CNN: Iran is preparing to attack Israel with cruise missiles.(Poll)

If Iran attacks Israel with cruise missiles, what should the US response be?

  • Nothing, just shoot them down

    Votes: 5 45.5%
  • Attack Iran's nuclear sites

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Attack Iran's oil sites

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Warn Iran not to do that again or facec serious consequences

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 3 27.3%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
There was no option for...

"Shoot down the intruders then obliterate the launching sites", which would have been MY choice.

So, as a consolation prize, I voted for smashing their oil fields.
Say it is true:

What should the US response be?

Is it a head fake or propaganda for the masses?
Is it serious?

What should the US do if/when it happens? IMHO nothing. Just shoot them down
I dont think the US needs to do anything, because since we get most of our military technology from Israel, for giving them the military hardware that they modify, Iran doesnt know the can of whoop ass that they are going to open when they attack Israel. But if other Arab states get involved then it would be necessary for the US to join the only Democrat Free Nation in the middle east...
Say it is true:

What should the US response be?

Is it a head fake or propaganda for the masses?
Is it serious?

What should the US do if/when it happens? IMHO nothing. Just shoot them down

Send the Mullahs a big pallet of cash money like Obama did.

Say it is true:

What should the US response be?

Is it a head fake or propaganda for the masses?
Is it serious?

What should the US do if/when it happens? IMHO nothing. Just shoot them down

The US should stay completely out of it... Completely.

Jews lived in Iran for 2500 years.

For decades Israel bought oil from Iran.

Israel provided weapons and intelligence for Iran during their 8 year war with Iraq.

Israel has threatened Iran every quarter since 1992.
There was no option for...

"Shoot down the intruders then obliterate the launching sites", which would have been MY choice.

So, as a consolation prize, I voted for smashing their oil fields.

So, as a consolation prize, I voted for smashing their oil fields.

Great, let’s have $200 bbl oil!
Iran theatens to attack Israel. Biden’s response? …DDD…
dont.. Reads teleprompter.
This senile old fart is going to prevent WWIII?
WTF is happening in this world?[

Israel has provoked them since 1992. The US should let Israel have their war. We must stay out of it.
Iran theatens to attack Israel. Biden’s response? …DDD…
dont.. Reads teleprompter.
This senile old fart is going to prevent WWIII?
WTF is happening in this world?[

Both Iran and Russia were afraid of Trump. Biden on the other hand, is viewed by both Iran and Russia as being a weak, incompetent, and ineffectual ass-clown.

Same with China. Xi Jinping probably thinks Joe Biden is a little bitch who can be bought off for a few measly million dollars.
Both Iran and Russia were afraid of Trump. Biden on the other hand, is viewed by both Iran and Russia as being a weak, incompetent, and ineffectual ass-clown.

Same with China. Xi Jinping probably thinks Joe Biden is a little bitch who can be bought off for a few measly million dollars.

In 1975, the United States agreed to guarantee Israel's oil supply in emergencies. The pact was signed after the Arab oil embargo roiled the world's economies.

The agreement also followed the second disengagement agreement (Sinai II) between Israel and Egypt, which helped pave the way to the eventual peace treaty signed in 1979.

As part of Sinai II, Israel withdrew from oil fields in the Sinai.

When the peace treat was signed, Israel gave up all its oil fields, which, at the time, were expected to allow Israel to eventually become energy independent. The U.S. subsequently offered Israel a new agreement that guaranteed access to U.S. oil if war constraints disrupted Israel's supply. It further provided for help in transporting oil if Israel was blocked from doing it alone.

(Israeli oil fields were in Egyptian Sinai)
It was their money and sweetened the Iran Agreement that Trump immediately reneged on.

Do you even know how ignorant you sound?

Say for instance someone commits a crime against you and the judge levies a fine against the criminal.

So you're going to tell the judge that it's rightfully the criminal's money, and he shouldn't have to pay the fine?

That's just plain retarded. And even more retarded was how Biden removed sanctions from Iran and freed up even more money for them to fund terrorism.

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