Coming Technologies That Will Revolutionize Our Society; Decentralized Autonomous Organizations


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
"There are simply too many technologies and innovation accelerators to account for, and I have resisted adding more for simplicity sake. However the discussion around Blockchain is growing louder, and so I have added it to the technology curve. The Blockchain technology is a highly secure protocol that enables the direct digital transfers of information without an intermediary. It can be used for money, personal data, stocks, transaction records, and contracts. Blockchain technology creates activity ledgers that have the potential to transform the nature of trade, contracts, and transactions across every sector. Some are arguing that it could be the foundation of a new economic system.

A more subtle change was a shift from focusing on next generation automation, to the automation of everything. This change reflects the reality that the platform to automate everything is indeed emerging, and the ultimate destination may be Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO). Self-provisioning platforms, AI, Robotics, the automation of knowledge work, and Blockchain technologies foreshadow the rise of the DAO.

The next editions are the disruptive scenarios that likely impact financial services – I’ve simply termed this money 2.0 to also explore the role of money in society as we look into the future. As financial services are continuously unbundled, how will it shape the future of financial services? Are the public stock markets transformed? Is there a need for a clearing house role? Does the Bank as we know it disappear?

What it means to be human could be challenged by two new additions to the visual: Human 2.0 and Human-Machine convergence. In the case of Human 2.0, advances may enable the chemical, genetic, electronic, and physical augmentation of our brains and bodies. Could we see the emergence of a new breed of human with greater capabilities? Regarding our converging with machines, Gerd Leonhard and I have interacted quite a bit recently, and he takes a fascinating look at the topic of human-machine convergence in the book referenced above. Gerd takes a refreshing look at the need for society to shape the evolution and ethical governance of technological innovation and the boundaries between humans and machines. You can learn much more on this topic by visiting Mr. Leonhard’s site.

Next on our visual is the decentralization of everything. I recently did a radio program that focused on this fascinating topic. Wikipedia defines decentralization as the process of redistributing or dispersing functions, powers, people, or things away from a central location or authority. Multiple technologies on our curve drive towards decentralization. Renewable energies fundamentally decentralize energy production, as consumers become prosumers and create their own energy. 3D Printing promises to decentralize the highly centralized manufacturing and distribution environment, as we all become prosumers. Blockchain technology promises to remove middlemen and central authorities from the mix, affecting multiple sectors along the way. The decentralization phenomenon does not stop there. We are heading towards decentralized autonomous organizations that are enabled by AI, Robotics, Blockchain and more. What happens when an organization is almost fully automated?

Finally, we come to Democracy 2.0. What does all this mean to our current model of governance? Will technology facilitate a transition to a more open, participative, and informed model of governance and democracy? In the digital era, could we realize the true tenets of democracy by using technology to give everyone a voice?"

Expanding Disruptive Scenarios Frank Diana s Blog

The changes we will witness over the next twenty years will dwarf all the changes from 1900 to today. Around 1900 tech that could be conceived still took about thirty years to mature into full functioning systems such as aircraft tech that went from the simple kite looking motorized glider at Kittyhawk to all weather flight jet aircraft in 1939. Today the urn around from concept to full implementation is much faster, taking years instead of decades, and the government does more to slow down innovation than to accelerate or validate it.
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What is your point, dude?
Decentralization, money2.0, democracy2.0....... I'll take a wait and see position...... But knowing how people are control freaks and can screw up a wet dream the results I can envision looks like this more easily than anything else:


What is your point, dude?
Decentralization, money2.0, democracy2.0....... I'll take a wait and see position...... But knowing how people are control freaks and can screw up a wet dream the results I can envision looks like this more easily than anything else:

Well, we have managed to run the internet, government, the markets, local economies and robotic processes have been installed and so have distributed networks.

What have we so totally fucked up that you think none of this can fly?

What is your point, dude?
Decentralization, money2.0, democracy2.0....... I'll take a wait and see position...... But knowing how people are control freaks and can screw up a wet dream the results I can envision looks like this more easily than anything else:

Well, we have managed to run the internet, government, the markets, local economies and robotic processes have been installed and so have distributed networks.

What have we so totally fucked up that you think none of this can fly?
I'm a historian and a sociologist (Cultural Anthropology) I trust people about as far as I can toss this planet, I know there is always a strong person or group of strong people who will usually find a way to impose their will of another. I know the Life Cycle of Empires is a constantly repeating reality, not a theory. Besides we probably have different ideas on how well the government is being run (personally I don't care which crook/zealot in in any office, R, D and all the others are the same to me). The markets work well for those who know how to play them, usually to the expense of others and look at what idiots like Anonymous, and all governments are doing via the internet, not reall well managed if you ask me....... The local economies of many big cities are humming along, most small towns and rural areas are still suffering, not well managed there either.
No, someone(s) will figure out how to use it to enslave as opposed to set free, it's inevitable.

What is your point, dude?
Decentralization, money2.0, democracy2.0....... I'll take a wait and see position...... But knowing how people are control freaks and can screw up a wet dream the results I can envision looks like this more easily than anything else:

Well, we have managed to run the internet, government, the markets, local economies and robotic processes have been installed and so have distributed networks.

What have we so totally fucked up that you think none of this can fly?
I'm a historian and a sociologist (Cultural Anthropology) I trust people about as far as I can toss this planet, I know there is always a strong person or group of strong people who will usually find a way to impose their will of another. I know the Life Cycle of Empires is a constantly repeating reality, not a theory. Besides we probably have different ideas on how well the government is being run (personally I don't care which crook/zealot in in any office, R, D and all the others are the same to me). The markets work well for those who know how to play them, usually to the expense of others and look at what idiots like Anonymous, and all governments are doing via the internet, not reall well managed if you ask me....... The local economies of many big cities are humming along, most small towns and rural areas are still suffering, not well managed there either.
No, someone(s) will figure out how to use it to enslave as opposed to set free, it's inevitable.

The technology that is emerging will have two effects; it will make life easier for people and make them autonomous. The second effect it will have is to marginalize central governments and raise the strength of groups of people.

I look forward to BOTH. If the government would get out of our way, we could rid the country of criminal syndicates and solve every problem we have, but the government is all about secret criminals protecting known criminals who buy them. That can only go on for so long before the real criminals loose their sense of limitations and everyone just hangs them from lamp posts. May God hasten that day.

What is your point, dude?
Decentralization, money2.0, democracy2.0....... I'll take a wait and see position...... But knowing how people are control freaks and can screw up a wet dream the results I can envision looks like this more easily than anything else:

Well, we have managed to run the internet, government, the markets, local economies and robotic processes have been installed and so have distributed networks.

What have we so totally fucked up that you think none of this can fly?
I'm a historian and a sociologist (Cultural Anthropology) I trust people about as far as I can toss this planet, I know there is always a strong person or group of strong people who will usually find a way to impose their will of another. I know the Life Cycle of Empires is a constantly repeating reality, not a theory. Besides we probably have different ideas on how well the government is being run (personally I don't care which crook/zealot in in any office, R, D and all the others are the same to me). The markets work well for those who know how to play them, usually to the expense of others and look at what idiots like Anonymous, and all governments are doing via the internet, not reall well managed if you ask me....... The local economies of many big cities are humming along, most small towns and rural areas are still suffering, not well managed there either.
No, someone(s) will figure out how to use it to enslave as opposed to set free, it's inevitable.

The technology that is emerging will have two effects; it will make life easier for people and make them autonomous. The second effect it will have is to marginalize central governments and raise the strength of groups of people.

I look forward to BOTH. If the government would get out of our way, we could rid the country of criminal syndicates and solve every problem we have, but the government is all about secret criminals protecting known criminals who buy them. That can only go on for so long before the real criminals loose their sense of limitations and everyone just hangs them from lamp posts. May God hasten that day.
Utopia doesn't exist on earth and as long as people are involved never will. :dunno:
Hey if you want to hold out hope that I'm wrong that's great, heck if I'm eventually proven wrong that's even better, my knowledge of history and my knowledge of humankind won't let me have hope, people and their actions/reactions/inactions are predictable. While the person occasionally learns from his/her mistakes, people generally don't.

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