Comrade Pelosi Has Just Elevated Herself Higher, Has Declared Herself To Be The Most Powerful Than Joe Biden...& The Media Bows To Her


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Media Fact-Checkers Silent as Nancy Pelosi Falsely Claims
She Can Unseat 'Any Member of Congress' She Wants

While Biden publicly advocates the elimination of the Filibuster, changing the Senate forever, giving the Democrats the power to 'fundamentally change' the United States into a 1-Party Tyrannical Democratic party Government-Run 3rd-World Banana Republic, Nancy Pelosi has declared her assumption of Un-Constitutional dictatorial powers she does not have. According to Pelosi, she can overturn any election and unseat any legally, Constitutionally elected REPUBLICAN to strip GOP politicians of seats the Democrats could not /. did not win, thereby stripping the American voters of who THEY elected.

These newly professed powers, that are NOT afforded her in the Constitution, if allowed to stand unchallenged, would make her the most powerful person / politician in the United States.

This bitch has just declared she is a domestic enemy of this nation, of the US Constitution, and of the American people!


Media Fact-Checkers Silent as Nancy Pelosi Falsely Claims
She Can Unseat 'Any Member of Congress' She Wants

While Biden publicly advocates the elimination of the Filibuster, changing the Senate forever, giving the Democrats the power to 'fundamentally change' the United States into a 1-Party Tyrannical Democratic party Government-Run 3rd-World Banana Republic, Nancy Pelosi has declared her assumption of Un-Constitutional dictatorial powers she does not have. According to Pelosi, she can overturn any election and unseat any legally, Constitutionally elected REPUBLICAN to strip GOP politicians of seats the Democrats could not /. did not win, thereby stripping the American voters of who THEY elected.

These newly professed powers, that are NOT afforded her in the Constitution, if allowed to stand unchallenged, would make her the most powerful person / politician in the United States.

This bitch has just declared she is a domestic enemy of this nation, of the US Constitution, and of the American people!

I lonow you accuse others of your own failings.

right Sergei?

Media Fact-Checkers Silent as Nancy Pelosi Falsely Claims
She Can Unseat 'Any Member of Congress' She Wants

While Biden publicly advocates the elimination of the Filibuster, changing the Senate forever, giving the Democrats the power to 'fundamentally change' the United States into a 1-Party Tyrannical Democratic party Government-Run 3rd-World Banana Republic, Nancy Pelosi has declared her assumption of Un-Constitutional dictatorial powers she does not have. According to Pelosi, she can overturn any election and unseat any legally, Constitutionally elected REPUBLICAN to strip GOP politicians of seats the Democrats could not /. did not win, thereby stripping the American voters of who THEY elected.

These newly professed powers, that are NOT afforded her in the Constitution, if allowed to stand unchallenged, would make her the most powerful person / politician in the United States.

This bitch has just declared she is a domestic enemy of this nation, of the US Constitution, and of the American people!

Congress controls spending-----trillions $$$ being thrown around now---she does have more power than BIDEN.

Media Fact-Checkers Silent as Nancy Pelosi Falsely Claims
She Can Unseat 'Any Member of Congress' She Wants

While Biden publicly advocates the elimination of the Filibuster, changing the Senate forever, giving the Democrats the power to 'fundamentally change' the United States into a 1-Party Tyrannical Democratic party Government-Run 3rd-World Banana Republic, Nancy Pelosi has declared her assumption of Un-Constitutional dictatorial powers she does not have. According to Pelosi, she can overturn any election and unseat any legally, Constitutionally elected REPUBLICAN to strip GOP politicians of seats the Democrats could not /. did not win, thereby stripping the American voters of who THEY elected.

These newly professed powers, that are NOT afforded her in the Constitution, if allowed to stand unchallenged, would make her the most powerful person / politician in the United States.

This bitch has just declared she is a domestic enemy of this nation, of the US Constitution, and of the American people!

I lonow you accuse others of your own failings.

right Sergei?

So a Vote only counts when YOU and Nancy it does?
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(edit: you get the idea)
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Media Fact-Checkers Silent as Nancy Pelosi Falsely Claims
She Can Unseat 'Any Member of Congress' She Wants

While Biden publicly advocates the elimination of the Filibuster, changing the Senate forever, giving the Democrats the power to 'fundamentally change' the United States into a 1-Party Tyrannical Democratic party Government-Run 3rd-World Banana Republic, Nancy Pelosi has declared her assumption of Un-Constitutional dictatorial powers she does not have. According to Pelosi, she can overturn any election and unseat any legally, Constitutionally elected REPUBLICAN to strip GOP politicians of seats the Democrats could not /. did not win, thereby stripping the American voters of who THEY elected.

These newly professed powers, that are NOT afforded her in the Constitution, if allowed to stand unchallenged, would make her the most powerful person / politician in the United States.

This bitch has just declared she is a domestic enemy of this nation, of the US Constitution, and of the American people!

I lonow you accuse others of your own failings.

right Sergei?

I accuse YOU of failing to read the article and the Constitution, you are a weed puller nothing more:

From the PJ Media LINK,

The case in question here, Powell v. McCormack, involves Rep. Adam Clayton Powell (D-N.Y.), a member of Congress who was excluded by Congress in 1967 following allegations of corruption. Powell was reelected by constituents and regained his seat after the Supreme Court ruled his favor that Congress did not have the power to exclude him because he was duly elected and satisfied the requirements of Article I Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution.

Article I Section 5 of the U.S. Constitution does state that “Each house shall be the judge of the … qualifications of its own members,” but explains that a two-thirds majority vote is required to expel a member."

Media Fact-Checkers Silent as Nancy Pelosi Falsely Claims
She Can Unseat 'Any Member of Congress' She Wants

While Biden publicly advocates the elimination of the Filibuster, changing the Senate forever, giving the Democrats the power to 'fundamentally change' the United States into a 1-Party Tyrannical Democratic party Government-Run 3rd-World Banana Republic, Nancy Pelosi has declared her assumption of Un-Constitutional dictatorial powers she does not have. According to Pelosi, she can overturn any election and unseat any legally, Constitutionally elected REPUBLICAN to strip GOP politicians of seats the Democrats could not /. did not win, thereby stripping the American voters of who THEY elected.

These newly professed powers, that are NOT afforded her in the Constitution, if allowed to stand unchallenged, would make her the most powerful person / politician in the United States.

This bitch has just declared she is a domestic enemy of this nation, of the US Constitution, and of the American people!

I lonow you accuse others of your own failings.

right Sergei?

Why should it be ILLEGAL to check ID to vote?
She obviously doesn't have that power. She may think she can.

In 1969, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Speaker of the House could not exclude a duly-elected candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives. In Powell v. McCormack, 395 U.S. 486 (1969), the Supreme Court ruled that the House's Constitutional authority to judge the qualifications of its own members was post facto and could only be exercised via expulsion after a 2/3rd affirmative vote. In other words, the House and Senate have no discretion when deciding whether to seat a candidate who has been duly elected under state law, but may take steps to expel that member after they have been sworn-in. The Court decided that the constitutional rights of the voters and the states takes precedence over the rights of Congress until the candidate is sworn-in as a member. Although this case involved the House of Representatives, there is no indication the Court would view a candidate duly elected to the Senate any differently.

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