Comedy show "Brooklynn 99," new target for lies about the police. This blm B.S. needs to be stopped.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is one of those stupid left wing articles that points out how really dumb, insane and crazy the left wing actual is. "Brooklynn 99," is a comedy show....about the police. And the marxist, racists of the democrat party are now targeting it because it doesn't stop being a comedy to be another attack on our heroic police officers.

This moron in the column wants the comedy show to change from being a comedy to focus on the police as being know, the actual bad guys out there who are actually bad.....

This craziness needs to be stopped.....we have truly let the mentally ill control too much of our culture and it needs to be stopped.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine takes co-creator Mike Schur's signature workplace-comedy style and sets it at a New York police precinct. While the show tends to focus on the antics and the relationships of the squad, it of course dives into their work as police officers. It's this core aspect of Brooklyn Nine-Nine that has caused some fans to grow increasingly uncomfortable with the subject matter of the series.

Wrong...the fans of the show are not uncomfortable with the show......a tiny number of racist, marxist activists want to destroy anything that doesn't fit their belief system....and will use fire, looting, and killing to achieve it...

Brooklyn Nine-Nine mostly keeps a goofy and lighthearted tone throughout its episodes, which is where much of the criticism stems from. Critics of the show are concerned that the tone sanitizes the deep-seated issues within the American law enforcement system. Here's a look the show's backlash and how Brooklyn 99 season 8 will play a pivotal role in the future of the show. is a f*****g comedy show.......the left wing democrats want to crush anything that is remotely funny and happy.........they truly do want to create hell on earth and rule over the bones and ash....

There are no deep seated issues in law enforcement...that is a lie.......the truth, the facts, the statistics and the reality show that this is a lie.......the problems in our major democrat party controlled cities is not the is the democrat party and the policies they create that turn these cities into nightmares......

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Your panic has made my morning! :lol:

Well, we all know the people at "" are the thought leaders of the left; don't we? LOL

That you don't understand the issue is not surprising......people like you are supporting left wing fascists who are getting people fired from their jobs simply because they disagree with you.....they are also burning, looting, beating and murdering people in the streets of our city........all in support of your dumb ideas and beliefs....
This is one of those stupid left wing articles that points out how really dumb, insane and crazy the left wing actual is. "Brooklynn 99," is a comedy show....about the police. And the marxist, racists of the democrat party are now targeting it because it doesn't stop being a comedy to be another attack on our heroic police officers.

This moron in the column wants the comedy show to change from being a comedy to focus on the police as being know, the actual bad guys out there who are actually bad.....

This craziness needs to be stopped.....we have truly let the mentally ill control too much of our culture and it needs to be stopped.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine takes co-creator Mike Schur's signature workplace-comedy style and sets it at a New York police precinct. While the show tends to focus on the antics and the relationships of the squad, it of course dives into their work as police officers. It's this core aspect of Brooklyn Nine-Nine that has caused some fans to grow increasingly uncomfortable with the subject matter of the series.

Wrong...the fans of the show are not uncomfortable with the show......a tiny number of racist, marxist activists want to destroy anything that doesn't fit their belief system....and will use fire, looting, and killing to achieve it...

Brooklyn Nine-Nine mostly keeps a goofy and lighthearted tone throughout its episodes, which is where much of the criticism stems from. Critics of the show are concerned that the tone sanitizes the deep-seated issues within the American law enforcement system. Here's a look the show's backlash and how Brooklyn 99 season 8 will play a pivotal role in the future of the show. is a f*****g comedy show.......the left wing democrats want to crush anything that is remotely funny and happy.........they truly do want to create hell on earth and rule over the bones and ash....

There are no deep seated issues in law enforcement...that is a lie.......the truth, the facts, the statistics and the reality show that this is a lie.......the problems in our major democrat party controlled cities is not the is the democrat party and the policies they create that turn these cities into nightmares......

Maximum Misery.

The Democrat strategy.

I prefer to live free or go to Valhalla after dying in battle, killing many commies on my way out.

The idiot Liberals making the police the enemy is one of the most stupid things they have ever done. That is saying a lot considering the bat shit crazy positions they take on other issues.
The idiot Liberals making the police the enemy is one of the most stupid things they have ever done. That is saying a lot considering the bat shit crazy positions they take on other issues.

Actually, no, it isn't.

By targeting the police they force good police officers to back down, allowing crime to sky rocket in democrat party controlled cities.

They then blame the increasing crime on their political enemies.....Trump and "Racists."

Then, in the long term, normal people stop going into the police, this allows the left wingers to lower standards to be a police officer, and then they fill the ranks with left wing thugs....who will have achieved their position through political connections rather than actual qualifications....and they will be completely loyal to the left wing democrats in power.....willing to do anything they say......

The democrats will have created the very thing they were complaining about....a police force with no check on it's power, since it will be the enforcement arm of the democrat party.

If black Americans think they have a problem with police now.......falsely.......wait till the police are loyal only to the democrat party and it's politicians.......
This is one of those stupid left wing articles that points out how really dumb, insane and crazy the left wing actual is. "Brooklynn 99," is a comedy show....about the police. And the marxist, racists of the democrat party are now targeting it because it doesn't stop being a comedy to be another attack on our heroic police officers.

This moron in the column wants the comedy show to change from being a comedy to focus on the police as being know, the actual bad guys out there who are actually bad.....

This craziness needs to be stopped.....we have truly let the mentally ill control too much of our culture and it needs to be stopped.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine takes co-creator Mike Schur's signature workplace-comedy style and sets it at a New York police precinct. While the show tends to focus on the antics and the relationships of the squad, it of course dives into their work as police officers. It's this core aspect of Brooklyn Nine-Nine that has caused some fans to grow increasingly uncomfortable with the subject matter of the series.

Wrong...the fans of the show are not uncomfortable with the show......a tiny number of racist, marxist activists want to destroy anything that doesn't fit their belief system....and will use fire, looting, and killing to achieve it...

Brooklyn Nine-Nine mostly keeps a goofy and lighthearted tone throughout its episodes, which is where much of the criticism stems from. Critics of the show are concerned that the tone sanitizes the deep-seated issues within the American law enforcement system. Here's a look the show's backlash and how Brooklyn 99 season 8 will play a pivotal role in the future of the show. is a f*****g comedy show.......the left wing democrats want to crush anything that is remotely funny and happy.........they truly do want to create hell on earth and rule over the bones and ash....

There are no deep seated issues in law enforcement...that is a lie.......the truth, the facts, the statistics and the reality show that this is a lie.......the problems in our major democrat party controlled cities is not the is the democrat party and the policies they create that turn these cities into nightmares......

OMG!! OMG!! Not a comedy show about Noo Yawk police! Nooooooooo!

Your panic has made my morning! :lol:

Well, we all know the people at "" are the thought leaders of the left; don't we? LOL

That you don't understand the issue is not surprising......people like you are supporting left wing fascists who are getting people fired from their jobs simply because they disagree with you.....they are also burning, looting, beating and murdering people in the streets of our city........all in support of your dumb ideas and beliefs....

You really should look around you and find what's called a "door".

Figure out how to "open" it. Because it leads to "outside".

This is one of those stupid left wing articles that points out how really dumb, insane and crazy the left wing actual is. "Brooklynn 99," is a comedy show....about the police. And the marxist, racists of the democrat party are now targeting it because it doesn't stop being a comedy to be another attack on our heroic police officers.

This moron in the column wants the comedy show to change from being a comedy to focus on the police as being know, the actual bad guys out there who are actually bad.....

This craziness needs to be stopped.....we have truly let the mentally ill control too much of our culture and it needs to be stopped.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine takes co-creator Mike Schur's signature workplace-comedy style and sets it at a New York police precinct. While the show tends to focus on the antics and the relationships of the squad, it of course dives into their work as police officers. It's this core aspect of Brooklyn Nine-Nine that has caused some fans to grow increasingly uncomfortable with the subject matter of the series.

Wrong...the fans of the show are not uncomfortable with the show......a tiny number of racist, marxist activists want to destroy anything that doesn't fit their belief system....and will use fire, looting, and killing to achieve it...

Brooklyn Nine-Nine mostly keeps a goofy and lighthearted tone throughout its episodes, which is where much of the criticism stems from. Critics of the show are concerned that the tone sanitizes the deep-seated issues within the American law enforcement system. Here's a look the show's backlash and how Brooklyn 99 season 8 will play a pivotal role in the future of the show. is a f*****g comedy show.......the left wing democrats want to crush anything that is remotely funny and happy.........they truly do want to create hell on earth and rule over the bones and ash....

There are no deep seated issues in law enforcement...that is a lie.......the truth, the facts, the statistics and the reality show that this is a lie.......the problems in our major democrat party controlled cities is not the is the democrat party and the policies they create that turn these cities into nightmares......

OMG!! OMG!! Not a comedy show about Noo Yawk police! Nooooooooo!


You really are a dumb shit.......

The left wing democrats that you support want to force this show from being a comedy about the police to being another social justice, left wing propaganda dumb ass...

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