Colin Powell...Who Is He, Again?

All around you, in varying degrees.

In short: none of us are immune. It's ingrained in us and has to be fought (identifying it helps us do that.)

So indeed, we have a problem with racism; or as the GOP sees it: an opportunity (tacitly pander to it, in hopes of getting more votes.)

OK...say four 'Hail, Mary's'...go and sin no more.

I prefer more direct solutions, and not merely penance to absolve my wrong-doing.
Colin Powell disgraces his ethnicity by his misuse of of the race card...but like all too many liberals, he marches to the drum of the hypocrite.
over the years, blacks have been murdered due to racism, told where to sit; parents watched their children raped; childrewn watched their parents dragged through the streets; told they cant eat in ceretain places; told they were inferior; denied jobs; denied education; denied equal rights.....

Powell should be ashamed for trivializing such acts of racism by comparing them to the use of the word "Lazy" when describing one with no energy during a nationally televised debate.
In short: none of us are immune. It's ingrained in us and has to be fought (identifying it helps us do that.)

So indeed, we have a problem with racism; or as the GOP sees it: an opportunity (tacitly pander to it, in hopes of getting more votes.)

OK...say four 'Hail, Mary's'...go and sin no more.

I prefer more direct solutions, and not merely penance to absolve my wrong-doing.

" wrong-doing."

And therein lies the truth, K-9.

You are only speaking for yourself.
I have no such guilt.
I treat all folks the same....I'm an equal-treatment needler.

1. There grew up an entire industry of people that depended on the existence of racism. Academics, media, professional blacks, political hacks and blubbebutts of every variety! This, in spite of the fact that by 1970, there were more child pornographers in the country than racists. Then came the OJ verdict!

2. October 3, 1995. Here was a feted black celebrity, spectacularly guilty of murder, acquitted by a predominantly black jury. The verdict was wildly cheered by blacks across the nation.

3. The rest of the country was liberated by those images: we no longer had to pretend that America was under the control of the KKK. The end of white guilt.

4. Out in the cold was the poor self-righteous white liberal, those who congratulated themselves on their own ethnic sensitivity while moving heaven and earth to make sure their own kids didn’t have to go to school with black kids. Speaking of Chris Matthews….

5. But for lots of folks, the OJ verdict closed the white-guilt ‘bank.’ No longer would pompous whites considerate a showstopper to announce at dinner parties that ‘America is still a racist country.’ When they ramble with rage-consumed bumper-stickers about racism, it is largely greeted with eye-rolls.
From "Mugged," by Coulter

Was she speaking of you, K-boy?
OK...say four 'Hail, Mary's'...go and sin no more.

I prefer more direct solutions, and not merely penance to absolve my wrong-doing.

" wrong-doing."

And therein lies the truth, K-9.

You are only speaking for yourself.
I have no such guilt.
I treat all folks the same....I'm an equal-treatment needler.

1. There grew up an entire industry of people that depended on the existence of racism. Academics, media, professional blacks, political hacks and blubbebutts of every variety! This, in spite of the fact that by 1970, there were more child pornographers in the country than racists. Then came the OJ verdict!

2. October 3, 1995. Here was a feted black celebrity, spectacularly guilty of murder, acquitted by a predominantly black jury. The verdict was wildly cheered by blacks across the nation.

3. The rest of the country was liberated by those images: we no longer had to pretend that America was under the control of the KKK. The end of white guilt.

4. Out in the cold was the poor self-righteous white liberal, those who congratulated themselves on their own ethnic sensitivity while moving heaven and earth to make sure their own kids didn’t have to go to school with black kids. Speaking of Chris Matthews….

5. But for lots of folks, the OJ verdict closed the white-guilt ‘bank.’ No longer would pompous whites considerate a showstopper to announce at dinner parties that ‘America is still a racist country.’ When they ramble with rage-consumed bumper-stickers about racism, it is largely greeted with eye-rolls.
From "Mugged," by Coulter

Was she speaking of you, K-boy?

Very unlikely. And if she was thinking of me when writing it, she's way off the mark.

That help?
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I recall years back when that golf analysts was chastised for using the term lynch mob when discussing the large lead Woods had and how the rest of the field may have felt.
Certainly she meant nothing racial about it....but so be it.

The irony?

I got a call from the assistant dean of my younger sons school. He was a freshman, but playing on Varsity football. Apprantly, a senior troublemaker was picking on my son...and seeing as he was only a 9th grader, he deemed it best to get his football teammates together to retaliate....and they did...they picked the kid up and put him in a garbage can in the cafateria.

Anyway...the assistant dean spoke of how my son put together a "lynch mob" to deal with his issues...

He said...

'on the record...your son will be suspended if he does something like that again....but off the record....your son is resourceful, and you should be proud of the way he handled things.'

Now the irony....

The asisstant dean was black....and his head coach was black.....and the two of them referred to him as "Lynch Mob" for the duration of his high school career.....and during recruiting season of his junior year, college coaches told us othey were aware of his nickname "lynch mob"...and though it was appropriate for him becuase he tackled like he was 3 linebackers.

Mortified? Let's be clear, he endorsed Obama because he is black...

Powell did a 180, nothing he stood for before his endorsement aligns with Obama, nothing!

Turncoat is being nice, there are some other words that would be more appropriate...


Transcript: Colin Powell on Meet the Press Endorses Barack Obama | October 19, 2008

Thanks for providing proof that Powell chose Oblamer because he is black...

I didn't want to be the one, it justifies my point when someone of your ilk produces it...

Thanks again...

So, you are going to double down on your bullshit eh?
Colon Powell has lost his credibilty as an officer with GOs/FOs that supported him in the past. They now understand he is a sellout that will use the race card to get ahead in life.

Colon Powell can go hangout with the liberal scum that hate the military....see how long he can tolerate that once he realizes they are talking about him too.

Mortified? Let's be clear, he endorsed Obama because he is black...

Powell did a 180, nothing he stood for before his endorsement aligns with Obama, nothing!

Turncoat is being nice, there are some other words that would be more appropriate...


Transcript: Colin Powell on Meet the Press Endorses Barack Obama | October 19, 2008

Thanks for providing proof that Powell chose Oblamer because he is black...

I didn't want to be the one, it justifies my point when someone of your ilk produces it...

Thanks again...

GEN. POWELL: I’m an American, first and foremost, and I’m very proud–I said, I’ve said, I’ve said to my beloved friend and colleague John McCain, a friend of 25 years, “John, I love you, but I’m not just going to vote for you on the basis of our affection or friendship.” And I’ve said to Barack Obama, “I admire you. I’ll give you all the advice I can. But I’m not going to vote for you just because you’re black.” We, we have to move beyond this.

Thanks for providing proof that Powell chose Oblamer because he is black...

I didn't want to be the one, it justifies my point when someone of your ilk produces it...

Thanks again...

So, you are going to double down on your bullshit eh?

Not at all, when you have to deny you are voting for him because he is black, as Powell did, you're either stupid or so biased you can't see the trees for the forest if you believe this to be different, Brokaw never asked him that question, he volunteered it...

Next question...
Colin Powell, a man who protected a friend and sacrificed the life, liberty and honor of an innocent man wrongly accused of leaking the name if a CIA operative named Valerie Plame . A real man to have covering your back in a fire fight. Remember Scooter Libby, well General Powell sure as hell does!
Yeah Colon Powell voted for obamintion because of:

- his vast experience as a community organizer and short stint in the Senate.
- his zero time in the military
- his anti-US/military buddies in Bill Ayers, etc.
- his socialist policies to suck money out of the DoD budget
- his anti-Israel and pro-islam policies

Yeah, they have so much in common if Powell isn't a lying sack of shit working for Reagan and the Bush family. :doubt:

Thanks for providing proof that Powell chose Oblamer because he is black...

I didn't want to be the one, it justifies my point when someone of your ilk produces it...

Thanks again...

GEN. POWELL: I’m an American, first and foremost, and I’m very proud–I said, I’ve said, I’ve said to my beloved friend and colleague John McCain, a friend of 25 years, “John, I love you, but I’m not just going to vote for you on the basis of our affection or friendship.” And I’ve said to Barack Obama, “I admire you. I’ll give you all the advice I can. But I’m not going to vote for you just because you’re black.” We, we have to move beyond this.
I know you're a fool.....but I didn't realize your eyesight was that bad.
Here, again...facts (data):

Colin Powell has been given honors that few of us ever accrue: He has been National Security Advisor, he has been Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, and even the United States Secretary of State.

2. Every one of those positions awarded at the behest of a Republican. And I’m certain he was aware of the political party that felt he deserves those awards. He even claimed to be a member of that party.

So, because Gen. Powell served under Republican administrations, he is somehow bound to overlook racism coming from Republicans?

Where's the racism, dolt?

Here's a couple not too subtle examples that even a thick partisan hack such as yourself should be able to grasp.


Thank you for helping to elect Barack Obama, twice. Keep up the "Good" work. :eusa_clap:

Yeah Colon Powell voted for obamintion because of:

- his vast experience as a community organizer and short stint in the Senate.
- his zero time in the military
- his anti-US/military buddies in Bill Ayers, etc.
- his socialist policies to suck money out of the DoD budget
- his anti-Israel and pro-islam policies

Yeah, they have so much in common if Powell isn't a lying sack of shit working for Reagan and the Bush family. :doubt:

Thanks for providing proof that Powell chose Oblamer because he is black...

I didn't want to be the one, it justifies my point when someone of your ilk produces it...

Thanks again...

GEN. POWELL: I’m an American, first and foremost, and I’m very proud–I said, I’ve said, I’ve said to my beloved friend and colleague John McCain, a friend of 25 years, “John, I love you, but I’m not just going to vote for you on the basis of our affection or friendship.” And I’ve said to Barack Obama, “I admire you. I’ll give you all the advice I can. But I’m not going to vote for you just because you’re black.” We, we have to move beyond this.
So, because Gen. Powell served under Republican administrations, he is somehow bound to overlook racism coming from Republicans?

Where's the racism, dolt?

Here's a couple not too subtle examples that even a thick partisan hack such as yourself should be able to grasp.



she was referring top "within the party"...

We all know there are people in everyday life that are racists.

Powell was referring to the racists WITHIN the party.

Who are they and where is the evidence?

I cited serious examples of racist comments made by those in the democratic party....but the best Powell came up with was some former GOP giovernor using the evil "L" if the word lazy has been known for years to refer to "do nothing black men".....gimme a break.
Where's the racism, dolt?

Here's a couple not too subtle examples that even a thick partisan hack such as yourself should be able to grasp.



she was referring top "within the party"...

We all know there are people in everyday life that are racists.

Powell was referring to the racists WITHIN the party.

Who are they and where is the evidence?

I cited serious examples of racist comments made by those in the democratic party....but the best Powell came up with was some former GOP giovernor using the evil "L" if the word lazy has been known for years to refer to "do nothing black men".....gimme a break.

Not good enough for you? Here's a link to some more examples.

The Internet Republican Racism Database
Thanks for providing proof that Powell chose Oblamer because he is black...

I didn't want to be the one, it justifies my point when someone of your ilk produces it...

Thanks again...

So, you are going to double down on your bullshit eh?

Not at all, when you have to deny you are voting for him because he is black, as Powell did, you're either stupid or so biased you can't see the trees for the forest if you believe this to be different, Brokaw never asked him that question, he volunteered it...

Next question...

Maybe you should try an intelligent approach...READ what he said.

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