Comedian Jon Stewart accuses Trump of praising Putin


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Comedian and political pundit Jon Stewart is laying into Donald Trump, accusing the 45th president of aligning with Vladimir Putin by praising the Russian leader for his 'genius' invasion of Ukraine.
'The Trump/Fox axis isn't soft pedaling Putin's actions...they agree with them,' Stewart tweeted Wednesday. 'They are political allies. They believe in the same things. To them, the American Left and most of Europe are the Evil Empire.
'It is f**king bonkers.'
Trump praised Putin during an interview with conservative podcaster Buck Sexton on Tuesday.
'I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, "This is genius,"' Trump recalled. 'Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine - of Ukraine - Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that's wonderful.'
'I said, "How smart is that?'" the former U.S. president continued. 'And he’s gonna go in and be a peacekeeper. That’s the strongest peace force… We could use that on our southern border. That’s the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen. There were more army tanks than I’ve ever seen. They’re gonna keep peace all right.'

Alleged comedian Jon Stewart accuses Trump of praising Putin.
Putin has outwitted Joe Biden, and that was easy to do.
He bluffed Biden and NATO.
NATO should be disbanded if all that they are going to do is suck-up American tax money and behave like impotent cowards.
Trump did sound like he was praising Putin, but he was really slamming Biden's incompetence and failed leadership.
BTW, this is all about oil and gas for Europeans.
This is what happens when you allow the Climate Change Doomsday Cult to make your energy decisions.
Comedian and political pundit Jon Stewart is laying into Donald Trump, accusing the 45th president of aligning with Vladimir Putin by praising the Russian leader for his 'genius' invasion of Ukraine.
'The Trump/Fox axis isn't soft pedaling Putin's actions...they agree with them,' Stewart tweeted Wednesday. 'They are political allies. They believe in the same things. To them, the American Left and most of Europe are the Evil Empire.
'It is f**king bonkers.'
Trump praised Putin during an interview with conservative podcaster Buck Sexton on Tuesday.
'I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, "This is genius,"' Trump recalled. 'Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine - of Ukraine - Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that's wonderful.'
'I said, "How smart is that?'" the former U.S. president continued. 'And he’s gonna go in and be a peacekeeper. That’s the strongest peace force… We could use that on our southern border. That’s the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen. There were more army tanks than I’ve ever seen. They’re gonna keep peace all right.'

Alleged comedian Jon Stewart accuses Trump of praising Putin.
Putin has outwitted Joe Biden, and that was easy to do.
He bluffed Biden and NATO.
NATO should be disbanded if all that they are going to do is suck-up American tax money and behave like impotent cowards.
Trump did sound like he was praising Putin, but he was really slamming Biden's incompetence and failed leadership.
BTW, this is all about oil and gas for Europeans.
This is what happens when you allow the Climate Change Doomsday Cult to make your energy decisions.
View attachment 606011
LOL. Seek help for your delusions. You notice there aren't that many Republicans out front making comments on their party's standard bearer's praise of his BFF. This is going to be a lot of fun watching Republicans trip all over themselves trying to distance themselves from Trump but appear to be STRONG because, you know, there's a Democrat in the White House. :)

"Very savvy"..."genius".
Yeah, let's face it, if Trump was still President, Putin would have been camping in Ukraine for the last year.

oh stewart had to do that because he got his butt in a sling last week with lefties. He had defended Rogan. He's just trying to get back in the lefts' good graces.
LOL. Seek help for your delusions. You notice there aren't that many Republicans out front making comments on their party's standard bearer's praise of his BFF. This is going to be a lot of fun watching Republicans trip all over themselves trying to distance themselves from Trump but appear to be STRONG because, you know, there's a Democrat in the White House. :)

"Very savvy"..."genius".
Yeah, let's face it, if Trump was still President, Putin would have been camping in Ukraine for the last year.

it was a slam on Biden's failure to lead
Why aren't y'all praising the current president's prowess in foreign policy rather than continuing your cheap shots at President Trump?? interesting.
Yes, it is, "interesting".
Because the title of the thread is.

Comedian and political pundit Jon Stewart is laying into Donald Trump, accusing the 45th president of aligning with Vladimir Putin.

Which the traitor is and always has sided with Putin.
Comedian and political pundit Jon Stewart is laying into Donald Trump, accusing the 45th president of aligning with Vladimir Putin by praising the Russian leader for his 'genius' invasion of Ukraine.
'The Trump/Fox axis isn't soft pedaling Putin's actions...they agree with them,' Stewart tweeted Wednesday. 'They are political allies. They believe in the same things. To them, the American Left and most of Europe are the Evil Empire.
'It is f**king bonkers.'
Trump praised Putin during an interview with conservative podcaster Buck Sexton on Tuesday.
'I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, "This is genius,"' Trump recalled. 'Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine - of Ukraine - Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that's wonderful.'
'I said, "How smart is that?'" the former U.S. president continued. 'And he’s gonna go in and be a peacekeeper. That’s the strongest peace force… We could use that on our southern border. That’s the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen. There were more army tanks than I’ve ever seen. They’re gonna keep peace all right.'

Alleged comedian Jon Stewart accuses Trump of praising Putin.
Putin has outwitted Joe Biden, and that was easy to do.
He bluffed Biden and NATO.
NATO should be disbanded if all that they are going to do is suck-up American tax money and behave like impotent cowards.
Trump did sound like he was praising Putin, but he was really slamming Biden's incompetence and failed leadership.
BTW, this is all about oil and gas for Europeans.
This is what happens when you allow the Climate Change Doomsday Cult to make your energy decisions.
View attachment 606011
Ronald Reagan must rolling over in his grave seeing the depths to which the Republicans have fallen!
Remember when the Democrat Cultist said that Trump would start WWlll?
They said the same thing about Reagan, but Reagan ended the Cold War and liberated millions of Eastern Europeans.
Biden's incompetence may have started WWlll.
Remember when the Democrat Cultist said that Trump would start WWlll?
Yeah, with his N. Korean lover.

Mr Trump told reporters on Tuesday: "North Korea best not make any more threats to the US. They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen."
They said the same thing about Reagan, but Reagan ended the Cold War
He did not.
The cold war ended in 1991.
and liberated millions of Eastern Europeans.
People are suffering because of Biden's incompetence.
Remember when the Democrat Cultist said that Trump would start WWlll?
They said the same thing about Reagan, but Reagan ended the Cold War and liberated millions of Eastern Europeans.
Biden's incompetence may have started WWlll.
What would you like Biden to do? Move thousands of troops to Poland? Camp out close to Ukraine? Why that would constitute starting a "war". You know, the crap that you spouted for four years exalting your savior for not starting any...when his love of Putin and his ignorance of foreign policy are one of the exact reasons the world is sitting in this position. It's funny watching you righties trip all over yourselves.

And no, Reagan did not end the cold war. I wish we could stop repeating the nostalgic, misty-eyed lies. :)
Why aren't y'all praising the current president's prowess in foreign policy rather than continuing your cheap shots at President Trump?? interesting.
Because Biden is handling a foreign policy crisis like a LEADER. Not a cheerLEADER (for his BFF). Some of what you are seeing right now is a direct result of Trump IGNORING foreign policy and enabling his BFF.

Unless you'd like Biden to go to war with Russia, then he's doing exactly what I voted for him to do. Leverage your alliances and diplomacy to manage these situations. Pootey doesn't even have his own countrymen behind him on this little soiree. But if Trump was still in office, he would have taken Ukraine last year. :)
LOL. Seek help for your delusions. You notice there aren't that many Republicans out front making comments on their party's standard bearer's praise of his BFF. This is going to be a lot of fun watching Republicans trip all over themselves trying to distance themselves from Trump but appear to be STRONG because, you know, there's a Democrat in the White House. :)

"Very savvy"..."genius".
Yeah, let's face it, if Trump was still President, Putin would have been camping in Ukraine for the last year.

These people are getting what they want: Global authoritarianism.

We've learned nothing.

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