CNN HQ under attack


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
On CNN live. Pretty hilarious that these race baiters are shitting their pants as “protesters” are smashing their windows.

Why would the police defend CNN? These people have gotten cops killed with their race baiting politics.
Because the pole smoking politicians the police work for are telling them to.
LOL, yup. CNN didn’t hesitate to get the SWAT team there. They are SO much more important than a business in Minneapolis.
Uh-oh, the Atlanta diverse female Mayor is admonishing the protesters for daring to deface the CNN building. How dare they attack CNN, started by Ted Turner, because he “understood” what the city is all about (it has lots of blacks?).

LOL, she is SO upset they would deface it, as if CNN is sacred.
Highly ironic given CNN has justified and rationalized this type of behaviour in the past. While I'm no fan of CNN I think it's time the police started lowering the boom on these people for this kind of stuff no matter if it's CNN a big store like Target or a mom and pop business. To be clear I'm not suggesting firing live rounds and mowing people down but there are non lethal measures that can used and some are being used but this needs to be stepped up I support people's right to peacefully protest but a riot is not a protest.
Uh-oh, the Atlanta diverse female Mayor is admonishing the protesters for daring to deface the CNN building. How dare they attack CNN, started by Ted Turner, because he “understood” what the city is all about (it has lots of blacks?).

LOL, she is SO upset they would deface it, as if CNN is sacred.
Why would the police defend CNN? These people have gotten cops killed with their race baiting politics.

You don't think the cops would protect the NBC Studio at Rockefeller Plaza in NYC if rioters made their way there?
The cops wouldnt be out, because they get buckets of water thrown over them...I think the time has come, where the war is here.....moving from city to city....Atlanta is burning...

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