CNN: Disgruntled Democrats join the Tea Party

the mere fact that that MIGHT be true makes me even more excited to move to Merida, Mexico next year!

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out


Oh... I won't. And that retirement check you send me every month goes a LONG way down there. Thanks again for that... and the free healthcare too. Have fun while I'm gone.:lol:

Mexico giving away free health care? Tricare changes drastically outside the US, I believe. Anyway, enjoy living outside the greatest country on earth.
So, if this paans out, we have the beginning of the merging of the far right and the far left. This is going to be interesting to watch.

Somewhat like the anti-NAFTA crowd with its Pat Buchanan types and Ralph Nader types propelling the Ross Perot third party...

...and then Bill Clinton, who supported NAFTA, got elected.
Madness can be contagious look only at contemporary America. Elect a Martian and see what happens, I warned you all before the election!

Midcant thinks he knows everything....guy is a fucking jerk....

here is a quote i found about Midcant....

"if you want to find his brain...look at the shitstain on his Fruit Of The LOONS"....Rufas T.Firefly.....
"To serve the public faithfully and at the same time please it entirely is impossible." Ben Franklin

One has to shake their head, where were these people when Cheney/Bush were giving away a surplus to the rich, invading a sovereign nation at the cost of a billion a week, looking the other way as the financial system started to collapse? Seems power not only corrupts, but its loss creates insanity at an increased level.

"The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves." William Hazlitt
A perfect description of BARACH OBAMA, the narcissist, himself.:lol: The love of himself part from your quote.LOL

FYI: defense spending makes up only 20% of the budget, entitlement the rest. With the new health care takeover GOVERNMENT SPENDING will be 90% of GDP by 2020, that's UNSUSTAINABLE. The so-called rich those that make more than 250,000 per year are LESS than 5% of the population and they are mostly small business owners who EMPLOY 76% of Americans. You
taxes on them and they lay people off to accomodate the tax.
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the mere fact that that MIGHT be true makes me even more excited to move to Merida, Mexico next year!

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out


Oh... I won't. And that retirement check you send me every month goes a LONG way down there. Thanks again for that... and the free healthcare too. Have fun while I'm gone.:lol:


Hell, I cannot imagine that you could get anymore excited to retire in Merida, MX.

Commander, I'm so damn jealous, and if these other guys had any idea WTF they're talking about, so would they.

Please, for godssake, take me with you!!!
The republican party
the democrat party
the tea party? Lol.
How does one, with a straight face, demonize those who oppose repressive taxation, unresponsive and arrogant government?
The TEA Parties are more representative of the majority than either party.

the mere fact that that MIGHT be true makes me even more excited to move to Merida, Mexico next year!

Ya great plan, go to a country where drug gangs pretty much run anything they choose to run.

if you knew anything about Mexico, you would know that the tip of the Yucatan is not really where the drug gangs hang out. but then, why would I expect a medically discharged old fudd like you to know anything about anything?
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out


Oh... I won't. And that retirement check you send me every month goes a LONG way down there. Thanks again for that... and the free healthcare too. Have fun while I'm gone.:lol:


Hell, I cannot imagine that you could get anymore excited to retire in Merida, MX.

Commander, I'm so damn jealous, and if these other guys had any idea WTF they're talking about, so would they.

Please, for godssake, take me with you!!!

well... since we'll be driving down with two dogs and a cat, we probably won't have room to take you with us, but you are ALWAYS welcome to visit. the plunge pool will be waiting and the palomas ready to be mixed!
This isn't a new development.

The first tea party I went to was in San Francisco last April 15th. We had GOP, Dem, Independent, Libertarian and completely apolitical people.

The one thing everyone agreed upon was that government is Too Big and spending is Out of Control.

I hate to say this but those are TWO things, not one. :tongue:

The TEA Parties are more representative of the majority than either party.

the mere fact that that MIGHT be true makes me even more excited to move to Merida, Mexico next year!

Ya great plan, go to a country where drug gangs pretty much run anything they choose to run.

I was thinking more on the lines of:

"Thanks a whole hell of a lot, Maineman! First you saddle us with Obama and then you run out on us."

Remember one thing MM. Paybacks are a bitch! You'll get yours. But best to you anyway.

Interesting how more and more favorable coverage of tea parties has occurred once the MSM were successful in helping with HCR. :doubt: From the NY Times to David Letterman, and a few now from CNN. In the next few weeks I expect we'll be treated to 'more problems' with HCR and more coverage of tea parties.

The damage is done, now they can show their 'even handedness'. Of course it follows the reports on ratings and reports to stockholders. The MSM media isn't in good shape.

and the beat goes on:

The Tea Party Narrative Just Jumped the Shark | The Moderate Voice

The Tea Party Narrative Just Jumped the Shark
APR 5TH, 2010

And it was all going so well for Democrats and liberals in the media.
Display a picture or vid clip of angry, contorted faces of the tea partiers, add the race card, accuse the “core” of the movement of being birthers, and generally play to the idea that this vast, grassroots movement is a small, insignificant bunch of sour grape Republicans who hate Obama.

Well, it worked for a while. But something funny happened on the way to smearing millions of ordinary Americans worried about the future; surveys of tea partiers show them to be as mainstream as a McDonald’s french fry:...

and this:

More on Democrats’ Fake Hate Crimes - Peter Kirsanow - The Corner on National Review Online

Monday, April 05, 2010

More on Democrats’ Fake Hate Crimes [Peter Kirsanow]
As Mark Steyn noted this past weekend, the smearing of tea-party members by elected representatives and their media acolytes demonstrates the desperation and bankruptcy of many of today’s arguments in support of the liberal agenda — in this case, health-care reform. The claim that black Democratic congressmen courageously defied being spat upon and being called the n-word reflects a pathetic attempt to equate their support for the cynical, corrupt process by which the health-care bill was passed with the heroic efforts of the civil-rights movement.

Unable to marshal coherent arguments in favor of the bill’s merits, Obamacare supporters resort to a most reliable standby: accusing their opponents of racism. But time has passed these liberals by. The ubiquity of new media exposes the calumny as a fraud. Despite the presence of dozens of reporters, recorders, and cameras, no evidence has been produced in support of the accusations.

Crying racism whenever there is a legitimate policy dispute is an old, tired, and increasingly ineffective tactic. The Congressional Black Caucus would have us believe that although virulent racism is now subterranean, it’s just as dangerous and pervasive as it was 50 years ago and surfaces whenever liberals try to do good.

But more and more Americans refuse to be cowed into guilty submission by this maneuver. A majority of Americans were born after passage of the 1964 Civil RightsAct. Segregation and de jure racial discrimination are not part of their experience. Nor do they feel responsibility for it...

and this:

Strange New Respect -


There was a time, oh, a week or two ago, when the mainstream media portrayed the tea-party movement as an assortment of crazed angry extremist redneck racist idiots. What changed?

The headline we've given this column is a phrase coined by the conservative writer Tom Bethell to refer to the media's attitude toward conservatives who veer leftward. What we're about to describe is a bit different: more an epiphany on the media's part than a change in the object of coverage. It seems unlikely that the tea-partiers have suddenly become mainstream.

Yet that's what you'd think from reading some of the recent coverage. The Christian Science Monitor, which a month ago baselessly labeled Pentagon shooter John Patrick Bedell a "right-wing extremist," begins a Saturday story by rehearsing the stereotypes but then cautions that "political experts say that many such criticisms are near-sighted, if not outright inappropriate--and ultimately may miss the point":...

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