China is laughing at us - Nikki Haley


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA

I'll give you the Cliff Notes version since many don't have the attention span:

  1. China is using the Left's rhetoric against us -- How can we be the moral compass of the world when our President states we are a systemically racist nation
  2. Leftists are telling people just because they are minorities they start with one arm tied behind their back. This is not only a lie but very dehumanizing. Nikki Haley is a minority btw.
  3. China is surpassing us in military strength, specifically the Navy.
  4. Biden's border policies are abhorrent.
  5. We had to pass a Bill to test illegals coming over the border for COVD-19.
I recommend you listen.

Thank you,

I'll give you the Cliff Notes version since many don't have the attention span:

  1. China is using the Left's rhetoric against us -- How can we be the moral compass of the world when our President states we are a systemically racist nation
  2. Leftists are telling people just because they are minorities they start with one arm tied behind their back. This is not only a lie but very dehumanizing. Nikki Haley is a minority btw.
  3. China is surpassing us in military strength, specifically the Navy.
  4. Biden's border policies are abhorrent.
  5. We had to pass a Bill to test illegals coming over the border for COVD-19.
I recommend you listen.

Thank you,

China has aname for the Prog Socialists....Government and people in their social media...BAIZUO! (urban dictionary is more direct) They love it.

I'll give you the Cliff Notes version since many don't have the attention span:

  1. China is using the Left's rhetoric against us -- How can we be the moral compass of the world when our President states we are a systemically racist nation
  2. Leftists are telling people just because they are minorities they start with one arm tied behind their back. This is not only a lie but very dehumanizing. Nikki Haley is a minority btw.
  3. China is surpassing us in military strength, specifically the Navy.
  4. Biden's border policies are abhorrent.
  5. We had to pass a Bill to test illegals coming over the border for COVD-19.
I recommend you listen.

Thank you,

Fuck Nikki Haley and fuck U.

China is using the Left's rhetoric against us -- How can we be the moral compass of the world when our
Seems to me there’s an easy response to this sort of rhetoric from the Chinese, specifically:
Yes, we have problems but at least we’re open about them and are attempting to address them, while in China the people can’t even TALK about all the problems, let alone attempt to do anything about them.”

Whatever problems that we have in the U.S. with respect to racism and sexism at least we aren’t locking people up in concentration camps like the Chinese are. We’re engaged in a national dialog to address those problems. Yes we go too far overboard at times with the rhetoric on race and sex but that’s pretty natural in the realm of politics.

Haley and Shapiro miss the point that as long as we’re being open about our problems and working toward solutions, we’ll ALWAYS have the moral high ground on those issues and China won’t. We lose the moral high ground as soon as we start attempting to cover up our shortcomings.

I'll give you the Cliff Notes version since many don't have the attention span:

  1. China is using the Left's rhetoric against us -- How can we be the moral compass of the world when our President states we are a systemically racist nation
  2. Leftists are telling people just because they are minorities they start with one arm tied behind their back. This is not only a lie but very dehumanizing. Nikki Haley is a minority btw.
  3. China is surpassing us in military strength, specifically the Navy.
  4. Biden's border policies are abhorrent.
  5. We had to pass a Bill to test illegals coming over the border for COVD-19.
I recommend you listen.

Thank you,

Honestly, who cares what she thinks. If she could open her mouth instead of speaking through her teeth she might have something to say.
If you think she is presidential material, you're as desperate as you were when you elected trump.

I'll give you the Cliff Notes version since many don't have the attention span:

  1. China is using the Left's rhetoric against us -- How can we be the moral compass of the world when our President states we are a systemically racist nation
  2. Leftists are telling people just because they are minorities they start with one arm tied behind their back. This is not only a lie but very dehumanizing. Nikki Haley is a minority btw.
  3. China is surpassing us in military strength, specifically the Navy.
  4. Biden's border policies are abhorrent.
  5. We had to pass a Bill to test illegals coming over the border for COVD-19.
I recommend you listen.

Thank you,

Honestly, who cares what she thinks.

You got a problem listening to BOTH sides of the debate?

Perhaps you should put your confirmation bias on hold and attempt to at least listen to what the “other side” has to say before dismissing it. Might help in the objectivity department.

I'll give you the Cliff Notes version since many don't have the attention span:

  1. China is using the Left's rhetoric against us -- How can we be the moral compass of the world when our President states we are a systemically racist nation
  2. Leftists are telling people just because they are minorities they start with one arm tied behind their back. This is not only a lie but very dehumanizing. Nikki Haley is a minority btw.
  3. China is surpassing us in military strength, specifically the Navy.
  4. Biden's border policies are abhorrent.
  5. We had to pass a Bill to test illegals coming over the border for COVD-19.
I recommend you listen.

Thank you,

Honestly, who cares what she thinks.

You got a problem listening to BOTH sides of the debate?

Perhaps you should put your confirmation bias on hold and attempt to at least listen to what the “other side” has to say before dismissing it. Might help in the objectivity department.

Perhaps you should anticipate that not everyone is a fool. Those blockheads your aiming that wouldnt encourage criticism. They know no better.
You won't sneak that rubbish past me.

I'll give you the Cliff Notes version since many don't have the attention span:

  1. China is using the Left's rhetoric against us -- How can we be the moral compass of the world when our President states we are a systemically racist nation
  2. Leftists are telling people just because they are minorities they start with one arm tied behind their back. This is not only a lie but very dehumanizing. Nikki Haley is a minority btw.
  3. China is surpassing us in military strength, specifically the Navy.
  4. Biden's border policies are abhorrent.
  5. We had to pass a Bill to test illegals coming over the border for COVD-19.
I recommend you listen.

Thank you,

Honestly, who cares what she thinks.

You got a problem listening to BOTH sides of the debate?

Perhaps you should put your confirmation bias on hold and attempt to at least listen to what the “other side” has to say before dismissing it. Might help in the objectivity department.

Perhaps you should anticipate that not everyone is a fool. Those blockheads your aiming that wouldnt encourage criticism. They know no better.
You won't sneak that rubbish past me.

The fool is the one that only considers one side of the debate.

In this case, that appears to be YOU.
Still laughing. Now there is proof the virus came from the Wuhan institute and not the wet markets.
What proof? Last I checked the investigation into the origins of the virus are still ongoing and no definitive evidence has surfaced that it came from a lab. From what I understand the available evidence tends to point to natural origins, although given that the discovery effort continues that doesn’t appear to be the final verdict of the Scientific Community.

I'll give you the Cliff Notes version since many don't have the attention span:

  1. China is using the Left's rhetoric against us -- How can we be the moral compass of the world when our President states we are a systemically racist nation
  2. Leftists are telling people just because they are minorities they start with one arm tied behind their back. This is not only a lie but very dehumanizing. Nikki Haley is a minority btw.
  3. China is surpassing us in military strength, specifically the Navy.
  4. Biden's border policies are abhorrent.
  5. We had to pass a Bill to test illegals coming over the border for COVD-19.
I recommend you listen.

Thank you,

Honestly, who cares what she thinks.

You got a problem listening to BOTH sides of the debate?

Perhaps you should put your confirmation bias on hold and attempt to at least listen to what the “other side” has to say before dismissing it. Might help in the objectivity department.

Perhaps you should anticipate that not everyone is a fool. Those blockheads your aiming that wouldnt encourage criticism. They know no better.
You won't sneak that rubbish past me.

The fool is the one that only considers one side of the debate.

In this case, that appears to be YOU.

Oh really? And you would be receptive to my view by replying with a statement like that?
Do you ever read what you write? How do you think if you think at all?

I'll give you the Cliff Notes version since many don't have the attention span:

  1. China is using the Left's rhetoric against us -- How can we be the moral compass of the world when our President states we are a systemically racist nation
  2. Leftists are telling people just because they are minorities they start with one arm tied behind their back. This is not only a lie but very dehumanizing. Nikki Haley is a minority btw.
  3. China is surpassing us in military strength, specifically the Navy.
  4. Biden's border policies are abhorrent.
  5. We had to pass a Bill to test illegals coming over the border for COVD-19.
I recommend you listen.

Thank you,

Honestly, who cares what she thinks.

You got a problem listening to BOTH sides of the debate?

Perhaps you should put your confirmation bias on hold and attempt to at least listen to what the “other side” has to say before dismissing it. Might help in the objectivity department.

Perhaps you should anticipate that not everyone is a fool. Those blockheads your aiming that wouldnt encourage criticism. They know no better.
You won't sneak that rubbish past me.

The fool is the one that only considers one side of the debate.

In this case, that appears to be YOU.

And you would be receptive to my view by replying with a statement like that?

Of course, I’ll give your thoughts all due consideration and won’t dismiss them out of hand.

However, your replies so far have simply been an out of hand dismissal of anything Nikki Haley has to say coupled with a pretty weak defense of that dismissal, thus leading me to the conclusion that you don’t want to hear anything that might conflict with your existing views, which IMHO is a foolish and self-defeating position to take.
Fauci is a moron but the world is so dependent on China that we just close a blind eye
uh huh

so lets recap the last year.......our gub'mit in their infinite wisdom pays worker ant more than they'd make working.......prints more $$$ than anytime in our history.......and now we're living in a nation of empty shelves.....

can U say 'dependency' loud enough for the globalists to hear U ....?


I'll give you the Cliff Notes version since many don't have the attention span:

  1. China is using the Left's rhetoric against us -- How can we be the moral compass of the world when our President states we are a systemically racist nation
  2. Leftists are telling people just because they are minorities they start with one arm tied behind their back. This is not only a lie but very dehumanizing. Nikki Haley is a minority btw.
  3. China is surpassing us in military strength, specifically the Navy.
  4. Biden's border policies are abhorrent.
  5. We had to pass a Bill to test illegals coming over the border for COVD-19.
I recommend you listen.

Thank you,

Honestly, who cares what she thinks.

You got a problem listening to BOTH sides of the debate?

Perhaps you should put your confirmation bias on hold and attempt to at least listen to what the “other side” has to say before dismissing it. Might help in the objectivity department.

Perhaps you should anticipate that not everyone is a fool. Those blockheads your aiming that wouldnt encourage criticism. They know no better.
You won't sneak that rubbish past me.

The fool is the one that only considers one side of the debate.

In this case, that appears to be YOU.

And you would be receptive to my view by replying with a statement like that?

Of course, I’ll give your thoughts all due consideration and won’t dismiss them out of hand.

However, your replies so far have simply been an out of hand dismissal of anything Nikki Haley has to say coupled with a pretty weak defense of that dismissal, thus leading me to the conclusion that you don’t want to hear anything that might conflict with your existing views, which IMHO is a foolish and self-defeating position to take.

You are entitled to your ignorant opinion but it's not my fault you are always wrong.

She is no different to Candace Owens. Both grandstanding and bleating all the things which your fears and hatreds love to hear.
You views never considered mine so it's a bit hypocritical to make those assumptions.

I'll give you the Cliff Notes version since many don't have the attention span:

  1. China is using the Left's rhetoric against us -- How can we be the moral compass of the world when our President states we are a systemically racist nation
  2. Leftists are telling people just because they are minorities they start with one arm tied behind their back. This is not only a lie but very dehumanizing. Nikki Haley is a minority btw.
  3. China is surpassing us in military strength, specifically the Navy.
  4. Biden's border policies are abhorrent.
  5. We had to pass a Bill to test illegals coming over the border for COVD-19.
I recommend you listen.

Thank you,

Honestly, who cares what she thinks.

You got a problem listening to BOTH sides of the debate?

Perhaps you should put your confirmation bias on hold and attempt to at least listen to what the “other side” has to say before dismissing it. Might help in the objectivity department.

Perhaps you should anticipate that not everyone is a fool. Those blockheads your aiming that wouldnt encourage criticism. They know no better.
You won't sneak that rubbish past me.

The fool is the one that only considers one side of the debate.

In this case, that appears to be YOU.

And you would be receptive to my view by replying with a statement like that?

Of course, I’ll give your thoughts all due consideration and won’t dismiss them out of hand.

However, your replies so far have simply been an out of hand dismissal of anything Nikki Haley has to say coupled with a pretty weak defense of that dismissal, thus leading me to the conclusion that you don’t want to hear anything that might conflict with your existing views, which IMHO is a foolish and self-defeating position to take.

You are entitled to your ignorant opinion but it's not my fault you are always wrong.

She is no different to Candace Owens. Both grandstanding and bleating all the things which your fears and hatreds love to hear.
You views never considered mine so it's a bit hypocritical to make those assumptions.

Hey surada. Quit thanking me and get stuck into them. Say something.

I'll give you the Cliff Notes version since many don't have the attention span:

  1. China is using the Left's rhetoric against us -- How can we be the moral compass of the world when our President states we are a systemically racist nation
  2. Leftists are telling people just because they are minorities they start with one arm tied behind their back. This is not only a lie but very dehumanizing. Nikki Haley is a minority btw.
  3. China is surpassing us in military strength, specifically the Navy.
  4. Biden's border policies are abhorrent.
  5. We had to pass a Bill to test illegals coming over the border for COVD-19.
I recommend you listen.

Thank you,

Honestly, who cares what she thinks.

You got a problem listening to BOTH sides of the debate?

Perhaps you should put your confirmation bias on hold and attempt to at least listen to what the “other side” has to say before dismissing it. Might help in the objectivity department.

Perhaps you should anticipate that not everyone is a fool. Those blockheads your aiming that wouldnt encourage criticism. They know no better.
You won't sneak that rubbish past me.

The fool is the one that only considers one side of the debate.

In this case, that appears to be YOU.

And you would be receptive to my view by replying with a statement like that?

Of course, I’ll give your thoughts all due consideration and won’t dismiss them out of hand.

However, your replies so far have simply been an out of hand dismissal of anything Nikki Haley has to say coupled with a pretty weak defense of that dismissal, thus leading me to the conclusion that you don’t want to hear anything that might conflict with your existing views, which IMHO is a foolish and self-defeating position to take.

You are entitled to your ignorant opinion but it's not my fault you are always wrong.

Where am I wrong, please point it out? Or are you sticking with the “I’m just going dismiss opinions that might not agree with mine out of hand” argument?
She is no different to Candace Owens. Both grandstanding and bleating all the things which your fears and hatreds love to hear.
So you’re not only going to stick with the echo chamber defense but now you’re going to accuse me of doing it? You should probably scroll back and look at where I criticized Haley’s arguments IN THIS VERY THREAD, but at least I LISTENED TO THEM BEFORE DOING IT.

You views never considered mine so it's a bit hypocritical to make those assumptions.
I DID consider your viewpoint and then went on to point out how they were flawed and why I believed them to be.

All you’ve done so far is cast about for something to demean me with because I did so, your argument isn’t based on anything close to reason and amounts to nothing more than sticking your fingers in your ears because I’m not telling you want you want to hear.

Sadly, you don’t even understand what you’re arguing against because you don’t want to listen to anything other than that which feeds your confirmation bias.


I'll give you the Cliff Notes version since many don't have the attention span:

  1. China is using the Left's rhetoric against us -- How can we be the moral compass of the world when our President states we are a systemically racist nation
  2. Leftists are telling people just because they are minorities they start with one arm tied behind their back. This is not only a lie but very dehumanizing. Nikki Haley is a minority btw.
  3. China is surpassing us in military strength, specifically the Navy.
  4. Biden's border policies are abhorrent.
  5. We had to pass a Bill to test illegals coming over the border for COVD-19.
I recommend you listen.

Thank you,

Fuck Nikki Haley and fuck U.



I'll give you the Cliff Notes version since many don't have the attention span:

  1. China is using the Left's rhetoric against us -- How can we be the moral compass of the world when our President states we are a systemically racist nation
  2. Leftists are telling people just because they are minorities they start with one arm tied behind their back. This is not only a lie but very dehumanizing. Nikki Haley is a minority btw.
  3. China is surpassing us in military strength, specifically the Navy.
  4. Biden's border policies are abhorrent.
  5. We had to pass a Bill to test illegals coming over the border for COVD-19.
I recommend you listen.

Thank you,

she’s brilliant and would make a wonderful President
Still laughing. Now there is proof the virus came from the Wuhan institute and not the wet markets.
What proof? Last I checked the investigation into the origins of the virus are still ongoing and no definitive evidence has surfaced that it came from a lab. From what I understand the available evidence tends to point to natural origins, although given that the discovery effort continues that doesn’t appear to be the final verdict of the Scientific Community.
To me, one doesn’t have to be James Bond. Only lab in China that can produce such a virus is in Wuhan. The virus comes from Wuhan. Those on the Left say: nothing to see here it came from the wet market.

In terms of proof there have been various pictures, videos and testimonies that much of the mainstream media refuses to cover.

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