CNN Arizona debate thread

RuPaul cannot figure out that we talked to the Soviets BECAUSE we knew they were not insane and didn't want to DIE but the Islamofucks don't care. They put bomb vets on their own children in the name of Allah.

Jesus. RuPaul is a dumbass.
Yes, I'm sure YOU will sign up to invade Iran. All but but Paul are ready to go to war; Paul of course actually SERVED in combat. The rest were just too busy!

I am not especially concerned with what YOU claim to be sure of. And I am not the issue.

The POINT, of course, your petty and unpersuasive effort at ad hominem fallacy notwithstanding, is that the purported "logic" offered by Ron Paul is devoid of rationality.

It SOUNDS great (if one doesn't bother to examine the premises) to say "WE were not afraid to sit down and TALK with the Soviets!" But the problem is, the analogy is a false analogy.

Unless you can make the case that the Islamofuckers are NOT content with the notion of dying for Allah and have a track record of DOING exactly that kind of thing -- which you clearly cannot -- then you SHOULD be willing to admit that there is no true basis for analogy.
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No, he is actually sane and not a warmongering neocon chicken-hawk like the rest of the jerks up there.

Why are all Paulites so ignorant of international relations? Do none of you people have passports?
Passports have nothing to do with the study of international affairs; going to another country might help understand the culture but few Americans are allowed in the nations we consider enemies. Paul brought up the Constitution in reference to war with Iran. The stay at home soldiers all joined the war chant.

I think the more relevant issue is whether these people have the full DVD collection of 24.
There ya go.... Ron Paul..... dangerous man. Absolutely dangerously naive in his views on foreign relations.

No, he is actually sane and not a warmongering neocon chicken-hawk like the rest of the jerks up there.

Why are all Paulites so ignorant of international relations? Do none of you people have passports?
Santorum gave his usual pat answer "Syria is bad". Romney answered a question; no one up there is LESS well versed in foreign affairs than Sancto.
There ya go.... Ron Paul..... dangerous man. Absolutely dangerously naive in his views on foreign relations.

No, he is actually sane and not a warmongering neocon chicken-hawk like the rest of the jerks up there.

Why are all Paulites so ignorant of international relations? Do none of you people have passports?

Name some SPECIFICS points where you think "Paulites are ignorant of international relations". Is it because we don't want to just have some arrogant "Bolton type" foreign policy?
No, he is actually sane and not a warmongering neocon chicken-hawk like the rest of the jerks up there.

Why are all Paulites so ignorant of international relations? Do none of you people have passports?
Passports have nothing to do with the study of international affairs; going to another country might help understand the culture but few Americans are allowed in the nations we consider enemies. Paul brought up the Constitution in reference to war with Iran. The stay at home soldiers all joined the war chant.

I take war very seriously.... because it directly impacts on me as an individual. But all Paul does with his ridiculously naive attitude is give our enemies a free reign to destroy other countries... including our allies.... without fear of reprisals from us. Yea, that's sensible. Let's tell our enemies.... the Iranians, the North Koreans, the Islamists... that they can murder and kill anyone anywhere - except here.

Fucking naive.
Protect the First Amendment: Sign the Petition to Stop Obama Forcing the Catholic Church to Pay for the Murder of the Unborn


Stop the catholic from forcing women to have chilren they do not want and making conceptives a crime. Sex for pleasure a sin. Not a life but a potential life. No one should be force to be a host to a parasite of any kind. Catholics want more catholics, use test tubes in a lab.

Parasite? NEG.

You were once a 'parasite'. Should your mother have gotten rid of you, because you were not a life, but just a 'parasite'? Without these 'parasites', there would be no human race, dipshit.
Why do you try to claim that Unions are working people when every American needs to work to live and yet few if any are in unions?

Yet Boeing is booming on that union labor.

Yeah, that's why they built a plant in South Carolina...

That can't make the parts properly and they pay $25-$30 per hour for a job they pays a minimum of $45 per hour here in Arizona and most other parts of the country. What quality worker stays for $25, when they can move and get $45.

P.S. Did you know that the 787 was having to have the composites inspected because of faulty manufacturing in South Carolina?

"The work that resulted in the delamination was traced to the assembly of the aft fuselage section at a plant near Charleston, South Carolina, Boeing said. It involved “improper shimming” of the support structure in that part of the plane."

Boeing Orders Checks of 787 Dreamliners on Fuselage Delamination - Businessweek
I really wish Paul wasn't so set in his ways with foreign policy. Nearly everything else besides legalizing drugs and prostitution is spot on.

He would get my vote but for foreign policy.
RuPaul cannot figure out that we talked to the Soviets BECAUSE we knew they were not insane and didn't want to DIE but the Islamofucks don't care. They put bomb vets on their own children in the name of Allah.

Jesus. RuPaul is a dumbass.
Yes, I'm sure YOU will sign up to invade Iran. All but but Paul are ready to go to war; Paul of course actually SERVED in combat. The rest were just too busy!

I am not especially concerned with what YOU claim to be sure of. And I am not the issue.

The POINT, of course, your petty and unpersuasive effort at ad hominem fallacy notwithstanding, is that the purported "logic" offered by Ron Paul is devoid of rationality.

It SOUNDS great (if one doesn't bother to examine the premises) to say "WE were not afraid to sit down and TALK with the Soviets!" But the problem is, the analogy is a false analogy.

Unless you can make the case that the Islamofuckers are NOT content with the notion of dying for Allah and have a track record of DOING exactly that kind of thing -- which you clearly cannot -- then you SHOULD be willing to admit that there is no true basis for analogy.

It demonstrates a fundamental lack of understanding over the differences in the idealogies and cultures between the Soviets and Iranians.
Why are all Paulites so ignorant of international relations? Do none of you people have passports?
Passports have nothing to do with the study of international affairs; going to another country might help understand the culture but few Americans are allowed in the nations we consider enemies. Paul brought up the Constitution in reference to war with Iran. The stay at home soldiers all joined the war chant.

I take war very seriously.... because it directly impacts on me as an individual. But all Paul does with his ridiculously naive attitude is give our enemies a free reign to destroy other countries... including our allies.... without fear of reprisals from us. Yea, that's sensible. Let's tell our enemies.... the Iranians, the North Koreans, the Islamists... that they can murder and kill anyone anywhere - except here.

Fucking naive.

Then it must be your contention that NONE of these other countries are smart enough to defend themselves, or capable of it. Is that truly what you believe, or do you just get off on America being the biggest kid on the block?
Name some SPECIFICS points where you think "Paulites are ignorant of international relations". Is it because we don't want to just have some arrogant "Bolton type" foreign policy?

We have. Multiple times. For example: Failing to take into account that the Iranians have a belief that they will be rewarded in heaven for dying in attempts to kill infidels is pretty damn naive.
Q: Are you going to answer the question?

Romney: You get to ask the questions you want, I get to give the answers I want.
Let's look at that more closely Ron Paul.

Had Olympia Snowe been a team player and voted down Obamacare in committee, we wouldn't be facing this nightmare today.

Conversely, had Snowe, or Susan Collins (for example) NOT been team players, and if the Republicans had not represented a totally unified front...we would likely be looking at a true 100% Government run one size fits all European style heathcare system.

Thank God for the team players.
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Why are all Paulites so ignorant of international relations? Do none of you people have passports?
Passports have nothing to do with the study of international affairs; going to another country might help understand the culture but few Americans are allowed in the nations we consider enemies. Paul brought up the Constitution in reference to war with Iran. The stay at home soldiers all joined the war chant.

I take war very seriously.... because it directly impacts on me as an individual. But all Paul does with his ridiculously naive attitude is give our enemies a free reign to destroy other countries... including our allies.... without fear of reprisals from us. Yea, that's sensible. Let's tell our enemies.... the Iranians, the North Koreans, the Islamists... that they can murder and kill anyone anywhere - except here.

Fucking naive.

Real conservatives understand that the United States cannot and should not police the world. If religious fanatics in Afghanistan choose to stone a women to death for showing her hair in public, so be it.

Paul was spot on, we have spent trillions on nation buiding in the middle east and ignored critical issue here at home.
Passports have nothing to do with the study of international affairs; going to another country might help understand the culture but few Americans are allowed in the nations we consider enemies. Paul brought up the Constitution in reference to war with Iran. The stay at home soldiers all joined the war chant.

I take war very seriously.... because it directly impacts on me as an individual. But all Paul does with his ridiculously naive attitude is give our enemies a free reign to destroy other countries... including our allies.... without fear of reprisals from us. Yea, that's sensible. Let's tell our enemies.... the Iranians, the North Koreans, the Islamists... that they can murder and kill anyone anywhere - except here.

Fucking naive.

Then it must be your contention that NONE of these other countries are smart enough to defend themselves, or capable of it. Is that truly what you believe, or do you just get off on America being the biggest kid on the block?

I can say it no better than this "All that is necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing". There are times when America must defend its allies... and countries that are not necessarily our allies, but are not our enemies either.
Q: Are you going to answer the question?

Romney: You get to ask the questions you want, I get to give the answers I want.

An emerging GOP theme (and, imho, a valid one) is taking on the press/media itself. The bias the media exhibits is all too clear. Make their bias an issue. I think we're starting to see it.

Good. It's healthy.

People do not trust politicians. But the American people do not trust the media, either. For good reason.

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