Common Sense & Mass Murder

It is a lot easier for Toltalitarians to round up their opposition after they have been disarmed
Let's see if I get the Left's arguments right.

1. Police are racist murderers.

2. The military would happily join a coup to install Trump if he lost the election.

3. Everybody else should be disarmed.
The 6 year old, 13 year old and a young man murdered by a gun lost their right to life, liberty and happiness.

Common sense gun regulations may not prevent a monster from getting a gun, but no regulations assure a monster will get a gun and kill innocent people.

It's past time to reevaluate the Second Amendment, and to face the reality that the majority of members of Congress put their job security first, in spite of the costs in blood and treasure that their inaction allows. There is enough ambiguity in the wording of the 2nd to allow Congress, and/or State Legislatures or City Councils to pass regulations which protect the people they represent.

Then let the NRA go broke defending their outdated policies.

Maduro approves of every Communist effort to disarm Americans! Komrade Wry, thank you for your efforts! We need to get Americans disarms so they will be easier to run over with APC's when they decide to riot against us!

Great will be your reward in the People's Republic of America! You traitors are always the first layer of fertilizer in the Progressive Mass graves!

Mothers gunned down in Chicago during anti-crime street vigil

Two mothers in Chicago have been killed in a drive-by shooting as they stood on a street corner in an effort to deter gun violence.

Chantell Grant and Andrea Stoudemire were volunteers for Mothers Against Senseless Killings and had been camped out at the corner to prevent conflict.

They were shot on Friday evening by the occupants of a blue SUV. No arrests have yet been made.

Supporters say they are shocked by the killing and will honour their memories.

"It is sacred ground, as far as we're concerned," said Mothers Against Senseless Killings (Mask) member Maria Pike, referring to the South Side Chicago street corner policed by the fallen mums.

"This was a haven that was built by moms," she told ABC 7 in Chicago. "The lack of humanity is shocking," she added.

Grant was a 26-year-old mother of four and Stoudemire was a 35-year-old mother of three.

The women were hit around 22:00 local time (03:00 GMT Saturday) while standing on West 75th Street and South Stewart Avenue in the city's violence-plagued Englewood neighbourhood.

"It is terrifying. It is heartbreaking. I haven't slept because I am trying to figure out how we can stop this," Tamar Manasseh, founder of Mask, told the Chicago Sun-Times.

"Who's next? I just keep thinking, Who's next?"

The group began occupying the corner around four years ago, and host barbeques there throughout the summer, in the hope that their constant presence will deter violence.

They have also offered counselling and guidance to community members, according to friends and activists.

A 58-year-old man who was present suffered a graze wound to his arm.​

"I see no need to reevaluate the second amendment."
I have it right here,,,and it says nothing ON THIS TOPIC other than

Nothing about a well-regulated militia? You must have a special copy.

thats a different subject and a qualifier for why shall not be infringed was needed,,,

and it says nothing about regs or restrictions

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

It's part of the same sentence and you claim it's a different subject? Do you think it's there because there wasn't room elsewhere?

we were talking about the right to bare arms not why a militia was necessary,,,

please try and keep up,,,

you said there was a clause that allowed for regs and restrictions,,,so where is it???

The necessity of a well-regulated militia is a qualifying clause (or was until hacktivist judges decided to pretend it wasn't there). Earlier Supreme Court decisions recognized it as a collective right.
figures,,,I knew one didnt exist,,,

Look up the 2nd Amendment, then holler back.
I have it right here,,,and it says nothing ON THIS TOPIC other than

Nothing about a well-regulated militia? You must have a special copy.

Nothing about a well-regulated militia?

is that where you stopped reading?

Didn't get to the part about "the right of the people to keep and bear arms"?

" well-regulated militia?"

only allowed males, between the ages of 16-45, no women, no one physically or mentally challenged?

kinda restrictive, isn't it?

You think that was restrictive, you should have heard some of the other things they did in the day. The 'people' didn't even include all persons.

its a qualifier for why all people have a right to be armed,,,nothing else,,and judges dont make laws or change rights,,,they have only gotten away with what theyve done because democrats and republicans let them
I read a Tweet that said democrats advocating for gun control is like some guy on a first date insisting that you leave your Mace and rape whistle at home.
Mothers gunned down in Chicago during anti-crime street vigil

Two mothers in Chicago have been killed in a drive-by shooting as they stood on a street corner in an effort to deter gun violence.

Chantell Grant and Andrea Stoudemire were volunteers for Mothers Against Senseless Killings and had been camped out at the corner to prevent conflict.

They were shot on Friday evening by the occupants of a blue SUV. No arrests have yet been made.

Supporters say they are shocked by the killing and will honour their memories.

"It is sacred ground, as far as we're concerned," said Mothers Against Senseless Killings (Mask) member Maria Pike, referring to the South Side Chicago street corner policed by the fallen mums.

"This was a haven that was built by moms," she told ABC 7 in Chicago. "The lack of humanity is shocking," she added.

Grant was a 26-year-old mother of four and Stoudemire was a 35-year-old mother of three.

The women were hit around 22:00 local time (03:00 GMT Saturday) while standing on West 75th Street and South Stewart Avenue in the city's violence-plagued Englewood neighbourhood.

"It is terrifying. It is heartbreaking. I haven't slept because I am trying to figure out how we can stop this," Tamar Manasseh, founder of Mask, told the Chicago Sun-Times.

"Who's next? I just keep thinking, Who's next?"

The group began occupying the corner around four years ago, and host barbeques there throughout the summer, in the hope that their constant presence will deter violence.

They have also offered counselling and guidance to community members, according to friends and activists.

A 58-year-old man who was present suffered a graze wound to his arm.​

"I see no need to reevaluate the second amendment."

They were shot on Friday evening by the occupants of a blue SUV.
Sounds like a good reason to outlaw blue SUVs.

It's Chicago, history has proven outlawing firearms in that city did did no good.
The 6 year old, 13 year old and a young man murdered by a gun lost their right to life, liberty and happiness.

Common sense gun regulations may not prevent a monster from getting a gun, but no regulations assure a monster will get a gun and kill innocent people.

It's past time to reevaluate the Second Amendment, and to face the reality that the majority of members of Congress put their job security first, in spite of the costs in blood and treasure that their inaction allows. There is enough ambiguity in the wording of the 2nd to allow Congress, and/or State Legislatures or City Councils to pass regulations which protect the people they represent.

Then let the NRA go broke defending their outdated policies.

You really are a fruit loop.

Guns don't kill people. People kill people. The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.

You need to get off your stupid ass and find a way to regulate and control murderous people. Once you've done that let us all know how you did it because then your problem will be solved.

Anyone can get a gun. They don't need to go to a gun store. They sure as hell don't have to fill out paperwork or wait for their gun. There is a huge black market out there for guns. If you have the money, you can get the gun.

You should regulate and control that as well since you think you are so smart.

Let us all know how it works out.

Gun crime has been dropping since the 80s. I see no need to reevaluate the second amendment.
It has been dropping since we got background checks. Our homicide rate is still 4-5x higher than countries with strong gun control.
The 6 year old, 13 year old and a young man murdered by a gun lost their right to life, liberty and happiness.

Common sense gun regulations may not prevent a monster from getting a gun, but no regulations assure a monster will get a gun and kill innocent people.

It's past time to reevaluate the Second Amendment, and to face the reality that the majority of members of Congress put their job security first, in spite of the costs in blood and treasure that their inaction allows. There is enough ambiguity in the wording of the 2nd to allow Congress, and/or State Legislatures or City Councils to pass regulations which protect the people they represent.

Then let the NRA go broke defending their outdated policies.

You really are a fruit loop.

Guns don't kill people. People kill people. The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.

You need to get off your stupid ass and find a way to regulate and control murderous people. Once you've done that let us all know how you did it because then your problem will be solved.

Anyone can get a gun. They don't need to go to a gun store. They sure as hell don't have to fill out paperwork or wait for their gun. There is a huge black market out there for guns. If you have the money, you can get the gun.

You should regulate and control that as well since you think you are so smart.

Let us all know how it works out.



Thanks for sharing. You're the first to call me a "fruit loop". I do appreciate your use of the ad hominem, and the echoes of cliches; clearly more evidence that your signature to your post fits you perfectly.
The 6 year old, 13 year old and a young man murdered by a gun lost their right to life, liberty and happiness.
Oh look - an anti-gun loon, standing on the bodies and bathing in the blood of innocents, as a means to push his mindless agenda.
Common sense gun regulations may not prevent a monster from getting a gun, but no regulations assure a monster will get a gun and kill innocent people.
And yet, your "solution" is to lay MORE necessary and ineffective, utterly devoid of any sense whatsoever, restrictions on the law abiding.
It's past time to reevaluate the Second Amendment,
Amend the constitution.
Until you do, the 2A is there, it means something you don't like, and you don't get to ignore it.
The 6 year old, 13 year old and a young man murdered by a gun lost their right to life, liberty and happiness.

Common sense gun regulations may not prevent a monster from getting a gun, but no regulations assure a monster will get a gun and kill innocent people.

It's past time to reevaluate the Second Amendment, and to face the reality that the majority of members of Congress put their job security first, in spite of the costs in blood and treasure that their inaction allows. There is enough ambiguity in the wording of the 2nd to allow Congress, and/or State Legislatures or City Councils to pass regulations which protect the people they represent.

Then let the NRA go broke defending their outdated policies.
How about locking the monsters up like we used to do?
Common sense is having the ability to accurately identify the true nature of the problem then coming up with a workable common sense solution, however from all apprperaces common sense eludes you altogether because you insist on treating a symptom rather than the disease.
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"Shall not be infringed" doesn't exist in a vacuum. There's a qualifying clause that leaves plenty of ambiguity....
No. There isn't.

The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home

The fact you disagree means nothing.
Tell this ^^^ to the victims who survived Las Vegas and now Gilroy, the famllies of those killed by monsters whose right to own a gun murdered scores of innocent people in classrooms, at concerts, at food fairs, eating at McDonalds or attending church.
Every day, all day.
Personal tragedies do not generate sound arguments for the unnecessary and ineffective restriction of constitutionally protected rights.
The 6 year old, 13 year old and a young man murdered by a gun lost their right to life, liberty and happiness.

Common sense gun regulations may not prevent a monster from getting a gun, but no regulations assure a monster will get a gun and kill innocent people.

It's past time to reevaluate the Second Amendment, and to face the reality that the majority of members of Congress put their job security first, in spite of the costs in blood and treasure that their inaction allows. There is enough ambiguity in the wording of the 2nd to allow Congress, and/or State Legislatures or City Councils to pass regulations which protect the people they represent.

Then let the NRA go broke defending their outdated policies.

You really are a fruit loop.

Guns don't kill people. People kill people. The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.

You need to get off your stupid ass and find a way to regulate and control murderous people. Once you've done that let us all know how you did it because then your problem will be solved.

Anyone can get a gun. They don't need to go to a gun store. They sure as hell don't have to fill out paperwork or wait for their gun. There is a huge black market out there for guns. If you have the money, you can get the gun.

You should regulate and control that as well since you think you are so smart.

Let us all know how it works out.

Not so fast, Claudette. Arguing that our law enforcement and government are incapable of handling the problem is not a reason not to look for solutions. Someone someday will be a competent enough leader to begin addressing this problem.

Shrugging your shoulders and saying "Duh, we can't handle controlling guns" isn't very flattering.
The 6 year old, 13 year old and a young man murdered by a gun lost their right to life, liberty and happiness.

Common sense gun regulations may not prevent a monster from getting a gun, but no regulations assure a monster will get a gun and kill innocent people.

It's past time to reevaluate the Second Amendment, and to face the reality that the majority of members of Congress put their job security first, in spite of the costs in blood and treasure that their inaction allows. There is enough ambiguity in the wording of the 2nd to allow Congress, and/or State Legislatures or City Councils to pass regulations which protect the people they represent.

Then let the NRA go broke defending their outdated policies.

And yet you don't post "common sense" gun regulations.....because you know every time you do, we explain how they are not common sense, do nothing to stop criminals or mass shooters and are simply the next step for you to make criminals out of people who don't use their guns for adding legal hurdles, fines, fees and taxes, as well as tests and rules that do nothing that you say you want.

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