Cohabiting for COVID-19?


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2016
We will first post the wikipage on cohabitation because it contains much historical information, though COVID-19 has changed the parameters, one of which we have already spoken of in the Rubber Room thread: real estate coercion. Another coercion that is intimately linked is increased drug-alcohol use due to the pandemic.

'....People may live together for a number of save money, because of the convenience of living with one another, or a need to find housing....most couples listed reasons such as spending more time together convenience-based reasons, and testing their relationship. The extremely high cost of housing and tight budgets of today's economy are also factors that can lead a couple to cohabit.'

In the following article, the Couple is steered into the same either-or choice, as if that's all there was:

24 Mar 2020 Cohabiting for COVID-19? Ask Yourself These 3 Questions
'....The principle is that we want people to stay in their household units primarily....They
should just test the strength of their relationship and decide whether one wishes to be permanently resident in another household.'

As mentioned earlier, American Woman's choices are constricted by this either/or thinking, whereas ownership of a small dwelling carries the advantage of mobility and flexibility. If the Other does not work out due to vetting and discovery, say, of susceptibility to drug use over time, the couple is not bound to any real estate pimp-mediator, after all of the work done to eliminate the theologian pimp from the bedroom.

Thus, an alternative in the future should be a form of tiny-home village whose units can be economically moved elsewhere should the relationship falter. As economical as being loaded one panel at a time onto a pickup truck. The pathology to precisely study here is the one that also gives the same either/or choice in regulations and building codes that stipulate and define permanency or mobility.
The article in #1 continues, we sense the dubious, opportunistic spectre of coercion (with a scare tactic smuggled in) so not much faith in the argument they lay out, precisely because once COVID-19 is defeated via vaccine and other strategies, intentions and wills may change. More freedoms will be available as the economy recovers. Underlying symptoms in the couple will come to light. Note how much weightis given to economics:

'The issue here, we do not want people switching in and out of households. It defeats the purpose of the decrease in social interactions, and will allow transmission of disease.

1. Are you going to be sharing the bills?

2. Is the person moving in going to be contributing to the mortgage?

3. What are your intentions regarding the beneficial ownership of the property? '
Halloween (All Hallows) night would have been an excellent time for a couple's sexual yoga. From Dutch loeteren 'to wobble, totter,' the source of English loiter, this is precisely the earth's tilt at the end of October. Women well know what it means for them. It symbolizes a kind of 'propping up' a structure to fill an emptiness. One wonders how much more owning a home means to a woman than simply renting one: the rented space is all they are paying for, never obtaining the true substance. Home ownership is a profoundly American concept, and we have seen people forced to do things they would not normally do had the Chinese virus never came to America.

To all of those, we say take heart, a vaccine is coming. In the meantime, cherish derelict spaces.
As far as is known, there are no studies showing sexual yoga practices that increase innate and adaptive immunity. For cohabiting couples, however, cannabis smoking, while effeminizing the androgen receptor via dihydrotestostrone, also puts the couple at risk for COVID-19 infection. Thus, if only one of the couple smokes, the other is also compromised.

Oct 2020 (Ohio, London, Qatar, Iran, S. Africa)
'....Low testosterone and dihydrotestostrone....evidence that male gonads may be potentially vulnerable to SARS-CoV-2 infection, recommending caution to pregnant women and couples planning natural pregnancy or assisted reproduction.'
In the theoretical sexual yoga of Halloween night, the male of the couple does not ejaculate. In addition, full-body orgasm is achievable in the male. The article above shows the risks of combining cannabis smoking (and by default, tobacco) with sex:

Male Fertility, continued
'....Male patients have a higher risk for infection and symptoms....However, any adverse affects on the male reproductive system have been generally underinvestigated. This is relevant, as SARS-CoV-2 virus has reportedly been able to impact the testicles and cause viral orchitis. In the case of other infectious diseases, such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), sperm processing techniques including washing steps were reported to significantly reduce seminal viral loads and the probability of infection.....60 years of age, smokers, male sex....'
No, American Woman of the future will carry her investment with her, and for the most part, eliminate the predations of the rent pimp. Her home can attach itself to a partner's making the two units one until such time as a different arrangement presents.
We spoke with a Madisonian female yesterday about tiny homes and the limited choices available to owners at this time. There was a tiny home just 100 feet away, which was on wheels. She said that inspectors had come to the tiny to see if anyone was living in it. Thus we know that the building-code gestapo is watching.

She agreed with badger, and knew of at least one COVID-19 coercive situation whereby the female (maybe her?) would leave it if she could. That is why real substance in three real-time dimensions makes better sense than renting. We looked at a Ford F450 flatbed with four wheels in back. That could be rented to haul perhaps 3 or 4 sections of house simultaneously. Thus, another pimp-predator are the movers of tiny homes that make large sums of money.

Obviously, connecting sewage and power is in dire need of evolving in America. Villages of the future will have solved, by invention, the problems inherent in assembling and disassembling a person's home. The Code Gestapo will no doubt have to be confronted.
To some, the jury is still out. This following report favors marriage for three major parameters:

’....married individuals were 12 percentage points more likely to report being in the nigh relationship satisfaction group, 26 percentage points more likely to report being in the highest stability group, and 15 percentage points more likely to report being in the highest commitment group....cohabiting relationships have lower levels of commitment, higher rates of infidelity and conflict, and are significantly more likely to end than married relationships.’
There is a problem that’s not really a problem. We could as easily post this to the feminist thread in this forum. A schizoanalysis of the wedding-ring-as-sign is the trajectory we return to in this post. Baudrillard’s philosophy could be said to be on a collision course with feminism, though the coercive power of the Chinese virus is the masculinization of violence, in turn affecting both American genders.

’Baudrillard’s ideas have the potential to generate insights about the state of contemporary feminism when feminism itself has become a self-referring sign. His theoretical approach draws attention to what is at stake for women and feminism in a postfeminist economy generated by the accumulation and acceleration of signs — an economy of sign exchange with profound impacts on our social experience and understanding of gender relations.’
(Toffoletti, Baudrillard, Postfeminism and the Image Makeover)

The removal of the wedding-ring-as-sign in cohabitation assemblages can be compared with Baudrillard’s essay, The Surgical Removal of Otherness.
Another C-19 lockdown may likely reinforce any coercions due the the first one. For example, morphologies in an underground economy such as cannabis trafficking and use, may see more young women users than males, according to this report from 2018:

Cohabitation and Marijuana Use
’....among young women, those who cohabited reported higher levels of marijuana use than those who remained single.’

From badger’s experience as a musician, and not surprisingly, it is
likely that increased marijuana use in young women is accompanied by increased music listening, the traditional trinity of sex, drugs and rock-and-roll. Interestingly, there was little increased use of alcohol in this cohabitant cohort.
Contrary to increased coercions due to another COVID-19 lockdown, educated women may be able to buffer against the masculine violence of the Chinese virus:

Cornell, Syracuse, and Brown Universities / Cohabitation
’....those who do cohabit enter shared living at significantly slower tempos than women whose mothers lacked a college women were significantly more likely to transition into marriage than less educated women.’

Thus, education is a strong factor of lasting relationships regardless of external forces.
We’d obviously like to compare U.S. to Canadian stats for cohabitation, because there seems a difference between countries for divorce statistics:
’....However, women in a re-marriage were less likely to divorce than those in a first marriage, and education was positively associated with divorce, results that are not consistent with U.S. patterns. Either these findings from the Canadian context have limited applicability in the U.S. or they suggest that correlates of divorce operate differently for older vs. younger adults.
Employment and earnings are also protective against divorce, but now these operate for older adults who are typically retired and are relying on fixed incomes is unclear. The availability of economic resources could actually facilitate divorce during later life, especially for women. Financial autonomy allows older women to consider divorce as a viable alternative to remaining married.’
Considering the wedding-ring-as-sign in cohabitation, some symbology seems in order:

11 Meanings of Wedding Rings
‘....The wedding ring, however, was invented by guys. It initially showed ownership and exchange.’

If there is no wedding ring showing, it may or may not symbolize being single, which is problematic because it expresses an ambiguity in the socius, whereas previously there was little.
This article, published in May of 2020, points to The Atlantic article on feminism:

The Challenges Facing Cohabitors During COVID-19
’....The Atlantic terms the pandemic “a disaster for feminism.”’

Coronavirus a Disaster for Feminism
‘....Across the world women’s independence will be a silent victim of the pandemic.’

But those single women, feminists or not, should take heart, not only as a C-19 vaccine approaches, but to release any envy they may feel towards their sisters who seem well on their way to successful cohabitation or marriage. This is because they as singles have unique and exciting possibilities to further explore and know themselves.

’what we ourselves have fallen victim to — and by no means allegorically— is a virus destructive of otherness. And we may predict that— even more than in the case of AIDS— no science will be able to protect us from this viral pathology which, by dint of antibodies and immune strategies, aims at the extinction, pure and simple, of the other. Though, for the moment, this virus does not affect the biological reproduction of the species, it affects an even more fundamental function, that of the symbolic reproduction of the other, favouring, rather, a cloned, asexual reproduction of the species-less individual. For to be deprived of the other is to be deprived of sex, and to be deprived of sex is to be deprived of symbolic belonging to any species whatsoever.’
(Baudrillard, Le crime parfait [The Perfect Crime], p. 113, The World Without Women)
We can see that the extreme masculine violence of the COVID-19 pandemic matches the violence of the rent pimp, that is, the other pimp that American Woman has yet to include with the theologian-pimp in the mediation of marriages. And just as a female author once stated, “All a woman needs is four walls around her,” so too “Men are never more homosexual than when they arrange marriages.” (Deleuze and Guattari)

The Rent pimp’s violence has continued in Wisconsin:

20 Nov 2020 USA Today, Landlords Skirt COVID-19 Eviction Ban
’....her landlord found an end-run to Wisconsin’s eviction ban....we’ve seen a huge spike in tactics from landlords to get people out....’
Here in Wisconsin, we have witnessed changes in certain females who have become more sensitized and fragile than they were in pre-pandemic times. Morphologies in an underground economy will bring increased drug and alcohol use, and as an ex-musician, one should look out for tell-tale signs that the spirit is agitated, much like the human female who is craving her cannabis lullaby.

Heidi James, 3 AM in Lockdown
But in cohabitation, addictions cement the couple’s economy to their cash flow, whereas in the tiny-home scenario posted previously, at least one of the couples can more easily escape the drug assemblage. The ones that don’t remain locked in the iron collar of the hit, the dose, and the dealer.

16 Nov 2020 Mayor: Marijuana Legalization Saved Chicago
’....nearly $1 billion in marijuana-tax revenue....layoffs can be avoided....there’s incentive to tax weed even further.’
For those contemplating cohabitation or now experiencing it, an important factor in marijuana use is the temperament of the partner.

’....Here we examine how marijuana use moderates the effects of temperament on level of anxiety and depression. Animal research suggests a direct anxiolytic effect of cannabis administration....marijuana use may buffer individuals high in harm avoidance from increased risk for anxiety and depression....marijuana use may also facilitate social contact which could in turn improve mood and ultimately mental health. The exact mechanism of these effects has not been determined, although they seem to be restricted to the effects of cannabidiol and not delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol.
There was also a significant gender effect, with women reporting more Year 2 Anxiety symptoms than men. Consistent with hypotheses, Harm Avoidance did interact with marijuana use in predicting anxiety symptoms considering the first regression model that tests whether initial temperament predicts subsequent psychopathology, Year 1 Depression symptoms were a significant predictor of Year2 Depression symptoms. Harm Avoidance was significantly positively associated with Depression symptoms with marijuana use frequency.

Anxiety increased more for women than for men. However, gender did not moderate any of the effects of temperament, or the temperament x marijuana use interactions, suggesting that the way temperament relates to anxiety and depression — and how that relation is moderated by marijuana use —:eek:ccurs similarly for men and women. Given the variables involved — temperament, substance use, and symptoms associated with psychopathology — true experiments are not feasible....The benefits of decreased marijuana use will depend on other characteristics, such as temperament.’
Earlier in this thread we mentioned modular tiny homes that could connect each ownership of a couple. These could be taken apart and moved elsewhere if needed. Working remotely will evolve into affordable forms that go much distance in achieving freedom from the rental agent, ending the legacy of paying only for the space that is occupied with no substance to show for the effort. An example shown is from Los Angeles:


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