Comrade Dumb insists his unproven claims don't hurt his cred

"Trump was right!" is what they say everyone they are trying to Trumpsplain away the lies Trump tell. That's why wire tap now means any surveillance and Trump Tower means anywhere else.
"Wire tap" indicates illegal surveillance, that is why he said it.

There isn't a modern term for it yet.
It's like "healthcare" or "Mexico will pay for it".
He doesn't really mean it.
"Trump was right!" is what they say everyone they are trying to Trumpsplain away the lies Trump tell. That's why wire tap now means any surveillance and Trump Tower means anywhere else.
"Wire tap" indicates illegal surveillance, that is why he said it.

There isn't a modern term for it yet.
It's like "healthcare" or "Mexico will pay for it".
He doesn't really mean it.
Pure nonsense.
Yeah, the idiot really believes that he can say whatever he wants and people will believe him because he is president. Well, illiterates like many on the Board will believe him, but the polls clearly show the American People as a whole are getting fed up with him.

'I'm president and you're not': Trump sticks to his unsubstantiated claims in Time interview

Here are some of Trump's other assertions from the interview:

  • Trump stuck by his unsubstantiated accusation that the Obama administration wiretapped him ahead of the 2016 election, even after FBI Director James Comey said he and the Department of Justice had "no information" to support it. He cited House Intelligence Committee Chair Rep. Devin Nunes' unusual Wednesday announcement that U.S. intelligence officials "incidentally collected" information about Trump transition team members during "normal" surveillance of foreign targets. Even though Nunes went out of his way to say Trump Tower was never wiretapped, as the president alleged, Trump said the congressman's statement "means I'm right."
  • Trump alleged on Twitter in November that "millions of people voted illegally," but no evidence has yet surfaced to back that claim. He told Time he meant that people "mostly register wrong." The White House has pointed to outdated voter rolls in which people are registered in more than one state, but that is not illegal unless those voters actually cast more than one ballot.

"Hey look, in the mean time, I guess, I can’t be doing so badly, because I’m president, and you’re not. You know."

He has the mentality of a 6th grade brat. Sheesh ...
Yeah, the idiot really believes that he can say whatever he wants and people will believe him because he is president. Well, illiterates like many on the Board will believe him, but the polls clearly show the American People as a whole are getting fed up with him.

'I'm president and you're not': Trump sticks to his unsubstantiated claims in Time interview

Here are some of Trump's other assertions from the interview:

  • Trump stuck by his unsubstantiated accusation that the Obama administration wiretapped him ahead of the 2016 election, even after FBI Director James Comey said he and the Department of Justice had "no information" to support it. He cited House Intelligence Committee Chair Rep. Devin Nunes' unusual Wednesday announcement that U.S. intelligence officials "incidentally collected" information about Trump transition team members during "normal" surveillance of foreign targets. Even though Nunes went out of his way to say Trump Tower was never wiretapped, as the president alleged, Trump said the congressman's statement "means I'm right."
  • Trump alleged on Twitter in November that "millions of people voted illegally," but no evidence has yet surfaced to back that claim. He told Time he meant that people "mostly register wrong." The White House has pointed to outdated voter rolls in which people are registered in more than one state, but that is not illegal unless those voters actually cast more than one ballot.

A very good article about the mentality of a Trump supporter is here.


They are on the very lowest level of a functioning brain that science has ever seen.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains
Yeah, the idiot really believes that he can say whatever he wants and people will believe him because he is president. Well, illiterates like many on the Board will believe him, but the polls clearly show the American People as a whole are getting fed up with him.

'I'm president and you're not': Trump sticks to his unsubstantiated claims in Time interview

Here are some of Trump's other assertions from the interview:

  • Trump stuck by his unsubstantiated accusation that the Obama administration wiretapped him ahead of the 2016 election, even after FBI Director James Comey said he and the Department of Justice had "no information" to support it. He cited House Intelligence Committee Chair Rep. Devin Nunes' unusual Wednesday announcement that U.S. intelligence officials "incidentally collected" information about Trump transition team members during "normal" surveillance of foreign targets. Even though Nunes went out of his way to say Trump Tower was never wiretapped, as the president alleged, Trump said the congressman's statement "means I'm right."
  • Trump alleged on Twitter in November that "millions of people voted illegally," but no evidence has yet surfaced to back that claim. He told Time he meant that people "mostly register wrong." The White House has pointed to outdated voter rolls in which people are registered in more than one state, but that is not illegal unless those voters actually cast more than one ballot.

A very good article about the mentality of a Trump supporter is here.


They are on the very lowest level of a functioning brain that science has ever seen.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains
Funny how a neuroscientist is dumb enough to spew nothing but DNC bullshit and actually believe they are giving some kind of prognosis.
Yeah, the idiot really believes that he can say whatever he wants and people will believe him because he is president. Well, illiterates like many on the Board will believe him, but the polls clearly show the American People as a whole are getting fed up with him.

'I'm president and you're not': Trump sticks to his unsubstantiated claims in Time interview

Here are some of Trump's other assertions from the interview:

  • Trump stuck by his unsubstantiated accusation that the Obama administration wiretapped him ahead of the 2016 election, even after FBI Director James Comey said he and the Department of Justice had "no information" to support it. He cited House Intelligence Committee Chair Rep. Devin Nunes' unusual Wednesday announcement that U.S. intelligence officials "incidentally collected" information about Trump transition team members during "normal" surveillance of foreign targets. Even though Nunes went out of his way to say Trump Tower was never wiretapped, as the president alleged, Trump said the congressman's statement "means I'm right."
  • Trump alleged on Twitter in November that "millions of people voted illegally," but no evidence has yet surfaced to back that claim. He told Time he meant that people "mostly register wrong." The White House has pointed to outdated voter rolls in which people are registered in more than one state, but that is not illegal unless those voters actually cast more than one ballot.

A very good article about the mentality of a Trump supporter is here.


They are on the very lowest level of a functioning brain that science has ever seen.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains
Funny how a neuroscientist is dumb enough to spew nothing but DNC bullshit and actually believe they are giving some kind of prognosis.
Yeah, "brain doctors" have lost a lot of their credibilty after this last election.
Yeah, the idiot really believes that he can say whatever he wants and people will believe him because he is president. Well, illiterates like many on the Board will believe him, but the polls clearly show the American People as a whole are getting fed up with him.

'I'm president and you're not': Trump sticks to his unsubstantiated claims in Time interview

Here are some of Trump's other assertions from the interview:

  • Trump stuck by his unsubstantiated accusation that the Obama administration wiretapped him ahead of the 2016 election, even after FBI Director James Comey said he and the Department of Justice had "no information" to support it. He cited House Intelligence Committee Chair Rep. Devin Nunes' unusual Wednesday announcement that U.S. intelligence officials "incidentally collected" information about Trump transition team members during "normal" surveillance of foreign targets. Even though Nunes went out of his way to say Trump Tower was never wiretapped, as the president alleged, Trump said the congressman's statement "means I'm right."
  • Trump alleged on Twitter in November that "millions of people voted illegally," but no evidence has yet surfaced to back that claim. He told Time he meant that people "mostly register wrong." The White House has pointed to outdated voter rolls in which people are registered in more than one state, but that is not illegal unless those voters actually cast more than one ballot.

A very good article about the mentality of a Trump supporter is here.


They are on the very lowest level of a functioning brain that science has ever seen.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains
Funny how a neuroscientist is dumb enough to spew nothing but DNC bullshit and actually believe they are giving some kind of prognosis.

Trump even admitted this lower brain function Phenomena in his statement:
"Donald Trump boasted Saturday that support for his presidential campaign would not decline even if he shot someone in the middle of a crowded street. "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump said at a campaign rally here."
Donald Trump could 'shoot somebody and not lose voters' -

You believe everything & anything he says. You don't recognize that he's a pathological liar.
"A pathological liar is someone who compulsively tells lies or fabricates information. They may not be completely rooted in reality, believing the lies they tell.
How to Spot a Pathological Liar
Lyin' Donald: 101 Of Trump's Greatest Lies
Donald Trump's file
Trump’s Lies vs. Your Brain

If Trump told you that little green aliens came down from outer space and abducted Melania, you would believe it, and would be on this board demanding that NASA gets her back.

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"Trump was right!" is what they say everyone they are trying to Trumpsplain away the lies Trump tell. That's why wire tap now means any surveillance and Trump Tower means anywhere else.
"Wire tap" indicates illegal surveillance, that is why he said it.

There isn't a modern term for it yet.

And when he said tap his phone he was referring to surveillance of things in general and "phone" cover a broad spectrum :bs1:
Wire tap indicates that you literally tapped wires.

That is no longer possible in the wireless 21st century.

And when he said phones he meant other things. Also when he said Trump Tower he meant other places. And when he said after the election he meant anytime.

Look up the word "unsubstantiated". It doesn't mean false or untrue, it means unproven. Lately it seems that most of President Trump's claims are being substantiated.

They are not being substantiated. They are still being proved as false.

In the last Fox poll, 16% approve of Trump's tweets. 30% say he needs to be more careful about what he tweets. 50% disapprove of his tweets. When you consider that 30% strongly approve of Trump then nearly half of his strong supporters say he needs to more careful at best.
"... but the polls clearly show the American People as a whole are getting fed up with him."

Really? I don't think so. Prove your statement. In any case case this Presidential election proved beyond all doubt that polls don't mean much, if anything. Those who believe in polls are the real Comrade dumbs among us. If you like polls you'll love astrology.
Look up the word "unsubstantiated". It doesn't mean false or untrue, it means unproven. Lately it seems that most of President Trump's claims are being substantiated.

They are not being substantiated. They are still being proved as false.

In the last Fox poll, 16% approve of Trump's tweets. 30% say he needs to be more careful about what he tweets. 50% disapprove of his tweets. When you consider that 30% strongly approve of Trump then nearly half of his strong supporters say he needs to more careful at best.

They thought he would "change" once he became President, and that's one of the main reasons they voted for him. He's not going to change. He has two personality disorders that cannot be changed.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

Along with his pathological lying.
"A pathological liar is someone who compulsively tells lies or fabricates information. They may not be completely rooted in reality, believing the lies they tell.
How to Spot a Pathological Liar

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