

the challenge has been made and the demand is the accusers show proof. We need to see quotes …until then there is no antisemitism on the US message board.
Imposter says WHAT?

There are dozens and dozens of antisemites here.
You can count me as one for starters although I have dozens of close Jewish pals and half of our school gang were Jews .

I detest Nazis but it does not logically follow that I hate all Americans, or , back in the day , would have hated all Germans .

Your comment is standard low IQ illogical nonsense .
You fantasise just to bolster in your own mind your immature predetermined world view .
You can count me as one for starters although I have dozens of close Jewish pals and half of our school gang were Jews .

I detest Nazis but it does not logically follow that I hate all Americans, or , back in the day , would have hated all Germans .

Your comment is standard low IQ illogical nonsense .
You fantasise just to bolster in your own mind your immature predetermined world view .
Yeah, this is Zone1 , so I can't post that..
I think it's utterly retarded to claim that any criticism at all for the Israeli government automatically makes one antisemitic. By that logic, a good chunk of Israeli Jews today are antisemitic. lol

It's just as illogical as those who claimed that criticism of Obama's actions as president automatically makes one a racist.

It's either dumb, or intentionally dishonest for the purpose of trying to 'win' an argument. I think in most cases, it's the latter.
I think it's utterly retarded to claim that any criticism at all for the Israeli government a hat you automatically makes one antisemitic. By that logic, a good chunk of Israeli Jews today are antisemitic. lol
No, its not that you have ANY LEGITIMATE CRITICISM of the Israeli government, it's that you utterly reject ANY information that disagrees with what you want to believe and your eagerness to ACCEPT ANYTHING that makes Israel RESPONSIBLE for the October 7th massacre.

"No babies were beheaded"

"Netanyahu issued a stand down order "

"The Israeli government carried out the massacre to acquire land"

You people say "I need verification of that." When a reporter, or a soldier tells you the animals Beheaded babies (and others), it then you push THEORIES without proof other than, "governments lie"

These are the people you've aligned yourself with. Are you proud.

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Coming from Luiza that regards all J... as supposed "liars".
Just the "facts" vs the gullible. And it's about "honesty" too.

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