Colleges and Universities are hiring DEI directors for over $100K per year plus full benefits.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Damn, it's so far out there, so fantastic, it just might work!
Here's an idea. Don't waste millions of dollars on hiring directors of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and instead start REDUCING TUITION for current students.

Heres a better idea, don't spend $3M on a football coach.
Here's an idea. Don't waste millions of dollars on hiring directors of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and instead start REDUCING TUITION for current students.

This is CAPITALISM. They will spend money on things that will improve their image, rather than focusing on actual EDUCATION.

Because image is what makes money, not education.
One only needs to look towards the Ivy League schools that started the whole DEI thing to begin with. They were the first ones to have courses in it.

Why you might ask? It's simply to get the I-L tentacles into other schools, businesses, and government through the I-L pipeline. They do so by promoting a manufactured "need". Nobody needs DEI.

It's like everything else, employers of all three of the above swoon over a I-L degree, no matter how bonkers it might be.

They collect them like stamps to brag to their peers about, install them, then forget about them while the Ivy Leaguer works to undermine.....Even if they are found out they always land on their feet someplace else.

Shun the Ivy League, they are working against every core value you hold dear.
Heres a better idea, don't spend $3M on a football coach.
On a football program that probably makes money for the school vs. a bullshit fabricated "office" that is guaranteed to be nothing but a drain on time, resources, and energy and that will undoubtedly foster discord on campus.
On a football program that probably makes money for the school vs. a bullshit fabricated "office" that is guaranteed to be nothing but a drain on time, resources, and energy and that will undoubtedly foster discord on campus.

Of course you don't cite any sources for this.
Of course you don't cite any sources for this.
Were you referencing a specific university? Do YOU have a source for the $3 million salary for their football coach AND corresponding info about how much revenue the football program generates for the school? Anything?
Heres a better idea, don't spend $3M on a football coach.

Football coaches actually get results. And with larger schools the TV contracts pay for it.

Also you keep the alumni happy and their pocketbooks open.

Even the small schools can get a payday by playing a top 25 team early in the season and getting trounced.

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