Colin Powell...Who Is He, Again?

its a long list isnt it?

OK, lukoil....I'll see your list and raise you.....

Democrat Party Chairman Donald Fleischman was charged with two counts of child enticement, two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a child and a single charge of exposing himself to a child.

In October 1992, Republican Senate nominee Rick Reed began running a campaign commercial that included a surreptitiously taped interview with Lenore Kwock, Inouye's hairdresser. Kwock said Inouye had sexually forced himself on her in 1975 and continued a pattern of sexual harassment, even as Kwock continued to cut his hair over the years. Inouye, seeking a sixth term, denied the charges. And Kwock said that by running the commercial, Reed had caused her more pain than Inouye had. Reed was forced to pull the ad, and while many voters took out their anger on the Republican, Inouye was held to 57 percent of the vote - the lowest total of his career. A week later, a female Democratic state legislator announced that she had heard from nine other women who claimed Inouye had sexually harassed them over the past decade. But the women didn't go public with their claims, the local press didn't pursue the story, and the Senate Ethics Committee decided to drop the investigation because the accusers wouldn't participate in an inquiry.

Freshman Reynolds was indicted on Aug. 19, 1994, on charges of having sex with a 16-year-old campaign worker and then pressuring her to lie about it. Reynolds, who is black, denied the charges and said the investigation was racially motivated. The GOP belatedly put up a write-in candidate for November, but Reynolds dispatched him in the overwhelmingly Democratic district with little effort. Reynolds was convicted on Aug. 22, 1995 of 12 counts of sexual assault, obstruction of justice and solicitation of child pornography, was sentenced to five years in prison, and resigned his seat on October 1.

Democratic State Senator Dan Sutton of Flandreau, South Dakota accused of fondling a male page. S.D. Senator Denies Groping Accusation

Carl Stanley McGee, 38, prominent gay activist, assistant secretary for policy and planning and top aid to democrat governor Deval Patrick of Massachuttsettes, accused of sexually assaulting a 15 year old boy in a steam room at a Florida resort.

Bernard Vincent Ward, former chief legislative aide to Senator Barbara Boxer, self proclaimed "Lion of the Left" on bay area radio, admitted transgressions too numerous to mention.

Davidson County Democratic Party Chairman Rodney Mullins resigned Thursday morning amid child pornography allegations, according to press secretary Jean Carter Wilson of the Davidson County Democratic Party.
Former Democrat Boston city councilor David Scondras is facing charges for attempting to lure a teenage boy over the Internet. Investigators said Scondras had several sexually explicit email exchanges with someone he thought was a 15-year-old boy. Former Boston City Councilor Chuck Turner Heads To Prison Friday « CBS Boston

Charles Rust-Tierney, 51, is a former president of the Virginia chapter of the ACLU from 2002 to 2005. On February 23, 2007, Rust-Tierney was arrested and charged with possession of child pornography. He pleaded guilty to one count of receipt of child pornography on June 1, 2007.[1] Charles Rust-Tierney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Andrew Douglas Reed, 53, a North Carolina Democrat activist plead guilty to a page-long list of counts of 2nd-degree sexual exploitation of a minor. Court records in the Asheville, N.C., case said he admitted that he would "record, develop and duplicate material containing a visual representation of a minor engaging in sexual activity." Court shocker: 10 months for kiddie porn producer

Scott W. Ballo, a long-time spokesman for various Democratic political campaigns and a former communications director for the Oregon Economic and Community Development Department, was arraigned today in Marion County Circuit Court on two charges of encouraging child sex abuse (both misdemeanors) and one charge of official misconduct (also a misdemeanor), according to the court clerk's office. The charges relate to pornography allegedly found on Ballo's work computer when he was employed by the economic and community development department, according to a person familiar with the case. Democratic Operative Arraigned on Child Porn Charges

Gary Studds Studds was a central figure in the 1983 Congressional page sex scandal, when he and Representative Dan Crane were censured by the House of Representatives for separate sexual relationships with minors — in Studds' case, a 1973 sexual relationship with a 17-year-old male congressional page.
Gerry Studds - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let me know if you need more.....

Which Political Party has decided not to fund the Violence Against Women Act? You see, of course not, strike that. VAWA has passed the Congress for over a decade and provided local law enforcement, the Faith Community, Women's Shelters and the therapeutic community with the funds to establish local advocacy groups to aid women and children in very dangerous situations.

Pointing out the peccadilloes or more serious activities of a few members of the Democratic Party and not noting such behaviors within the GOP is what makes you a partisan hack.
Powell is going to site 007's post on USMB next. I can feel it in my bones.

That's how dark this vein is in the Republican Party


[ame=]Original: Penn & Teller You Need To Shut The Fuck Up ! (HQ) - YouTube[/ame]
a turncoat? because he's mortified by the radical rightwingnuts who have hijacked his party?


you should have the same level of public service as he does... but keep sitting at your computer talking about someone like him.

Mortified? Let's be clear, he endorsed Obama because he is black...

Powell did a 180, nothing he stood for before his endorsement aligns with Obama, nothing!

Turncoat is being nice, there are some other words that would be more appropriate...

So why has Powell been called a RINO, for years, even before he endorsed Obama, if he doesn't 'align' with Obama in any way whatsoever?

Who called him a RINO?
Hard to know the true colors of a turncoat.

a turncoat? because he's mortified by the radical rightwingnuts who have hijacked his party?


you should have the same level of public service as he does... but keep sitting at your computer talking about someone like him.

Mortified? Let's be clear, he endorsed Obama because he is black...

Powell did a 180, nothing he stood for before his endorsement aligns with Obama, nothing!

Turncoat is being nice, there are some other words that would be more appropriate...


Transcript: Colin Powell on Meet the Press Endorses Barack Obama | October 19, 2008
Colin is the guy who has been attempting to bring 2 parties together for the good of the country. Pity your GOP leaders are so self absorbed and disinterested in what it means to really lead.

The more Obama continues to address the country on these issues, the less gerrymandering can help the GOP remain in control. Bringing these matters to light will encourage voters to reject this negative energy.

Colin Powell has already had an extremely successful career, bigger and better than any of you whiners in this thread. You could only hope to achieve what he has in his lifetime. Try learning from somebody smart rather than Rush, Beck, Palin, etc., etc..

Don't you feel you deserve more than what these losers can give? They don't have the capacity to give you anything. All you will ever be is another couple of bucks in their pockets.
Yeah....pointing out the piece of shit is a piece of shit is so racist.

Your endless bullshit never ceases....bitch.

Powell is like obamination a piece of shit black that rode the racism card to the top and continues to use it for his own benefit, even after shaking down the white guilt panderers.

Powell went to a moron school in NYC, then joined the Army. Being a black officer gave him the advantage to move up in rank since at the time he was a rare breed and the Army wanted to look good promoting the black man.

He rose in rank then got on the DC GOP radar when he was a General thus was appointed CJCS because he must be good being a black General and it looked good for the GOP picking this black man.

He later weaseled his way into Bush Jr's White House but then quickly turned on them when Iraq became unpopular, so he joined the liberal cocktail circuit in DC and NYC bashing white GOPers as chickenhawks, war mongers and makes him good money.

He is just like obmination...he rode white guilt to the top then continues to blame white America to keep the money rolling into his bank account because he is a piece of shit.
^Illustrates EXACTLY what Powell was talking about.
You guys know that the Democrat who used the phrase "Shuck and Jive" about Obama is now Governor of NY, right?

In 2008, then New York attorney general Andrew Cuomo said of then Democratic Party candidate Barack Obama (who was running against Hillary Clinton, the candidate Cuomo supported): "You can't shuck and jive at a press conference."'_and_jivin'

I wonder why it didnt mortify Powell when Cuomo used it?

It's the Powell Doctrine: it's not the phrase itself, it's only offensive when a Republican says it.


When you walk the walk and talk the are probably a duck.
Seems you missed the essence of the OP: you've merely provided conjecture.....again.

I gave you data.

There was no data in that post. Nothing that backs up your charge anyway. He was a big part of the Republican party, so who should know better than an insider? That may not be data, but it is logic. I'll take that any day over what you gave us.

I know you're a fool.....but I didn't realize your eyesight was that bad.
Here, again...facts (data):

Colin Powell has been given honors that few of us ever accrue: He has been National Security Advisor, he has been Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, and even the United States Secretary of State.

2. Every one of those positions awarded at the behest of a Republican. And I’m certain he was aware of the political party that felt he deserves those awards. He even claimed to be a member of that party.

So, because Gen. Powell served under Republican administrations, he is somehow bound to overlook racism coming from Republicans?
its a long list isnt it?

OK, lukoil....I'll see your list and raise you.....

Democrat Party Chairman Donald Fleischman was charged with two counts of child enticement, two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a child and a single charge of exposing himself to a child.

In October 1992, Republican Senate nominee Rick Reed began running a campaign commercial that included a surreptitiously taped interview with Lenore Kwock, Inouye's hairdresser. Kwock said Inouye had sexually forced himself on her in 1975 and continued a pattern of sexual harassment, even as Kwock continued to cut his hair over the years. Inouye, seeking a sixth term, denied the charges. And Kwock said that by running the commercial, Reed had caused her more pain than Inouye had. Reed was forced to pull the ad, and while many voters took out their anger on the Republican, Inouye was held to 57 percent of the vote - the lowest total of his career. A week later, a female Democratic state legislator announced that she had heard from nine other women who claimed Inouye had sexually harassed them over the past decade. But the women didn't go public with their claims, the local press didn't pursue the story, and the Senate Ethics Committee decided to drop the investigation because the accusers wouldn't participate in an inquiry.

Freshman Reynolds was indicted on Aug. 19, 1994, on charges of having sex with a 16-year-old campaign worker and then pressuring her to lie about it. Reynolds, who is black, denied the charges and said the investigation was racially motivated. The GOP belatedly put up a write-in candidate for November, but Reynolds dispatched him in the overwhelmingly Democratic district with little effort. Reynolds was convicted on Aug. 22, 1995 of 12 counts of sexual assault, obstruction of justice and solicitation of child pornography, was sentenced to five years in prison, and resigned his seat on October 1.

Democratic State Senator Dan Sutton of Flandreau, South Dakota accused of fondling a male page. S.D. Senator Denies Groping Accusation

Carl Stanley McGee, 38, prominent gay activist, assistant secretary for policy and planning and top aid to democrat governor Deval Patrick of Massachuttsettes, accused of sexually assaulting a 15 year old boy in a steam room at a Florida resort.

Bernard Vincent Ward, former chief legislative aide to Senator Barbara Boxer, self proclaimed "Lion of the Left" on bay area radio, admitted transgressions too numerous to mention.

Davidson County Democratic Party Chairman Rodney Mullins resigned Thursday morning amid child pornography allegations, according to press secretary Jean Carter Wilson of the Davidson County Democratic Party.
Former Democrat Boston city councilor David Scondras is facing charges for attempting to lure a teenage boy over the Internet. Investigators said Scondras had several sexually explicit email exchanges with someone he thought was a 15-year-old boy. Former Boston City Councilor Chuck Turner Heads To Prison Friday « CBS Boston

Charles Rust-Tierney, 51, is a former president of the Virginia chapter of the ACLU from 2002 to 2005. On February 23, 2007, Rust-Tierney was arrested and charged with possession of child pornography. He pleaded guilty to one count of receipt of child pornography on June 1, 2007.[1] Charles Rust-Tierney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Andrew Douglas Reed, 53, a North Carolina Democrat activist plead guilty to a page-long list of counts of 2nd-degree sexual exploitation of a minor. Court records in the Asheville, N.C., case said he admitted that he would "record, develop and duplicate material containing a visual representation of a minor engaging in sexual activity." Court shocker: 10 months for kiddie porn producer

Scott W. Ballo, a long-time spokesman for various Democratic political campaigns and a former communications director for the Oregon Economic and Community Development Department, was arraigned today in Marion County Circuit Court on two charges of encouraging child sex abuse (both misdemeanors) and one charge of official misconduct (also a misdemeanor), according to the court clerk's office. The charges relate to pornography allegedly found on Ballo's work computer when he was employed by the economic and community development department, according to a person familiar with the case. Democratic Operative Arraigned on Child Porn Charges

Gary Studds Studds was a central figure in the 1983 Congressional page sex scandal, when he and Representative Dan Crane were censured by the House of Representatives for separate sexual relationships with minors — in Studds' case, a 1973 sexual relationship with a 17-year-old male congressional page.
Gerry Studds - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let me know if you need more.....

Which Political Party has decided not to fund the Violence Against Women Act? You see, of course not, strike that. VAWA has passed the Congress for over a decade and provided local law enforcement, the Faith Community, Women's Shelters and the therapeutic community with the funds to establish local advocacy groups to aid women and children in very dangerous situations.

Pointing out the peccadilloes or more serious activities of a few members of the Democratic Party and not noting such behaviors within the GOP is what makes you a partisan hack.

I was hoping someone would be brainless enough to reference this list....

...geezzz...I should have known who it would be!

I just wanted to remind all why this one is the best:

Freshman [Democrat] Reynolds was indicted on Aug. 19, 1994, on charges of having sex with a 16-year-old campaign worker and then pressuring her to lie about it. Reynolds, who is black, denied the charges and said the investigation was racially motivated. The GOP belatedly put up a write-in candidate for November, but Reynolds dispatched him in the overwhelmingly Democratic district with little effort. Reynolds was convicted on Aug. 22, 1995 of 12 counts of sexual assault, obstruction of justice and solicitation of child pornography, was sentenced to five years in prison, and resigned his seat on October 1."

Know why this is the best?
Reynolds was convicted on Aug. 22, 1995 of 12 counts of sexual assault, obstruction of justice and solicitation of child pornography,

Reynolds was among those given pardons by outgoing Democrat President Bill Clinton!

Empathy, huh? The rapist could get behind sleeping with an underage campaign volunteer...

And....guess what happened next?
Democrat presidential aspirant Jesse Jackson then hired Reynolds.
"peccadilloes"? So...that's the Democrat definition for rape?

Get it?

One big circle.

Wouldn't exist except for support by jerks like you.

Today, I'm going to give you the ‘Ricky Ray Rector Deep Thinker’ award….for those who confuse ‘execution’ with ‘intermission,' or 'peccadilloes' with 'rapes.'

Dope....I sure hope you're never peccadillo ed.
There was no data in that post. Nothing that backs up your charge anyway. He was a big part of the Republican party, so who should know better than an insider? That may not be data, but it is logic. I'll take that any day over what you gave us.

I know you're a fool.....but I didn't realize your eyesight was that bad.
Here, again...facts (data):

Colin Powell has been given honors that few of us ever accrue: He has been National Security Advisor, he has been Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, and even the United States Secretary of State.

2. Every one of those positions awarded at the behest of a Republican. And I’m certain he was aware of the political party that felt he deserves those awards. He even claimed to be a member of that party.

So, because Gen. Powell served under Republican administrations, he is somehow bound to overlook racism coming from Republicans?

Where's the racism, dolt?
I know you're a fool.....but I didn't realize your eyesight was that bad.
Here, again...facts (data):

Colin Powell has been given honors that few of us ever accrue: He has been National Security Advisor, he has been Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, and even the United States Secretary of State.

2. Every one of those positions awarded at the behest of a Republican. And I’m certain he was aware of the political party that felt he deserves those awards. He even claimed to be a member of that party.

So, because Gen. Powell served under Republican administrations, he is somehow bound to overlook racism coming from Republicans?

Where's the racism, dolt?

All around you, in varying degrees.
So, because Gen. Powell served under Republican administrations, he is somehow bound to overlook racism coming from Republicans?

Where's the racism, dolt?

All around you, in varying degrees.

In short: none of us are immune. It's ingrained in us and has to be fought (identifying it helps us do that.)

So indeed, we have a problem with racism; or as the GOP sees it: an opportunity (tacitly pander to it, in hopes of getting more votes.)
So a black socialist from chicago that is the total opposite of normal Americans and the GOP beliefs comes along and Powell licks his ass after decades of so-called being a GOP member....but of course we are called racists for raising our eyebrows and questioning Powell's motives and claims today.

So Powell needs to explain how obamination's' anti-Israel, anti-capitalism and anti-military beliefs would have gone over in the Reagan and Bush x 2 Admins....
Last edited:
a turncoat? because he's mortified by the radical rightwingnuts who have hijacked his party?


you should have the same level of public service as he does... but keep sitting at your computer talking about someone like him.

Mortified? Let's be clear, he endorsed Obama because he is black...

Powell did a 180, nothing he stood for before his endorsement aligns with Obama, nothing!

Turncoat is being nice, there are some other words that would be more appropriate...


Transcript: Colin Powell on Meet the Press Endorses Barack Obama | October 19, 2008

Thanks for providing proof that Powell chose Oblamer because he is black...

I didn't want to be the one, it justifies my point when someone of your ilk produces it...

Thanks again...
In 2008, then New York attorney general Andrew Cuomo said of then Democratic Party candidate Barack Obama (who was running against Hillary Clinton, the candidate Cuomo supported): "You can't shuck and jive at a press conference."'_and_jivin'

I wonder why it didnt mortify Powell when Cuomo used it?

It's the Powell Doctrine: it's not the phrase itself, it's only offensive when a Republican says it.


When you walk the walk and talk the are probably a duck.

yet you STILL have refused to address the following:

Andrew Cuomo, a rising star in the democratic party said of primary candidate Barak Obama.....

"You can't shuck and jive at a press conference."

('_and_jivin' )

Joe Biden, the current VP and one of the party leaders, during the 2008 campaign was video'd when he said:

"You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.... I'm not joking."

( Joe Biden Quotes - Funny Quotes by Joe Biden )

Harry Reid, the current majority leader and overall one of the party leaders, when asked of the black vote and Obama, he said that he would get the votes becuase he was:

"light-skinned and no negro dialect"

( Clean, Articulate, Light-Skinned, and No Negro Dialect! )

yet, the best Powell can come up with when cioting the GOP as having a dark vein of racism is:

1) Citing the words once spoken by Cuomo and repeated by a FORMER GOP governor
2) Claiming that the word "lazy" was used as code implying Obama is nothing but some do nothing black guy...and spoken by a FORMER GOP governor.....

Plese explain why Powell, who was so concerned about racism he is seeking to have the "L" word banned from our schools, did not addrewss the OBVIOUS racism that exists in the democr4astic party and displayed by ACTIVE leaders of the party.

Seriously...if he did it becuase he is concerned for his country....why did he pick on Palin for the Shuck and jiv: comment but not Cuomo?
I know you're a fool.....but I didn't realize your eyesight was that bad.
Here, again...facts (data):

Colin Powell has been given honors that few of us ever accrue: He has been National Security Advisor, he has been Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, and even the United States Secretary of State.

2. Every one of those positions awarded at the behest of a Republican. And I’m certain he was aware of the political party that felt he deserves those awards. He even claimed to be a member of that party.

So, because Gen. Powell served under Republican administrations, he is somehow bound to overlook racism coming from Republicans?

Where's the racism, dolt?

Thats the point. The best he can come up with was that dirty "L" word and a quote originally spoken by Andrew Cuomo!
It's the Powell Doctrine: it's not the phrase itself, it's only offensive when a Republican says it.


When you walk the walk and talk the are probably a duck.

yet you STILL have refused to address the following:

Andrew Cuomo, a rising star in the democratic party said of primary candidate Barak Obama.....

"You can't shuck and jive at a press conference."

('_and_jivin' )

Joe Biden, the current VP and one of the party leaders, during the 2008 campaign was video'd when he said:

"You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.... I'm not joking."

( Joe Biden Quotes - Funny Quotes by Joe Biden )

Harry Reid, the current majority leader and overall one of the party leaders, when asked of the black vote and Obama, he said that he would get the votes becuase he was:

"light-skinned and no negro dialect"

( Clean, Articulate, Light-Skinned, and No Negro Dialect! )

yet, the best Powell can come up with when cioting the GOP as having a dark vein of racism is:

1) Citing the words once spoken by Cuomo and repeated by a FORMER GOP governor
2) Claiming that the word "lazy" was used as code implying Obama is nothing but some do nothing black guy...and spoken by a FORMER GOP governor.....

Plese explain why Powell, who was so concerned about racism he is seeking to have the "L" word banned from our schools, did not addrewss the OBVIOUS racism that exists in the democr4astic party and displayed by ACTIVE leaders of the party.

Seriously...if he did it becuase he is concerned for his country....why did he pick on Palin for the Shuck and jiv: comment but not Cuomo?

it just blows me away how, with all those on the left chiming in on this thread, not ONE will respond to those quotes by democratic politicians.

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