CNN Arizona debate thread

I make more than that inspecting commercial airliners. Ask Southwest or Hawaiian Air if they wished they had paid for guys like me beforehand.

You mean the inspectors they had that obviously didn't do their jobs?

They didn't call in the inspectors. The airlines extended the intervals to save cash.

Then the airlines should be held accountable for their negligence. Has nothing to to do with unions.
This debate is taking place about a mile from my house. The Mesa Arts Center gets some great plays and now they have the four stooges.
Passports have nothing to do with the study of international affairs; going to another country might help understand the culture but few Americans are allowed in the nations we consider enemies. Paul brought up the Constitution in reference to war with Iran. The stay at home soldiers all joined the war chant.

I take war very seriously.... because it directly impacts on me as an individual. But all Paul does with his ridiculously naive attitude is give our enemies a free reign to destroy other countries... including our allies.... without fear of reprisals from us. Yea, that's sensible. Let's tell our enemies.... the Iranians, the North Koreans, the Islamists... that they can murder and kill anyone anywhere - except here.

Fucking naive.

Real conservatives understand that the United States cannot and should not police the world. If religious fanatics in Afghanistan choose to stone a women to death for showing her hair in public, so be it.

Paul was spot on, we have spent trillions on nation buiding in the middle east and ignored critical issue here at home.

Who the hell are you to qualify what makes a true conservative or not? Christ you're full of yourself.
I really wish Paul wasn't so set in his ways with foreign policy. Nearly everything else besides legalizing drugs and prostitution is spot on.

He would get my vote but for foreign policy.
Congress will override his more radical beliefs. And the other three ready to send OTHER people to war again are OK with you? Paul is the only one who HAS served in combat. Actually, he is the only one who spent one minute in the military; the other three are ARTFUL DODGERS.
Passports have nothing to do with the study of international affairs; going to another country might help understand the culture but few Americans are allowed in the nations we consider enemies. Paul brought up the Constitution in reference to war with Iran. The stay at home soldiers all joined the war chant.

I take war very seriously.... because it directly impacts on me as an individual. But all Paul does with his ridiculously naive attitude is give our enemies a free reign to destroy other countries... including our allies.... without fear of reprisals from us. Yea, that's sensible. Let's tell our enemies.... the Iranians, the North Koreans, the Islamists... that they can murder and kill anyone anywhere - except here.

Fucking naive.

Real conservatives understand that the United States cannot and should not police the world. If religious fanatics in Afghanistan choose to stone a women to death for showing her hair in public, so be it.

Paul was spot on, we have spent trillions on nation buiding in the middle east and ignored critical issue here at home.

You would have a point... if I had said America should police the world. But I didn't. Yet again, you lack basic comprehension.

I really wish Paul wasn't so set in his ways with foreign policy. Nearly everything else besides legalizing drugs and prostitution is spot on.

He would get my vote but for foreign policy.
Congress will override his more radical beliefs. And the other three ready to send OTHER people to war again are OK with you? Paul is the only one who HAS served in combat. Actually, he is the only one who spent one minute in the military; the other three are ARTFUL DODGERS.

I once thought that. But then obamacare passed.

You fail
Mitt said he never forced hospitals to give the morning-after pill to rape victims and he said it with a smile. I thought he was doing fine until then and it's a pretty loose showing.
I take war very seriously.... because it directly impacts on me as an individual. But all Paul does with his ridiculously naive attitude is give our enemies a free reign to destroy other countries... including our allies.... without fear of reprisals from us. Yea, that's sensible. Let's tell our enemies.... the Iranians, the North Koreans, the Islamists... that they can murder and kill anyone anywhere - except here.

Fucking naive.

Then it must be your contention that NONE of these other countries are smart enough to defend themselves, or capable of it. Is that truly what you believe, or do you just get off on America being the biggest kid on the block?

I can say it no better than this "All that is necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing". There are times when America must defend its allies... and countries that are not necessarily our allies, but are not our enemies either.

I agree with the quote, but I disagree with your 'something'. Embarking on preemptive war is not 'defending' anything, it's ATTACKING. This idea that it's just and right for us to attack other countries is CRAZY. And would most certainly qualify as 'policing the world'.

Ron Paul is DAMNED SURE right about one thing, if you want to go to war, get a Declaration of War from the Congress. At least then we can have the chickenhawks ON RECORD when it comes time for the War Crimes Tribunals.
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Then it must be your contention that NONE of these other countries are smart enough to defend themselves, or capable of it. Is that truly what you believe, or do you just get off on America being the biggest kid on the block?

I can say it no better than this "All that is necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing". There are times when America must defend its allies... and countries that are not necessarily our allies, but are not our enemies either.

I agree with the quote, but I disagree with your 'something'. Embarking on preemptive war is not 'defending' anything, it's ATTACKING. This idea that it's just and right for us to attack other countries is CRAZY.

Ron Paul is DAMNED SURE right about one thing, if you want to go to war, get a Declaration of War from the Congress. At least then we can have the chickenhawks ON RECORD when it comes time for the War Crimes Tribunals.

Then it must be your contention that NONE of these other countries are smart enough to defend themselves, or capable of it. Is that truly what you believe, or do you just get off on America being the biggest kid on the block?

I can say it no better than this "All that is necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing". There are times when America must defend its allies... and countries that are not necessarily our allies, but are not our enemies either.

I agree with the quote, but I disagree with your 'something'. Embarking on preemptive war is not 'defending' anything, it's ATTACKING. This idea that it's just and right for us to attack other countries is CRAZY.

Ron Paul is DAMNED SURE right about one thing, if you want to go to war, get a Declaration of War from the Congress. At least then we can have the chickenhawks ON RECORD when it comes time for the War Crimes Tribunals.

Except Libya wasn't a 'war', it was a military action. Technically different. I'm not overly enthusiastic about war - I kind of prefer my family serving in the military to not be sent into harms way without really good reasons.

Ron Paul's attitude towards international relations is ridiculously naive. We cannot afford to return to isolationism... it is bad for us economically and militarily, and it is bad for the world.
I can say it no better than this "All that is necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing". There are times when America must defend its allies... and countries that are not necessarily our allies, but are not our enemies either.

I agree with the quote, but I disagree with your 'something'. Embarking on preemptive war is not 'defending' anything, it's ATTACKING. This idea that it's just and right for us to attack other countries is CRAZY.

Ron Paul is DAMNED SURE right about one thing, if you want to go to war, get a Declaration of War from the Congress. At least then we can have the chickenhawks ON RECORD when it comes time for the War Crimes Tribunals.


You might think cuckoo, but the UN is already trying to get the LAST administration charged, and the more power we give to them the more likely those tribunals are to happen.
This debate is taking place about a mile from my house. The Mesa Arts Center gets some great plays and now they have the four stooges.

It is a gorgeous theatre despite your take on things.

And the acoustics are great. The mayor of Mesa is the only Republican I would campaign for.

P.S. He's a Mormon and a Romney supporter.

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