Clyburn: Trump won’t leave quietly. We might need the military to step in.

My take on Trump will be that he'll gladly return to life as a private citizen if the voters decide that's what's needed. He's been busting his ass for almost four years now without even taking a salary for his efforts. He's attacked non stop by the main stream media. His family is attacked as well.

He'll get to kick back and watch with amusement as the Democrats try to fix our economy with a President who's completely senile and Congressional "leaders" that want to do things like defund the Police, tax increases and imposing the Green New Deal! Imagine how much fun Donald will have telling people "I told you this would happen!" when the economy craters.

It will indeed be difficult to fix the 30 trillion dollar debt Trump will leave us with.
Flunked Civics...didn't you, PKnopp? Congress controls the purse strings of the US government...not the President! It's Congress that spends that money...not the President!

Right and the debt under Obama wasn't his. LOL Yes this is the Trump debt. That is how it works.
The debt under Obama was the fault of the Congress just as the debt under Bush was the fault of the Congress and the debt incurred under every OTHER President is the fault of the Congress! THAT is how it works!

Nope. A president signs off on all debt and he is the president.
A President can either sign off on what Congress sends him...or he can veto it which then means we have no budget until Congress comes up with something else! No President has ever had the power to simply implement what HE wants despite Congress' wishes!

Right, he veto's it and makes Congress do a do over. He did not do that. He signed off on it. He owns it as president.
What makes you think Congress is going to change what they did the first time? If a President had line item veto power then YES you could and should hold them responsible for any deficits but until that comes to pass...then it will always be Congress that spends the money!

You know you are just making excuses for a president that has failed in an incredible manner. By November he will have amassed somewhere near 10 trillion in new debt. Republicans condemned Obama (rightfully so) for creating that in eight years.
So answer me this, would you on the left have treated Trump if he HADN'T signed off on the massive aid package for Covid 19? Did he really have a choice? Now that Republicans are trying to pass a smaller relief package...who is it that's demanding another HUGE one? You on the left are pointing fingers at Trump for excessive spending? Don't make me laugh!

It's not about me. It's not about how others would act. It's about living up to your principles and promises. If you believe something is right you do it despite what others may say.

You are arguing that Trump did an about face because he didn't want the "left" to get mad at him. Is that what you voted for?
I'm simply pointing out that for Democrats like yourself ........

I'm not a Democrat. You said that to avoid my point.
My take on Trump will be that he'll gladly return to life as a private citizen if the voters decide that's what's needed. He's been busting his ass for almost four years now without even taking a salary for his efforts. He's attacked non stop by the main stream media. His family is attacked as well.

He'll get to kick back and watch with amusement as the Democrats try to fix our economy with a President who's completely senile and Congressional "leaders" that want to do things like defund the Police, tax increases and imposing the Green New Deal! Imagine how much fun Donald will have telling people "I told you this would happen!" when the economy craters.

It will indeed be difficult to fix the 30 trillion dollar debt Trump will leave us with.
Flunked Civics...didn't you, PKnopp? Congress controls the purse strings of the US government...not the President! It's Congress that spends that money...not the President!

Right and the debt under Obama wasn't his. LOL Yes this is the Trump debt. That is how it works.
The debt under Obama was the fault of the Congress just as the debt under Bush was the fault of the Congress and the debt incurred under every OTHER President is the fault of the Congress! THAT is how it works!

Nope. A president signs off on all debt and he is the president.
A President can either sign off on what Congress sends him...or he can veto it which then means we have no budget until Congress comes up with something else! No President has ever had the power to simply implement what HE wants despite Congress' wishes!

Right, he veto's it and makes Congress do a do over. He did not do that. He signed off on it. He owns it as president.
What makes you think Congress is going to change what they did the first time? If a President had line item veto power then YES you could and should hold them responsible for any deficits but until that comes to pass...then it will always be Congress that spends the money!

You know you are just making excuses for a president that has failed in an incredible manner. By November he will have amassed somewhere near 10 trillion in new debt. Republicans condemned Obama (rightfully so) for creating that in eight years.
So answer me this, would you on the left have treated Trump if he HADN'T signed off on the massive aid package for Covid 19? Did he really have a choice? Now that Republicans are trying to pass a smaller relief package...who is it that's demanding another HUGE one? You on the left are pointing fingers at Trump for excessive spending? Don't make me laugh!

It's not about me. It's not about how others would act. It's about living up to your principles and promises. If you believe something is right you do it despite what others may say.

You are arguing that Trump did an about face because he didn't want the "left" to get mad at him. Is that what you voted for?
I'm simply pointing out that for Democrats like yourself ........

I'm not a Democrat. You said that to avoid my point.
You had a point? Not really, had a talking point that doesn't hold up to even a casual examination of the facts!
My take on Trump will be that he'll gladly return to life as a private citizen if the voters decide that's what's needed. He's been busting his ass for almost four years now without even taking a salary for his efforts. He's attacked non stop by the main stream media. His family is attacked as well.

He'll get to kick back and watch with amusement as the Democrats try to fix our economy with a President who's completely senile and Congressional "leaders" that want to do things like defund the Police, tax increases and imposing the Green New Deal! Imagine how much fun Donald will have telling people "I told you this would happen!" when the economy craters.

It will indeed be difficult to fix the 30 trillion dollar debt Trump will leave us with.
Flunked Civics...didn't you, PKnopp? Congress controls the purse strings of the US government...not the President! It's Congress that spends that money...not the President!

Right and the debt under Obama wasn't his. LOL Yes this is the Trump debt. That is how it works.
The debt under Obama was the fault of the Congress just as the debt under Bush was the fault of the Congress and the debt incurred under every OTHER President is the fault of the Congress! THAT is how it works!

Nope. A president signs off on all debt and he is the president.
A President can either sign off on what Congress sends him...or he can veto it which then means we have no budget until Congress comes up with something else! No President has ever had the power to simply implement what HE wants despite Congress' wishes!

Right, he veto's it and makes Congress do a do over. He did not do that. He signed off on it. He owns it as president.
What makes you think Congress is going to change what they did the first time? If a President had line item veto power then YES you could and should hold them responsible for any deficits but until that comes to pass...then it will always be Congress that spends the money!

You know you are just making excuses for a president that has failed in an incredible manner. By November he will have amassed somewhere near 10 trillion in new debt. Republicans condemned Obama (rightfully so) for creating that in eight years.
So answer me this, would you on the left have treated Trump if he HADN'T signed off on the massive aid package for Covid 19? Did he really have a choice? Now that Republicans are trying to pass a smaller relief package...who is it that's demanding another HUGE one? You on the left are pointing fingers at Trump for excessive spending? Don't make me laugh!

It's not about me. It's not about how others would act. It's about living up to your principles and promises. If you believe something is right you do it despite what others may say.

You are arguing that Trump did an about face because he didn't want the "left" to get mad at him. Is that what you voted for?
I'm simply pointing out that for Democrats like yourself ........

I'm not a Democrat. You said that to avoid my point.
You had a point? Not really, had a talking point that doesn't hold up to even a casual examination of the facts!

Then answer my question. You elected Trump to cower in fear of the left condemning him for doing what he promised to do?
These people are NOT American patriots. They are ANTIFA, BLM radicals, and just plain thugs enjoying the violence.
Wrong, you freak. Those people assaulted by military police were peaceful people exercising a right that is a pillar of our society. You are truly unamerican and an embarrassment to our country.
The military? What kind of an idiot would say something that stupid?! Okay let’s suppose Trump lost and refused to the leave White House, a highly unlikely and frankly stupid hypothetical, would we really need the military to intervene???! Clyburn needs to get back to race baiting and STFU presidential politics

If the President were to lose to Sleepy Joe fair and square, he'd be out of the WH by Thanksgiving. Donald J. Trump isn't a "lame duck" kind of guy I can't see him getting involved in a long goodbye.

No he is an out right pussy though so your scenario is not out of the realm.
My take on Trump will be that he'll gladly return to life as a private citizen if the voters decide that's what's needed. He's been busting his ass for almost four years now without even taking a salary for his efforts. He's attacked non stop by the main stream media. His family is attacked as well.

He'll get to kick back and watch with amusement as the Democrats try to fix our economy with a President who's completely senile and Congressional "leaders" that want to do things like defund the Police, tax increases and imposing the Green New Deal! Imagine how much fun Donald will have telling people "I told you this would happen!" when the economy craters.

It's cratering now, is he having fun yet?
The military? What kind of an idiot would say something that stupid?! Okay let’s suppose Trump lost and refused to the leave White House, a highly unlikely and frankly stupid hypothetical, would we really need the military to intervene???! Clyburn needs to get back to race baiting and STFU presidential politics

If the President were to lose to Sleepy Joe fair and square, he'd be out of the WH by Thanksgiving. Donald J. Trump isn't a "lame duck" kind of guy I can't see him getting involved in a long goodbye.

No he is an out right pussy though so your scenario is not out of the realm.

Hardly. President Trump isn't going to stay where he isn't wanted. And if the people legitimately determine that Sleepy Joe is the Savior of the Masses, Donald J. Trump won't look back and find another tremendous opportunity.
Democrats don't like to use the American military on anyone but American citizens.
Welcome back from your 3 year coma! In what normal people call "reality", it's the mentally ill president who does that.
Awww, that's cute. You're pretending Marxist revolutionaries are Americans.
Yes, those people standing and holding signs are more American than your dumbass will ever be. Look at how you talk... Like a retarded person who got his vocabulary from truck stop bumper sickers. You are the people we were putting in the ground in world war 2.
You weren't doing shit, boy. Don't take credit for someone else's accomplishments. Only people who have no accomplishments of their own have to do that.

Meanwhile, you're on record as supporting Communist revolutionaries. You know -- the people you didn't fight against in the Cold War.

Maybe you ought to un-ass the couch and join the Revolution, Comrade. Or would that require a level of courage you lack?
Oh, i will take credit as an american. People like me are crucial, so that our country is not defined by unintellectual, uneducated, angry authoritarian twats like you.

By the way, i am still laughing about your retarded post, as we just witnessed our mentally ill president use the military against american citizens. You, of course, cheered this...but trump has turned your brain to mush, so you can't string together coherent thoughts and memories.
My thoughts are incoherent to you because you're a dumbass.

Now, you keep supporting Biden like the Communist Chinese want you to.
These people are NOT American patriots. They are ANTIFA, BLM radicals, and just plain thugs enjoying the violence.
Wrong, you freak. Those people assaulted by military police were peaceful people exercising a right that is a pillar of our society. You are truly unamerican and an embarrassment to our country.
Destroying public and private property, assault, and looting are not in the Constititution.

No, really. Try reading it sometime. It's not what your fellow leftists have told you
The military? What kind of an idiot would say something that stupid?! Okay let’s suppose Trump lost and refused to the leave White House, a highly unlikely and frankly stupid hypothetical, would we really need the military to intervene???! Clyburn needs to get back to race baiting and STFU presidential politics

Several folks from tRumps orbit have claimed he won't leave even if he loses.

Joe Biden is prepared.

Joe said it too. What an idiot!
Many people are saying it. Some from tRump's team.
many people say lots of stupid shit.

so, what are you going to say next?
Destroying public and private property, assault, and looting are not in the Constititution.
Neato! But the protestors were doing none of that when trump assaulted them with military police.

Dave, you mental speck, you are not going to whine your way our of the fucking stupid thing you said.
Is that true, or did you see it on CNN?

LOL! Trick question. You believe everything CNN tells you to believe.

It's a damn shame Democrats can't be bothered to enforce the law. Grown-ups need to come in and take charge.
Is that true, or did you see it on CNN?
Yes it is true. A retarded ferret can watch the video on youtube. But somehow Dave the Whining Retard knows nothing about it, never saw the video, but formed strong opinions on it anyway.
If Trump loses he will leave. Yes Clyburn is an idiot doing harm to the country by pushing things like this but the right did it about Obama also.
Agreed. All the more reason why the moron Clyburn ought to shut up about this ridiculous divisive hypothetical and deal in reality since he was undoubtedly one of the people defending Obama on this.

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