Coast Guardsmen shoots 2 women; Ambushes cops in Massachusetts


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Mass. Officer Wounded in Ambush by Coast Guardsman

This piece of shit shoots 2 women. Sets a car on fire to draw cops. Then ambushes them....and like a fucking coward shoots a cop in the back.

He also took the oath to "protect and serve" and showed his cowardly side.

He was taken into custody alive. His female victims were in the USCG. Hope the military charges him and kills his ass.
Damn. I was in the Guard, condolences for the families. I believe they'll let the civilians handle it since it was off base but he needs to die swiftly.
Damn. I was in the Guard, condolences for the families. I believe they'll let the civilians handle it since it was off base but he needs to die swiftly.
That won't happen.

When will the Army execute the Muslim murderers from their own ranks already convicted and sentence to die?

Doubt the CG will move any faster.
Damn. I was in the Guard, condolences for the families. I believe they'll let the civilians handle it since it was off base but he needs to die swiftly.
That won't happen.

When will the Army execute the Muslim murderers from their own ranks already convicted and sentence to die?

Doubt the CG will move any faster.
I wasn't suggesting he would get death, it was wishful thinking. I'd like to see him keel hauled first too.
Theres a sickness going through humanity right now.

We need mental wards to return. Big ones.

Society hasnt gotten crazier. Our crazy is just roaming the streets now.

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