Clinton: "Why weren't the women outraged BEFORE I lost?" she's blaming her own supporters

If you're a Democrat women marcher, don't even call yourself an American. Y'all disgust me with your Anti-American & hateful attitudes.
HRC isn't running for office....

Are you sure about that?

Sure? In the future or now. She's not announced her intent to run, but no one knows but (maybe even) she doesn't know for sure.

I'm almost sure if the Nov. election was repeated today, she would win PA, WI andMI; she lost each of these states by less than 1%.

HRC isn't running for office, do you bring her up to try and change the conversation? Trump and the Congress have shown they cannot govern; our nation has myriad problems which Trump promised to solve and he and the Congress have done nothing but whine and point fingers at everyone but themselves.
given your track record of not being fair overall to trump, any criticism is about as expected as you breathing. but no credibility is tossed your way cause ANYTHING you *see* will be "bad trump".

all on you.

HRC isn't running for office, do you bring her up to try and change the conversation? Trump and the Congress have shown they cannot govern; our nation has myriad problems which Trump promised to solve and he and the Congress have done nothing but whine and point fingers at everyone but themselves.
true. Before he was inaugerated, Obama lowered the look
Anyone notice that Hillary drank herself numb after she lost, is that really the fragile type of person we need as POTUS? Hell no.

HRC isn't running for office, do you bring her up to try and change the conversation? Trump and the Congress have shown they cannot govern; our nation has myriad problems which Trump promised to solve and he and the Congress have done nothing but whine and point fingers at everyone but themselves.

given your track record of not being fair overall to trump, any criticism is about as expected as you breathing. but no credibility is tossed your way cause ANYTHING you *see* will be "bad trump".

all on you.

Trump never has a bad hair day.
Bill's wife is still out looking for sympathy since her loss to President Trump... We all should be thankful that she had her ass handed to her...

Clinton Blames Comey, Russia, WikiLeaks, Facebook, Fake News, Voter ID Laws, Sexism, and Misogyny for Losing

Love this. From the link.

The Silicon Valley question and answer adds a whole new list of culprits to those who Hillary Clinton says prevented her from being in the White House.

So far those include:

  • The FBI
  • James Comey, then FBI director
  • The Russians
  • Vladimir Putin
  • 'Anti-American forces'
  • Low information voters
  • Everyone who assumed she'd win
  • Bad polling numbers
  • Obama for winning two terms
  • People wanting change
  • Misogynists
  • Suburban women
  • The New York Times
  • Television executives
  • Cable news
  • Netflix
  • Democrats not making the right documentaries
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Wikileaks
  • Fake news
  • 'Content farms in Macedonia'
  • The Republican Party
  • The Democratic Party
  • Women post-election protesters
  • Matt Lauer
  • Joe Biden

Read more: Hillary Clinton targets women marchers in election blame | Daily Mail Online
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