After 6 Months, More View Obama's Presidency as a 'Failure' Than Bush's
Posted by Tom Bevan | Email This | Permalink | Email Author
A rather surprising finding from the newly released CNN poll. Question three on the national survey of 1,136 adults (which includes an oversample of African-Americans) asks, "Do you consider the first six months of the Obama administration to be a success or a failure?"
Thirty-seven percent (37%) said they believe the Obama administration is a "failure," while 51% consider it a "success" and 11% say it's still "too soon to tell."
An identical question was asked of the Bush administration in an August 2001 CNN/Gallup/USA Today survey. At the time, 56% said the Bush administration was a "success" while only 32% considered it a "failure."
After 6 Months, More View Obama's Presidency as a 'Failure' Than Bush's - Real Clear Politics –
Oh snap heads should roll @ CNN.
Posted by Tom Bevan | Email This | Permalink | Email Author
A rather surprising finding from the newly released CNN poll. Question three on the national survey of 1,136 adults (which includes an oversample of African-Americans) asks, "Do you consider the first six months of the Obama administration to be a success or a failure?"
Thirty-seven percent (37%) said they believe the Obama administration is a "failure," while 51% consider it a "success" and 11% say it's still "too soon to tell."
An identical question was asked of the Bush administration in an August 2001 CNN/Gallup/USA Today survey. At the time, 56% said the Bush administration was a "success" while only 32% considered it a "failure."
After 6 Months, More View Obama's Presidency as a 'Failure' Than Bush's - Real Clear Politics –
Oh snap heads should roll @ CNN.