Commandments For Politically Incorrect Living
<li>Thou shalt have no nation before The United States of America.
<li>Thou shalt always say "Under God" when reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
<li>Honor thy Bush and thy Cheney.
<li>Thou shalt not blaspheme against Microsoft or Haliburton.
<li>Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's Corvette
<li>Thou shalt use every tax loophole in existence, and hoard thy money.
<li>Thou shalt not buy an electric car, for it is uncool.
<li>Thou shalt not oppose drilling for domestic oil.
<li>Thou shalt not try to "understand" weird people.
<li>Thou shalt not have a sex-change.
<li>Thou shalt not trust any man who weareth a diaper upon his head
<li>Thou shalt not suffer a Chihuahua to live.
<li>Thou shalt not use recycled toilet paper.
<li>Thou shalt not worship the false gods of Global Warming, Zero Body Fat, or Animal Rights.
<li>Thou shalt support our troops and their Commander in Chief.
<li>Thou shalt be proficient in the use of a handgun.
<li>Thou shalt not sue thy doctor over a hangnail.
<li>Thou shalt not eat "veggie burgers," for they art unclean.
<li>Thou shalt not atone for the alleged sins of thy forefathers.
<li>Thou shalt speakest only English while on hallowed American soil.
<li>Thou shalt spank thy children when they screweth up.
<li>Thou shalt spell-check thine e-mails and instant messages.
<li>Thou shalt have no nation before The United States of America.
<li>Thou shalt always say "Under God" when reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
<li>Honor thy Bush and thy Cheney.
<li>Thou shalt not blaspheme against Microsoft or Haliburton.
<li>Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's Corvette
<li>Thou shalt use every tax loophole in existence, and hoard thy money.
<li>Thou shalt not buy an electric car, for it is uncool.
<li>Thou shalt not oppose drilling for domestic oil.
<li>Thou shalt not try to "understand" weird people.
<li>Thou shalt not have a sex-change.
<li>Thou shalt not trust any man who weareth a diaper upon his head
<li>Thou shalt not suffer a Chihuahua to live.
<li>Thou shalt not use recycled toilet paper.
<li>Thou shalt not worship the false gods of Global Warming, Zero Body Fat, or Animal Rights.
<li>Thou shalt support our troops and their Commander in Chief.
<li>Thou shalt be proficient in the use of a handgun.
<li>Thou shalt not sue thy doctor over a hangnail.
<li>Thou shalt not eat "veggie burgers," for they art unclean.
<li>Thou shalt not atone for the alleged sins of thy forefathers.
<li>Thou shalt speakest only English while on hallowed American soil.
<li>Thou shalt spank thy children when they screweth up.
<li>Thou shalt spell-check thine e-mails and instant messages.