Comrade Dumb insists his unproven claims don't hurt his cred

This might be the one thing trumpery has gotten right. No matter how many lies or stupid moves, there will always be a few who are too invested in their own stupidity. Not to mention the openly treasonous Pootarians. They're in favor of anything they think will harm the US and benefit Russia.

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There is some basis for Trump claiming that his credibility will not suffer due to his lies. For the most part, he doesn't have any credibility any more. I have noticed recently that the Right no longer defends his outrageous lies. Instead, they just say that Obama and Hillary lie, too. I am convinced that Trump supporters know that he is lying, but , 1) still maintain that if he just builds a wall, everything will be peachy, and 2), too embarrassed to admit that they supported a guy who turned out to be a pathological liar. It is much better just to not address that issue at all, but to divert, instead. I have noticed that the more we call him out for his lying, the more often you see the phrase, "You can keep your doctor", posted by Trump supporters.
Hahaha. A little early to declare these things as hurting his cred. While he hasn't offered evidence to prove the wiretap claim or the millions of illegal voters, nobody's disproven them either. I get that unproven claims can't be treated as true, but citing Trump's lack of evidence as undisputable proof dishonesty or Comey's claim as absolute fact is equally stupid. All any of us have to work with are unsubstantiated claims, so acting as though you've got the correct answers is arrogant as shit no matter what side of these issues you find most compelling.
Oh, 37% popularity rating puts shit to your comment on cred.

Once he goes below 30%, then Pence and Mattis and Tillerson and McMaster and Ryan will go after him.

Jesus fucking Christ but you are a delusional fool. Just 2 months into a 48 month term and you already have a coup taking place in your empty head. Where did you go to college? The University of I Don't Know Shit?

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Hahaha. A little early to declare these things as hurting his cred. While he hasn't offered evidence to prove the wiretap claim or the millions of illegal voters, nobody's disproven them either. I get that unproven claims can't be treated as true, but citing Trump's lack of evidence as undisputable proof dishonesty or Comey's claim as absolute fact is equally stupid. All any of us have to work with are unsubstantiated claims, so acting as though you've got the correct answers is arrogant as shit no matter what side of these issues you find most compelling.
Oh, 37% popularity rating puts shit to your comment on cred.

Once he goes below 30%, then Pence and Mattis and Tillerson and McMaster and Ryan will go after him.

Jesus fucking Christ but you are a delusional fool. Just 2 months into a 48 month term and you already have a coup taking place in your empty head. Where did you go to college? The University of I Don't Know Shit? Sent from my iPhone using
No, I did not attend your alma mater, IDKSU :lol:

What coup? Amendment XXV is in the headlights if Trump keeps this up.
Oh, 37% popularity rating puts shit to your comment on cred.
Once he goes below 30%, then Pence and Mattis and Tillerson and McMaster and Ryan will go after him.
A very credible source called my office today and told me that Pence is the White House leaker and leader of the "Silent Coup" against Tramp.
Trump is probably right. He is not going to gain credibility with the left ever. The right will grin and bear it, because the alternative was so repulsive.
Only to ignoramuses like you. Hillary Clinton would have been 1000 times better than this know nothing buffoon. So stop lying.
Trump is probably right. He is not going to gain credibility with the left ever. The right will grin and bear it, because the alternative was so repulsive.
Only to ignoramuses like you. Hillary Clinton would have been 1000 times better than this know nothing buffoon. So stop lying.

Best you got? I can guarantee you Trump wouldn't have holed up for three months after the loss.
Look up the word "unsubstantiated". It doesn't mean false or untrue, it means unproven. Lately it seems that most of President Trump's claims are being substantiated.
Isn't it interesting that Jake, the guy who claims to be a Republican (snicker), never has any criticism for Democrat politicians. It's always a Republican.
If the orange cheeto starts WWIII and crashes the economy his cult will still back him 100%.
Look up the word "unsubstantiated". It doesn't mean false or untrue, it means unproven. Lately it seems that most of President Trump's claims are being substantiated.
Where? Show me where it's been substantiated that Obama wiretapped him.
Yeah, the idiot really believes that he can say whatever he wants and people will believe him because he is president. Well, illiterates like many on the Board will believe him, but the polls clearly show the American People as a whole are getting fed up with him.

'I'm president and you're not': Trump sticks to his unsubstantiated claims in Time interview

Here are some of Trump's other assertions from the interview:

  • Trump stuck by his unsubstantiated accusation that the Obama administration wiretapped him ahead of the 2016 election, even after FBI Director James Comey said he and the Department of Justice had "no information" to support it. He cited House Intelligence Committee Chair Rep. Devin Nunes' unusual Wednesday announcement that U.S. intelligence officials "incidentally collected" information about Trump transition team members during "normal" surveillance of foreign targets. Even though Nunes went out of his way to say Trump Tower was never wiretapped, as the president alleged, Trump said the congressman's statement "means I'm right."
  • Trump alleged on Twitter in November that "millions of people voted illegally," but no evidence has yet surfaced to back that claim. He told Time he meant that people "mostly register wrong." The White House has pointed to outdated voter rolls in which people are registered in more than one state, but that is not illegal unless those voters actually cast more than one ballot.
That Time interview was a rambling mess.
"Trump was right!" is what they say everyone they are trying to Trumpsplain away the lies Trump tell. That's why wire tap now means any surveillance and Trump Tower means anywhere else.
"Wire tap" indicates illegal surveillance, that is why he said it.

There isn't a modern term for it yet.
It's like "healthcare" or "Mexico will pay for it".
He doesn't really mean it.
"Trump was right!" is what they say everyone they are trying to Trumpsplain away the lies Trump tell. That's why wire tap now means any surveillance and Trump Tower means anywhere else.
You put "Trump was right" in quotation marks...what does that mean?

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