Confederates Look To Win 'Second Battle Of Olustee' In Florida

Confederates Look To Win 'Second Battle Of Olustee' In Florida

Does it really suck that bad to be know as the "Losers" in history?

Both the Nazis and the Confederates can't let it go.

Eleven thousand men fought at the Battle of Olustee, the largest Civil War battle in Florida, which took place on Feb. 20, 1864. The fighting took place on the floor of a virgin pine forest and lasted until dark, when the Union forces retreated. There were 1,861 Union casualties, and 946 Confederate casualties, making the battle, proportionally, one of the bloodiest of the war.

This week, almost 150 years later, in a public school auditorium in Lake City, Fla., the Battle of Olustee once again pitted Confederates against Yankees. This time, there were no casualties. But at stake was the fate of a monument to the Union soldiers who fought in the battle, proposed by the Florida "department" of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War.

"We really don't want controversy," Charles "Buck" Custer, treasurer of the Union group, told TPM in an interview this week. "We're down here in Dixie, and we certainly don't want to make enemies of our neighbors and people that we live with. But on the other hand, I think there should be justice, if you will, and I think that those 2,000 Union soldiers that died up there are at least entitled to have people know that they were there and existed."

The plans for a Union monument at the Olustee Battlefield Historic State Park -- about 46 miles west of Jacksonville, Fla. -- began several years ago. The idea was to commemorate the Union regiments that fought at Olustee (pronounced oh-lusty), and to recognize the African American regiments that made up one third of the Union forces. The group members also hoped to correct a perceived imbalance -- they say three Confederate monuments currently exist on the site -- and to get the monument built in time for the battle's sesquicentennial in February 2014. The Florida chapter of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War intended to fully pay for the project, and to offer it as a gift to the people of Florida.

The Confederate Flag represents traitors to the Union.

What's the problem? They are not opposed the monument, just its location. From your link:

Sons of Confederate Veterans, told TPM this week that he and his group are not opposed to the Union monument outright. They just don't want it built on the three-acre battlefield site originally donated to the state by the United Daughters of the Confederacy.

"Our particular view is, we're not opposed to the Union monument," Davis said. "We are opposed to the Union monument -- or any other monument -- being put on the original three acres at Olustee. And that's where they want to put it."
A federal monument celebrating the union soldiers should be erected in time for the 150 year celebration.

The state can build one for the confederate traitors if it wants.

both sides were american jake.

Yup, they are, and one of those sides was traitorous.

I think there are two other federal monuments in the south to Union efforts, one of them being Der Truer at Comfort, Texas.

If the feds won't, then Florida can build one if it wants to the confederates, since the argument was over the role of government.

You really aren't too smart are you Jake.

You are calling them traitors based on today's standard. It was MUCH different back then. The South believed in the autonomy of the states and shared the founding father's belief that the federal government had to stay out iof the state's business. They knew that they were entitled to revolt in the face of tyranny. The is what they did. They were far from traitors.

No charge for the education.
both sides were american jake.

Yup, they are, and one of those sides was traitorous.

I think there are two other federal monuments in the south to Union efforts, one of them being Der Truer at Comfort, Texas.

If the feds won't, then Florida can build one if it wants to the confederates, since the argument was over the role of government.

i don't about traitors, it was a war. and i'm glad they lost.

We won the battle of Olustee.
Yup, they are, and one of those sides was traitorous.

I think there are two other federal monuments in the south to Union efforts, one of them being Der Truer at Comfort, Texas.

If the feds won't, then Florida can build one if it wants to the confederates, since the argument was over the role of government.

i don't about traitors, it was a war. and i'm glad they lost.

We won the battle of Olustee.

The confeds won the battle and lost the war. I am glad they lost the war, too.
Confederates Look To Win 'Second Battle Of Olustee' In Florida

Does it really suck that bad to be know as the "Losers" in history?

Both the Nazis and the Confederates can't let it go.

Eleven thousand men fought at the Battle of Olustee, the largest Civil War battle in Florida, which took place on Feb. 20, 1864. The fighting took place on the floor of a virgin pine forest and lasted until dark, when the Union forces retreated. There were 1,861 Union casualties, and 946 Confederate casualties, making the battle, proportionally, one of the bloodiest of the war.

This week, almost 150 years later, in a public school auditorium in Lake City, Fla., the Battle of Olustee once again pitted Confederates against Yankees. This time, there were no casualties. But at stake was the fate of a monument to the Union soldiers who fought in the battle, proposed by the Florida "department" of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War.

"We really don't want controversy," Charles "Buck" Custer, treasurer of the Union group, told TPM in an interview this week. "We're down here in Dixie, and we certainly don't want to make enemies of our neighbors and people that we live with. But on the other hand, I think there should be justice, if you will, and I think that those 2,000 Union soldiers that died up there are at least entitled to have people know that they were there and existed."

The plans for a Union monument at the Olustee Battlefield Historic State Park -- about 46 miles west of Jacksonville, Fla. -- began several years ago. The idea was to commemorate the Union regiments that fought at Olustee (pronounced oh-lusty), and to recognize the African American regiments that made up one third of the Union forces. The group members also hoped to correct a perceived imbalance -- they say three Confederate monuments currently exist on the site -- and to get the monument built in time for the battle's sesquicentennial in February 2014. The Florida chapter of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War intended to fully pay for the project, and to offer it as a gift to the people of Florida.

The Confederate Flag represents traitors to the Union.

You're a Chicagoan, ever hear of the Grovefest in Glenview, IL right across from ABT electronics? They do Civil War reactments every year and OMG they have confederate soldiers carrying the confederate flag. That is left wing nutjob Jan Schakowsky's district, she must secretly support slavery!

You really are a mental midget!
If you have a battle reenactment, bub, you need two sides: Union and Confed.

Have a reenactment does not mean the Confederates and their cause are being supported: just the opposite.

The bad guys lost the war.
Confederates Look To Win 'Second Battle Of Olustee' In Florida

Does it really suck that bad to be know as the "Losers" in history?

Both the Nazis and the Confederates can't let it go.

Eleven thousand men fought at the Battle of Olustee, the largest Civil War battle in Florida, which took place on Feb. 20, 1864. The fighting took place on the floor of a virgin pine forest and lasted until dark, when the Union forces retreated. There were 1,861 Union casualties, and 946 Confederate casualties, making the battle, proportionally, one of the bloodiest of the war.

This week, almost 150 years later, in a public school auditorium in Lake City, Fla., the Battle of Olustee once again pitted Confederates against Yankees. This time, there were no casualties. But at stake was the fate of a monument to the Union soldiers who fought in the battle, proposed by the Florida "department" of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War.

"We really don't want controversy," Charles "Buck" Custer, treasurer of the Union group, told TPM in an interview this week. "We're down here in Dixie, and we certainly don't want to make enemies of our neighbors and people that we live with. But on the other hand, I think there should be justice, if you will, and I think that those 2,000 Union soldiers that died up there are at least entitled to have people know that they were there and existed."

The plans for a Union monument at the Olustee Battlefield Historic State Park -- about 46 miles west of Jacksonville, Fla. -- began several years ago. The idea was to commemorate the Union regiments that fought at Olustee (pronounced oh-lusty), and to recognize the African American regiments that made up one third of the Union forces. The group members also hoped to correct a perceived imbalance -- they say three Confederate monuments currently exist on the site -- and to get the monument built in time for the battle's sesquicentennial in February 2014. The Florida chapter of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War intended to fully pay for the project, and to offer it as a gift to the people of Florida.

The Confederate Flag represents traitors to the Union.
Hell even the birds need something to shit on. Give something for the youngsters in town to shit on and graffiti and stick gum to. :) Take that yankee shit and your amurrican flag back up north yankee scum.

Took a moment of silence pledged my allegiance and then sang Dixie with the kids.
Actually its singular there sparky. I am a National Socialist. So don't include other NS's for my view of the south. I was born here and I will die here and I respect our heritage and culture.
If you have a battle reenactment, bub, you need two sides: Union and Confed.

Have a reenactment does not mean the Confederates and their cause are being supported: just the opposite.

The bad guys lost the war.

you are correct in following my earlier comment.
A federal monument celebrating the union soldiers should be erected in time for the 150 year celebration.

The state can build one for the confederate traitors if it wants.

First off the confederates weren't traitors, they had a difference of opinion on the way things should be run and whether or not they had to stay in the Union the're states joined.

Secondly there already is three monuments to the Confederates according to the article, the one to the Union soliders would be in addition too those monuments.

Were all American. We've fought along side each other in many wars since the Civil War. It's 150 years later, if this is the way people still feel about eachother, maybe we should let the South secede. A house divided against itself won't stand any better now than it would 150 years ago. If the haters want to keep hating, let them leave and good riddance.
Ok I'm trying to figure out what Black Label is bitching about now. I swear BL you are in a constant state of your period. Take midol mega dose will you?

Idiot douche bag doesn't have a clue what she's fighting against.
I think the biggest problem is that we have allowed the South to romanticize what they did.

For the record, what they did was die and kill by the hundreds of thousands so a few rich douchebags could continue to live large and own other people. And most of those doing the fighting and dying got no personal benefit from that.

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